def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets info on a CVE id from MITRE's CVE database Syntax: !cve <cveid> """ elements = msg.split('-') if len(elements) > 3 or len(elements) < 2: send("Invalid CVE format") return # If there are three fields, ignore the first (we don't actually need to send CVE- if len(elements) == 3: if not elements[0].upper() == 'CVE': send("Invalid CVE format") return elements.pop(0) # The first digit field should be exactly four digits long, the second is 4+ if not"^[\d]{4}$", elements[0]) or not "^[\d]{4,}$", elements[1]): send("Invalid CVE format") return search = "%s-%s" % (elements[0], elements[1]) url = '' % search html = fromstring(get(url).text) title = html.find(".//title").text.splitlines()[2] if title.startswith('ERROR'): output = 'Invalid CVE Number' else: key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] output = "%s -- %s" % (title, get_short(url, key)) send(output)
def handle(send, msg, args): """ Get titles for urls. | Generate a short url. | Get the page title. """ worker = args['handler'].workers result = worker.run_pool(get_urls, [msg]) try: urls = result.get(5) except multiprocessing.TimeoutError: worker.restart_pool() send('Url regex timed out.') return for url in urls: # Prevent botloops if args['db'].query(Urls).filter(Urls.url == url, Urls.time > time.time() - 10).count(): return title = urlutils.get_title(url) key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] short = urlutils.get_short(url, key) last = args['db'].query(Urls).filter(Urls.url == url).order_by(Urls.time.desc()).first() if args['config']['feature'].getboolean('linkread'): # 604800 is the number of seconds in a week. if last and (time.time() - last.time) < 604800: lasttime = time.strftime('at %H:%M:%S on %Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(last.time)) send("Url %s previously posted %s by %s -- %s" % (short, lasttime, last.nick, title)) else: send('** %s - %s' % (title, short)) args['db'].add(Urls(url=url, title=title, nick=args['nick'], time=time.time()))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets info on a CVE id from MITRE's CVE database Syntax: {command} <cveid> """ elements = msg.split('-') if len(elements) > 3 or len(elements) < 2: send("Invalid CVE format") return # If there are three fields, ignore the first (we don't actually need to send CVE- if len(elements) == 3: if not elements[0].upper() == 'CVE': send("Invalid CVE format") return elements.pop(0) # The first digit field should be exactly four digits long, the second is 4+ if not"^[\d]{4}$", elements[0]) or not"^[\d]{4,}$", elements[1]): send("Invalid CVE format") return search = "%s-%s" % (elements[0], elements[1]) url = '' % search html = fromstring(get(url).text) title = html.find(".//title").text.splitlines()[2] if title.startswith('ERROR'): output = 'Invalid CVE Number' else: key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] output = "%s -- %s" % (title, get_short(url, key)) send(output)
def handle(send, msg, args): """ Get titles for urls. | Generate a short url. | Get the page title. """ # FIXME: don't hardcode. if "" in msg: return #FIXME: also, don't hardcode. if "polr" in msg and "http" in msg: return # crazy regex to match urls match ="""(?i)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.] [a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s() <>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))* \)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?....]))""", msg) if match: url = if "!" + url in msg: return title = get_title(url) short = get_short(url, polr.api(apikey = args['config']['api']['polrkey'])) if args['config']['feature'].getboolean('linkread'): send('** %s - %s' % (title, short))
def handle(send, msg, args): """ Get titles for urls. | Generate a short url. | Get the page title. """ # FIXME: don't hardcode. if "" in msg: return # crazy regex to match urls match = r"""(?i)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.] [a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s() <>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))* \)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?....]))""", msg) if match: url = title = get_title(url) short = get_short(url) last = args['db'].query(Urls).filter(Urls.url == url).order_by( Urls.time.desc()).first() if args['config']['feature'].getboolean('linkread'): if last: lasttime = strftime('at %H:%M:%S on %Y-%m-%d', localtime(last.time)) send("Url %s previously posted %s by %s -- %s" % (short, lasttime, last.nick, title)) else: send('** %s - %s' % (title, short)) args['db'].add( Urls(url=url, title=title, nick=args['nick'], time=time()))
