def __init__(self) -> None: self.mqtt_client: mqtt.Client = None self.auth: SymmetricKeyAuth = None self.connected = threading.Event() self.incoming_subacks: WaitableDict[int, int] = WaitableDict() self.incoming_messages = IncomingMessageList()
class SampleApp(object): def __init__(self) -> None: self.mqtt_client: mqtt.Client = None self.auth: SymmetricKeyAuth = None self.connected = threading.Event() self.incoming_subacks: WaitableDict[int, int] = WaitableDict() self.incoming_messages = IncomingMessageList() def handle_on_connect(self, mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, flags: Any, rc: int) -> None:"handle_on_connect called with rc={} ({})".format( rc, mqtt.connack_string(rc))) if rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: self.connected.set() def handle_on_subscribe( self, client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, mid: int, granted_qos: int, properties: Any = None, ) -> None: # we're inside a Paho thread here. # Save the results and return as quickly as possible"Received SUBACK for mid {}".format(mid)) self.incoming_subacks.add_item(mid, granted_qos) def subscribe_for_methods(self) -> None: (rc, mid) = self.mqtt_client.subscribe( topic_builder.build_method_request_subscribe_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id), 1, ) if rc: raise Exception("subscribe RC = {}".format(rc)) print("send SUBSCRIBE for mid {}".format(mid)) self.incoming_subacks.get_next_item(mid, timeout=10) print("SUBACK received for mid {}".format(mid)) def handle_on_message(self, mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage) -> None: # we're inside a Paho thread here. # Save the message and return as quickly as possible print("received message on {}".format(message.topic)) self.incoming_messages.add_item(message) def main(self) -> None:"Azure IoT Edge Protocol Translation Module (PTM) Sample") # Copy/paste code from other sample self.auth = SymmetricKeyAuth.create_from_connection_string( os.environ["IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING"]) self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(self.auth.client_id) self.mqtt_client.enable_logger() self.mqtt_client.username_pw_set(self.auth.username, self.auth.password) self.mqtt_client.tls_set_context(self.auth.create_tls_context()) self.mqtt_client.on_connect = self.handle_on_connect self.mqtt_client.loop_start() self.mqtt_client.connect(self.auth.hostname, self.auth.port) if not self.connected.wait(timeout=20): logger.error("Failed to connect.") sys.exit(1) # Paho callsbacks for PUBACK and SUBACK self.mqtt_client.on_subscribe = self.handle_on_subscribe self.mqtt_client.on_message = self.handle_on_message self.subscribe_for_methods() end_time = time.time() + 600 while time.time() < end_time: # Wait for any messages to show up. Don't pop them. if self.incoming_messages.wait_for_message(end_time - time.time()): # Do we have any methods named "Ping"? Pop it, with timeout=0 so it returns # immediately. It returns None we don't have any matches. ping = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_method_request( method_name="ping", timeout=0) if ping: print("ping: {}".format(str(ping.payload))) response_topic = topic_builder.build_method_response_publish_topic( ping.topic, "200") mi = self.mqtt_client.publish(topic=response_topic, payload=ping.payload, qos=1) mi.wait_for_publish() print("ping response sent") # Can also get all method requests with one call and use extract_method_name # to build a switch method_request = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_method_request( timeout=0) if method_request: print("method request: {}".format( str(method_request.payload))) print("method name: {}".format( topic_parser.extract_method_name( method_request.topic))) # Or maybe we get a message on some unkonwn topic. We can get that too and use # or to figure out where to make it go. undefined = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_message(timeout=0) if undefined: print("Undefined: {}, {}".format(undefined.topic, str(undefined.payload))) self.mqtt_client.disconnect()"Exiting.")
