Пример #1
def make_graph(data):
    Makes a networkx graph from the data
    :param data:    problem data
    :return:        graph object

    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    edge_list = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)
    cost = data.variable_cost
    graph.add_weighted_edges_from(zip(edge_list[0] - 1, edge_list[1] - 1,
    arc = 0
    for n1, n2 in zip(*get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)):
        graph[n1 - 1][n2 - 1]['arc_id'] = arc
        arc += 1
    return graph
def heuristic_main(data, return_primal=False, track_time=False, pi_only=False):
    if track_time:
        start = time.time()
    model = None
    arc_popularity = np.zeros(shape=(data.periods, data.arcs.size),
    network_duals = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.nodes,
    demand = data.demand
    period_demand = demand.sum(axis=1)
    commodity_demand = demand.sum(axis=0)
    for commodity in xrange(data.commodities):
        origin, destination = get_2d_index(data.od_pairs[commodity],
        model, flow, node_duals = solve_shortest_path(data,
        arc_popularity[:, np.nonzero(
            flow)] += 1 * commodity_demand[commodity] / demand.sum()
        for period in xrange(data.periods):
            period_cost = data.variable_cost + data.fixed_cost[period, :] / (
                data.commodities * 0.1)
            model, flow, node_duals_period = solve_shortest_path(
                data, cost=period_cost, commodity=commodity, model=model)
            arc_popularity[period, np.nonzero(flow)] += 1 * demand[
                period, commodity] / period_demand[period]
            network_duals[period, :,
                          commodity] = (node_duals + node_duals_period) / 2
        reset_model(origin, destination, model)
    if pi_only:
        return network_duals
    # collect for each arc the period that maximizes the frequency of the arc in the solutions
    max_periods = np.empty_like(data.arcs, dtype=int)
    max_periods[np.where(arc_popularity.max(axis=0) > 0)] = \
        arc_popularity.argmax(axis=0)[np.where(arc_popularity.max(axis=0) > 0)]
    max_periods[np.where(arc_popularity.max(axis=0) <= 0)] = -1

    if return_primal:
        objective, primal_solution, model = solve_reduced_problem(
            data=data, fixed=max_periods, return_primal=True)
        print 'objective: {}'.format(objective)
        if track_time:
            stop = time.time()
            print 'Heuristic time: {} seconds'.format(stop - start)
        return objective, network_duals, primal_solution, model
        objective, model = solve_reduced_problem(data=data,
        print 'objective: {}'.format(objective)
        if track_time:
            stop = time.time()
            print 'Heuristic time: {} seconds'.format(stop - start)
        return objective, network_duals, model
def add_variables(model, variables, data):
    Adds a variable to the existing master model
    :param model:       Master model object
    :param variables:    A deque with variable objects (named tuples that hold: arc, no, objective, flow)
    :return:            Nothing

    nodes, periods, commodities, arcs = data.nodes, data.periods, data.commodities, data.arcs
    constraints = model.getConstrs()

    for count_arc, arc in enumerate(data.arcs):
        for count_col, variable in enumerate(variables[count_arc]):
            no, obj = model.numvars + count_arc + count_col, variable.objective
            flow = variable.flow
            coefficients = np.zeros(shape=2 * np.sum(flow > 10e-6) + 1,
            node_in, node_out = get_2d_index(arc, nodes)
            constrs = []

            for c in xrange(commodities):
                for t in xrange(periods):
                    # node_out goes first
                    if flow[t, c] > 1e-6:
                        idx = len(constrs)
                        coefficients[idx] = -flow[t, c]
                        idx = len(constrs) + 1
                        coefficients[idx] = +flow[t, c]
                        # node_out index of constraint of (c,t)
                        idx = get_1d_index(idx1=node_out,
                                           idx2=c + 1,
                        idx = get_1d_index(idx1=node_in,
                                           idx2=c + 1,

            idx = nodes * periods * commodities + count_arc
            coefficients[len(constrs)] = 1.

            column = grb.Column(coefficients, constrs)
                         name='col_{}_{}'.format(count_arc, no))

Пример #4
def heuristic_main(data):
    Naive heuristic
    Solves a single-period capacitated problem. Fixed arcs and iterates through periods
    arcs, nodes, periods = data.arcs.size, data.nodes, data.periods
    commodities = data.commodities
    arc_origins, arc_destinations = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)

    model = make_model(data)

    open_arcs = np.zeros((periods, arcs), dtype=np.double)

    objective = 0.

    for t in xrange(periods):
        fixed_cost, variable_cost = data.fixed_cost[t, :], data.variable_cost
        demand = data.demand[t, :]
        flow, arc_open = model._flow, model._arc_open

        for arc in xrange(arcs):
            i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
            con_name = 'cap_{}-{}'.format(i, j)
            con = model.getConstrByName(con_name)
            # We pay for arcs that are not already open
            if arc_open[arc].lb == 0:
                arc_open[arc].obj = fixed_cost[arc]
            for c in xrange(commodities):
                model.chgCoeff(con, flow[c, arc], demand[c])
                flow[c, arc].obj = variable_cost[arc] * demand[c]
        if model.status == grb.GRB.status.INFEASIBLE:
            print 'model is infeasible'
            model.write(str(model.ModelName) + '_{}.ilp'.format(t))
        if model.SolCount > 0:
            objective += model.objVal
            # If we use an arc and it has not been opened before, we should
            # mark it as open now, and keep it open all along
            for count, var in enumerate(arc_open):
                if var.X > 0.1:
                    var.lb = 1.
                    var.obj = 0.
                    if np.sum(open_arcs[:t, count]) < 10e-5:
                        open_arcs[t, count] = 1.
            print 'Period : {} Objective value: {}'.format(t, objective)

    return objective, open_arcs
def get_lagrange_cost(dual_prices, arc_pointer, data):
    Returns the coefficients of the flow variables for the arc subproblem
    :param dual_prices:         dual prices of each node for each commodity in each period
    :param data:                problem data
    :return:                    a numpy array of cost coefficients

    arc_no = data.arcs[arc_pointer]
    origin, destination = get_2d_index(arc_no, data.nodes)
    origin, destination = origin - 1, destination - 1
    arc_cost = data.variable_cost[arc_pointer]
    flow_cost = arc_cost * data.demand
    lagrange_diff = +dual_prices[:, origin, :] - dual_prices[:, destination, :]
    flow_cost -= lagrange_diff

    return flow_cost
def make_local_branching_model(data, open_arcs, cutoff):
    Constructs a local branching model that searches a kappa-sized
    neighborhood per period, starting from the feasible solution open_arcs
    :param data:        Problem data
    :param kappa:       Local branching neighborhood (per period)
    :param open_arcs:   binary solution that defined the neighborhood
    :param cutoff:      cutoff value for feasible solutions
    commodities, arcs, capacity, variable_cost, nodes, demand = \
        data.commodities, data.arcs.size, data.capacity, \
        data.variable_cost, data.nodes, data.demand
    origins, destinations = data.origins, data.destinations
    periods, fixed_cost = data.periods, data.fixed_cost

    flow = np.empty(shape=(periods, commodities, arcs), dtype=object)
    arc_open = np.empty(shape=(periods, arcs), dtype=object)
    capacities = np.empty(shape=(periods, arcs), dtype=object)
    arc_origins, arc_destinations = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)

    model = grb.Model('local_branching')

    for period in xrange(periods):
        for arc in xrange(arcs):
            i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
                     arc] = model.addVar(vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY,
                                         obj=fixed_cost[period, arc],
                                             i, j, period))
            for h in xrange(commodities):
                flow[period, h, arc] = model.addVar(
                    obj=variable_cost[arc] * demand[period, h],
                    ub=min(1., capacity[arc] / demand[period, h]),
                    name='flow{}.{},{}_{}'.format(h, i, j, period))
    model._arc_open = arc_open
    model._flow = flow
    # model.update()

