def get_from_venue(venueid):
    Get the address of a given venue.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE venueid=?", venueid)
        return cursor.fetchone()
def get(id):
    Return an address with the matching id.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Addresses WHERE aid=?", id)
        return cursor.fetchone()
Пример #3
def get(id):
    Geth the path and venue information for a given image id.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM images WHERE id = ?", id)
        return cursor.fetchone()
Пример #4
def get_from_uname(userName):
    Return an owner matching the given userName.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Owners WHERE userName=?", userName)
        return cursor.fetchone()
Пример #5
def insert(name, userName, password, email=None, phone=None, description=None):
    Insert an owner into the database with the given details. 
    Give the raw text password and the SHA2_512 hash will be stored,
    calculated with HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', '<password>').

    Attempting to add duplicate usernames raises a pyodbc.IntegrityError.

    Returns the id of the inserted owner.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
                "INSERT INTO Owners (name, userName, email, phone, description, pwdhash)   \
                OUTPUT INSERTED.ownerid VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', ?))",
                (name, userName, email, phone, description, password)
        except pyodbc.IntegrityError as e:
            raise InsertionError(
                "SQL Integrity Error, likely a duplicate username on insert.", col='userName', _type="duplicate")

        res = cursor.fetchone()
        if res is not None:
            return int(res[0])
            return None
Пример #6
def get_from_uname(userName):
    Return a single user with the matching username, or None if it doesn't exist.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userName=?", userName)
        return cursor.fetchone()
def get(id):
    Get an availability matching the given id.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Availabilities WHERE avId=?", id)
        return cursor.fetchone()
Пример #8
def get(id):
    Return a venue with the matching id.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Venues WHERE venueid=?", id)
        return cursor.fetchone()
Пример #9
def get_for_owner(ownerid):
    Return all venues associated with the given owner.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Venues WHERE ownerid=?", ownerid)
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #10
def update(bookid, **fields):
    Update a booking record. Takes the id of the booking to be updated (bookid)
    and values for available fields:
        venueid, userid, startDate, endDate

    Similar usage to update_owner()
    valid_fields = ("venueid", "userid", "startDate", "endDate")

    if 'bookid' in fields:
        raise ArgumentException("Unable to change a booking's id.")

    for f in fields:
        if f not in valid_fields:
            raise ArgumentException(f"Invalid field name: {f}")

    query = "UPDATE Bookings SET "

    keys = [f for f in fields]
    vals = [fields[f] for f in keys]
    s = [f"{f} = ?" for f in keys]
    s = ' , '.join(s)
    query += s
    query += " WHERE bookid=?"

    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(query, (*vals, bookid))
Пример #11
def get_all():
    Return a venue with the matching id.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Venues")
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #12
def get_for_venue(uid):
    Return all bookings for the given venue.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Bookings WHERE venueid=?", uid)
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #13
def insert(venueid, userid, startDate, endDate):
    Add a booking record. Must use an existing venueid and userid.
    If either given id's don't exist in their tables an error is raised.

    Returns the id of the new record.

    ** Date should be of type
    ## Fields:
    #  id          int        Identity  PRIMARY KEY
    #  venueid     int        not null  FK -> Venues(id)
    #  userid      int        not null  FK -> Users(id)
    #  startDate   date       not null
    #  endDate     date       not null
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
                "INSERT INTO Bookings (venueid, userid, startDate, endDate) \
                OUTPUT INSERTED.bookid VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                (venueid, userid, startDate, endDate))
        except pyodbc.IntegrityError as e:
            print("Invalid venueid or userid on insert.")
            raise e

        res = cursor.fetchone()
        if res is not None:
            return int(res[0])
            return None
Пример #14
def get_for_venue(venueid):
    Fetch all image rows for a given venue.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM images WHERE venueid = ?", venueid)
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #15
def search(**patterns):
    Provide patterns of the form {"column":"pattern"} 
    referring to the following fields,
    and a query will be constructed like:
        SELECT * FROM Bookings 
        column1 LIKE pattern1 AND
        column2 LIKE pattern2 ...

    Returns a list of matching rows.

    See for 
    information on patterns.

    Available fields:
        bookid      int    
        venueid     int    
        userid      int    
        startDate   date   
        endDate     date   
    query = "SELECT * FROM Bookings WHERE "
    cols = [c for c in patterns]

    query += f"{cols[0]} LIKE ?"
    for c in cols[1:]:
        query += f" AND {c} LIKE ?"
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(query, tuple(patterns[c] for c in cols))

        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #16
def get(id):
    Return a booking with the matching id.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Bookings WHERE bookid=?", id)
        return cursor.fetchone()
def update(aid, location=None):
    Update the location of an address row.
    if location is not None:
        with dbCursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute('UPDATE Addresses SET location=? WHERE aid=?',
                           (location, aid))
Пример #18
def get_for_venue(venueid):
    Fetch all reviews for a given venue.
    Return a list of 
        [ (revid, venueid, userid, postTime, postDate, rating, review), ... ]
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Reviews WHERE venueid = ?", (venueid))
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #19
def get(id):
    Return an owner with the matching id.