class SampleApp(object): def __init__(self) -> None: self.mqtt_client: mqtt.Client = None self.auth: SymmetricKeyAuth = None self.connected = threading.Event() self.incoming_subacks: WaitableDict[int, int] = WaitableDict() self.incoming_messages = IncomingMessageList() def handle_on_connect(self, mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, flags: Any, rc: int) -> None:"handle_on_connect called with rc={} ({})".format( rc, mqtt.connack_string(rc))) if rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: self.connected.set() def handle_on_subscribe( self, client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, mid: int, granted_qos: int, properties: Any = None, ) -> None: # we're inside a Paho thread here. # Save the results and return as quickly as possible"Received SUBACK for mid {}".format(mid)) self.incoming_subacks.add_item(mid, granted_qos) def subscribe_for_twins(self) -> None: (rc, mid) = self.mqtt_client.subscribe( [ ( topic_builder.build_twin_response_subscribe_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id), 1, ), ( topic_builder.build_twin_patch_desired_subscribe_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id), 1, ), ], 1, ) if rc: raise Exception("subscribe RC = {}".format(rc)) print("send SUBSCRIBE for mid {}".format(mid)) self.incoming_subacks.get_next_item(mid, timeout=10) print("SUBACK received for mid {}".format(mid)) def handle_on_message(self, mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage) -> None: # we're inside a Paho thread here. # Save the message and return as quickly as possible print("received message on {}".format(message.topic)) self.incoming_messages.add_item(message) def get_twin(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get the device twin """ # Create a topic to publish our GET request. This is a # onetime topic with a request ID built in. topic = topic_builder.build_twin_get_publish_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id) # publish it. mi = self.mqtt_client.publish(topic, qos=1) if mi.rc: raise Exception() # use pop_next_twin_response to wait for the response. # notice how request_topic is a parameter. This is used # to wait for the response with the specific $rid. twin = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_twin_response( request_topic=topic, timeout=10) # That's it. We have the Twin # TODO: this should use topic_parser.extract_status_code to make sure this didn't fail. if twin: twin = json.loads(twin.payload) print("Got twin = {}".format(twin)) return twin # type: ignore else: print("Error getting twin.") return None def patch_reported_properties(self, value: str) -> None: """ Patch TWIN reported properties """ # Make the patch patch = {"testObject": {"testValue": value}} # Build a topic for the PATCH request. topic = topic_builder.build_twin_patch_reported_publish_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id) # publish the patch mi = self.mqtt_client.publish(topic, json.dumps(patch), qos=1) if mi.rc: raise Exception() # Use pop_next_twin_response to get our response. patch_result = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_twin_response( request_topic=topic, timeout=10) print("patch_result = {}".format(patch_result)) # TODO: use topic_parser.extract_status_code def main(self) -> None:"Azure IoT Edge Protocol Translation Module (PTM) Sample") # Copy/paste code from other sample self.auth = SymmetricKeyAuth.create_from_connection_string( os.environ["IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING"]) self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(self.auth.client_id) self.mqtt_client.enable_logger() self.mqtt_client.username_pw_set(self.auth.username, self.auth.password) self.mqtt_client.tls_set_context(self.auth.create_tls_context()) self.mqtt_client.on_connect = self.handle_on_connect self.mqtt_client.loop_start() self.mqtt_client.connect(self.auth.hostname, self.auth.port) if not self.connected.wait(timeout=20): logger.error("Failed to connect.") sys.exit(1) # Paho callsbacks for PUBACK and SUBACK self.mqtt_client.on_subscribe = self.handle_on_subscribe self.mqtt_client.on_message = self.handle_on_message self.subscribe_for_twins() self.patch_reported_properties("shazam!") self.get_twin() end_time = time.time() + 600 while time.time() < end_time: # wait for incoming patches patch = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_twin_patch_desired( timeout=end_time - time.time()) if patch: print("patch received: {}".format(str(patch.payload))) print("patch version: {}".format( topic_parser.extract_twin_version(patch.topic))) self.mqtt_client.disconnect()"Exiting.")
class SampleApp(object): def __init__(self) -> None: self.mqtt_client: mqtt.Client = None self.auth: SymmetricKeyAuth = None self.connected = threading.Event() self.incoming_subacks: WaitableDict[int, int] = WaitableDict() self.incoming_messages = IncomingMessageList() def handle_on_connect( self, mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, flags: Any, rc: int ) -> None: # Set an event when we're connected so our main thread can continue if rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: self.connected.set() def handle_on_subscribe( self, client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, mid: int, granted_qos: int, properties: Any = None, ) -> None: # we're inside a Paho thread here. # Save the results and return as quickly as possible"Received SUBACK for mid {}".format(mid)) self.incoming_subacks.add_item(mid, granted_qos) def subscribe_for_c2d(self) -> None: (rc, mid) = self.mqtt_client.subscribe( topic_builder.build_c2d_subscribe_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id ), 1, ) if rc: raise Exception("subscribe RC = {}".format(rc)) print("send SUBSCRIBE for mid {}".format(mid)) # wait for the suback. self.incoming_subacks.get_next_item(mid, timeout=10) print("SUBACK received for mid {}".format(mid)) def handle_on_message( self, mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage ) -> None: # we're inside a Paho thread here. # Save the message and return as quickly as possible print("received message on {}".format(message.topic)) self.incoming_messages.add_item(message) def main(self) -> None:"Azure IoT Edge Protocol Translation Module (PTM) Sample") # Copy/paste code from other sample self.auth = SymmetricKeyAuth.create_from_connection_string( os.environ["IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING"] ) self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(self.auth.client_id) self.mqtt_client.enable_logger() self.mqtt_client.username_pw_set(self.auth.username, self.auth.password) self.mqtt_client.tls_set_context(self.auth.create_tls_context()) self.mqtt_client.on_connect = self.handle_on_connect self.mqtt_client.loop_start() self.mqtt_client.connect(self.auth.hostname, self.auth.port) if not self.connected.wait(timeout=20): logger.error("Failed to connect.") sys.exit(1) # Paho callsbacks for PUBACK and SUBACK self.mqtt_client.on_subscribe = self.handle_on_subscribe self.mqtt_client.on_message = self.handle_on_message self.subscribe_for_c2d() end_time = time.time() + 600 while time.time() < end_time: c2d = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_c2d( timeout=end_time - time.time() ) if c2d: print("C2d: {}".format(str(c2d.payload))) self.mqtt_client.disconnect()"Exiting.")