    lazy_cons = []
    priority = [t for t in xrange(periods) for arc in xrange(arcs)]

    for period in xrange(periods):
        for arc in xrange(arcs):
            # Add initial vector of binary variables previously found
            arc_open[period, arc].start = open_arcs[period, arc]
            i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
            capacities[period, arc] = model.addConstr(
                    grb.LinExpr(demand[period, h], flow[period, h, arc])
                    for h in xrange(commodities)) <=
                capacity[arc] * grb.quicksum(arc_open[t, arc]
                                             for t in xrange(period + 1)),
                name='cap_{}-{}_{}'.format(i, j, period))
            if period <= data.periods / 2:
                for h in xrange(commodities):
                    if open_arcs[:period + 1, h].sum(axis=0) > 0.5:
                                flow[period, h,
                                     arc] <= grb.quicksum(arc_open[:period + 1,
    for h in xrange(commodities):
        for n in xrange(nodes):
            rhs = 0.
            if n == origins[h]:
                rhs = 1.
            if n == destinations[h]:
                rhs = -1.
            in_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)[1] == n + 1
            out_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)[0] == n + 1
            for t in xrange(periods):
                lhs = grb.quicksum(flow[t, h, out_arcs]) - grb.quicksum(
                    flow[t, h, in_arcs])
                                name='demand_n{}c{}p{}'.format(n, h, t))
    weights = np.array([np.exp(-t) for t in xrange(periods)])
    weights = weights[::-1] / weights.sum()
    for arc in xrange(arcs):
                     vars=arc_open[:, arc].tolist(),
        # model.addConstr(
        #     grb.quicksum(arc_open[t, arc] for t in xrange(periods)) <= 1,
        #     name='sum_{}'.format(arc))
    model.setAttr('BranchPriority', arc_open.flatten().tolist(), priority)

    arcs_in_search = np.zeros(arcs)
    for arc in xrange(arcs):
        if open_arcs[:, arc].sum() > 0.5:
            max_period = open_arcs[:, arc].argmax()
            if max_period < 3:
                end = min(periods, max_period + 9)
                lhs = grb.quicksum([
                    arc_open[period, arc]
                    for period in xrange(max_period, end)
                model.addConstr(lhs >= 1, name='local_search.{}'.format(arc))
                arcs_in_search[arc] = 1

    model._capacities = capacities
    model._arcs_in_search = arcs_in_search
    model.params.threads = 1
    model.params.LogFile = ""
    model.params.presolve = 0
    # model.params.cuts = 0
    # model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    model.params.TimeLimit = 500
    model.params.NodeLimit = 100
    model.params.MIPFocus = 1
    model.params.MIPGap = 0.01
    model.params.Threads = 1
    model.params.Cutoff = cutoff + 0.0001
    model.params.ImproveStartTime = 200
    # model.params.normadjust = 3
    for con in lazy_cons:
        con.Lazy = 3
    # model.update()
    # model.write('eyes.lp')
    # model.optimize()
    # print_model_status(model)
    # print 'solutions found: {}'.format(model.SolCount)
    # print 'best objective value: {}'.format(model.objVal)
    # n_sols = min(model.SolCount, 10)
    # solutions = np.zeros(shape=(n_sols, periods, arcs), dtype=int)
    # for sol in xrange(n_sols):
    #     model.setParam('SolutionNumber', sol)
    #     # print "--- Solution number: {} ---".format(sol)
    #     for period in xrange(periods):
    #         for arc in xrange(arcs):
    #             if arc_open[period, arc].Xn > 0:
    #                 solutions[sol, period, arc] = 1
    # print 'Period: {} Arc: {}'.format(period, arc)

    # return model.ObjVal, model  # solutions[0]
    # model.write('local_branching.lp')
    return model
def make_model(data, fixed_cost):
    Formulates the regular (single period) MCND problem
    commodities, arcs, capacity, variable_cost, nodes, demand = \
        data.commodities, data.arcs.size, data.capacity, \
        data.variable_cost, data.nodes, np.amax(data.demand, axis=0)
    origins, destinations = data.origins, data.destinations

    flow = np.empty(shape=(commodities, arcs), dtype=object)
    arc_open = np.empty(shape=arcs, dtype=object)
    capacities = np.empty(shape=arcs, dtype=object)
    arc_origins, arc_destinations = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)
    demand_factor = np.zeros_like(data.origins)

    model = grb.Model('MCND')
    model.params.threads = 1
    model.params.LogFile = ""
    lazy_cons = []

    for arc in xrange(arcs):
        i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
        arc_open[arc] = model.addVar(vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY,
                                     name='open_arc{}-{}'.format(i, j))
        for h in xrange(commodities):
            # Multiply flow cost with the demand factor of each period
            demand_factor[h] = demand[h] / np.average(data.demand[:, h])
            flow[h, arc] = model.addVar(
                obj=variable_cost[arc] * data.demand[0, h] * demand_factor[h],
                # obj= variable_cost[arc] * demand[h],
                name='flow{}.{},{}'.format(h, i, j))
    model._arc_open = arc_open
    model._flow = flow
    # model.update()

    for arc in xrange(arcs):
        for h in xrange(commodities):
            lazy_cons.append(model.addConstr(flow[h, arc] <= arc_open[arc]))
        i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
        capacities[arc] = model.addConstr(grb.quicksum(
            grb.LinExpr(data.demand[0, h] * demand_factor[h], flow[h, arc])
            for h in xrange(commodities)) <= capacity[arc] * arc_open[arc],
                                          name='cap_{}-{}'.format(i, j))
    for h in xrange(commodities):
        for n in xrange(nodes):
            rhs = 0.
            if n == origins[h]:
                rhs = 1.
            if n == destinations[h]:
                rhs = -1.
            in_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)[1] == n + 1
            out_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)[0] == n + 1
            lhs = grb.quicksum(flow[h, out_arcs]) - grb.quicksum(flow[h,
                            name='demand_n{}c{}'.format(n, h))

    model._capacities = capacities
    model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    model.params.BarConvTol = .1
    model.params.NodeLimit = 1000
    model.params.TimeLimit = 10
    model.params.MIPGap = 0.01
    model.params.Threads = 1
    # model.update()
    for con in lazy_cons:
        con.Lazy = 3
    # model.write(str(model.ModelName) + '.lp')
    return model
def heuristic_main(data):
    Heuristic that implements the following logic.
    1. Formulate a single period instance
    2. Select the maximum demand for each commodity
    3. Multiply the variable costs by the ratio of (total demand) / (peak
        demand) of each commodity. This makes the variable costs commodity-
    3. Select a weighted average of costs of all periods
    4. Solve a single-period problem with these data. Store the arcs that
       opening a set (potential arcs)
    5. Select the period of total maximum demand and solve again a
       single-period problem, as before
    6. For each period t, solve a single-period problem, with the restrictions
       that (i) arcs that opened in previous periods remain open and (ii) only
       arcs from the set of potential arcs are allowed to open. Demand of each
       period should be replaced by a smoothed average of the next few periods
    7. Finally, solve the entire problem by fixing the binary variables across
       the horizon.
    :return     objective function of heuristic and values of arc variables
    arcs, nodes, periods = data.arcs.size, data.nodes, data.periods
    commodities = data.commodities
    arc_origins, arc_destinations = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)
    weights = np.empty(shape=periods, dtype=float)
    if periods > 1:
        weights[0], weights[1], weights[2:] = 0.7, 0.2, 0.1 / (periods - 2)
        weights[0], weights[1:] = 1, 0.
    fixed_cost = np.average(data.fixed_cost, axis=0, weights=weights)
    upper_bounds = np.ones(shape=(data.periods, data.arcs.size))
    lower_bounds = np.zeros_like(upper_bounds)

