Пример #1
def eval():
    device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

    model = Net()
    path = 'model.pth.tar'

    checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
    model = model.to(device)

    ious = []
    for _ in tqdm(range(1000)):
        img, label = make_data()
        img = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float32))
        img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0)
        img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0)
        img = img.to(device)

        pred = model.predict(img)
        ious.append(score_iou(label, pred))

    ious = np.asarray(ious, dtype="float")
    ious = ious[~np.isnan(ious)]  # remove true negatives
    print((ious > 0.7).mean())
Пример #2
def eval():
    model = keras.models.load_model("model.hdf5")

    ious = []
    for _ in tqdm(range(1000)):
        img, label = make_data()
        pred = model.predict(img[None])
        pred = np.squeeze(pred)
        ious.append(score_iou(label, pred))

    ious = np.asarray(ious, dtype="float")
    ious = ious[~np.isnan(ious)]  # remove true negatives
    print((ious > 0.7).mean())
Пример #3
def evaluate(model, batch_size, num_samples):
    images, labels = zip(
        *[make_data() for _ in tqdm(range(num_samples), desc="creating data")])
    images = [
        preprocess_image(img) for img in tqdm(images, desc="preprocessing")
    images = np.stack(images)

    predictions, _, _ = model.predict_batch(images, batch_size)

    ious = [score_iou(label, pred) for pred, label in zip(predictions, labels)]
    ious = np.asarray(ious, dtype="float")
    ious = ious[~np.isnan(ious)]  # remove true negatives
    score = (ious > 0.7).mean()

    print(f"score: {score:.5f}")
Пример #4
def make_batch(batch_size, task):
    # uses 50/50 split (i%2==0) if in classification mode, otherwise we'll use
    # always create a spaceship for the regression task
    imgs, labels = zip(
            make_data(has_spaceship=i % 2 == 0 if task == "classification" else True)
            for i in range(batch_size)
    imgs = [preprocess_image(img) for img in imgs]

    if task == "classification":
        labels = [0 if np.any(np.isnan(label)) else 1 for label in labels]
    elif task == "regression":
        labels = [label / SCALE_VECTOR for label in labels]  # normalize labels
        raise ValueError("task must be one of classification or regression")

    imgs = np.stack(imgs)
    labels = np.stack(labels)
    return imgs, labels
Пример #5
def test_make_data():

    # your implementation of slam should work with the following inputs
    # feel free to change these input values and see how it responds!

    # world parameters
    num_landmarks = 5  # number of landmarks
    N = 20  # time steps
    world_size = 100.0  # size of world (square)

    # robot parameters
    measurement_range = 50.0  # range at which we can sense landmarks
    motion_noise = 2.0  # noise in robot motion
    measurement_noise = 2.0  # noise in the measurements
    distance = 20.0  # distance by which robot (intends to) move each iteratation

    # make_data instantiates a robot, AND generates random landmarks for a given world size and number of landmarks
    data = make_data(N, num_landmarks, world_size, measurement_range,
                     motion_noise, measurement_noise, distance)
    time_step = 0

    print('Example measurements: \n', data[time_step][0])
    print('Example motion: \n', data[time_step][1])
# your implementation of slam should work with the following inputs
# feel free to change these input values and see how it responds!

# world parameters
num_landmarks = 5  # number of landmarks
N = 20  # time steps
world_size = 100.0  # size of world (square)

# robot parameters
measurement_range = 50.0  # range at which we can sense landmarks
motion_noise = 2.0  # noise in robot motion
measurement_noise = 2.0  # noise in the measurements
distance = 20.0  # distance by which robot (intends to) move each iteratation

# make_data instantiates a robot, AND generates random landmarks for a given world size and number of landmarks
data = make_data(N, num_landmarks, world_size, measurement_range, motion_noise,
                 measurement_noise, distance)

