Пример #1
class GlobalVars:
    false_positives = []
    whitelisted_users = []
    blacklisted_users = []
    blacklisted_usernames = []
    blacklisted_websites = []
    bad_keywords = []
    watched_keywords = {}
    ignored_posts = []
    auto_ignored_posts = []
    startup_utc = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    latest_questions = []
    api_backoff_time = 0
    deletion_watcher = None

    metasmoke_last_ping_time = datetime.now()
    not_privileged_warning = \
        "You are not a privileged user. Please see " \
        "[the privileges wiki page](https://charcoal-se.org/smokey/Privileges) for " \
        "information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users."

    experimental_reasons = {  # Don't widely report these
        "potentially bad keyword in answer",
        "potentially bad keyword in body",
        "potentially bad keyword in title",
        "potentially bad keyword in username",
        "potentially bad NS for domain in title",
        "potentially bad NS for domain in body",
        "toxic body detected",
        "toxic answer detected",

    parser = HTMLParser()
    parser.unescape = unescape

    code_privileged_users = None
    censored_committer_names = {"3f4ed0f38df010ce300dba362fa63a62": "Undo1"}

    commit = git_commit_info()
    if md5(commit['author'][0].encode(
            'utf-8')).hexdigest() in censored_committer_names:
        commit['author'] = censored_committer_names[md5(

    commit_with_author = "`{}` (*{}*: {})".format(
        commit['id'], commit['author'][0] if type(commit['author'])
        in {list, tuple} else commit['author'], commit['message'])

    on_master = "HEAD detached" not in git_status()

    s = ""
    s_reverted = ""
    apiquota = -1
    bodyfetcher = None
    se_sites = []
    why_data = []
    notifications = []
    listen_to_these_if_edited = []
    multiple_reporters = []
    api_calls_per_site = {}

    standby_message = ""
    standby_mode = False

    api_request_lock = threading.Lock()

    num_posts_scanned = 0
    post_scan_time = 0
    posts_scan_stats_lock = threading.Lock()

    config = RawConfigParser()

    if os.path.isfile('config') and "pytest" not in sys.modules:
        log('debug', "Configuration loaded from \"config\"")
        if "pytest" in sys.modules:
                "Running in pytest, force load config from \"config.ci\"")
            log('debug', "Configuration loaded from \"config.ci\"")

    # environ_or_none defined in helpers.py
    bot_name = environ_or_none("SMOKEDETECTOR_NAME") or "SmokeDetector"
    bot_repository = environ_or_none(
        "SMOKEDETECTOR_REPO") or "//github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector"
    chatmessage_prefix = "[{}]({})".format(bot_name, bot_repository)

    site_id_dict = {}
    post_site_id_to_question = {}

    location = config.get("Config", "location")

    metasmoke_ws = None

        chatexchange_u = config.get("Config", "ChatExchangeU")
        chatexchange_p = config.get("Config", "ChatExchangeP")
    except NoOptionError:
        chatexchange_u = None
        chatexchange_p = None

        metasmoke_host = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_host")
    except NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_host = None
            "metasmoke host not found. Set it as metasmoke_host in the config file. "
            "See https://github.com/Charcoal-SE/metasmoke.")

        metasmoke_key = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_key")
    except NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_key = ""
            "No metasmoke key found, which is okay if both are running on the same host"

        metasmoke_ws_host = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_ws_host")
    except NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_ws_host = ""
            "No metasmoke websocket host found, which is okay if you're anti-websocket"

        github_username = config.get("Config", "github_username")
        github_password = config.get("Config", "github_password")
    except NoOptionError:
        github_username = None
        github_password = None

        perspective_key = config.get("Config", "perspective_key")
    except NoOptionError:
        perspective_key = None

        flovis_host = config.get("Config", "flovis_host")
    except NoOptionError:
        flovis_host = None