    # Store the arcs that are open in the single-shot problem
    open_arcs = np.zeros(shape=(periods, arcs), dtype=int)

    # Take into account the peak demand only initially
    model = make_model(data, fixed_cost)

    potential_arcs = set()
    first_arcs = model._arc_open
    for arc in xrange(data.arcs.size):
        if first_arcs[arc].x > 0.001:

    # Opens all arcs, takes max demand per commodity
    modify_model(model, data)
    # model.NumObj = 1
    all_arcs = model._arc_open
    flow = model._flow

    # Close arcs that were not opened in the single-shot problem
    if model.SolCount > 0:
        for arc, var in enumerate(all_arcs):
            var.lb = 0.
            arc_flow = sum([flow[h, arc].x for h in xrange(data.commodities)])
            if arc_flow > 10e-5:
                var.ub = 0
    # model.update()
    # With this set of arcs (potential_arcs) solve single-period problems with
    # modified demand (so that it takes into account demand of future periods).
    # Do this to keep the arc opening variables only
    alpha = 1.
    for t in xrange(periods):
        t_max = min(t + 1, data.periods - 1)
        fixed_cost = alpha * data.fixed_cost[t, :] + (1 - alpha) * np.average(
            data.fixed_cost[t_max:, :], axis=0)
        variable_cost = data.variable_cost * \
            np.max(data.demand[t, :]) / np.average(data.demand[t, :])
        demand = data.demand[t, :]
        arc_open = model._arc_open
        # if t == 0:
        #     for var in model._flow.flatten():
        #         var.vtype = grb.GRB.BINARY
        # if t == 1:
        #     for var in model._flow.flatten():
        #         var.vtype = grb.GRB.CONTINUOUS
        for arc in xrange(arcs):
            i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
            con_name = 'cap_{}-{}'.format(i, j)
            con = model.getConstrByName(con_name)
            if arc_open[arc].varName not in potential_arcs:
                arc_open[arc].ub = 0.
            # We don't pay for arcs that are already open
            if np.sum(open_arcs[:t, arc], axis=0) > 0.5:
                arc_open[arc].obj = 0.
                arc_open[arc].obj = fixed_cost[arc]
            for c in xrange(commodities):
                model.chgCoeff(con, flow[c, arc], demand[c])
                flow[c, arc].obj = variable_cost[arc] * demand[c]
        for arc in xrange(arcs):
            if arc_open[arc].x > 0.01:
                lower_bounds[t, arc] = 1.
                if np.sum(open_arcs[:t, arc]) < 10e-5:
                    open_arcs[t, arc] = 1
                upper_bounds[t, arc] = 0
        alpha -= 1. / periods

    # Solve single-period problems, select among arcs that were open at the
    # initial problem. We can use arcs that opened in previous periods for free
    objective = 0.
    flow_cost = np.zeros(shape=(periods, commodities), dtype=float)
    for t in xrange(periods):
        fixed_cost, variable_cost = data.fixed_cost[t, :], data.variable_cost
        demand = data.demand[t, :]
        flow = model._flow
        arc_open = model._arc_open
        for arc in xrange(arcs):
            arc_open[arc].ub = upper_bounds[t, arc]
            arc_open[arc].lb = lower_bounds[t, arc]
            i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
            con_name = 'cap_{}-{}'.format(i, j)
            con = model.getConstrByName(con_name)
            # We dont pay for arcs that are already open
            if np.sum(open_arcs[:t, arc], axis=0) > 0.5:
                arc_open[arc].obj = 0.
                arc_open[arc].obj = fixed_cost[arc]
            for c in xrange(commodities):
                model.chgCoeff(con, flow[c, arc], demand[c])
                flow[c, arc].obj = variable_cost[arc] * demand[c]
        # model.update()
        if model.status == grb.GRB.status.INFEASIBLE:
            print 'model is infeasible'
            model.write(str(model.ModelName) + '_{}.ilp'.format(t))
        if model.SolCount > 0:
            objective += model.objVal
            # If we use an arc and it has not been opened before, we should
            # mark it as open now, and keep it open all along
            for count, var in enumerate(all_arcs):
                if var.X > 0.1:
                    var.lb = 1.
                    if np.sum(open_arcs[:t, count]) < 10e-5:
                        open_arcs[t, count] = 1.
                for c in xrange(commodities):
                    if flow[c, count].X > 0.0001:
                        flow_cost[t, c] += flow[c, count].X * \
                            flow[c, count].obj
            print 'Period : {} Objective value: {}'.format(t, objective)

    return objective, open_arcs, flow_cost
Пример #9
def populate_master(data, open_arcs=None):
    Function that populates the Benders Master problem
    :param data:   Problem data structure
    :param open_arcs: If given, it is a MIP start feasible solution
    :rtype:        Gurobi model object
    master = Model('master-model')
    arcs, periods = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(data.periods)
    commodities = xrange(data.commodities)
    graph, origins, destinations = data.graph, data.origins, data.destinations
    variables = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.arcs.size), dtype=object)
    bin_vars_idx = np.empty_like(variables, dtype=int)
    continuous_variables = np.empty(shape=(len(periods), len(commodities)),
    cont_vars_idx = np.empty_like(continuous_variables, dtype=int)

    start_given = open_arcs is not None
    count = 0

    # length of shortest path, shortest path itself
    arc_com, arc_obj = [], []
    lbs = [
        shortest_path_length(graph, origins[com], destinations[com], 'weight')
        for com in commodities
    sps = [
        shortest_path(graph, origins[com], destinations[com], 'weight')
        for com in commodities
    # resolve sp by removing one arc, check the increase in value
    for com in commodities:
        incr, best_arc = 0., 0
        for n1, n2 in zip(sps[com], sps[com][1:]):
            weight = graph[n1][n2]['weight']
            graph[n1][n2]['weight'] = 10000. * weight
            spl = shortest_path_length(graph, origins[com], destinations[com],
            if spl > incr:
                incr = spl
                best_arc = graph[n1][n2]['arc_id']
            graph[n1][n2]['weight'] = weight

    # Add variables
    for period in periods:
        for arc in arcs:
            # Binary arc variables
            variables[period, arc] = master.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,
                                                       period, arc))
            bin_vars_idx[period, arc] = count
            count += 1
        for com in commodities:
            lb = lbs[com] * data.demand[period, com]
            # Continuous flow_cost variables (eta)
            continuous_variables[period, com] = master.addVar(
                name='flow_cost{}'.format((period, com)))
            cont_vars_idx[period, com] = count
            count += 1

    # If feasible solution is given, use it as a start
    if start_given:
        for period in periods:
            for arc in arcs:
                # variables[period, arc].start = open_arcs[period, arc]
                variables[period, arc].VarHintVal = open_arcs[period, arc]
                variables[period, arc].VarHintPri = 1

    # Add constraints
    # Add Origin - Destination Cuts for each Commodity
    cuts_org, cuts_dest = set(), set()
    for commodity in commodities:
        arc_origin = data.origins[commodity]
        arc_destination = data.destinations[commodity]
        if arc_origin not in cuts_org:
            out_origin = get_2d_index(data.arcs,
                                      data.nodes)[0] - 1 == arc_origin
            master.addConstr(lhs=np.sum(variables[0, out_origin]),
        if arc_destination not in cuts_dest:
            in_dest = get_2d_index(data.arcs,
                                   data.nodes)[1] - 1 == arc_destination
            master.addConstr(lhs=np.sum(variables[0, in_dest]),

    # Add that an arc can open at most once
    for arc in arcs:
        master.addSOS(GRB.SOS_TYPE1, variables[:, arc].tolist(),

