# This can be surprising sometimes. The following is valid:

a = {}
a['x'] = a = {}

assert a == {}

# But the following throws a TypeError (since ``a`` is assigned to 1 first):

def _a():
    a = {}
    a = a['x'] = 1

assert_raises(TypeError, _a)

# This means that the following is valid python. It will create a infinitely
# recursive dictionary.

aaa = aaa[0] = {}
assert aaa[0] == aaa

# Likewise the following creates an infinite list:

aab = aab[0] = [0]

assert aab[0] == aab

# Expressions are evaluated first though
Пример #2
# Naturally, this can lead to memory errors if, for instance, some process
# begins infinite recursion.
# Consequently, Python sets a maximum limit on the interpreter stack to prevent
# overflows on the C stack that might crash Python.
# (NOTE: The highest possible limit is platform dependent and setting a
# too-high limit can lead to a crash.)

import sys

assert sys.getrecursionlimit() == 1000

# NOTE: This is 996 because the stack has to actually call this
# If it were outside of this test, 999 would work
assert_raises(None, lambda: fact(996))
assert_raises(RuntimeError, lambda: fact(1000))

# There are a number of ways to get around this issue.

# One way is to simply use `reduce`:

import operator

def fact_r(n):
    return reduce(operator.mul, xrange(1, n + 1), 1)

assert fact_r(10) == fact(10)
assert_raises(None, lambda: fact_r(1000))
Пример #3
import re
import sre_constants

from helpers import assert_raises

assert_raises(sre_constants.error, re.sub, "(a)|b", "\\1", "b")