# ### A note on `make_data`
# The function above, `make_data`, takes in so many world and robot motion/sensor parameters because it is responsible for:
# 1. Instantiating a robot (using the robot class)
# 2. Creating a grid world with landmarks in it
# **This function also prints out the true location of landmarks and the *final* robot location, which you should refer back to when you test your implementation of SLAM.**
# The `data` this returns is an array that holds information about **robot sensor measurements** and **robot motion** `(dx, dy)` that is collected over a number of time steps, `N`. You will have to use *only* these readings about motion and measurements to track a robot over time and find the determine the location of the landmarks using SLAM. We only print out the true landmark locations for comparison, later.
# In `data` the measurement and motion data can be accessed from the first and second index in the columns of the data array. See the following code for an example, where `i` is the time step:
# ```
# measurement = data[i][0]
Пример #7
def make_batch(batch_size):
    # this model can only train on data where a spaceship is guaranteed, this is not true when testing
    imgs, labels = zip(*[make_data(has_spaceship=True) for _ in range(batch_size)])
    imgs = np.stack(imgs)
    labels = np.stack(labels)
    return imgs, labels
Пример #8
def main():
    # world parameters
    num_landmarks = 5  # number of landmarks
    N = 20  # time steps
    world_size = 100.0  # size of world (square)

    # robot parameters
    measurement_range = 50.0  # range at which we can sense landmarks
    motion_noise = 2.0  # noise in robot motion
    measurement_noise = 2.0  # noise in the measurements
    distance = 20.0  # distance by which robot (intends to) move each iteratation

    # make_data instantiates a robot, AND generates random landmarks for a given world size and number of landmarks
    data = make_data(N, num_landmarks, world_size, measurement_range,
                     motion_noise, measurement_noise, distance)
    # print out some stats about the data
    time_step = 0

    print('Example measurements: \n', data[time_step][0])
    print('Example motion: \n', data[time_step][1])

    # define a small N and world_size (small for ease of visualization)
    N_test = 5
    num_landmarks_test = 2
    small_world = 10

    # initialize the constraints
    initial_omega, initial_xi = initialize_constraints(N_test,

    plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, 7)

    # display omega (need to convert omega to a 2x2 matrix for the heatmap to show)
    display_omega = reformat_omega(initial_omega)
    sns.heatmap(display_omega, cmap='Blues', annot=True, linewidths=.5)
    # define  figure size
    plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (1, 7)

    # display xi
    ## TODO: Complete the code to implement SLAM
    # call your implementation of slam, passing in the necessary parameters
    mu = slam(data, N, num_landmarks, world_size, motion_noise,

    # print out the resulting landmarks and poses
    if (mu is not None):
        # get the lists of poses and landmarks
        # and print them out
        poses, landmarks = get_poses_landmarks(mu, N, num_landmarks)
        print_all(poses, landmarks)
    # Display the final world!

    # define figure size
    plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20, 20)

    # check if poses has been created
    if 'poses' in locals():
        # print out the last pose
        print('Last pose: ', poses[-1])
        # display the last position of the robot *and* the landmark positions
        display_world(int(world_size), poses[-1], landmarks)
    print("*** THE END ***")
Пример #9
from skimage.draw import line

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))

def plot(ax, img, label, title):
    ax.imshow(img, cmap="gray")

    if label.size > 0:
        x, y, _, _, _ = label
        ax.scatter(x, y, c="r")

        xy = _make_box_pts(*label)
        ax.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], c="r")

img, label = make_data(has_spaceship=True)
plot(ax[0], img, label, "example (with spaceship)")

img, label = make_data(has_spaceship=False)
plot(ax[1], img, label, "example (without spaceship)")

img, label = make_data(has_spaceship=True, no_lines=0, noise_level=0)
plot(ax[2], img, label, "example (without noise)")


from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np

from Kaggle.CV_Utilities import loadObject
from Kaggle.utilities import DatasetPair
from helpers import quick_score, make_data

bestPipe = loadObject('/home/jj/code/Kaggle/Loan Default Prediction/output/gridSearchOutput/GBC_25fts_simple.pk')['best_estimator']

# ------ small
x, y, _, enc = make_data("/home/jj/code/Kaggle/Loan Default Prediction/Data/modSmallTrain.csv", enc=None)
# ------ full
# x, y, _, enc = make_data("/home/jj/code/Kaggle/Loan Default Prediction/Data/modTrain.csv", enc=None)
data = DatasetPair(np.array(x), np.array(y))

# ---------- double-check cv score and classification roc auc
dt = datetime.now()
print 'jj score:', quick_score(bestPipe, data.X, data.Y)
print 'quick jj score took', datetime.now() - dt

dt = datetime.now()
bestPipe.classification_metrics(data.X, data.Y, n_iter=10)
print 'Classifier metrics took', datetime.now() - dt