Пример #1
    def read_spectrum(self,
        #split the filename to get init/default values
        (d, f, e) = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)
        idstr = f
        company = e
        instrument = company
        #initialize data to empty matrix
        dm = np.array([])
        #get header data
        rh = ReaderHelper()
        (nskip, wcol, rcol, hdr) = rh.read_spectrum_header(filename, 
                                                           headersep = "=")
        #get the numerical data
        dm = rh.read_spectrum_data(filename,
                                   numskiprows = nskip,
                                   wavecol = wcol,
                                   reflcol = rcol)
        #if tags are mentioned in file use those inplace of init/default
        if "name" in hdr: 
            idstr = get_directory_filename_extension(hdr["name"])[1]
#            print("SigReader: idstr = {}".format(idstr))
        company = "sig"        
        if "instrument" in hdr: 
            instrument = hdr["instrument"].strip()  
        #return details
        return (dm, idstr, company, instrument)
Пример #2
 def read_spectrum(self,
     #split the filename to get init/default values
     (d, f, e) = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)
     idstr = f
     company = e
     instrument = company
     #initialize data to empty matrix
     dm = np.array([])
     #get header data
     rh = ReaderHelper()
     (nskip, wcol, rcol, hdr) = rh.read_spectrum_header(filename, 
                                                        headersep = ":")
     #get the numerical data
     dm = rh.read_spectrum_data(filename,
                                numskiprows = nskip,
                                wavecol = wcol,
                                reflcol = rcol)
     #if tags are mentioned in file use those inplace of init/default
     if "File Name" in hdr: 
         idstr = get_directory_filename_extension(hdr["File Name"])[1]
     company = "sed"        
     if "Instrument" in hdr: instrument = hdr["Instrument"].strip()  
     #return details
     return (dm, idstr, company, instrument)
Пример #3
 def read_spectrum(self, 
     #split the filename to get init/default values
     (d, f, e) = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)
     idstr = f
     company = e
     instrument = company
     #initialize data to empty matrix
     dm = np.array([])
     #get header data
     rh = ReaderHelper()
     (nskip, wcol, rcol, hdr) = rh.read_spectrum_header(filename, 
                                                        headersep = "=",
                                                        datasep = ",")
     #get the numerical data
     dm = rh.read_spectrum_data(filename,
                                numskiprows = nskip,
                                wavecol = wcol,
                                reflcol = rcol,
                                datasep = ",")
     #if tags are mentioned in file use those inplace of init/default
     if "sdal_idstr" in hdr: idstr = hdr["sdal_idstr"]
     if "sdal_company" in hdr: company = hdr["sdal_company"]        
     if "sdal_instrument" in hdr: instrument = hdr["sdal_instrument"]  
     #return details
     return (dm, idstr, company, instrument)
Пример #4
    def read(self, filename):
        d = json.loads(open(filename).read())
        num_spectra = len(d['Spectra'])
        idstr = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)[1]
        company = 'piccolo'
        instrument = 'piccolo'
        spectrums = []
        for i in range(num_spectra):
            #the metadata for the spectrum
            metadata = d['Spectra'][i]['Metadata']
            #processing the measurements (pixels)
            #read the pixel values
            pixels = np.array(d['Spectra'][i]['Pixels'], dtype = np.double)
#            print('pixels = {}'.format(pixels[-10:-1]))
            num_pixels = len(pixels)
            #get nonlinearity coefficients from metadata
            nlin_coeffs = np.array(metadata['NonlinearityCorrectionCoefficients'])
            #build pmat to contain [1, p, p^2, p^3, ...]
            pmat = np.ndarray((num_pixels, len(nlin_coeffs)), dtype = np.double)
            pmat[:, 0] = 1.0
            for c in range(1, len(nlin_coeffs)):
                pmat[:, c] = pmat[:, (c - 1)]*pixels
            #apply the nonlinearity coefficients
            pixels = np.dot(pmat, nlin_coeffs)
#            print('\n becomes \n')
#            print('pixels = {}'.format(pixels[-10:-1]))
#            print(nlin_coeffs)
            #processing the wavelengths
            #create a 0 start index list
            widxs = np.arange(0, num_pixels)
            #get wavelength polynomial coefficients from metadata
            wave_coeffs = np.array(metadata['WavelengthCalibrationCoefficients'])
            #build matrix that looks like [1, x, x^2, x^3, ....]
            wmat = np.ndarray((num_pixels, len(wave_coeffs)), dtype = np.double)
            wmat[:, 0] = 1
            for c in range(1, len(wave_coeffs)):
                wmat[:, c] = wmat[:, (c - 1)]*widxs
            #apply polynomial coefficients to get real wavelengths
            waves = np.dot(wmat, wave_coeffs)
            #create and append spectrum
            spectrums.append(Spectrum(data = np.column_stack((waves, pixels)), 
                                      idstr = idstr, 
                                      company = company,
                                      instrument = instrument,
                                      metadata = metadata))
#            print(===============================================\n\n")
        return spectrums
Пример #5
 def read_spectrums(self, filename, ancillary1 = ""):
      #check validity of filename
     if not os.path.exists(filename) or not os.path.isfile(filename):
         print("{}: {} is invalid".format(__file__, filename))
     if not os.path.exists(ancillary1) or not os.path.isfile(ancillary1):
         print("{}: {} is invalid".format(__file__, ancillary1))
     #choose reader based on file extension 
     ext = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)[2]
     dms, idstrs, cos, instrs = [], [], [], []
     if ext == "sli":
         (dms, idstrs, cos, instrs) = EnviReader().read_spectrums(filename,
     return [Spectrum(dms[i], idstrs[i], cos[i], instrs[i]) 
             for i in range(len(dms))]
Пример #6
    def read_spectrums(self, filename, ancillary1=""):
        #check validity of filename
        if not os.path.exists(filename) or not os.path.isfile(filename):
            print("{}: {} is invalid".format(__file__, filename))
        if not os.path.exists(ancillary1) or not os.path.isfile(ancillary1):
            print("{}: {} is invalid".format(__file__, ancillary1))
        #choose reader based on file extension
        ext = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)[2]
        dms, idstrs, cos, instrs = [], [], [], []
        if ext == "sli":
            (dms, idstrs, cos,
             instrs) = EnviReader().read_spectrums(filename, ancillary1)

