Пример #1
    def create(self,**kwargs):
        # create a new node, get the node based on the type
        cherrypy.log('type: %s' % kwargs.get('type'))
        node_class = getattr(m,kwargs.get('type'))
        if not node_class:
            error(500,'wrong node class')

        # don't want to let through an id
        if 'id' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['id']

        # create our node
        node = node_class(**kwargs)
        cherrypy.log('node: %s')

        # add the current user as a relative for creating it

        # see if it has any relatives
        if '_add_relative' in kwargs:
            cherrypy.log('adding relative: %s' % kwargs.get('_add_relative'))
            to_add = m.Node.get(kwargs.get('_add_relative'))

        # commit that shit!

        # return it's data
        return dumps(get_node_data([node.id])[0])
Пример #2
    def update(self,**kwargs):
        # we are going to update an existing node
        # this can not involve changing it's type (right now)

        node = m.Node.get(kwargs.get('id'))
        if not node:

        # update the node from the kwargs
        for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if k == 'id': continue
            if hasattr(node,k):

        # see if there are any more tasks
        if '_add_relative' in kwargs:
            cherrypy.log('adding relative: %s' % kwargs.get('_add_relative'))
            to_add = m.Node.get(kwargs.get('_add_relative'))

        if '_remove_relative' in kwargs:
            to_remove = m.Node.get(kwargs.get('_remove_relative'))

        # save our changes

        # return the up to date representation
        return dumps(get_node_data([node.id]))
Пример #3
    def recent(self, count=10, depth=1, node_type="Node"):
        # order the nodes so that the most recently updated ones are first
        # followed by those who most recently had a relative updated
        cls = getattr(m, node_type, m.Node)
        query = cls.query.order_by(m.Node.updated_at.desc(), m.Node.relative_updated_at.desc(), m.Node.id.desc())

        # limit to our count
        query = query.limit(count * 2)

        # the front page should not have authors or users
        # TODO: in query
        nodes = query.all()

        # if we aren't filtering on node type, filter out some things
        if cls is m.Node:
            filter_types = (m.User, m.Author, m.SexyLady)
            nodes = [n for n in nodes if not isinstance(n, filter_types)]

        # make sure depth is a #
        depth = int(depth)

        # we want to order these such that the newest nodes appear first
        # but if a node relative (comment) was added to a name
        # than we want to show the node the comment was added to
        # but not the comment itself @ root (make sense?)

        # reverse to work backwards
        rev_nodes = nodes[::-1]
        seen = []
        for node in rev_nodes:
            # since we are working backwards, any node which
            # was already a relative that we've seen should be skipped
            if node in seen:
                rels = node.get_relatives(depth)
                seen += rels

        # pull the id's off the returned tuple
        ids = [i.id for i in nodes][: int(count)]

        # get dicts of data
        data = get_node_data(ids, depth, show_repeats=True)

        # sort the data by most recently updated relative
        # I know this is attrocious. should be doing this
        # in sql

        return dumps(data)
Пример #4
 def get(self,node_id,depth=1):
     return dumps(get_node_data(node_id,depth)[0])
Пример #5
 def list(self,node_ids,depth=1):
     return dumps(get_node_data(node_ids,depth))