    # Add extra constraints for lower bound improvement
    for com in commodities:
        arc = arc_com[com]
        base_coeffs = lbs[com] - arc_obj[com]
        for period in periods:
            lhs = LinExpr()
            coeffs = [
                cf * data.demand[period, com]
                for cf in [base_coeffs] * (period + 1)
            lhs.addTerms(coeffs, variables[:period + 1, arc].tolist())
            lhs.add(-continuous_variables[period, com])
            lhs.addConstant(arc_obj[com] * data.demand[period, com])
                             name='strengthening_{}{}'.format(period, com))

    master.params.LazyConstraints = 1
    # Find feasible solutions quickly, works better
    master.params.TimeLimit = 7200
    master.params.threads = 2
    master.params.BranchDir = 1
    # Store the variables inside the model, we cannot access them later!
    master._variables = np.array(master.getVars())
    master._cont_vars_idx = cont_vars_idx
    master._bin_vars_idx = bin_vars_idx
    return master
Пример #10
def populate_dual_subproblem(data, upper_cost=None, flow_cost=None):
    Function that populates the Benders Dual Subproblem, as suggested by the
    paper "Minimal Infeasible Subsystems and Bender's cuts" by Fischetti,
    Salvagnin and Zanette.
    :param data:        Problem data structure
    :param upper_cost:  Link setup decisions fixed in the master
    :param flow_cost:   This is the cost of the continuous variables of the
                        master problem, as explained in the paper
    :return:            Numpy array of Gurobi model objects

    # Gurobi model objects
    subproblems = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.commodities),

    # Construct model for period/commodity 0.
    # Then, copy this and change the coefficients
    dual_subproblem = Model('dual_subproblem_(0,0)')

    # Ranges we are going to need
    arcs, periods, commodities = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(
        data.periods), xrange(data.commodities)

    # Origins and destinations of commodities
    origins, destinations = data.origins, data.destinations

    # We use arrays to store variable indexes and variable objects. Why use
    # both? Gurobi wont let us get the values of individual variables
    # within a callback.. We just get the values of a large array of
    # variables, in the order they were initially defined. To separate them
    # in variable categories, we will have to use index arrays
    flow_index = np.zeros(shape=data.nodes, dtype=int)
    flow_duals = np.empty_like(flow_index, dtype=object)
    ubounds_index = np.zeros(shape=len(arcs), dtype=int)
    ubounds_duals = np.empty_like(ubounds_index, dtype=object)

    # Makes sure we don't add variables more than once
    flow_duals_names = set()

    if upper_cost is None:
        upper_cost = np.zeros(shape=(len(periods), len(arcs)), dtype=float)
    if flow_cost is None:
        flow_cost = np.zeros(shape=(len(periods), len(commodities)),

    # Populate all variables in one loop, keep track of their indexes
    # Data for period = 0, com = 0
    count = 0
    for arc in arcs:
        ubounds_duals[arc] = dual_subproblem.addVar(
            obj=-upper_cost[0, arc], lb=0., name='ubound_dual_a{}'.format(arc))
        ubounds_index[arc] = count
        count += 1
        start_node, end_node = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)
        start_node, end_node = start_node - 1, end_node - 1
        for node in (start_node, end_node):
            var_name = 'flow_dual_n{}'.format(node)
            if var_name not in flow_duals_names:
                obj, ub = 0., GRB.INFINITY
                if data.origins[0] == node:
                    obj = 1.
                if data.destinations[0] == node:
                    obj = -1.
                    ub = 0.
                flow_duals[node] = \
                        obj=obj, lb=0., name=var_name)
                flow_index[node] = count
                count += 1
    opt_var = dual_subproblem.addVar(obj=-flow_cost[0, 0],
    dual_subproblem.params.threads = 2
    dual_subproblem.params.LogFile = ""

    # Add constraints
    demand = data.demand[0, 0]
    for arc in arcs:
        start_node, end_node = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)
        start_node, end_node = start_node - 1, end_node - 1
        lhs = flow_duals[start_node] - flow_duals[end_node] \
              - ubounds_duals[arc] - \
              opt_var * data.variable_cost[arc] * demand
        dual_subproblem.addConstr(lhs <= 0., name='flow_a{}'.format(arc))

    # Original Fischetti model
    lhs = quicksum(ubounds_duals) + opt_var
    dual_subproblem.addConstr(lhs == 1, name='normalization_constraint')

    # Store variable indices
    dual_subproblem._ubounds_index = ubounds_index
    dual_subproblem._flow_index = flow_index
    dual_subproblem._all_variables = np.array(dual_subproblem.getVars())
    dual_subproblem._flow_duals = np.take(dual_subproblem._all_variables,
    dual_subproblem._ubound_duals = np.take(dual_subproblem._all_variables,

    dual_subproblem.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    dual_subproblem.modelSense = GRB.MAXIMIZE

    subproblems[0, 0] = dual_subproblem

    for period, com in product(periods, commodities):
        if (period, com) != (0, 0):
            model = dual_subproblem.copy()
            optimality_var = model.getVarByName('optimality_var')
            optimality_var.Obj = -flow_cost[period, com]
            demand = data.demand[period, com]
            for node in xrange(data.nodes):
                variable = model.getVarByName('flow_dual_n{}'.format(node))
                if origins[com] == node:
                    obj = 1.
                elif destinations[com] == node:
                    obj = -1.
                    obj = 0.
                variable.obj = obj
            for arc in arcs:
                variable = model.getVarByName('ubound_dual_a{}'.format(arc))
                variable.Obj = -np.sum(upper_cost[:period + 1, arc])
                constraint = model.getConstrByName('flow_a{}'.format(arc))
                model.chgCoeff(constraint, optimality_var,
                               -demand * data.variable_cost[arc])
            model._all_variables = np.array(model.getVars())
            subproblems[period, com] = model
    return subproblems
Пример #11
def populate_dual_subproblem(data):
    Function that populates the Benders Dual Subproblem, as suggested by the
    paper "Minimal Infeasible Subsystems and Bender's cuts" by Fischetti,
    Salvagnin and Zanette.
    :param data:        Problem data structure
    :param upper_cost:  Link setup decisions fixed in the master
    :param flow_cost:   This is the cost of the continuous variables of the
                        master problem, as explained in the paper
    :return:            Numpy array of Gurobi model objects

    # Gurobi model objects
    subproblems = np.empty(shape=(data.periods, data.commodities),

    # Construct model for period/commodity 0.
    # Then, copy this and change the coefficients
    subproblem = Model('subproblem_(0,0)')

    # Ranges we are going to need
    arcs, periods, commodities, nodes = xrange(data.arcs.size), xrange(
        data.periods), xrange(data.commodities), xrange(data.nodes)

    # Other data
    demand, var_cost = data.demand, data.variable_cost

    # Origins and destinations of commodities
    origins, destinations = data.origins, data.destinations

    # We use arrays to store variable indexes and variable objects. Why use
    # both? Gurobi wont let us get the values of individual variables
    # within a callback.. We just get the values of a large array of
    # variables, in the order they were initially defined. To separate them
    # in variable categories, we will have to use index arrays
    flow_vars = np.empty_like(arcs, dtype=object)

    # Populate all variables in one loop, keep track of their indexes
    # Data for period = 0, com = 0
    for arc in arcs:
        flow_vars[arc] = subproblem.addVar(obj=demand[0, 0] * var_cost[arc],

    # Add constraints
    for node in nodes:
        out_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[0] == node + 1
        in_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)[1] == node + 1
        lhs = quicksum(flow_vars[out_arcs]) - quicksum(flow_vars[in_arcs])
        subproblem.addConstr(lhs == 0., name='flow_bal{}'.format(node))

