Пример #1
def comparison_detail ():
    """Output comparison of 2 witnesses, chapter detail.

    Outputs a detail of the differences between 2 manuscripts in one chapter.

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        ms1 = Manuscript (conn, request.args.get ('ms1') or 'A')
        ms2 = Manuscript (conn, request.args.get ('ms2') or 'A')
        range_ = request.args.get ('range') or 'All'

        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT p.pass_id, p.begadr, p.endadr, v1.labez_clique, v1.lesart,
                                              v2.labez_clique, v2.lesart,
          is_p_older (p.pass_id, v1.labez, v1.clique, v2.labez, v2.clique) AS older,
          is_p_older (p.pass_id, v2.labez, v2.clique, v1.labez, v1.clique) AS newer,
          is_p_unclear (p.pass_id, v1.labez, v1.clique) OR
          is_p_unclear (p.pass_id, v2.labez, v2.clique) AS unclear
        FROM (SELECT * FROM ranges WHERE range = :range_) r
          JOIN passages p ON (r.passage @> p.passage )
          JOIN apparatus_cliques_view v1 USING (pass_id)
          JOIN apparatus_cliques_view v2 USING (pass_id)
        WHERE v1.ms_id = :ms1 AND v2.ms_id = :ms2
          AND v1.labez != v2.labez AND v1.labez !~ '^z' AND v2.labez !~ '^z'
          AND v1.cbgm AND v2.cbgm
        ORDER BY p.pass_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms1 = ms1.ms_id, ms2 = ms2.ms_id, range_ = range_))

        return list (map (_ComparisonDetailRowCalcFields._make, res))
Пример #2
def optimal_substemma_json():
    """Normalize parameters only and add some general info.

    if current_app.config.val is None:
        current_app.config.val = init(current_app.config.dba)
    val = current_app.config.val

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        # the manuscript to explain
        ms = Manuscript(conn, request.args.get('ms'))

        # get the selected set of ancestors and build all combinations of that set
        selected = [
            Manuscript(conn, anc_id)
            for anc_id in (request.args.get('selection') or '').split()
        response = {
            'ms': ms.to_json(),
            'mss': [s.to_json() for s in selected],
        n_defined = np.count_nonzero(val.def_matrix[ms.ms_id - 1])
        response['ms']['open'] = n_defined

        return make_json_response(response)
Пример #3
def comparison_summary ():
    """Output comparison of 2 witnesses, chapter summary.

    Outputs a summary of the differences between 2 manuscripts, one summary row
    per chapters.


    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        ms1 = Manuscript (conn, request.args.get ('ms1') or 'A')
        ms2 = Manuscript (conn, request.args.get ('ms2') or 'A')

        res = execute (conn, """
        (WITH ranks AS (
          SELECT ms_id1, ms_id2, rg_id, rank () OVER (PARTITION BY rg_id ORDER BY affinity DESC) AS rank, affinity
          FROM affinity aff
          WHERE ms_id1 = :ms_id1
            AND {prefix}newer > {prefix}older
          ORDER BY affinity DESC

        SELECT a.rg_id, a.range, a.common, a.equal,
               a.older, a.newer, a.unclear, a.affinity, r.rank, ms1_length, ms2_length
        FROM {view} a
        JOIN ranks r     USING (rg_id, ms_id1, ms_id2)
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.ms_id2 = :ms_id2


        (WITH ranks2 AS (
          SELECT ms_id1, ms_id2, rg_id, rank () OVER (PARTITION BY rg_id ORDER BY affinity DESC) AS rank, affinity
          FROM affinity aff
          WHERE ms_id2 = :ms_id2
            AND {prefix}newer < {prefix}older
          ORDER BY affinity DESC

        SELECT a.rg_id, a.range, a.common, a.equal,
               a.older, a.newer, a.unclear, a.affinity, r.rank, ms1_length, ms2_length
        FROM {view} a
        JOIN ranks2 r USING (rg_id, ms_id1, ms_id2)
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.ms_id2 = :ms_id2


        SELECT a.rg_id, a.range, a.common, a.equal,
               a.older, a.newer, a.unclear, a.affinity, NULL, ms1_length, ms2_length
        FROM {view} a
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.ms_id2 = :ms_id2 AND a.newer = a.older

        ORDER BY rg_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id1 = ms1.ms_id, ms_id2 = ms2.ms_id,
                   view = 'affinity_p_view', prefix = 'p_'))

        return list (map (_ComparisonRowCalcFields._make, res))
Пример #4
Файл: main.py Проект: cceh/ntg
def manuscript_full_json (passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a manuscript.