        return [
            Spectrum(dms[i], idstrs[i], cos[i], instrs[i])
            for i in range(len(dms))
Пример #7
    def read_spectrum(self, filename, ancillary_filename=""):
        #check validity of filename
        if not os.path.exists(filename) or not os.path.isfile(filename):
            print("{}: {} is invalid".format(__file__, filename))
        #choose reader based on file extension
        ext = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)[2]
        dm, idstr, co, instr = np.array([]), "", "", ""
        if ext == "csv" or ext == "txt":
            (dm, idstr, co, instr) = CsvReader().read_spectrum(filename)
        elif ext == "asd" or ext == 'ASD':
            (dm, idstr, co, instr) = AsdReader().read_spectrum(filename)
        elif ext == "sed":
            (dm, idstr, co, instr) = SedReader().read_spectrum(filename)
        elif ext == "sig":
            (dm, idstr, co, instr) = SigReader().read_spectrum(filename)

#            print("Sdal Reader: idstr = {}".format(idstr))
            print("{}: Invalid file type {}".format(__file__, ext))
        return Spectrum(dm, idstr, co, instr)
Пример #8
    def read_spectrum(self, 
                      ancillary_filename = ""):
        #check validity of filename
        if not os.path.exists(filename) or not os.path.isfile(filename):
            print("{}: {} is invalid".format(__file__, filename))
        #choose reader based on file extension 
        ext = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)[2]
        dm, idstr, co, instr = np.array([]), "", "", ""
        if ext == "csv" or ext == "txt":
            (dm, idstr, co, instr) = CsvReader().read_spectrum(filename)
        elif ext == "asd" or ext == 'ASD':
            (dm, idstr, co, instr) = AsdReader().read_spectrum(filename)
        elif ext == "sed":
            (dm, idstr, co, instr) = SedReader().read_spectrum(filename)
        elif ext == "sig":
            (dm, idstr, co, instr) = SigReader().read_spectrum(filename)
#            print("Sdal Reader: idstr = {}".format(idstr))
            print("{}: Invalid file type {}".format(__file__, ext))
        return Spectrum(dm, idstr, co, instr)
Пример #9
def process(params):
#    params.print_params()
    #get the project params and verify
    project = params.get_params("project")
    if project:
        print("--project is required")
    #get the resampling params
    resampling = params.get_params("resampling")
    #get the jumpcorrection params and verify
    jumpcorrection = params.get_params("jumpcorrection")
    if jumpcorrection:
    #get the groupings and verify them
    groupings = {grp:params.get_params(grp) for grp in params.get_groups()}
    verify_groupings(params.default_group, params.get_groups(), groupings)