def handle(send, msg, args): """ Get titles for urls. | Generate a short url. | Get the page title. """ worker = args['handler'].workers result = worker.run_pool(get_urls, [msg]) try: urls = result.get(5) except multiprocessing.TimeoutError: worker.restart_pool() send('Url regex timed out.') return for url in urls: # Prevent botloops if args['db'].query(Urls).filter(Urls.url == url, Urls.time > time.time() - 10).count(): return title = urlutils.get_title(url) key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] short = urlutils.get_short(url, key) last = args['db'].query(Urls).filter(Urls.url == url).order_by( Urls.time.desc()).first() if args['config']['feature'].getboolean('linkread'): # 604800 is the number of seconds in a week. if last and (time.time() - last.time) < 604800: lasttime = time.strftime('at %H:%M:%S on %Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(last.time)) send("Url %s previously posted %s by %s -- %s" % (short, lasttime, last.nick, title)) else: send('** %s - %s' % (title, short)) args['db'].add( Urls(url=url, title=title, nick=args['nick'], time=time.time()))
def handle(send, msg, args): """ Get titles for urls. | Generate a short url. | Get the page title. """ #FIXME: don't hardcode. if "" in msg: return # crazy regex to match urls match ="""(?i)\b((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.] [a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s() <>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))* \)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?....]))""", msg) if match: url = title = get_title(url) short = get_short(url) last = args['db'].query(Urls).filter(Urls.url == url).order_by(Urls.time.desc()).first() if args['config']['feature'].getboolean('linkread'): if last: lasttime = strftime('at %H:%M:%S on %Y-%m-%d', localtime(last.time)) send("Url %s previously posted %s by %s -- %s" % (short, lasttime, last.nick, title)) else: send('** %s - %s' % (title, short)) args['db'].add(Urls(url=url, title=title, nick=args['nick'], time=time()))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets a random movie. Syntax: !movie """ req = get('') html = fromstring(req.text) name = html.find('head/title').text.split('-')[0].strip() send("%s -- %s" % (name, get_short(req.url)))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets a random movie. Syntax: {command} """ req = get('') html = fromstring(req.text) name = html.find('head/title').text.split('-')[0].strip() key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] send("%s -- %s" % (name, get_short(req.url, key)))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets a random movie. Syntax: !movie """ req = get('') html = fromstring(req.text) name = html.find('head/title').text.split('-')[0].strip() key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] send("%s -- %s" % (name, get_short(req.url, key)))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Explain things. Syntax: !explain <text> """ if not msg: send("Explain What?") return msg = msg.replace(' ', '+') msg = '' % msg send(get_short(msg))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Explain things. Syntax: {command} <text> """ if not msg: send("Explain What?") return msg = msg.replace(' ', '+') msg = '' % msg key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] send(get_short(msg, key))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets a random Reddit post. Syntax: {command} <subreddit> """ if args['name'] == 'srepetsk': msg = 'nottheonion' if msg and not check_exists(msg): send("Non-existant subreddit.") return subreddit = '/r/%s' % msg if msg else '' url = get('' % subreddit, headers={'User-Agent': 'CslBot/1.0'}).url send('** %s - %s' % (get_title(url), get_short(url)))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets a random Reddit post. Syntax: !reddit <subreddit> """ if args["name"] == "srepetsk": msg = "nottheonion" if msg and not check_exists(msg): send("Non-existant subreddit.") return subreddit = "/r/%s" % msg if msg else "" url = get("" % subreddit, headers={"User-Agent": "CslBot/1.0"}).url send("** %s - %s" % (get_title(url), get_short(url)))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets a random Reddit post. Syntax: !reddit <subreddit> """ if args['name'] == 'srepetsk': msg = 'nottheonion' if msg and not check_exists(msg): send("Non-existant subreddit.") return subreddit = '/r/%s' % msg if msg else '' urlstr = '' % (subreddit, time.time()) url = get(urlstr, headers={'User-Agent': 'CslBot/1.0'}).url key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] send('** %s - %s' % (get_title(url), get_short(url, key)))