    if flovis_host is not None:
        flovis = Flovis(flovis_host)
        flovis = None
Пример #2
class GlobalVars:
    false_positives = []
    whitelisted_users = []
    blacklisted_users = []
    ignored_posts = []
    auto_ignored_posts = []
    startup_utc = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    latest_questions = []
    api_backoff_time = 0
    charcoal_room_id = "49820"
    meta_tavern_room_id = "89"
    socvr_room_id = "41570"
    blockedTime = {"all": 0, charcoal_room_id: 0, meta_tavern_room_id: 3.2e7, socvr_room_id: 3.2e7}

    experimental_reasons = []  # Don't widely report these
    non_socvr_reasons = []    # Don't report to SOCVR
    non_tavern_reasons = [    # Don't report in the Tavern
        "all-caps body",
        "all-caps answer",
        "repeating characters in body",
        "repeating characters in title",
        "repeating characters in answer",
        "few unique characters in body",
        "few unique characters in answer",
        "title has only one unique char",
        "phone number detected in title",
        "offensive body detected",
        "no whitespace in body",
        "no whitespace in answer",
    non_tavern_sites = ["stackoverflow.com"]

    parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
    wrap = Client("stackexchange.com")
    wrapm = Client("meta.stackexchange.com")
    wrapso = Client("stackoverflow.com")
    privileged_users = {
        charcoal_room_id: [
            "73046",    # Undo
            "121520",   # ArtOfCode
            "164318",   # Glorfindel
            "56166",    # Jan Dvorak
            "68718",    # Wrzlprmft
            "62118",    # tripleee
            "145827"    # angussidney
        meta_tavern_room_id: [],
        socvr_room_id: []

    code_privileged_users = None

    smokeDetector_user_id = {charcoal_room_id: "120914", meta_tavern_room_id: "266345",
                             socvr_room_id: "3735529"}

    censored_committer_names = {"3f4ed0f38df010ce300dba362fa63a62": "Undo1"}

    commit = os.popen('git log --pretty=format:"%h" -n 1').read()
    commit_author = os.popen('git log --pretty=format:"%an" -n 1').read()

    if md5.new(commit_author).hexdigest() in censored_committer_names:
        commit_author = censored_committer_names[md5.new(commit_author).hexdigest()]

    commit_with_author = os.popen('git log --pretty=format:"%h (' + commit_author + ': *%s*)" -n 1').read()
    on_master = os.popen("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").read().strip() == "master"
    charcoal_hq = None
    tavern_on_the_meta = None
    socvr = None
    s = ""
    s_reverted = ""
    specialrooms = []
    apiquota = -1
    bodyfetcher = None
    se_sites = []
    users_chatting = {meta_tavern_room_id: [], charcoal_room_id: [], socvr_room_id: []}
    why_data = []
    why_data_allspam = []
    notifications = []
    listen_to_these_if_edited = []
    multiple_reporters = []
    api_calls_per_site = {}

    api_request_lock = threading.Lock()

    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()

    if os.path.isfile('config'):

    latest_smokedetector_messages = {meta_tavern_room_id: [], "49820": [], socvr_room_id: []}

    # environ_or_none defined in helpers.py
    bot_name = environ_or_none("SMOKEDETECTOR_NAME") or "SmokeDetector"
    bot_repository = environ_or_none("SMOKEDETECTOR_REPO") or "//github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector"
    chatmessage_prefix = "[{}]({})".format(bot_name, bot_repository)

    site_id_dict = {}
    post_site_id_to_question = {}

    location = config.get("Config", "location")
    print location

    metasmoke_ws = None

        metasmoke_host = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_host")
        print metasmoke_host
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_host = None
        print "metasmoke host not found. Set it as metasmoke_host in the config file. See https://github.com/Charcoal-SE/metasmoke."

