def send(self, dstip, data): debug2('UDP: sending to %r port %d\n' % dstip) try: self.sock.sendto(data, dstip) except socket.error, e: log('UDP send to %r port %d: %s\n' % (dstip[0], dstip[1], e)) return
def __init__(self, mux, channel): SockWrapper.__init__(self, mux.rsock, mux.wsock) self.mux = mux = channel self.mux.channels[channel] = self.got_packet self.socks = [] debug2('new channel: %d\n' % channel)
def connect_dst(family, ip, port): debug2('Connecting to %s:%d\n' % (ip, port)) outsock = socket.socket(family) outsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, 42) return SockWrapper(outsock, outsock, connect_to=(ip, port), peername = '%s:%d' % (ip, port))
def runonce(handlers, mux): r = [] w = [] x = [] to_remove = filter(lambda s: not s.ok, handlers) for h in to_remove: handlers.remove(h) for s in handlers: s.pre_select(r, w, x) debug2('Waiting: %d r=%r w=%r x=%r (fullness=%d/%d)\n' % (len(handlers), _fds(r), _fds(w), _fds(x), mux.fullness, mux.too_full)) (r, w, x) =, w, x) debug2(' Ready: %d r=%r w=%r x=%r\n' % (len(handlers), _fds(r), _fds(w), _fds(x))) ready = r + w + x did = {} for h in handlers: for s in h.socks: if s in ready: h.callback() did[s] = 1 for s in ready: if not s in did: raise Fatal('socket %r was not used by any handler' % s)
def nowrite(self): if not self.shut_write: debug2('%r: done writing\n' % self) self.shut_write = True try: self.wsock.shutdown(SHUT_WR) except socket.error, e: self.seterr('nowrite: %s' % e)
def _sname(typ, t, fromdir=None): # FIXME: t.replace(...) is non-reversible and non-unique here! if fromdir: t = os.path.join(fromdir, t) tnew = relpath(t, vars.BASE) v = vars.BASE + ("/.redo/%s^%s" % (typ, tnew.replace("/", "^"))) debug2("sname: (%r) %r -> %r\n" % (os.getcwd(), t, tnew)) return v
def send(self, channel, cmd, data): data = str(data) assert(len(data) <= 65535) p = struct.pack('!ccHHH', 'S', 'S', channel, cmd, len(data)) + data self.outbuf.append(p) debug2(' > channel=%d cmd=%s len=%d (fullness=%d)\n' % (channel, cmd_to_name.get(cmd, hex(cmd)), len(data), self.fullness)) self.fullness += len(data)
def _check_revdns(ip): debug2(' > rev: %s\n' % ip) try: r = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) debug3('< %s\n' % r[0]) check_host(r[0]) found_host(r[0], ip) except socket.herror: pass
def flush(self): self.wsock.setblocking(False) if self.outbuf and self.outbuf[0]: wrote = _nb_clean(os.write, self.wsock.fileno(), self.outbuf[0]) debug2('mux wrote: %r/%d\n' % (wrote, len(self.outbuf[0]))) if wrote: self.outbuf[0] = self.outbuf[0][wrote:] while self.outbuf and not self.outbuf[0]: self.outbuf[0:1] = []
def _check_dns(hostname): debug2(' > dns: %s\n' % hostname) try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) debug3('< %s\n' % ip) check_host(ip) found_host(hostname, ip) except socket.gaierror: pass
def _find_do_file(t): for dofile,basename,ext in _possible_do_files(t): debug2('%s: %s ?\n' % (t, dofile)) if os.path.exists(dofile): state.add_dep(t, 'm', dofile) return dofile,basename,ext else: state.add_dep(t, 'c', dofile) return None,None,None
def _check_netstat(): debug2(' > netstat\n') argv = ['netstat', '-n'] try: p = ssubprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=ssubprocess.PIPE, stderr=null) content = p.wait() except OSError, e: log('%r failed: %r\n' % (argv, e)) return
def udp_open(channel, data): debug2('Incoming UDP open.\n') family = int(data) mux.channels[channel] = lambda cmd, data: udp_req(channel, cmd, data) if channel in udphandlers: raise Fatal('UDP connection channel %d already open' % channel) else: h = UdpProxy(mux, channel, family) handlers.append(h) udphandlers[channel] = h
def callback(self): try: data = self.sock.recv(4096) except socket.error, e: if e.args[0] in ssnet.NET_ERRS: # might have been spurious; try again. # Note: these errors sometimes are reported by recv(), # and sometimes by send(). We have to catch both. debug2('DNS recv from %r: %s\n' % (self.peer, e)) self.try_send() return else: log('DNS recv from %r: %s\n' % (self.peer, e)) return
def _check_etc_hosts(): debug2(' > hosts\n') for line in open('/etc/hosts'): line = re.sub(r'#.*', '', line) words = line.strip().split() if not words: continue ip = words[0] names = words[1:] if _is_ip(ip): debug3('< %s %r\n' % (ip, names)) for n in names: check_host(n) found_host(n, ip)
