def build_json(self): ''' Convert daily calendar info to discord Embed json data ''' if not self.ready: return [] return [{ 'title': self.title, 'description': (bible_url.html_convert(self.sections['']) if '' in self.sections else ''), 'color': self.color, 'footer': { 'text': 'Revised Common Lectionary, Copyright © 1992 Consultation on Common Texts. Used by permission.' }, 'author': { 'name': 'Revised Common Lectionary', 'url': self.url }, 'fields': [{ 'name': key, 'value': bible_url.html_convert(self.sections[key]), 'inline': False } for key in self.sections if key] }]
def build_json(self): ''' Helper method to construct a list of Discord Embed json representing the calendar data. ''' if not self.ready: return [] return [{ 'title': self.title, # Would have used an f-string for the description, # but f-string expressions cannot include backslashes 'description': ( '[**Saints & Feasts**](\n' ) + "\n".join(self.saints_feasts) + '\n[**Troparia and Kontakia**](' ) + '\n\n**The Scripture Readings**'), 'footer': { 'text': 'Copyright © Orthodox Church in America.' }, 'author': { 'name': 'American Orthodox Lectionary', 'url': self.url }, 'fields': [{ 'name': section[0], 'value': bible_url.html_convert('\n'.join(section[1])), 'inline': False } for section in self.readings] }]
def build_embeds(self): ''' "Public" function to construct a list of Discord Embeds representing the calendar data. ''' if not self.ready: return [] embeds = [] # Title & Subtitles Embed embed = Embed(title=self.title) embed.set_author(name='Orthodox Calendar', url=self.url) embed.description = '\n'.join(self.subtitles) embeds.append(embed) # Saints Embed embed = Embed(title='The Saints') embed.description = '\n'.join(self.saints) embeds.append(embed) # Readings Embed embed = Embed(title='The Scripture Readings') embed.description = bible_url.html_convert(self.readings) embeds.append(embed) # Troparion Embed embed = Embed(title='Troparion') for saint in self.troparion.keys(): embed.add_field(name=saint, value=self.troparion[saint], inline=False) embeds.append(embed) return embeds
def build_embeds(self): ''' Helper method to construct a list of Discord embeds based upon the data scraped from the daily readings webpages ''' if not self.ready: return [] embeds = [] # For each page that was scraped for page in self.pages: embed = Embed(title=page.title) embed.set_author(name='Catholic Lectionary', url=page.url) embed.set_footer(text=page.footer) embed.description = page.desc # For each lectionary section on the page # Ex: Reading 1, Responsorial Psalm, Reading 2, Alleluia, Gospel for header in page.sections.keys(): value = bible_url.html_convert(page.sections[header]) embed.add_field(name=header, value=value, inline=False) # An embed for each page embeds.append(embed) return embeds
def build_embeds(self): ''' Function to convert daily lectionary info to Embed ''' if not self.ready: return [] embed = Embed(title=self.title) embed.set_author(name='Revised Common Lectionary', url=self.url) for key in self.sections.keys(): if key == '': embed.description = bible_url.html_convert(self.sections['']) else: value = bible_url.html_convert(self.sections[key]) embed.add_field(name=key, value=value, inline=False) return [embed]
def build_embeds(self): if not self.ready: return [] title = self.title + '\n' + self.desc embed = Embed(title=title) embed.set_author(name='Armenian Lectionary', url=self.url) temp = bible_url.html_convert(self.readings) if self.notes_url != '': temp += f"\n\n*[Notes]({self.notes_url})" embed.description = temp return [embed]
def build_json(self): ''' Public function to construct json representing the calendar entry. If the data isn't ready, an empty list is returned. ''' if not self.ready: return [] embeds = [] # Title & Subtitles embeds.append({ 'title': self.title, 'description': '\n'.join(self.subtitles), 'author': { 'name': 'Russian Orthodox Lectionary', 'url': self.url } }) # Saints & Feasts embeds.append({ 'title': 'Saints & Feasts', 'description': '\n'.join(self.saints) }) # Readings embeds.append({ 'title': 'The Scripture Readings', 'description': bible_url.html_convert(self.readings) }) # Troparion embeds.append({ 'title': 'Troparion', 'footer': { 'text': '© Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church' }, 'fields': [{ 'name': saint, 'value': self.troparion[saint], 'inline': False } for saint in self.troparion] }) return embeds
def build_json(self): if not self.ready: return [] return [{ 'title': self.title, 'color': 0xA68141, # Golden brown 'footer': { 'text': 'Copyright © 2017 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.' }, 'thumbnail': { 'url': self.icon_url }, 'author': { 'name': 'Greek Orthodox Lectionary', 'url': self.url }, 'fields': [{ 'name':[0], 'value':[1], 'inline': False }, { 'name': 'Saints & Feasts', 'value': '\n'.join([f'• {item}' for item in self.saints_feasts]), 'inline': False }, { 'name': 'Scripture Readings', 'value': bible_url.html_convert('\n'.join(self.readings)), 'inline': False }] }]
def build_json(self): ''' Helper method to construct a list of Discord embed json based on the data scraped from the daily readings webpages ''' if not self.ready: return [] embeds = [] # For each page that was scraped for page in self.pages: embeds.append({ 'title': page.title, 'description': page.desc, 'color': self.color, 'footer': { 'text': page.footer + '\nCopyright © USCCB.' }, 'author': { 'name': 'Catholic Lectionary', 'url': page.url }, 'fields': [ { 'name': header, 'value': bible_url.html_convert(page.sections[header]), 'inline': False } # For each lectionary section on the page # Ex: Reading 1, Responsorial Psalm, Reading 2, Alleluia, Gospel for header in page.sections ] }) return embeds