        metasmoke_key = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_key")
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_key = ""
        print "No metasmoke key found, which is okay if both are running on the same host"

        metasmoke_ws_host = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_ws_host")
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_ws_host = ""
        print "No metasmoke websocket host found, which is okay if you're anti-websocket"

        github_username = config.get("Config", "github_username")
        github_password = config.get("Config", "github_password")
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        github_username = None
        github_password = None
Пример #3
class GlobalVars:
    false_positives = []
    whitelisted_users = []
    blacklisted_users = []
    ignored_posts = []
    auto_ignored_posts = []
    startup_utc = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    latest_questions = []
    api_backoff_time = 0
    charcoal_room_id = "11540"
    meta_tavern_room_id = "89"
    socvr_room_id = "41570"
    blockedTime = {
        "all": 0,
        charcoal_room_id: 0,
        meta_tavern_room_id: 0,
        socvr_room_id: 0

    experimental_reasons = []  # Don't widely report these
    non_socvr_reasons = []  # Don't report to SOCVR
    non_tavern_reasons = [  # Don't report in the Tavern
        "all-caps body",
        "all-caps answer",
        "repeating characters in body",
        "repeating characters in title",
        "repeating characters in answer",
        "few unique characters in body",
        "few unique characters in answer",
        "title has only one unique char",
        "phone number detected in title",
        "offensive body detected",
        "no whitespace in body",
        "no whitespace in answer",
    non_tavern_sites = ["stackoverflow.com"]

    parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
    wrap = Client("stackexchange.com")
    wrapm = Client("meta.stackexchange.com")
    wrapso = Client("stackoverflow.com")
    privileged_users = {
        charcoal_room_id: [
            "117490",  # Normal Human
            "66258",  # Andy
            "31768",  # ManishEarth
            "103081",  # hichris123
            "73046",  # Undo
            "88521",  # ProgramFOX
            "59776",  # Doorknob
            "31465",  # Seth
            "88577",  # Santa Claus
            "34124",  # Andrew Leach
            "54229",  # apnorton
            "20459",  # S.L. Barth
            "32436",  # tchrist
            "30477",  # Brock Adams
            "58529",  # ferrybig
            "145208",  # Robert Longson
            "178825",  # Ms Yvette
            "171800",  # JAL
            "64978",  # PeterJ
            "125141",  # Jeffrey Bosboom
            "54902",  # bummi
            "135450",  # M.A.R.
            "145604",  # Quill
            "60548",  # rene
            "121401",  # michaelpri
            "116218",  # JamesENL
            "82927",  # Braiam
            "11606",  # bwDraco
            "19761",  # Ilmari Karonen
            "108271",  # Andrew T.
            "171054",  # Magisch
            "190011",  # Petter Friberg
            "165661",  # Tunaki
            "145086",  # Wai Ha Lee
            "137665",  # ByteCommander
            "147884",  # wythagoras
            "186395",  # Åna
            "193364",  # Ashish Ahuja
            "163686",  # Gothdo
            "145827",  # angussidney
            "244748",  # Supreme Leader SnokeDetector (angussidney's sock)
            "121520",  # ArtOfCode
            "244382",  # Lt. A. Code (ArtOfCode's sock to test things with)
            "137388",  # QPaysTaxes
            "212311",  # Ryan Bemrose
            "172397",  # Kyll
            "224538",  # FrankerZ
            "61202",  # OldSkool
            "56166",  # Jan Dvorak
            "133966",  # DavidPostill
            "22839",  # djsmiley2k
            "97389",  # Kaz Wolfe
            "144962",  # DJMcMayhem
            "139423",  # NobodyNada
            "62118",  # tripleee
            "130558",  # Registered User
            "128113",  # arda
            "164318",  # Glorfindel
            "175347",  # Floern
            "180274",  # Alexander O'Mara
            "158742"  # Rob
        meta_tavern_room_id: [
            "315433",  # Normal Human
            "244519",  # CRABOLO
            "244382",  # TGMCians
            "194047",  # Jan Dvorak
            "158100",  # rene
            "178438",  # Manishearth
            "237685",  # hichris123
            "215468",  # Undo
            "229438",  # ProgramFOX
            "180276",  # Doorknob
            "161974",  # Lynn Crumbling
            "186281",  # Andy
            "266094",  # Unihedro
            "245167",  # Infinite Recursion
            "230261",  # Jason C
            "213575",  # Braiam
            "241919",  # Andrew T.
            "203389",  # backwards-Seth
            "202832",  # Mooseman
            "160017",  # bwDraco
            "201151",  # bummi
            "188558",  # Frank
            "229166",  # Santa Claus
            "159034",  # Kevin Brown
            "203972",  # PeterJ
            "188673",  # Alexis King
            "258672",  # AstroCB
            "227577",  # Sam
            "255735",  # cybermonkey
            "279182",  # Ixrec
            "271104",  # James
            "220428",  # Qantas 94 Heavy
            "153355",  # tchrist
            "238426",  # Ed Cottrell
            "166899",  # Second Rikudo
            "287999",  # ASCIIThenANSI
            "208518",  # JNat
            "284141",  # michaelpri
            "260312",  # vaultah
            "244062",  # SouravGhosh
            "152859",  # Shadow Wizard
            "201314",  # apnorton
            "280934",  # M.A.Ramezani
            "200235",  # durron597
            "148310",  # Awesome Poodles / Brock Adams
            "168333",  # S.L. Barth
            "257207",  # Unikitty
            "244282",  # DroidDev
            "163250",  # Cupcake
            "298265",  # BoomsPlus
            "253560",  # josilber
            "244254",  # misterManSam
            "188189",  # Robert Longson
            "174699",  # Ilmari Karonen
            "202362",  # chmod 666 telkitty
            "289717",  # Quill
            "237813",  # bjb568
            "311345",  # Simon Klaver
            "171881",  # rekire
            "260388",  # Pandya
            "310756",  # Ms Yvette
            "262399",  # Jeffrey Bosboom
            "242209",  # JAL
            "280883",  # ByteCommander
            "302251",  # kos
            "262823",  # ArtOfCode
            "215067",  # Ferrybig
            "308386",  # Magisch
            "285368"  # angussidney
        socvr_room_id: [
            "1849664",  # Undo
            "2581872",  # hichris123
            "1198729",  # Manishearth
            "3717023",  # Normal Human aka 1999
            "2619912",  # ProgramFOX
            "578411",  # rene
            "1043380",  # gunr2171
            "2246344",  # Sam
            "2756409",  # TylerH
            "1768232",  # durron597
            "359284",  # Kevin Brown
            "258400",  # easwee
            "3622940",  # Unihedron
            "3204551",  # Deduplicator
            "4342498",  # NathanOliver
            "4639281",  # Tiny Giant
            "3093387",  # josilber
            "1652962",  # cimmanon
            "1677912",  # Mogsdad
            "656243",  # Lynn Crumbling
            "3933332",  # Rizier123
            "2422013",  # cybermonkey
            "3478852",  # Nisse Engström
            "2302862",  # Siguza
            "1324",  # Paul Roub
            "1743880",  # Tunaki
            "1663001",  # DavidG
            "2415822",  # JAL
            "4174897",  # Kyll
            "5299236",  # Kevin Guan
            "4050842",  # Thaillie
            "1816093",  # Drew
            "874188",  # Triplee
            "880772",  # approxiblue
            "1835379",  # Cerbrus
            "3956566",  # JamesENL
            "2357233",  # Ms Yvette
            "3155639",  # AlexanderOMara
            "462627",  # Praveen Kumar
            "4490559",  # intboolstring
            "1364007",  # Wai Ha Lee
            "1699210",  # bummi
            "563532",  # Rob
            "5389107",  # Magisch
            "4099593",  # bhargav-rao
            "1542723",  # Ferrybig
            "2025923",  # Tushar
            "5292302",  # Petter Friberg
            "792066",  # Braiam
            "5666987",  # Ian
            "3160466",  # ArtOfCode
            "5735775",  # Ashish Ahuja
            "3476191",  # Nobody Nada
            "2227743",  # Eric D
            "821878",  # Ryan Bemrose
            "1413395",  # Panta Rei
            "4875631",  # FrankerZ
            "2958086",  # Compass
            "499214",  # JanDvorak
            "5647260",  # Andrew L.
            "559745"  # Floern

    code_privileged_users = None

    smokeDetector_user_id = {
        charcoal_room_id: "120914",
        meta_tavern_room_id: "266345",
        socvr_room_id: "3735529"