    tags = ["raw", params.default_group]
    specs = defaultdict(list)
    #specs["raw"] created
    #get the filenames
    allfiles = os.listdir(project["indir"])
    extfiles = []
    for f in allfiles:
        ext = get_directory_filename_extension(f)[2]
        if ext == project["fileext"]:
            extfiles.append(os.path.join(project["indir"], f))
    #read the raw spectrums
    uniquifier = WaveUniquifier()
    rawspecs = [SdalReader().read_spectrum(f) for f in extfiles]
    uniqspecs = [uniquifier.uniquify(s) for s in rawspecs]
    specs["raw"] = uniqspecs
    #specs["preproc"] created
    #do the pre-processing
    prepspecs = specs["raw"]
    if resampling:
        resampler = WaveResampler(rstype = resampling["type"],
                                  wavestart = resampling["range"][0],
                                  wavestop = resampling["range"][1],
                                  spacing = resampling["spacing"])
        rsspecs = [resampler.resample(s) for s in prepspecs]
        prepspecs = rsspecs
    if jumpcorrection:
        corrector = JumpCorrector(jumpcorrection["wavelengths"],
        jcspecs = [corrector.correct(s) for s in prepspecs]
        prepspecs = jcspecs
    #detect the references
    refdet = ReferenceDetector(context = "gveg")
    nonrefs = []
    refs = []
    for s in prepspecs:
        if refdet.is_reference(s):
    specs[params.default_group] = nonrefs
    #specs[group_tag] created
    #do the grouping 
    for t in groupings:
        itag = groupings[t]["intag"]
        patt = groupings[t]["pattern"]
        regex = SpectrumRegex()
        tgrps = regex.make_groups(specs[itag], patt)
        for tg in tgrps:
            sg = SpectrumGroup(spectrums = tgrps[tg])
            ms = sg.mean_spectrum()
            ms.idstr = tg

#    subsets = {grp:params.get_params(grp) for grp in params.get_subsets()}
#    print(subsets)
#    for t in subsets:
#        itag = subsets[t]["intag"]
#        otag = subsets[t]["outtag"]
#        wavestart = subsets[t]["range"][0]
#        wavestop = subsets[t]["range"][1]
#        for s in specs[itag]:
#            subspec = s.wavelength_subset(wavestart, wavestop)
#            subspec.idstr = subspec.idstr + otag
#            print("idstr = {}".format(subspec.idstr))
#            specs[otag].append(subspec)
    #create outputs
    prjdir = os.path.join(project["outdir"], project["name"])
    for t in specs:
        tdir = os.path.join(prjdir, t)
        tgrpfn = "___{}___.csv".format(t)                       
        for s in specs[t]:
            s.write_csv(odir = tdir)
        sg = SpectrumGroup(spectrums = specs[t])
        sg.write_csv(tdir, tgrpfn)
Пример #10
    def read_spectrum(self, filename):
        #read the contents of the binary file
        binconts = None
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            binconts = f.read()
        #the file version
        fileversion = "".join(struct.unpack("ccc", binconts[0:(0 + 3)]))
        #the instrument number
        instnumber = str(struct.unpack("H", binconts[400:(400 + 2)])[0])
        #the instrument model
        instmodel = struct.unpack("B", binconts[431:(431 + 1)])[0]
        instmodel = self._instrtype[int(instmodel)]
        #start wavelength
        wavestart = struct.unpack("f", binconts[191:(191 + 4)])[0]
        #step wavelength
        wavestep = struct.unpack("f", binconts[195:(195 + 4)])[0]
        #data format
        data_format = struct.unpack("B", binconts[199:(199 + 1)])[0]
        #number of channels
        numchannels = struct.unpack("h", binconts[204:(204 + 2)])[0]
        #construct wavelength vector
        wavestop = wavestart + numchannels*wavestep - 1
        wavs = np.linspace(wavestart, wavestop, numchannels)
        #format string to unpack target and reference values
        fmt = "f"*numchannels                                 
        if data_format == 2:
            fmt = 'd'*numchannels
        if data_format == 0:
            fmt = 'f'*numchannels
        size = numchannels*8