    Return None if the owner does not exist.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Owners WHERE ownerid=?", id)
        return cursor.fetchone()
Пример #20
def get(id):
    Return a single user with the matching id from the database

    Returns None if the user does not exist.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE userid=?", id)
        return cursor.fetchone()
Пример #21
def get_availabilities(venueid):
    Return all availabilities for a venue with the
    given venueid.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
            "SELECT * FROM Availabilities  \
            WHERE venueid=?", venueid)
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #22
def get_for_user(uid):
    Return all bookings for the given user.

    Orders the output by start date.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
            "SELECT * FROM Bookings WHERE userid=? ORDER BY startDate", uid)
        return cursor.fetchall()
def get_overlapping(startDate, endDate):
    Get all availabilities that contain the given period in their
    start and end dates.
    Returns a list of availability rows.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
            "SELECT * FROM Availabilities WHERE \
            startDate<? AND endDate>?", (startDate, endDate))
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #24
def get_for_venue_overlapping(venueid, startDate, endDate):
    Return bookings where the give date range overlaps even partially
    with the existing booking date range.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
            """SELECT * FROM Bookings WHERE
        endDate >= ? AND startDate <= ? AND venueid=?""",
            (startDate, endDate, venueid))
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #25
def check_user_pass(username, password_text):
    Search owners for an owner with the matching username and password.
    If username and password match, return that row.
    Otherwise return None.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Owners \
            WHERE userName=? AND pwdhash=HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', ?)", (username, password_text))

        return cursor.fetchone()
Пример #26
def update(ownerid, **fields):
    Update a owner record. Takes the id of the owner to be updated (ownerid)
    and keyword arguments corresponding to the table's schema.
    pwdhash and pwdplain must not be supplied at the same time, as both
    affect the pwdhash field.

    ** To update the password: **
    Changing the pwdhash is not recommended. Instead, provide a plain text 
    password for the keyword pwdplain and the hash will be calculated and

    valid fields are:
        name, userName, email, phone, description, pwdhash, pwdplain

        update_owner(1, email='*****@*****.**')  # Change the owner's email.
        kwargs = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'phone': '12345'}
        update_owner(2, **kwargs)  # Change the owner's phone number and email.

    valid_fields = (
        "name", "userName", "email", "phone", "description", "pwdhash", "pwdplain"

    if 'ownerid' in fields:
        raise ArgumentException("Unable to change a owner's id.")

    if 'pwdplain' in fields and 'pwdhash' in fields:
        raise ArgumentException(
            "Can not change plain text password and password hash fields simultaneously.")

    query = "UPDATE Owners SET "

    for f in fields:
        if f not in valid_fields:
            raise ArgumentException("Invalid field name: " + f)

    # Build the rest of the query
    keys = [f for f in fields]
    # Do this to ensure dict ordering is irrelevant
    vals = [fields[k] for k in keys if k != 'pwdplain']
    s = [f"{f} = ?" for f in keys if f != 'pwdplain']
    if 'pwdplain' in keys:
        s.append("pwdhash = HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', ?)")
    s = ' , '.join(s)
    query += s
    query += " WHERE ownerid=?"
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(query, (*vals, ownerid))
def insert(venueid, startDate, endDate):
    Insert an availability and return the id of the new availability.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
            "INSERT INTO Availabilities (venueid, startDate, endDate) OUTPUT INSERTED.avId VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
            (venueid, startDate, endDate))
        res = cursor.fetchone()
        if res is not None:
            return int(res[0])
            return None
Пример #28
def get_overlapping_availability(venueid, startDate, endDate):
    Get availabilities that contain the given period in their
    start and end dates for a given venue id.
    Returns a list of availability rows.

    Edge cases are included.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
            "SELECT * FROM Availabilities WHERE \
            venueid=? AND startDate<=? AND endDate>=?",
            (venueid, startDate, endDate))
        return cursor.fetchall()
Пример #29
def insert(ownerid,
    Insert a venue.
    ** Dates should be type

    Returns the id of the inserted venue.
    # Fields:
    # id            int           Identity   PRIMARY KEY
    # ownerid       int           not null   FK -> Owners(id)
    # addressid     int           not null   FK -> Addresses(id)
    # name          varchar(200)  not null
    # bedCount      tinyint
    # bathCount     tinyint
    # carCount      tinyint
    # description   text
    # rate          smallmoney
    # minStay       int           DEFAULT 1
    # maxStay       int
    # details       text
    # ExtSource     url
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
                "INSERT INTO Venues (ownerid, addressid, name,     \
                bedCount, bathCount, carCount, description, rate, minStay,    \
                maxStay, details, ExtSource) OUTPUT INSERTED.venueid          \
                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
                (ownerid, addressid, name, bedCount, bathCount, carCount,
                 description, rate, minStay, maxStay, details, source))
        except pyodbc.IntegrityError as e:
            print("Invalid venueid or userid on insert.")
            raise e
        res = cursor.fetchone()
        if res is not None:
            return int(res[0])
            return None
Пример #30
def insert(venueid, userid, postDateTime, recommends, reviewBad, reviewGood):
    Insert a review into the database.
    `venueid`, `userid` should be ints,
    `postDateTime` should be type `datetime.datetime`,
    `recommends` should be True/False, and all others should be strings.
    with dbCursor() as cursor:
            """INSERT INTO Reviews
            (venueid, userid, postDateTime, recommends, reviewBad, reviewGood)    
            OUTPUT INSERTED.revid                                                        
            VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
            (venueid, userid, postDateTime, recommends, reviewBad, reviewGood))
        return cursor.fetchone()