    censored_committer_names = {"3f4ed0f38df010ce300dba362fa63a62": "Undo1"}

    commit = os.popen('git log --pretty=format:"%h" -n 1').read()
    commit_author = os.popen('git log --pretty=format:"%an" -n 1').read()

    if md5.new(commit_author).hexdigest() in censored_committer_names:
        commit_author = censored_committer_names[md5.new(

    commit_with_author = os.popen('git log --pretty=format:"%h (' +
                                  commit_author + ': *%s*)" -n 1').read()
    on_master = os.popen(
        "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").read().strip() == "master"
    charcoal_hq = None
    tavern_on_the_meta = None
    socvr = None
    s = ""
    s_reverted = ""
    specialrooms = []
    apiquota = -1
    bodyfetcher = None
    se_sites = []
    users_chatting = {
        meta_tavern_room_id: [],
        charcoal_room_id: [],
        socvr_room_id: []
    why_data = []
    why_data_allspam = []
    notifications = []
    listen_to_these_if_edited = []
    multiple_reporters = []
    api_calls_per_site = {}

    api_request_lock = threading.Lock()

    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()

    if os.path.isfile('config'):

    latest_smokedetector_messages = {
        meta_tavern_room_id: [],
        charcoal_room_id: [],
        socvr_room_id: []

    # environ_or_none defined in helpers.py
    bot_name = environ_or_none("SMOKEDETECTOR_NAME") or "SmokeDetector"
    bot_repository = environ_or_none(
        "SMOKEDETECTOR_REPO") or "//github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector"
    chatmessage_prefix = "[{}]({})".format(bot_name, bot_repository)

    site_id_dict = {}
    post_site_id_to_question = {}

    location = config.get("Config", "location")
    print location

    metasmoke_ws = None

        metasmoke_host = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_host")
        print metasmoke_host
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_host = None
        print "metasmoke host not found. Set it as metasmoke_host in the config file. See https://github.com/Charcoal-SE/metasmoke."

        metasmoke_key = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_key")
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_key = ""
        print "No metasmoke key found, which is okay if both are running on the same host"

        metasmoke_ws_host = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_ws_host")
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_ws_host = ""
        print "No metasmoke websocket host found, which is okay if you're anti-websocket"

        github_username = config.get("Config", "github_username")
        github_password = config.get("Config", "github_password")
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        github_username = None
        github_password = None
Пример #4
class GlobalVars:
    false_positives = []
    whitelisted_users = []
    blacklisted_users = []
    blacklisted_usernames = []
    blacklisted_websites = []
    bad_keywords = []
    watched_keywords = OrderedDict()
    ignored_posts = []
    auto_ignored_posts = []
    startup_utc = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    latest_questions = []
    api_backoff_time = 0
    charcoal_room_id = "11540"
    meta_tavern_room_id = "89"
    socvr_room_id = "41570"
    blockedTime = {"all": 0, charcoal_room_id: 0, meta_tavern_room_id: 0, socvr_room_id: 0}
    metasmoke_last_ping_time = datetime.now()
    not_privileged_warning = """
    You are not a privileged user. Please see
    [the privileges wiki page](https://charcoal-se.org/smokey/Privileges) for
    information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users.
    """.strip().replace("\n", " ")

    experimental_reasons = [  # Don't widely report these
        "potentially bad keyword in answer",
        "potentially bad keyword in body",
        "potentially bad keyword in title",
        "potentially bad keyword in username"]
    non_socvr_reasons = []    # Don't report to SOCVR
    non_tavern_reasons = [    # Don't report in the Tavern
        "all-caps body",
        "all-caps answer",
        "repeating characters in body",
        "repeating characters in title",
        "repeating characters in answer",
        "few unique characters in body",
        "few unique characters in answer",
        "title has only one unique char",
        "phone number detected in title",
        "offensive body detected",
        "no whitespace in body",
        "no whitespace in answer",
    non_tavern_sites = ["stackoverflow.com"]

