def p_apply_python_function(t): """ sexpr : LPAREN python_function sexprs RPAREN sexpr : LPAREN python_function sexpr RPAREN sexpr : LPAREN python_function RPAREN """ python_function = t[2] if len(t) > 4: args = t[3] if not isinstance(args, list): args = (args,) else: args = () python_function = python_function.split(".") # Import as part of package or module if len(python_function) > 1: module = import_module(python_function[0]) if module is None: raise Exception("Could not import modules for expression: '%s'" % t[2]) function = module for module_element in python_function[1:]: function = getattr(function, module_element) else: function_name = python_function[0] try: function = globals()["__builtins__"][function_name] except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Function does not exist in builtins: {}".format(function_name)) result = function(*args) if function.__name__ == "range": t[0] = create_array(result) else: t[0] = shell_quote("'%s'" % unicode(function(*args)))
def get_test_classes(module_name): module = import_test_module(module_name) module_members = OrderedDict(inspect.getmembers(module)) classes = (value for name, value in module_members.items() if inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass( value, unittest.TestCase) and not value == ModuleTestCase) for cls in classes: if issubclass(cls, ModuleTestCase): try: module = import_module(cls.module_path) except BaseException: module = type(cls.module_path, (), {}) thing = module else: thing_name =' (\w+)\.$', cls.__doc__).group(1) thing = module_members[thing_name] class_path = ".".join([module_name, cls.__name__]) yield (thing, class_path)
def p_apply_python_function(t): """ sexpr : LPAREN python_function sexprs RPAREN sexpr : LPAREN python_function sexpr RPAREN sexpr : LPAREN python_function RPAREN """ python_function = t[2] if len(t) > 4: args = t[3] if not isinstance(args, list): args = (args,) else: args = () python_function = python_function.split('.') # Import as part of package or module if len(python_function) > 1: module = import_module(python_function[0]) if module is None: raise Exception( "Could not import modules for expression: '%s'" % t[2] ) function = module for module_element in python_function[1:]: function = getattr(function, module_element) else: function_name = python_function[0] try: function = globals()['__builtins__'][function_name] except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "Function does not exist in builtins: {}".format( function_name ) ) result = function(*args) if function.__name__ == "range": t[0] = create_array(result) else: t[0] = shell_quote("'%s'" % unicode(function(*args)))
def test_exception_on_import(self): with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as cm: import_module('hello') self.assertIn("command-line", str(cm.exception))
def test_import(self): with redirect_stdout(StringIO()) as output: import_module('hello') self.assertIn("command-line", output.getvalue())
import unittest import os import sys from helpers import import_module lib = import_module( 'lib', '%s/../' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) class TestMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_deck_names(self): self.assertEqual( sorted(lib.get_deck_names()), ['Default', 'anki-code-second-deck', 'anki-code-test-deck']) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import unittest import os import sys from helpers import import_module lib = import_module( 'lib', '%s/../' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) class TestMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test_search_cards(self): # self.assertSequenceEqual(lib.search_cards('*'), [1521410434570, 1521410453807]) self.assertSequenceEqual(lib.search_cards('test'), [1521410453807]) self.assertSequenceEqual( lib.search_cards('deck:anki-code-second-deck'), [1521410434570]) deck_name = 'anki-code-second-deck' card_by_deck_id = lib.search_cards('deck:%s' % deck_name)[0] card_by_deck = lib.collection.getCard(card_by_deck_id) deck_id = self.assertEqual(card_by_deck.did, deck_id) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import unittest import os import sys from helpers import import_module lib = import_module( 'lib', '%s/../' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # run `$ ./scripts/` after running to restore state class TestMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test_create_deck_note_card(self): deck_name = 'test-deck' deck = lib.create_deck(deck_name) self.assertTrue(deck['id'] > 0) self.assertEqual(deck['name'], deck_name) note, cards = lib.create_note(deck['id'], 'front', 'back') self.assertSequenceEqual(note.fields, ['front', 'back']) self.assertTrue(len(cards), 1) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import unittest import os import sys from helpers import import_module lib = import_module( 'lib', '%s/../' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) # run `$ ./scripts/` after running to restore state class TestMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test_change_deck(self): search_results = lib.search_cards('*') self.assertEqual(len(search_results), 2) deck_name_source = 'anki-code-test-deck' deck_name_target = 'anki-code-second-deck' search_results = lib.search_cards('deck:%s' % deck_name_target) self.assertEqual(len(search_results), 1) search_results = lib.search_cards('deck:%s' % deck_name_source) self.assertEqual(len(search_results), 1) card_id = search_results[0] card = lib.collection.getCard(card_id) deck_source_id = deck_target_id = self.assertEqual(card.did, deck_source_id) self.assertNotEqual(deck_source_id, deck_target_id)
import unittest import os import sys from helpers import import_module lib = import_module('lib', '%s/../' % os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) class TestMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_deck_names(self): deck_name = 'anki-code-second-deck' ret = lib.get_cards_from_deck('anki-code-second-deck') self.assertEqual(sorted(list(ret.keys())), ['card', 'note']) self.assertDictEqual( ret['card']._getQA(False, False), {'a': 'card-1\n\n<hr id=answer>\n\nback-1', 'id': 1521410434570, 'q': 'card-1'} ) self.assertSequenceEqual(ret['note'].tags, []) self.assertEqual(ret['note'].model()['type'], 0) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()