        refls = []
        if fileversion == 'ASD':
            refls = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[484:(484 + size)]))
        if fileversion == 'as7':
            tgts = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[484:(484 + size)]))
            ref_flag = struct.unpack('?', binconts[484 + size: 484 + size + 1])[0]
            print("filename = {}, ref_flag = {}".format(filename, ref_flag))
            desc_length = struct.unpack('H', binconts[484 + size + 18: 484 + size + 18 + 2])[0]
            print("desc_length = {}".format(desc_length))
            print("size = {}".format(size))
            #'H' with 2 bytes works
            #HACK: search for best set of values
            buff = 50 #used to be 50
            minptp = 1000000.0
            refstart = -1
            for s in range(17712 - buff, 17712 + buff):
                if (s + size) < len(binconts):
                    tmp = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[s:(s + size)]))
                    if np.min(tmp) > 1.0 and np.max(tmp) > 50.0 and np.ptp(tmp) < minptp:
                            minptp = np.ptp(tmp)
                            refstart = s
            refs = np.array([])
            if refstart > -1:
                refs = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[refstart:(refstart + size)])) 
            #compute reflectances
            refls = tgts
            #refls = tgts/refs #original
#        #read target values
##        tgts = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[484:(484 + size)]))
#        tgts = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[484:(484 + size)]))
#        print(tgts[:50])
#        return 
#        #read reference values
##        refs = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[17712:(17712 + size)]))
#        #HACK: search for best set of values
#        buff = 50
#        minptp = 1000000.0
#        refstart = -1
#        for s in range(17712 - buff, 17712 + buff):
#            if (s + size) < len(binconts):
#                tmp = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[s:(s + size)]))
#                if np.min(tmp) > 0.0 and np.max(tmp) > 50.0 and np.ptp(tmp) < minptp:
#                    minptp = np.ptp(tmp)
#                    refstart = s
#        refs = np.array([])
#        if refstart > -1:
#            refs = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[refstart:(refstart + size)])) 
#        #compute reflectances
#        refls = tgts/refs
        #create and return Spectrum object
        if np.size(refls) == numchannels:
            (d, f, e) = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)
            idstr = f
            company = "asd"
            instrument = "_".join([instmodel, instnumber, fileversion])
            return (np.column_stack((wavs, refls)), idstr, company, instrument)
            print("AsdReader: reflectances not read")
Пример #11
                  default = '_',
                  dest = "substitute_character")
                  action = 'store_true',
                  default = False,
                  dest = "recursive")        
 #parse it
 params = par.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:])[0].__dict__
 in_dir = params['input_directory']
 sub_char = params['substitute_character']
 recursive = params['recursive']
 #get the list of filenames
 filenames = []
 if recursive:
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(in_dir):
         for f in files:
             filenames.append(os.path.join(root, f))
     filenames = [os.path.join(in_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(f)
                                          is os.path.isfile(f)]
 #make the changes
 for srcf in filenames:
     d, f, e = get_directory_filename_extension(srcf)
     tkns = f.split()
     if len(tkns) > 1:
         dstf = os.path.join(d, sub_char.join(tkns) + "." + e)
         shutil.copyfile(srcf, dstf)
Пример #12
    def read_spectrum(self, filename):
        #read the contents of the binary file
        binconts = None
        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
            binconts = f.read()
        #the file version
        fileversion = "".join(struct.unpack("ccc", binconts[0:(0 + 3)]))
        #the instrument number
        instnumber = str(struct.unpack("H", binconts[400:(400 + 2)])[0])
        #the instrument model
        instmodel = struct.unpack("B", binconts[431:(431 + 1)])[0]
        instmodel = self._instrtype[int(instmodel)]
        #start wavelength
        wavestart = struct.unpack("f", binconts[191:(191 + 4)])[0]
        #step wavelength
        wavestep = struct.unpack("f", binconts[195:(195 + 4)])[0]
        #data format
        data_format = struct.unpack("B", binconts[199:(199 + 1)])[0]
        #number of channels
        numchannels = struct.unpack("h", binconts[204:(204 + 2)])[0]
        #construct wavelength vector
        wavestop = wavestart + numchannels * wavestep - 1
        wavs = np.linspace(wavestart, wavestop, numchannels)
        #format string to unpack target and reference values
        fmt = "f" * numchannels
        if data_format == 2:
            fmt = 'd' * numchannels
        if data_format == 0:
            fmt = 'f' * numchannels
        size = numchannels * 8