    parser = HTMLParser()
    parser.unescape = unescape
    wrap = Client("stackexchange.com")
    wrapm = Client("meta.stackexchange.com")
    wrapso = Client("stackoverflow.com")
    privileged_users = {
        charcoal_room_id: [
            "117490",   # Normal Human
            "66258",    # Andy
            "31768",    # ManishEarth
            "103081",   # hichris123
            "73046",    # Undo
            "88521",    # ProgramFOX
            "59776",    # Doorknob
            "31465",    # Seth
            "88577",    # Santa Claus
            "34124",    # Andrew Leach
            "54229",    # apnorton
            "20459",    # S.L. Barth
            "32436",    # tchrist
            "30477",    # Brock Adams
            "58529",    # ferrybig
            "145208",   # Robert Longson
            "178825",   # Ms Yvette
            "171800",   # JAL
            "64978",    # PeterJ
            "125141",   # Jeffrey Bosboom
            "54902",    # bummi
            "135450",   # M.A.R.
            "145604",   # Quill
            "60548",    # rene
            "121401",   # michaelpri
            "116218",   # JamesENL
            "82927",    # Braiam
            "11606",    # bwDraco
            "19761",    # Ilmari Karonen
            "108271",   # Andrew T.
            "171054",   # Magisch
            "190011",   # Petter Friberg
            "165661",   # Tunaki
            "145086",   # Wai Ha Lee
            "137665",   # ByteCommander
            "147884",   # wythagoras
            "186395",   # Åna
            "181293",   # Ashish Ahuja
            "163686",   # Gothdo
            "145827",   # angussidney
            "244748",   # Supreme Leader SnokeDetector (angussidney's sock)
            "121520",   # ArtOfCode
            "244382",   # Lt. A. Code (ArtOfCode's sock to test things with)
            "137388",   # QPaysTaxes
            "212311",   # Ryan Bemrose
            "172397",   # Kyll
            "224538",   # FrankerZ
            "61202",    # OldSkool
            "56166",    # Jan Dvorak
            "133966",   # DavidPostill
            "22839",    # djsmiley2k
            "97389",    # Kaz Wolfe
            "144962",   # DJMcMayhem
            "139423",   # NobodyNada
            "62118",    # tripleee
            "130558",   # Registered User
            "128113",   # arda
            "164318",   # Glorfindel
            "175347",   # Floern
            "180274",   # Alexander O'Mara
            "158742",   # Rob
            "207356",   # 4castle
            "133031",   # Mithrandir
            "215671",   # Locutus of Borg (Mithrandir's Sock)
            "169713",   # Mego
            "126657",   # Cerbrus
            "10145",    # Thomas Ward
            "161943",   # J F
            "195967",   # CaffeineAddiction
            "5363",     # Stijn
            "248139",   # FelixSFD
            "156721",   # D-side
            "167070",   # quartata
            "172450",   # Hovercraft Full Of Eels
            "56200",    # Eric Leschinski
            "211021",   # Henders
            "255290",   # Gypsy Spellweaver
            "64521",    # CalvT
            "165474",   # Hyper Neutrino
            "281362",   # Hyper Neutrino v2
            "169252",   # Cai
            "155243",   # Nisse Engström
            "69330",    # Sconibulus
            "164187",   # Okx
            "202619",   # John Militer
            "262693",   # suraj
            "11287",    # Martin Sleziak
            "88588",    # NVZ
            "281674",   # paper1111
            "279119",   # Tetsuya Yamamoto
            "307652",   # Ajay Brahmakshatriya
            "238145",   # Owen Hines
            "268731",   # Sagar V
            "205208",   # a-j
            "234375",   # Jarko Dubbeldam
            "139041",   # Catija
            "305737"    # Tinkeringbell
        meta_tavern_room_id: [
            "315433",   # Normal Human
            "244519",   # CRABOLO
            "244382",   # TGMCians
            "194047",   # Jan Dvorak
            "158100",   # rene
            "178438",   # Manishearth
            "237685",   # hichris123
            "215468",   # Undo
            "229438",   # ProgramFOX
            "180276",   # Doorknob
            "161974",   # Lynn Crumbling
            "186281",   # Andy
            "266094",   # Unihedro
            "245167",   # Infinite Recursion
            "230261",   # Jason C
            "213575",   # Braiam
            "241919",   # Andrew T.
            "203389",   # backwards-Seth
            "202832",   # Mooseman
            "160017",   # bwDraco
            "201151",   # bummi
            "188558",   # Frank
            "229166",   # Santa Claus
            "159034",   # Kevin Brown
            "203972",   # PeterJ
            "188673",   # Alexis King
            "258672",   # AstroCB
            "227577",   # Sam
            "255735",   # cybermonkey
            "279182",   # Ixrec