def handle(send, msg, args): match ='(?:^|\s)/r/([\w|^/]*)\b', msg) if not match: return subreddit = if not check_exists(subreddit): return data = get('' % subreddit, headers={'User-Agent': 'CslBot/1.0'}).json()['data'] output = '' if data['public_description']: for line in data['public_description'].splitlines(): output += line + " " elif data['description']: output += data['description'].splitlines()[0] else: output += data['display_name'] output = "%s -- %s" % (output.strip(), get_short('' % (subreddit))) send(output)
def handle(send, msg, args): match ='(?:^|\s)/r/([\w|^/]*)\b', msg) if not match: return subreddit = if not check_exists(subreddit): return data = get('' % subreddit, headers={'User-Agent': 'CslBot/1.0'}).json()['data'] output = '' if data['public_description']: for line in data['public_description'].splitlines(): output += line + " " elif data['description']: output += data['description'].splitlines()[0] else: output += data['display_name'] output = output.strip() if len(output) > 256: output = output[:253] + "..." output = "%s -- %s" % (output, get_short('' % (subreddit))) send(output)
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Queries WolframAlpha. Syntax: !wolf <expression> """ if not msg: send("Evaluate what?") return params = {'format': 'plaintext', 'reinterpret': 'true', 'input': msg, 'appid': args['config']['api']['wolframapikey']} xml = get('', params=params) xml = etree.fromstring(xml.text.encode()) output = xml.findall('./pod') url = get_short("" % msg) text = "No output found." for x in output: if 'primary' in x.keys(): text = x.find('./subpod/plaintext').text if text is None: send("No Output parsable") else: for t in text.splitlines(): send(t) send("See %s for more info" % url)
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Returns the first wikipedia result for the argument. Syntax: {command} <term> """ if not msg: send("Need a article.") return #setting up values wiki_list = args['config']['wiki']['list'].split(", ") api_url = args['config']['wiki']['api'].split(", ") names = args['config']['wiki']['names'].split(", ") if not msg.split(" ")[0] in wiki_list: msg = args['config']['wiki']['default'] + " " + msg msg = msg.split(" ", maxsplit=1) wiki_num = wiki_list.index(msg[0]) # check if the article exits, or find the closest redirect. article = find_article(wiki_num, api_url, wiki_list, msg, names) state = article[0] if state == "none": send(str(article[1])) return else: article = article[1] # okay it exists. now let's find out what's really in it blurb = get_blurb(wiki_num, api_url, wiki_list, article) if blurb == "nothing": send("%s isn't important enough to have a %s article." % (titlecase(msg[1]), names[wiki_num])) return if blurb.startswith("Coordinates"): # fixes issues with articles with extra stuff (i.e. location) send(blurb) blurb = blurb.split("\n", maxsplit=1) send(str(blurb)) try: blurb = blurb.split("'''", maxsplit=1)[1].replace("\n", " ").replace("'''", "") except IndexError: blurb = blurb.replace("\n", " ") if len(blurb) > 256: blurb = blurb[:253] + "..." send("Info on %s from %s: %s" % (titlecase(article), names[wiki_num], blurb)) send(get_short(args['config']['wiki']['article_url'].split(", ")[wiki_num] + article.replace(" ", "_")))
def cmd(send, msg, args): """Queries WolframAlpha. Syntax: {command} <expression> """ if not msg: send("Evaluate what?") return params = {'format': 'plaintext', 'reinterpret': 'true', 'input': msg, 'appid': args['config']['api']['wolframapikey']} xml = get('', params=params) xml = etree.fromstring(xml.text.encode()) output = xml.findall('./pod') key = args['config']['api']['googleapikey'] url = get_short("" % msg, key) text = "No output found." for x in output: if 'primary' in x.keys(): text = x.find('./subpod/plaintext').text if text is None: send("No Output parsable") else: for t in text.splitlines(): send(t) send("See %s for more info" % url)
def random_post(subreddit, apikey): """ Gets a random post from a subreddit and returns a title and shortlink to it """ urlstr = '' % ('/r/' + subreddit, time.time()) url = get(urlstr, headers={'User-Agent': 'CslBot/1.0'}).url return '** %s - %s' % (get_title(url), get_short(url, apikey))