    # Store variables
    subproblem._all_variables = flow_vars.tolist()

    # Set parameters
    subproblem.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
    subproblem.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE
    subproblem.params.threads = 2
    subproblem.params.LogFile = ""

    subproblems[0, 0] = subproblem

    for period, com in product(periods, commodities):
        if (period, com) != (0, 0):
            model = subproblem.copy()
            model.ModelName = 'subproblem_({},{})'.format(period, com)
            flow_cost = data.demand[period, com] * var_cost
            model.setObjective(LinExpr(flow_cost.tolist(), model.getVars()))
            model.setAttr('rhs', model.getConstrs(), [0.0] * data.nodes)

            model._all_variables = model.getVars()
            subproblems[period, com] = model

    return subproblems
def solve_reduced_problem(data,
    Solves a multi-period capacitated network design problem where some arcs are fixed open. If an arc is fixed in
    period t and t is the first period that it is fixed, the arc can open any time in period t or after.
    :param data:    problem data
    :param fixed:   arcs/periods that are fixed to 1
    :return:        solution value (perhaps we should extend it to return the solution)

    if track_time:
        start = time.time()

    commodities, arcs, capacity, variable_cost, fixed_cost, nodes, demand, periods = \
        data.commodities, data.arcs, data.capacity, data.variable_cost, data.fixed_cost, data.nodes, data.demand, \
    origins, destinations = get_2d_index(arcs, nodes)

    if not model:

        model = grb.Model('reduced-problem')
        model.setParam('OutputFlag', 1)
        model.setParam("TimeLimit", 100.)
        model.setParam("Threads", 2)
        model.setParam("NodeLimit", node_limit)
        model.setParam('MIPGap', 0.01)
        model.setParam("Heuristics", 1.0)

        model._flow, model._arc_open = np.empty(shape=(periods, commodities, arcs.size), dtype=object), \
                     np.empty(shape=(periods, arcs.size), dtype=object)
        flow, arc_open = model._flow, model._arc_open

        for t in xrange(periods):
            for arc in xrange(arcs.size):
                i, j = origins[arc], destinations[arc]
                arc_open[t, arc] = model.addVar(vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY,
                                                obj=fixed_cost[t, arc],
                                                    i, j, t + 1))
                # if fixed[arc] <= t: maybe do this later
                for h in xrange(commodities):
                    flow[t, h, arc] = model.addVar(
                        ub=min(1., capacity[arc] / demand[t, h]),
                        obj=variable_cost[arc] * demand[t, h],
                            h + 1, i, j, t + 1))
        # Arc capacity constraints
        for arc, t in product(xrange(arcs.size), xrange(periods)):
            i, j = origins[arc], destinations[arc]
                    grb.LinExpr(demand[t, h], flow[t, h, arc])
                    for h in xrange(commodities)) <=
                capacity[arc] * grb.quicksum(arc_open[s, arc]
                                             for s in xrange(t + 1)),
                'cap_({0:d},{1:d})_t{2:d}'.format(i, j, t + 1))
            lhs, rhs = grb.quicksum(arc_open[l, arc]
                                    for l in xrange(0, t + 1)), 1.
            name = 'unique_setup({0:d},{1:d})_t{2:d}'.format(i, j, t + 1)
            sign = grb.GRB.LESS_EQUAL if fixed[arc] <= t + 4 else grb.GRB.EQUAL
            model.addConstr(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, name=name, sense=sign)
        # Flow conservation constraints
        for commodity in xrange(commodities):
            origin, destination = get_2d_index(data.od_pairs[commodity], nodes)
            for node in xrange(nodes):
                rhs = 0.
                if node + 1 == origin:
                    rhs = 1.
                if node + 1 == destination:
                    rhs = -1.
                in_arcs = get_2d_index(arcs, nodes)[1] == node + 1
                out_arcs = get_2d_index(arcs, nodes)[0] == node + 1
                for period in xrange(periods):
                    lhs = grb.quicksum(
                        flow[period, commodity, out_arcs]) - grb.quicksum(
                            flow[period, commodity, in_arcs])
                                        node + 1, commodity + 1, period + 1))

        model.setParam("Nodes", 100.)
        model.setParam("TimeLimit", 100.)
        # Update arc capacity constraints, model is already populated
        for arc, t in product(xrange(arcs.size), xrange(periods)):
            i, j = origins[arc], destinations[arc]
            name = 'unique_setup({0:d},{1:d})_t{2:d}'.format(i, j, t + 1)
            constraint = model.getConstrByName(name)
            sign = grb.GRB.LESS_EQUAL if fixed[arc] <= t + 1 else grb.GRB.EQUAL
            constraint.setAttr("Sense", sign)

    if DEBUG:
        for var in model.getVars():
            if str(var.VarName[0]) == 'f' and var.X > 0.001:
                name = var.VarName.split('_')
                print 'Arc: \t {} \t Commodity: {} \t Period: {} \t Value: \t {}'.format(
                    name[2], int(name[1].replace('c', '')), int(name[3][1]),
                    var.X * demand[int(name[3][1]) - 1,
                                   int(name[1].replace('c', '')) - 1])

    if return_primal:
        flow, arc_open = model._flow, model._arc_open
        primal_solution = namedtuple('Solution', 'objective flow arc_open')
        primal_solution.flow, primal_solution.arc_open = np.zeros_like(flow, dtype=float), \
                                                         np.ones(shape=arcs.size, dtype=int) * (-1)

        print 'Problem status: {}'.format(model.status)

        # if model.status == grb.GRB.status.TIME_LIMIT:

        for arc in xrange(arcs.size):
            collect_flow = False
            for period in xrange(periods):
                if model._arc_open[period, arc].X > 0.5:
                    primal_solution.arc_open[arc] = period
                    collect_flow = True
                if collect_flow:
                    for commodity in xrange(commodities):
                        if flow[period, commodity, arc].X > 10e-5:
                            primal_solution.flow[period, commodity,
                                                 arc] = flow[period, commodity,
        primal_solution.objective = model.getObjective().getValue()
        return primal_solution.objective, primal_solution, model
    if track_time:
        stop = time.time()
        print 'Heuristic time: {} seconds'.format(stop - start)

    return model.getObjective().getValue(), model
def solve_shortest_path(data, commodity, cost, model=None):
    Solves a capacitated shortest path problem for a single commodity and a single period
    Network solver of Gurobi is used. If a model is already defined, we just update the cost coefficients and the
    source-destination constraints. Otherwise, the model is populated from scratch.

    April 2015, Ioannis Fragkos

    :param data:    Problem data: commodities, nodes, arcs, od_pairs,  periods, capacity, fixed_cost, variable_cost,
    :param cost:    either variable cost or the sum of fixed and variable cost
    :return:        Model object, primal solution

    nodes, arcs = data.nodes, data.arcs
    origin, destination = get_2d_index(data.od_pairs[commodity], nodes)
    counter = 0

    flow, flow_solution, dual_solution = np.empty_like(arcs, dtype=object), np.empty_like(arcs, dtype=float), \
                                         np.array(xrange(nodes), dtype=float)

    if model:
        variables, constraints = model.getVars(), model.getConstrs()
        new_cost = cost.reshape(arcs.size).tolist()
        new_objective = grb.LinExpr(new_cost, variables)
        origin, destination = get_2d_index(data.od_pairs[commodity], nodes)
        if constraints[origin - 1].RHS != 1.0:
            constraints[origin - 1].setAttr('rhs', 1.0)
            constraints[destination - 1].setAttr('rhs', -1.0)
        model = grb.Model('shortest_path')
        model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)

        for arc in arcs:
            arc_from, arc_to = get_2d_index(arc, nodes)
            flow[counter] = model.addVar(lb=0.0,
                                             arc_from, arc_to))
            counter += 1
        for node in xrange(nodes):
            rhs = 0.
            if node + 1 == origin:
                rhs = 1.
            if node + 1 == destination:
                rhs = -1.
            in_arcs = get_2d_index(arcs, nodes)[1] == node + 1
            out_arcs = get_2d_index(arcs, nodes)[0] == node + 1
            lhs = grb.quicksum(flow[out_arcs]) - grb.quicksum(flow[in_arcs])
                            name='node_{}'.format(node + 1))