            "271104",   # James
            "220428",   # Qantas 94 Heavy
            "153355",   # tchrist
            "238426",   # Ed Cottrell
            "166899",   # Second Rikudo
            "287999",   # ASCIIThenANSI
            "208518",   # JNat
            "284141",   # michaelpri
            "260312",   # vaultah
            "244062",   # SouravGhosh
            "152859",   # Shadow Wizard
            "201314",   # apnorton
            "280934",   # M.A.Ramezani
            "200235",   # durron597
            "148310",   # Awesome Poodles / Brock Adams
            "168333",   # S.L. Barth
            "257207",   # Unikitty
            "244282",   # DroidDev
            "163250",   # Cupcake
            "298265",   # BoomsPlus
            "253560",   # josilber
            "244254",   # misterManSam
            "188189",   # Robert Longson
            "174699",   # Ilmari Karonen
            "202362",   # chmod 666 telkitty
            "289717",   # Quill
            "237813",   # bjb568
            "311345",   # Simon Klaver
            "171881",   # rekire
            "260388",   # Pandya
            "310756",   # Ms Yvette
            "262399",   # Jeffrey Bosboom
            "242209",   # JAL
            "280883",   # ByteCommander
            "302251",   # kos
            "262823",   # ArtOfCode
            "215067",   # Ferrybig
            "308386",   # Magisch
            "285368",   # angussidney
            "158829",   # Thomas Ward
            "294691",   # Mithrandir
            "203553",   # CalvT
            "289971",   # Hyper Neutrino
            "346854",   # DonQuiKong
            "284336"    # Catija
        socvr_room_id: [
            "1849664",  # Undo
            "2581872",  # hichris123
            "1198729",  # Manishearth
            "3717023",  # Normal Human aka 1999
            "2619912",  # ProgramFOX
            "578411",   # rene
            "1043380",  # gunr2171
            "2246344",  # Sam
            "2756409",  # TylerH
            "1768232",  # durron597
            "359284",   # Kevin Brown
            "258400",   # easwee
            "3622940",  # Unihedron
            "3204551",  # Deduplicator
            "4342498",  # NathanOliver
            "4639281",  # Tiny Giant
            "3093387",  # josilber
            "1652962",  # cimmanon
            "1677912",  # Mogsdad
            "656243",   # Lynn Crumbling
            "3933332",  # Rizier123
            "2422013",  # cybermonkey
            "3478852",  # Nisse Engström
            "2302862",  # Siguza
            "1324",     # Paul Roub
            "1743880",  # Tunaki
            "1663001",  # DavidG
            "2415822",  # JAL
            "4174897",  # Kyll
            "5299236",  # Kevin Guan
            "4050842",  # Thaillie
            "1816093",  # Drew
            "874188",   # Triplee
            "880772",   # approxiblue
            "1835379",  # Cerbrus
            "3956566",  # JamesENL
            "2357233",  # Ms Yvette
            "3155639",  # AlexanderOMara
            "462627",   # Praveen Kumar
            "4490559",  # intboolstring
            "1364007",  # Wai Ha Lee
            "1699210",  # bummi
            "563532",   # Rob
            "5389107",  # Magisch
            "4099593",  # bhargav-rao
            "1542723",  # Ferrybig
            "2025923",  # Tushar
            "5292302",  # Petter Friberg
            "792066",   # Braiam
            "5666987",  # Ian
            "3160466",  # ArtOfCode
            "4688119",  # Ashish Ahuja
            "3476191",  # Nobody Nada
            "2227743",  # Eric D
            "821878",   # Ryan Bemrose
            "1413395",  # Panta Rei
            "4875631",  # FrankerZ
            "2958086",  # Compass
            "499214",   # JanDvorak
            "5647260",  # Andrew L.
            "559745",   # Floern
            "5743988",  # 4castle
            "4622463",  # angussidney
            "603346",   # Thomas Ward
            "3002139",  # Baum mit Augen
            "1863564",  # QPaysTaxes
            "4687348",  # FelixSFD
            "4751173",  # Glorfindel
            "2233391",  # henders
            "4805174",  # kayess
            "2370483",  # Machavity
            "1873567",  # CalvT
            "4826457",  # suraj
            "8242698",  # user0042
            "3773011",  # Makyen
            "2858773"   # Ajay Brahmakshatriya
        '111347': [     # SOBotics
            "3160466",  # ArtOfCode
            "1849664",  # Undo
            "3002139",  # Baum mit Augen
            "3476191",  # Nobody Nada
            "5292302",  # Petter Friberg
            "4688119",  # Ashish Ahuja
            "4099593",  # Bhargav Rao
            "1743880",  # Tunaki
            "559745",   # Floern
            "4687348",  # FelixSFD
            "6375113",  # Bugs
            "4622463",  # angussidney
            "563532",   # Rob
            "4050842",  # Thaillie
            "1915448"   # g00glen00b