def pf_dst(sock): peer = sock.getpeername() proxy = sock.getsockname() argv = (, socket.IPPROTO_TCP, peer[0], peer[1], proxy[0], proxy[1]) pf_command_file.write("QUERY_PF_NAT %r,%r,%s,%r,%s,%r\n" % argv) pf_command_file.flush() line = pf_command_file.readline() debug2("QUERY_PF_NAT %r,%r,%s,%r,%s,%r" % argv + ' > ' + line) if line.startswith('QUERY_PF_NAT_SUCCESS '): (ip, port) = line[21:].split(',') return (ip, int(port)) return sock.getsockname()
def _check_smb(hostname): return global _smb_ok if not _smb_ok: return argv = ['smbclient', '-U', '%', '-L', hostname] debug2(' > smb: %s\n' % hostname) try: p = ssubprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=ssubprocess.PIPE, stderr=null) lines = p.stdout.readlines() p.wait() except OSError, e: log('%r failed: %r\n' % (argv, e)) _smb_ok = False return
def _check_nmb(hostname, is_workgroup, is_master): return global _nmb_ok if not _nmb_ok: return argv = ['nmblookup'] + ['-M'] * is_master + ['--', hostname] debug2(' > n%d%d: %s\n' % (is_workgroup, is_master, hostname)) try: p = ssubprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=ssubprocess.PIPE, stderr=null) lines = p.stdout.readlines() rv = p.wait() except OSError, e: log('%r failed: %r\n' % (argv, e)) _nmb_ok = False return
def next(self, size): out = '' while len(out) < size: if and not self.blob: try: self.blob = except StopIteration: = None if self.blob: want = size - len(out) out += self.blob[:want] self.blob = self.blob[want:] if not break debug2('next(%d) returned %d\n' % (size, len(out))) self.ofs += len(out) return out
def got_packet(self, channel, cmd, data): debug2('< channel=%d cmd=%s len=%d\n' % (channel, cmd_to_name.get(cmd, hex(cmd)), len(data))) if cmd == CMD_PING: self.send(0, CMD_PONG, data) elif cmd == CMD_PONG: debug2('received PING response\n') self.too_full = False self.fullness = 0 elif cmd == CMD_EXIT: self.ok = False elif cmd == CMD_TCP_CONNECT: assert(not self.channels.get(channel)) if self.new_channel: self.new_channel(channel, data) elif cmd == CMD_DNS_REQ: assert(not self.channels.get(channel)) if self.got_dns_req: self.got_dns_req(channel, data) elif cmd == CMD_UDP_OPEN: assert(not self.channels.get(channel)) if self.got_udp_open: self.got_udp_open(channel, data) elif cmd == CMD_ROUTES: if self.got_routes: self.got_routes(data) else: raise Exception('got CMD_ROUTES without got_routes?') elif cmd == CMD_HOST_REQ: if self.got_host_req: self.got_host_req(data) else: raise Exception('got CMD_HOST_REQ without got_host_req?') elif cmd == CMD_HOST_LIST: if self.got_host_list: self.got_host_list(data) else: raise Exception('got CMD_HOST_LIST without got_host_list?') else: callback = self.channels.get(channel) if not callback: log('warning: closed channel %d got cmd=%s len=%d\n' % (channel, cmd_to_name.get(cmd, hex(cmd)), len(data))) else: callback(cmd, data)
def try_send(self): if self.tries >= 3: return self.tries += 1 # FIXME! Support IPv6 nameservers self.peer = resolvconf_random_nameserver()[1] self.sock.connect((self.peer, 53)) debug2('DNS: sending to %r\n' % self.peer) try: self.sock.send(self.request) except socket.error, e: if e.args[0] in ssnet.NET_ERRS: # might have been spurious; try again. # Note: these errors sometimes are reported by recv(), # and sometimes by send(). We have to catch both. debug2('DNS send to %r: %s\n' % (self.peer, e)) self.try_send() return else: log('DNS send to %r: %s\n' % (self.peer, e)) return
def udp_req(channel, cmd, data): debug2('Incoming UDP request channel=%d, cmd=%d\n' % (channel, cmd)) if cmd == ssnet.CMD_UDP_DATA: (dstip, dstport, data) = data.split(",", 2) dstport = int(dstport) debug2('is incoming UDP data. %r %d.\n' % (dstip, dstport)) h = udphandlers[channel] h.send((dstip, dstport), data) elif cmd == ssnet.CMD_UDP_CLOSE: debug2('is incoming UDP close\n') h = udphandlers[channel] h.ok = False del mux.channels[channel]