    # Collect primal and dual solutions
    for arc in xrange(arcs.size):
        arc_from, arc_to = get_2d_index(arcs[arc], nodes)
        flow_solution[arc] = model.getVarByName('x({},{})'.format(
            arc_from, arc_to)).x
        if DEBUG and flow_solution[arc] > 0.01:
            print 'Flow: {} Arc: ({},{})'.format(flow_solution[arc], arc_from,
                                                 arc_to, nodes)
    constraints = model.getConstrs()
    for node in xrange(nodes):
        dual_solution[node] = constraints[node].Pi
        if DEBUG and dual_solution[node] > 0.01:
            print 'Dual of node {}: {}'.format(node + 1, dual_solution[node])

    return model, flow_solution, dual_solution
def lagrange_relaxation(data, time_limit=7200):
    Calculates the arc-based lagrange relaxation of the multi-period
    multi-commodity network design problem
    Ioannis Fragkos, March 2015

    start_time = time.time()

    # Initialize Lagrange upper bound and dual prices
    pi_iter = heuristic_main(data, pi_only=True)
    upper_bound, incumbent_arcs, incumbent_flow_cost = heuristic(data, 4)
    heur_model = make_local_branching_model(data,
    lower_bound, heuristic_objective = 0., upper_bound
    # return
    # Initialize dual prices
    pi_best = np.empty(pi_iter.shape)
    np.copyto(pi_best, pi_iter)

    # Initialize quantities needed for Adding/Removing arcs
    srt_idx = np.argsort(np.diff(data.fixed_cost, axis=0), axis=1)
    is_same, cut_off = False, 0.7

    # Initialize models used for delaying arcs
    models = []
    for period in xrange(data.periods):
        model = Model(data, period)
        model.objective = incumbent_flow_cost[period, :].sum()
        inc = incumbent_arcs[:period + 1, :].sum(axis=0)
        for arc in xrange(data.arcs.size):
            if inc[arc] == 0.:
                start, end = data.arc_org[arc], data.arc_dest[arc]
                m_vars = model.vars.select('*', start, end)
                model.model.setAttr('ub', m_vars, [inc[arc]] * len(m_vars))

    # Initialize violations vector, defined as
    # b(t, i, k) - sum(out_arcs(t, k, ij) + sum(in_arcs(t, k, ji))
    violations = np.zeros(shape=(data.periods, data.nodes, data.commodities))
    primal_violations = np.zeros(violations.shape)

    # Initialize data structure that holds columns to be added to the master.
    # We add 10 columns at most per arc and iteration.
    # Also, initialize tolerance after which we switch to CG
    columns_to_add, hash_cols, cg_tol = np.empty(
        data.arcs.shape, dtype=object), np.empty(data.arcs.shape,
                                                 dtype=object), 0.0
    for arc in xrange(data.arcs.size):
        columns_to_add[arc] = deque(maxlen=50)
        hash_cols[arc] = set()

    # Define the subgradient parameters
    max_iter, omega, max_lb_iter, decrease_factor, check_heuristic_iter = \
        1000, 1.99, 50, 0.99, 300

    # Initialize counter for lb change the step switching value
    # and the deflection parameter
    lb_iter, step_switch, alpha = 10, 100, 0.2

    # Initialize array of the constant term
    # (that adds or subtracts the dual variables)
    const_array = np.zeros(pi_iter.shape)

    # Initialize primal solution of the relaxation
    # (NOT of the original problem)
    primal_solution = namedtuple('Solution', 'objective_value open_arc flow')
    primal_solution.flow = np.zeros(shape=(data.periods, data.commodities,
    primal_solution.open_arc = np.zeros(shape=(data.periods, data.arcs.size))
    primal_solution.objective_value, primal_variable_cost = \
        upper_bound, np.outer(data.demand, data.variable_cost).reshape(
            data.periods, data.commodities, data.arcs.size)
    kappa = 4
    open_arcs = np.zeros(primal_solution.open_arc.shape)
    arc_popularity = np.zeros(
        shape=(  # arc popularity in a batch of iters
            data.periods, data.arcs.size),
    local_arc_popularity = np.zeros(arc_popularity.shape)
    max_periods = np.empty(data.arcs.shape,
                           dtype=int)  # used for arc popularity as well
    denominator = np.array(xrange(1, max_iter + 1), dtype=float)
    denominator **= kappa
    denominator = denominator.cumsum()

    # Initialize switch to column generation.
    solve_cg = False

    # We have to initialize some element to +1/-1 depending
    # on the origin/destination pair of each commodity
    origins, destinations = get_2d_index(data.od_pairs, data.nodes)
    origins -= 1
    destinations -= 1
    for commodity in xrange(data.commodities):
        origin, destination = origins[commodity], destinations[commodity]
        const_array[:, origin, commodity] += 1
        const_array[:, destination, commodity] -= 1

    # Here is the main subgradient loop
    for iteration in xrange(max_iter):

        # Initialize the objective function value of this iteration and
        # of possible ip solution / initialize violations
        obj_val_iter = 0.
        violations *= 0.
        primal_violations *= 0.

        if time.time() - start_time > time_limit:
            'Lagrange time limit reached. Breaking out!'

        # Update approximate primal solution
        nominator = denominator[iteration - 1] if iteration - 1 >= 0 else 0
        primal_solution.flow *= nominator / denominator[iteration]
        primal_solution.open_arc *= nominator / denominator[iteration]

        # Solve a subproblem for each arc
        for arc in xrange(len(data.arcs)):
            arc_origin, arc_dest = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc], data.nodes)

            # Get vector of lagrange costs
            flow_coeffs = get_lagrange_cost(dual_prices=pi_iter,

            # Solve subproblem and get back solution vector
            subproblem_sol = solve_subproblem(lagrange_cost=flow_coeffs,
                                              period=data.periods - 1)

            # Add term to objective function for this iteration
            obj_val_iter += subproblem_sol.objective_value

            # We then check if the subproblem solution prices out
            # and add columns to the pool
            primal_objective = 0 if subproblem_sol.open_period == -1 else \
                np.sum(subproblem_sol.flow * data.demand) * \
                data.variable_cost[arc] + data.fixed_cost[
                    subproblem_sol.open_period, arc]
            if solve_cg:
                variable = Variable(primal_objective, subproblem_sol.flow,
                hashed_var = hashlib.sha1(variable.flow).hexdigest()
                if hashed_var not in hash_cols[arc]:

            # Update approximate primal solution and arc popularity
            primal_solution.flow[:, :, arc] += (
                (float(iteration)**kappa) /
                denominator[iteration]) * subproblem_sol.flow
            if subproblem_sol.open_period >= 0:
                    arc] += (float(iteration)**kappa) / denominator[iteration]
                if np.random.random() > 0.01:
                    local_arc_popularity[subproblem_sol.open_period, arc] = \
                        subproblem_sol.open_period, arc]
                    local_arc_popularity[subproblem_sol.open_period, arc] = 1.
            elif np.random.random() > 0.01:
                local_arc_popularity[subproblem_sol.open_period, arc] = \
                    primal_solution.open_arc[subproblem_sol.open_period, arc]

            # Update node violations
            violations[:, arc_origin - 1, :] += subproblem_sol.flow
            violations[:, arc_dest - 1, :] -= subproblem_sol.flow
                              arc_origin - 1, :] += primal_solution.flow[:, :,
            primal_violations[:, arc_dest - 1, :] -= primal_solution.flow[:, :,

            # print iteration, arc, obj_val_iter

        # Update overall violations
        origins, destinations = get_2d_index(data.od_pairs, data.nodes)
        origins -= 1
        destinations -= 1
        for commodity in xrange(data.commodities):
            origin, destination = origins[commodity], destinations[commodity]
            violations[:, origin, commodity] -= 1
            violations[:, destination, commodity] += 1
            primal_violations[:, origin, commodity] -= 1
            primal_violations[:, destination, commodity] += 1