class SampleApp(object): def __init__(self) -> None: self.mqtt_client: mqtt.Client = None self.auth: SymmetricKeyAuth = None self.connected = threading.Event() self.incoming_subacks: WaitableDict[int, int] = WaitableDict() self.incoming_messages = IncomingMessageList() def handle_on_connect( self, mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, flags: Any, rc: int ) -> None: "handle_on_connect called with rc={} ({})".format( rc, mqtt.connack_string(rc) ) ) # Set an event when we're connected so our main thread can continue if rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: self.connected.set() elif rc == mqtt.CONNACK_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE: # actually, server is available, but username is probably wrong pass elif rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_NO_CONN: # client_id or password is wrong. Check the sas token expirey. That's all we can do if self.auth.sas_token_ready_to_renew: self.auth.renew_sas_token() # TODO: how to handle connection failure? # TODO: thread safety def handle_sas_token_renewed(self) -> None:"handle_sas_token_renewed") # Set the new MQTT auth parameters self.mqtt_client.username_pw_set(self.auth.username, self.auth.password) # Reconect the client. (This actually just disconnects it and lets Paho's automatic # reconnect connect again.) self.mqtt_client.reconnect() self.auth.set_sas_token_renewal_timer(self.handle_sas_token_renewed) def handle_on_subscribe( self, client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, mid: int, granted_qos: int, properties: Any = None, ) -> None: # we're inside a Paho thread here. # Save the results and return as quickly as possible"Received SUBACK for mid {}".format(mid)) self.incoming_subacks.add_item(mid, granted_qos) def subscribe( self, topic: Union[str, List[Tuple[Any, int]]], qos: int = 0 ) -> None: (rc, mid) = self.mqtt_client.subscribe(topic, qos) if rc: raise Exception("subscribe RC = {}".format(rc)) print("send SUBSCRIBE for mid {}".format(mid)) self.incoming_subacks.get_next_item(mid, timeout=10) print("SUBACK received for mid {}".format(mid)) def handle_on_message( self, mqtt_client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage ) -> None: # we're inside a Paho thread here. # Save the message and return as quickly as possible print("received message on {}".format(message.topic)) self.incoming_messages.add_item(message) def remove_completed_messages( self, messages: List[mqtt.MQTTMessageInfo] ) -> List[mqtt.MQTTMessageInfo]: return [x for x in messages if not x.is_published()] def send_telemetry(self) -> None: messages_to_send = 20 outstanding_messages = [] start = time.time() for i in range(0, messages_to_send):"Sending telemetry {}".format(i)) payload = { "index": i, "text": "Hello from sample_4. This is message # {}".format(i), } msg = Message(payload) telemetry_topic = topic_builder.build_telemetry_publish_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id, msg ) mi = self.mqtt_client.publish( telemetry_topic, msg.get_binary_payload(), qos=1 ) outstanding_messages.append(mi) outstanding_messages = self.remove_completed_messages( outstanding_messages ) print( "{} sent, {} awaiting PUBACK".format( i + 1, len(outstanding_messages) ) ) while len(outstanding_messages): print("Waiting for {} messages".format(len(outstanding_messages))) outstanding_messages[0].wait_for_publish() outstanding_messages = self.remove_completed_messages( outstanding_messages ) end = time.time() print("Done sending telemetry.") print( "{} messages sent in {} seconds. {} messages per second".format( messages_to_send, end - start, messages_to_send / (end - start) ) ) def subscribe_all(self) -> None: topics = [ ( topic_builder.build_twin_response_subscribe_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id ), 1, ), ( topic_builder.build_twin_patch_desired_subscribe_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id ), 1, ), ( topic_builder.build_method_request_subscribe_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id ), 1, ), ( topic_builder.build_c2d_subscribe_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id ), 1, ), ] print("Subscribing to {}".format(topics)) self.subscribe(topics) def get_twin(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: topic = topic_builder.build_twin_get_publish_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id ) self.mqtt_client.publish(topic, qos=1) # todo wait on mi twin = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_twin_response( request_topic=topic, timeout=10 ) if twin: twin = json.loads(twin.payload) print("Got twin = {}".format(twin)) return twin # type: ignore else: print("Error getting twin.") return None def patch_reported_properties(self, value: str) -> None: patch = {"testObject": {"testValue": value}} topic = topic_builder.build_twin_patch_reported_publish_topic( self.auth.device_id, self.auth.module_id ) # todo: easier way to test connection being forced closed: send invalid patch self.mqtt_client.publish(topic, json.dumps(patch), qos=1) # todo wait on mi patch_result = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_twin_response( request_topic=topic, timeout=10 ) # TODO: raise exception on error print("patch_result = {}".format(patch_result)) def main(self) -> None:"Azure IoT Edge Protocol Translation Module (PTM) Sample") # Create an auth object which can help us get the credentials we need # in order to connect self.auth = SymmetricKeyAuth.create_from_connection_string( os.environ["IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING"] ) self.auth.set_sas_token_renewal_timer(self.handle_sas_token_renewed) # Create an MQTT client object, passing in the credentials we # get from the auth object self.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(self.auth.client_id) self.mqtt_client.enable_logger() self.mqtt_client.username_pw_set(self.auth.username, self.auth.password) # In this sample, we use the TLS context that the auth object builds for # us. We could also build our own from the contents of the auth object self.mqtt_client.tls_set_context(self.auth.create_tls_context()) # set a handler to get called when we're connected. self.mqtt_client.on_connect = self.handle_on_connect self.mqtt_client.on_subscribe = self.handle_on_subscribe self.mqtt_client.on_message = self.handle_on_message"Connecting") # Start the paho loop. self.mqtt_client.loop_start() # Connect. When this returns, we're not actually connected yet. # We have to wait for `handle_on_connect` to be called before we # know that we're connected. self.mqtt_client.connect(self.auth.hostname, self.auth.port) # wait for the connectoin, but don't wait too long if not self.connected.wait(timeout=20): logger.error("Failed to connect.") sys.exit(1) self.subscribe_all() self.send_telemetry() self.patch_reported_properties("shazam!") self.get_twin() start_time = time.time() end_time = start_time + 600 while time.time() < end_time: if self.incoming_messages.wait_for_message(end_time - time.time()): c2d = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_c2d(timeout=0) if c2d: print("C2d: {}".format(str(c2d.payload))) twin_patch = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_twin_patch_desired( timeout=0 ) if twin_patch: print("twin patch: {}".format(str(twin_patch.payload))) print( "twin version: {}".format( topic_parser.extract_twin_version(twin_patch.topic) ) ) ping = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_method_request( method_name="ping", timeout=0 ) if ping: print("ping: {}".format(str(ping.payload))) response_topic = topic_builder.build_method_response_publish_topic( ping.topic, "200" ) mi = self.mqtt_client.publish( topic=response_topic, payload=ping.payload, qos=1 ) mi.wait_for_publish() print("ping response sent") fail = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_method_request( method_name="fail", timeout=0 ) if fail: print("fail: {}".format(str(fail.payload))) response_topic = topic_builder.build_method_response_publish_topic( fail.topic, "400" ) mi = self.mqtt_client.publish( topic=response_topic, payload=fail.payload, qos=1 ) mi.wait_for_publish() print("fail response sent") method_request = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_method_request( timeout=0 ) if method_request: print( "method request: {}".format(str(method_request.payload)) ) print( "method name: {}".format( topic_parser.extract_method_name( method_request.topic ) ) ) undefined = self.incoming_messages.pop_next_message(timeout=0) if undefined: print( "Undefined: {}, {}".format( undefined.topic, str(undefined.payload) ) ) self.mqtt_client.disconnect()"Exiting.")