def connect(ssh_cmd, rhostport, python, stderr, options): portl = [] if (rhostport or '').count(':') > 1: if rhostport.count(']') or rhostport.count('['): result = rhostport.split(']') rhost = result[0].strip('[') if len(result) > 1: result[1] = result[1].strip(':') if result[1] is not '': portl = ['-p', str(int(result[1]))] # can't disambiguate IPv6 colons and a port number. pass the hostname # through. else: rhost = rhostport else: # IPv4 l = (rhostport or '').split(':', 1) rhost = l[0] if len(l) > 1: portl = ['-p', str(int(l[1]))] if rhost == '-': rhost = None z = zlib.compressobj(1) content = readfile('') optdata = ''.join("%s=%r\n" % (k, v) for (k, v) in options.items()) content2 = (empackage(z, '', optdata) + empackage(z, '') + empackage(z, 'compat/') + empackage(z, '') + empackage(z, '') + empackage(z, '') + "\n") pyscript = r""" import sys; skip_imports=1; verbosity=%d; exec compile(, "", "exec") """ % (helpers.verbose or 0, len(content)) pyscript = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', pyscript.strip()) if not rhost: # ignore the --python argument when running locally; we already know # which python version works. argv = [sys.argv[1], '-c', pyscript] else: if ssh_cmd: sshl = ssh_cmd.split(' ') else: sshl = ['ssh'] if python: pycmd = "'%s' -c '%s'" % (python, pyscript) else: pycmd = ("P=python2; $P -V 2>/dev/null || P=python; " "exec \"$P\" -c '%s'") % pyscript argv = (sshl + portl + [rhost, '--', pycmd]) (s1, s2) = socket.socketpair() def setup(): # runs in the child process s2.close() s1a, s1b = os.dup(s1.fileno()), os.dup(s1.fileno()) s1.close() debug2('executing: %r\n' % argv) p = ssubprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=s1a, stdout=s1b, preexec_fn=setup, close_fds=True, stderr=stderr) os.close(s1a) os.close(s1b) s2.sendall(content) s2.sendall(content2) return p, s2
def noread(self): if not self.shut_read: debug2('%r: done reading\n' % self) self.shut_read = True
def dns_req(channel, data): debug2('Incoming DNS request channel=%d.\n' % channel) h = DnsProxy(mux, channel, data) handlers.append(h) dnshandlers[channel] = h
def callback(self): try: data = self.sock.recv(4096) except socket.error, e: if e.args[0] in ssnet.NET_ERRS: # might have been spurious; try again. # Note: these errors sometimes are reported by recv(), # and sometimes by send(). We have to catch both. debug2('DNS recv from %r: %s\n' % (self.peer, e)) self.try_send() return else: log('DNS recv from %r: %s\n' % (self.peer, e)) return debug2('DNS response: %d bytes\n' % len(data)) self.mux.send(self.chan, ssnet.CMD_DNS_RESPONSE, data) self.ok = False class UdpProxy(Handler): def __init__(self, mux, chan, family): sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) Handler.__init__(self, [sock]) self.timeout = time.time() + 30 self.mux = mux self.chan = chan self.sock = sock if family == socket.AF_INET: self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, 42)
def onhostlist(hostlist): debug2('got host list: %r\n' % hostlist) for line in hostlist.strip().split(): if line: name, ip = line.split(',', 1) fw.sethostip(name, ip)
debug1("UDP support requires tproxy; disabling UDP.\n") udp = False if listenip_v6 and listenip_v6[1] and listenip_v4 and listenip_v4[1]: # if both ports given, no need to search for a spare port ports = [0, ] else: # if at least one port missing, we have to search ports = xrange(12300, 9000, -1) # search for free ports and try to bind last_e = None redirectport_v6 = 0 redirectport_v4 = 0 bound = False debug2('Binding redirector:') for port in ports: debug2(' %d' % port) tcp_listener = MultiListener() tcp_listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if udp: udp_listener = MultiListener(socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udp_listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) else: udp_listener = None if listenip_v6 and listenip_v6[1]: lv6 = listenip_v6 redirectport_v6 = lv6[1] elif listenip_v6:
if listenip_v6 and listenip_v6[1] and listenip_v4 and listenip_v4[1]: # if both ports given, no need to search for a spare port ports = [ 0, ] else: # if at least one port missing, we have to search ports = xrange(12300, 9000, -1) # search for free ports and try to bind last_e = None redirectport_v6 = 0 redirectport_v4 = 0 bound = False debug2('Binding redirector:') for port in ports: debug2(' %d' % port) tcp_listener = MultiListener() tcp_listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if udp: udp_listener = MultiListener(socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udp_listener.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) else: udp_listener = None if listenip_v6 and listenip_v6[1]: lv6 = listenip_v6 redirectport_v6 = lv6[1] elif listenip_v6:
def add_dep(t, mode, dep): debug2("add-dep(%r)\n" % t) open(_sname("dep", t), "a").write("%s %s\n" % (mode, relpath(dep, vars.BASE)))