        refls = []
        if fileversion == 'ASD':
            refls = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[484:(484 + size)]))
        if fileversion == 'as7':
            tgts = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[484:(484 + size)]))
            ref_flag = struct.unpack('?',
                                     binconts[484 + size:484 + size + 1])[0]
            print("filename = {}, ref_flag = {}".format(filename, ref_flag))
            desc_length = struct.unpack(
                'H', binconts[484 + size + 18:484 + size + 18 + 2])[0]
            print("desc_length = {}".format(desc_length))
            print("size = {}".format(size))
            #'H' with 2 bytes works

            #HACK: search for best set of values
            buff = 50  #used to be 50
            minptp = 1000000.0
            refstart = -1
            for s in range(17712 - buff, 17712 + buff):
                if (s + size) < len(binconts):
                    tmp = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[s:(s + size)]))
                    if np.min(tmp) > 1.0 and np.max(tmp) > 50.0 and np.ptp(
                            tmp) < minptp:
                        minptp = np.ptp(tmp)
                        refstart = s
            refs = np.array([])
            if refstart > -1:
                refs = np.array(
                    struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[refstart:(refstart + size)]))
            #compute reflectances
            refls = tgts
            #refls = tgts/refs #original

#        #read target values
##        tgts = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[484:(484 + size)]))
#        tgts = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[484:(484 + size)]))
#        print(tgts[:50])
#        return
#        #read reference values
##        refs = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[17712:(17712 + size)]))
#        #HACK: search for best set of values
#        buff = 50
#        minptp = 1000000.0
#        refstart = -1
#        for s in range(17712 - buff, 17712 + buff):
#            if (s + size) < len(binconts):
#                tmp = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[s:(s + size)]))
#                if np.min(tmp) > 0.0 and np.max(tmp) > 50.0 and np.ptp(tmp) < minptp:
#                    minptp = np.ptp(tmp)
#                    refstart = s
#        refs = np.array([])
#        if refstart > -1:
#            refs = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt, binconts[refstart:(refstart + size)]))
#        #compute reflectances
#        refls = tgts/refs
#create and return Spectrum object
        if np.size(refls) == numchannels:
            (d, f, e) = get_directory_filename_extension(filename)
            idstr = f
            company = "asd"
            instrument = "_".join([instmodel, instnumber, fileversion])
            return (np.column_stack((wavs, refls)), idstr, company, instrument)
            print("AsdReader: reflectances not read")
Пример #13

    # setup a parser
    par = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    par.add_argument("--input_directory", type=str, required=True, dest="input_directory")
    par.add_argument("--substitute_character", type=str, required=False, default="_", dest="substitute_character")
    par.add_argument("--recursive", action="store_true", default=False, dest="recursive")

    # parse it
    params = par.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:])[0].__dict__
    in_dir = params["input_directory"]
    sub_char = params["substitute_character"]
    recursive = params["recursive"]

    # get the list of filenames
    filenames = []
    if recursive:
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(in_dir):
            for f in files:
                filenames.append(os.path.join(root, f))
        filenames = [os.path.join(in_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(f) is os.path.isfile(f)]

    # make the changes
    for srcf in filenames:
        d, f, e = get_directory_filename_extension(srcf)
        tkns = f.split()
        if len(tkns) > 1:
            dstf = os.path.join(d, sub_char.join(tkns) + "." + e)
            shutil.copyfile(srcf, dstf)