        # Add constant term to objective function
        obj_val_iter += np.sum(np.multiply(const_array, pi_iter))

        # Evaluate primal objective
        if iteration > 0:
            primal_solution.objective_value = get_primal_objective(
                primal_solution, data.fixed_cost, primal_variable_cost)

        # print 'primal violations: {} Max Violation: {}'.format(
        #     np.square(primal_violations).sum(), np.abs(
        # primal_violations).max())

        # Increase lower bound counter
        lb_iter += 1

        # Check if lower bound has improved
        if obj_val_iter > lower_bound:
            lower_bound = obj_val_iter
            omega = min(1.05 * omega, 1.2)
            alpha *= 1.05
            np.copyto(pi_best, pi_iter)
            np.copyto(arc_popularity, local_arc_popularity)
            alpha *= 0.95

        # If primal solution has small violations, we stop
        # Remember to add solve_cg = False here
        max_viol = np.abs(primal_violations).max()
        if max_viol < 0.01:
            for _ in xrange(2):
                heuristic_objective, incumbent_arcs, heur_model = \
                        data, incumbent_arcs, lb_model=heur_model, \
            if heuristic_objective < upper_bound:
                print 'New upper bound found from heuristic: {}'.format(
            upper_bound = heuristic_objective
            print 'Stopping due to very small primal violations'

        # Reduce the omega multiplier
        if lb_iter > max_lb_iter:
            omega = max(omega * decrease_factor, 10e-2)
            # violations *= 1 + np.random.random()*10e-6
            lb_iter = 0

        # Check if we can find a better upper bound, based on arc popularity
        if iteration > 0 and iteration % check_heuristic_iter == 0:
            print 'checking heuristic.. iteration {}'.format(iteration)

            max_periods[np.where(arc_popularity.max(axis=0) > 0.2)] = \
                    axis=0) > 0.2)]
            max_periods[np.where(arc_popularity.max(axis=0) <= 0.2)] = -1

            # Round primal solution and define the search neighborhood
            open_arcs = get_rounded_solution(primal_solution.open_arc, cut_off)
            diff_arcs = incumbent_arcs != open_arcs
            cut_off = max(0.1, cut_off - 0.1)

            # Call the Add/Remove arcs heuristic
            # if not is_same:
            incumbent_arcs, heuristic_objective, is_same = \
                    data, models, srt_idx, incumbent_arcs, upper_bound,
            upper_bound = min(upper_bound, heuristic_objective)
            # else:
            #     diff_arcs.fill(True)
            #     incumbent_arcs, heuristic_objective = fixing_heuristic(
            #         data, models, incumbent_arcs, upper_bound)
            #     is_same = False

        if iteration in (max_iter - 1, ):
            # global start
            print 'Lower Bound: {}'.format(lower_bound)
            print 'Calculation Time: {}'.format(time.time() - start_time)
            improved = False
            heuristic_objective, incumbent_arcs, heur_model = \
                data, heur_model, primal_solution, 0.1, upper_bound,
            # Record if upper bound got improved
            improved = heuristic_objective < upper_bound
            upper_bound = min(upper_bound, heuristic_objective)
            heuristic_objective, incumbent_arcs, heur_model = \
                    data, incumbent_arcs, lb_model=heur_model, \
            # Before the application of the lagrange heuristic, we need
            # to pass the incumbent objective and the upper bounds to the
            # single period models..
            # Record again if upper bound got improved
            improved = improved or (heuristic_objective < upper_bound)
            # We only need to update the models if there exists an
            # improvement, i.e., a new solution
            # improved = True
            if improved:
                flow_vars = np.array([
                    var.X for var in heur_model.getVars()
                    if 'flow' in var.VarName
                ]).reshape(data.periods, data.arcs.size, data.commodities)
                arc_open = np.cumsum(incumbent_arcs, axis=0)
                for t in xrange(data.periods):
                    model = models[t]
                        data, flow_vars[t, :, :].flatten(), arc_open[t, :])
                print 'check active here'
            for _ in xrange(4):
                upper_bound = min(upper_bound, heuristic_objective)
                diff_arcs = incumbent_arcs != open_arcs
                incumbent_arcs, heuristic_objective, is_same = \
                    data, models, srt_idx, incumbent_arcs, upper_bound,
                upper_bound = min(upper_bound, heuristic_objective)
            heuristic_objective, incumbent_arcs, heur_model = \
                data, heur_model, primal_solution, 0.3, upper_bound,
            upper_bound = min(upper_bound, heuristic_objective)

        if heuristic_objective < upper_bound:
            print 'New upper bound found from heuristic: {}'.format(
            upper_bound = heuristic_objective
            arc_popularity *= 0
            is_same = False
            is_same = True

        # Calculate relative gap
        gap = (upper_bound - lower_bound) / upper_bound
        # # True the first time we switch
        # if gap < cg_tol and not solve_cg:
        #     solve_cg = True
        #     master_model = master.make_master(
        #         data, heur_solution=heuristic_solution)
        # Subgradient step
        if iteration < step_switch:
            step, squared_viol = get_subgradient_step('polyak',
            alpha_hat = step * (iteration + 1)
            step, squared_viol = get_subgradient_step('harmonic',
        # Update the search direction - deflected subgradient!
        pi_iter -= step * (alpha * primal_violations +
                           (1 - alpha) * violations)

        if iteration % 20 == 0:
            print iteration, lower_bound, max_viol, round(
                time.time() - start_time, 0)

    print "Upper bound: {} Lower bound: {}".format(upper_bound, lower_bound)
    # exact_cg(model=master_model, data=data, columns_to_add=columns_to_add)
    return lower_bound
Пример #15
def make_adjacency_matrix(graph, data):
    Returns an adjacency matrix of the following structure:
    first index: arc pointer, i.e., order of arc as it is read from the input file (zero-based)
    second index: commodity pointer, i.e., order of commodity as it is read from the input file (zero-based)
    third index: for a specific arc and commodity, there exists a path from the origin to all other nodes. The third
    index stands for the entry of each path in which the arc participates
    value: for an arc, commodity pair, the vector of nodes shows in which nodes' paths balance equations the arc
    participates. An arc "participates" in a path if the arc is adjacent to the path (either starts from a node in the
    path and goes away, or ends in the path from outside the path)
    Note: the return values (nodes) are 1-index based, because we need to indicate both the node label AND whether
    the arc has a positive or negative sign. In zero-based indexing we cannot do that for node 0
    paths = np.empty(shape=data.commodities, dtype=object)
    # The last element of the last dimension of the adj matrix holds the actual length of each path
    adjacency_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(data.arcs.size, data.commodities,
                                       data.nodes + 1),