    code_privileged_users = None

    smokeDetector_user_id = {charcoal_room_id: "120914", meta_tavern_room_id: "266345",
                             socvr_room_id: "3735529", '111347': '3735529'}

    censored_committer_names = {"3f4ed0f38df010ce300dba362fa63a62": "Undo1"}

    commit = git_commit_info()
    if md5(commit['author'][0].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() in censored_committer_names:
        commit['author'] = censored_committer_names[md5(commit['author'][0].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()]

    commit_with_author = "%s (%s: *%s*)" % (commit['id'],
                                            commit['author'][0] if type(commit['author']) in [list, tuple]
                                            else commit['author'],

    on_master = "HEAD detached" not in git_status()
    charcoal_hq = None
    tavern_on_the_meta = None
    socvr = None
    s = ""
    s_reverted = ""
    specialrooms = []
    apiquota = -1
    bodyfetcher = None
    se_sites = []
    users_chatting = {meta_tavern_room_id: [], charcoal_room_id: [], socvr_room_id: [], '111347': []}
    why_data = []
    why_data_allspam = []
    notifications = []
    listen_to_these_if_edited = []
    multiple_reporters = []
    api_calls_per_site = {}

    standby_message = ""
    standby_mode = False

    api_request_lock = threading.Lock()

    num_posts_scanned = 0
    post_scan_time = 0
    posts_scan_stats_lock = threading.Lock()

    config = RawConfigParser()

    if os.path.isfile('config'):

    latest_smokedetector_messages = {meta_tavern_room_id: [], charcoal_room_id: [], socvr_room_id: [],
                                     '111347': []}

    # environ_or_none defined in helpers.py
    bot_name = environ_or_none("SMOKEDETECTOR_NAME") or "SmokeDetector"
    bot_repository = environ_or_none("SMOKEDETECTOR_REPO") or "//github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector"
    chatmessage_prefix = "[{}]({})".format(bot_name, bot_repository)

    site_id_dict = {}
    post_site_id_to_question = {}

    location = config.get("Config", "location")

    metasmoke_ws = None

        metasmoke_host = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_host")
    except NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_host = None
        log('info', "metasmoke host not found. Set it as metasmoke_host in the config file."
            "See https://github.com/Charcoal-SE/metasmoke.")

        metasmoke_key = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_key")
    except NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_key = ""
        log('info', "No metasmoke key found, which is okay if both are running on the same host")

        metasmoke_ws_host = config.get("Config", "metasmoke_ws_host")
    except NoOptionError:
        metasmoke_ws_host = ""
        log('info', "No metasmoke websocket host found, which is okay if you're anti-websocket")

        github_username = config.get("Config", "github_username")
        github_password = config.get("Config", "github_password")
    except NoOptionError:
        github_username = None
        github_password = None