    # origins and destinations are 1-based index. All functions assume 0-based index
    origins, destinations = get_2d_index(data.od_pairs, data.nodes)
    arc_origins, arc_destinations = get_2d_index(data.arcs, data.nodes)

    for index, origin in enumerate(origins):
        # For each commodity, calculate a shortest path from its origin to all the nodes
        # paths[index] is a dictionary of the form {"node_label1" : [node_1, node_2, ..., node_n, "node_label2": etc ]
        paths[index] = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path(graph, origin - 1)
        # Remove path to destination, this constraint is redundant
        del paths[index][destinations[index] - 1]
        # Add each path to the adjacency matrices of each arcs
        for path in paths[index].values():
            for node in path:
                # Find arcs that depart or arrive at this node
                node_origins_ptr = np.where(
                    (arc_origins == node +
                     1))  # pointers of arcs that have node as origin
                node_destinations_ptr = np.where(arc_destinations == node + 1)
                if node_origins_ptr[0].size > 0:
                    for arc_pointer in np.nditer(node_origins_ptr):
                        arc_end = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc_pointer],
                                               data.nodes)[1] - 1
                        if arc_end not in path:
                            length = adjacency_matrix[arc_pointer, index,
                                arc_pointer, index,
                                length] = path[len(path) -
                                               1] + 1  # Adding +1 for 1-index
                            adjacency_matrix[arc_pointer, index,
                                             data.nodes] += 1
                if node_destinations_ptr[0].size > 0:
                    for arc_pointer in np.nditer(node_destinations_ptr):
                        arc_start = get_2d_index(data.arcs[arc_pointer],
                                                 data.nodes)[0] - 1
                        if arc_start not in path:
                            length = adjacency_matrix[arc_pointer, index,
                            adjacency_matrix[arc_pointer, index,
                                             length] = -(path[len(path) - 1] +
                            adjacency_matrix[arc_pointer, index,
                                             data.nodes] += 1
    return adjacency_matrix
def make_local_branching_model(data, kappa, open_arcs, cutoff, model=None):
    Constructs a local branching model that searches a kappa-sized
    neighborhood per period, starting from the feasible solution open_arcs
    :param data:        Problem data
    :param kappa:       Local branching neighborhood (per period)
    :param open_arcs:   binary solution that defined the neighborhood
    :param cutoff:      cutoff value for feasible solutions
    :param model:         if given, there is a populated model
    commodities, arcs, capacity, variable_cost, nodes, demand = \
        data.commodities, data.arcs.size, data.capacity, \
        data.variable_cost, data.nodes, data.demand
    origins, destinations = data.origins, data.destinations
    periods, fixed_cost = data.periods, data.fixed_cost

    if model is None:

        flow = np.empty(shape=(periods, commodities, arcs), dtype=object)
        arc_open = np.empty(shape=(periods, arcs), dtype=object)
        capacities = np.empty(shape=(periods, arcs), dtype=object)
        arc_origins, arc_destinations = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)

        model = grb.Model('local_branching')

        for period in xrange(periods):
            for arc in xrange(arcs):
                i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
                arc_open[period, arc] = model.addVar(
                    vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY, obj=fixed_cost[period, arc],
                    name='open_arc{}-{}_{}'.format(i, j, period))
                for h in xrange(commodities):
                    flow[period, h, arc] = model.addVar(
                        obj=variable_cost[arc]*demand[period, h],
                        lb=0., ub=min(1., capacity[arc] / demand[period, h]),
                        name='flow{}.{},{}_{}'.format(h, i, j, period))
        model._arc_open = arc_open
        model._flow = flow

        for period in xrange(periods):
            for arc in xrange(arcs):
                # Add initial vector of binary variables previously found
                arc_open[period, arc].start = open_arcs[period, arc]
                i, j = arc_origins[arc], arc_destinations[arc]
                capacities[period, arc] = model.addConstr(
                            demand[period, h], flow[period, h, arc]) for h in
                        xrange(commodities)) <= capacity[arc] *
                    grb.quicksum(arc_open[t, arc] for t in xrange(period+1)),
                    name='cap_{}-{}_{}'.format(i, j, period))
        for h in xrange(commodities):
            for n in xrange(nodes):
                    rhs = 0.
                    if n == origins[h]:
                        rhs = 1.
                    if n == destinations[h]:
                        rhs = -1.
                    in_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)[1] == n + 1
                    out_arcs = get_2d_index(data.arcs, nodes)[0] == n + 1
                    for t in xrange(periods):
                        lhs = grb.quicksum(
                            flow[t, h, out_arcs]) - grb.quicksum(
                            flow[t, h, in_arcs])
                            lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, sense=grb.GRB.EQUAL,
                            name='demand_n{}c{}p{}'.format(n, h, t))
        for arc in xrange(arcs):
                grb.quicksum(arc_open[t, arc] for t in xrange(periods)) <= 1,

        # Local branching constraints go here
        for period in xrange(periods):
            lhs = grb.quicksum([
                    arc_open[period, arc] for arc in xrange(arcs) if
                    open_arcs[period, arc] == 0])
            lhs += grb.quicksum([
                    1. - arc_open[period, arc] for arc in xrange(arcs) if
                    open_arcs[period, arc] == 1])
                lhs <= kappa, name='local_branch.{}'.format(period))

        model._capacities = capacities
        model._open_arcs_vals = open_arcs
        model._time = time.time()
        model.setParam('OutputFlag', 0)
        model.params.TimeLimit = 100.
        model.params.NodeLimit = 500
        model.params.MIPGap = 0.01
        model.params.Threads = 2
        model.params.Heuristics = 1.
        model.params.Cutoff = cutoff + 0.0001
        # model.reset()
        arc_open = model._arc_open
        for period in xrange(periods):
            constr_name = 'local_branch.{}'.format(period)
            constr = model.getConstrByName(constr_name)
            constr.rhs = kappa+np.sum(open_arcs[period, :])
            for arc in xrange(arcs):
                val = 1 if open_arcs[period, arc] < 0.001 else -1.
                model.chgCoeff(constr, arc_open[period, arc], val)
    # model.write('trial.lp')
    print 'solutions found: {}'.format(model.SolCount)
    # print 'best objective value: {}'.format(model.objVal)
    n_sols = min(model.SolCount, 10)
    solutions = np.zeros(shape=(n_sols, periods, arcs), dtype=int)
    for sol in xrange(n_sols):
        model.setParam('SolutionNumber', sol)
        # print "--- Solution number: {} ---".format(sol)
        for period in xrange(periods):
            for arc in xrange(arcs):
                if arc_open[period, arc].Xn > 0:
                    solutions[sol, period, arc] = 1
                    # print 'Period: {} Arc: {}'.format(period, arc)
    objective = model.ObjVal if n_sols else np.infty
    return objective, model
def make_master(data, heur_solution):
    Populates the master model
    :param data:            problem data
    :param heur_solution:   initial heuristic solution that is to be added to the model
    :return:                master model
    master_model = grb.Model("Master-Problem")
    master_model.params.OutputFlag = 0

    arcs, nodes, periods, commodities = data.arcs, data.nodes, data.periods, data.commodities

    master_model._arc_index = np.empty(shape=arcs.size, dtype=object)

    origins, destinations = get_2d_index(data.od_pairs, nodes)

    heuristic = np.empty(shape=arcs.size, dtype=object)
    heur_coeffs = heur_solution.flow

    for arc in xrange(arcs.size):
        master_model._arc_index[arc] = array.array('i')
        heuristic[arc] = master_model.addVar(lb=0.0,

    count = 0

    for node in xrange(nodes):
        in_arcs = get_2d_index(arcs, nodes)[1] == node + 1
        out_arcs = get_2d_index(arcs, nodes)[0] == node + 1
        for commodity in xrange(commodities):
            for period in xrange(periods):
                rhs = 0.
                if node + 1 == origins[commodity]:
                    rhs = 1.
                if node + 1 == destinations[commodity]:
                    rhs = -1.
                lhs = grb.quicksum(heur_coeffs[period, commodity, out_arcs] * heuristic[out_arcs]) - \
                      grb.quicksum(heur_coeffs[period, commodity, in_arcs] * heuristic[in_arcs])
                                           period + 1, node + 1,
                                           commodity + 1))
                for arc in np.where(out_arcs)[0]:
                for arc in np.where(in_arcs)[0]:
                count += 1
    for arc in xrange(arcs.size):
        master_model.addConstr(heuristic[arc] <= 1.,

    master_model._arc_open = np.zeros(shape=(periods, arcs.size), dtype=float)
    master_model._convex_duals = np.zeros_like(arcs, dtype=float)
    master_model._node_duals = np.zeros(shape=(nodes, commodities, periods))

    return master_model