    :param string hs_hsnr_id: The hs, hsnr or id of the manuscript.


    auth ()

    hs_hsnr_id = request.args.get ('ms_id') or hs_hsnr_id
    chapter    = request.args.get ('range') or 'All'

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        passage   = Passage (conn, passage_or_id)
        ms        = Manuscript (conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id     = passage.range_id (chapter)

        json = ms.to_json ()
        json['length'] = ms.get_length (passage, chapter)

        # Get the attestation(s) of the manuscript (may be uncertain eg. a/b/c)
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT labez, clique, labez_clique
        FROM apparatus_view_agg
        WHERE ms_id = :ms_id AND pass_id = :pass_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id = ms.ms_id, pass_id = passage.pass_id))
        json['labez'], json['clique'], json['labez_clique'] = res.fetchone ()

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to all manuscripts
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT avg (a.affinity) as aa,
        percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.affinity) as ma
        FROM affinity a
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id1 = ms.ms_id, rg_id = rg_id))
        json['aa'], json['ma'] = res.fetchone ()

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to MT
        # For a description of mt and mtp see the comment in
        # ActsMsListValPh3.pl and
        # http://intf.uni-muenster.de/cbgm/actsPh3/guide_en.html#Ancestors

        json['mt'], json['mtp'] = 0.0, 0.0
        res = execute (conn, """
        SELECT a.affinity as mt, a.equal::float / c.length as mtp
        FROM affinity a
        JOIN ms_ranges c
          ON (a.ms_id1, a.rg_id) = (c.ms_id, c.rg_id)
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.ms_id2 = 2 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict (parameters, ms_id1 = ms.ms_id, rg_id = rg_id))
        if res.rowcount > 0:
            json['mt'], json['mtp'] = res.fetchone ()

        return make_json_response (json)
Пример #5
Файл: main.py Проект: cceh/ntg
def manuscript_json (hs_hsnr_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a manuscript.

    :param string hs_hsnr_id: The hs, hsnr or id of the manuscript.


    auth ()

    hs_hsnr_id = request.args.get ('ms_id') or hs_hsnr_id

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        ms = Manuscript (conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        return make_json_response (ms.to_json ())
Пример #6
def manuscript_json(hs_hsnr_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a manuscript.

    :param string hs_hsnr_id: The hs, hsnr or id of the manuscript.



    hs_hsnr_id = request.args.get('ms_id') or hs_hsnr_id

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        ms = Manuscript(conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        return make_json_response(ms.to_json())
Пример #7
def optimal_substemma_detail_csv():
    """Report details about one combination of ancestors.

    if current_app.config.val is None:
        current_app.config.val = init(current_app.config.dba)
    val = current_app.config.val

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        # the manuscript to explain
        ms = Manuscript(conn, request.args.get('ms'))

        # get the selected set of ancestors
        selected = [
            Manuscript(conn, anc_id)
            for anc_id in (request.args.get('selection') or '').split()

        combinations = [Combination(selected, 0)]
        explain_matrix = build_explain_matrix(conn, val, ms.ms_id)

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT 'unknown' as type, p.pass_id, p.begadr, p.endadr, v.labez_clique, v.lesart
        FROM passages p
          JOIN apparatus_cliques_view v USING (pass_id)
        WHERE v.ms_id = :ms_id AND pass_id IN :unknown_pass_ids
        SELECT 'open' as type, p.pass_id, p.begadr, p.endadr, v.labez_clique, v.lesart
        FROM passages p
          JOIN apparatus_cliques_view v USING (pass_id)
        WHERE v.ms_id = :ms_id AND pass_id IN :open_pass_ids
                 unknown_pass_ids=combinations[0].unknown_indices or (-1, ),
                 open_pass_ids=combinations[0].open_indices or (-1, )))

        return csvify(
            list(map(_OptimalSubstemmaDetailRowCalcFields._make, res)))
Пример #8
def optimal_substemma_json ():
    """Normalize parameters and add some general info.

    if current_app.config.val is None:
        current_app.config.val = init (current_app.config.dba)
    val = current_app.config.val

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        # the manuscript to explain
        ms = Manuscript (conn, request.args.get ('ms'))

        # get the selected set of ancestors and build all combinations of that set
        selected = [ Manuscript (conn, anc_id)
                     for anc_id in (request.args.get ('selection') or '').split () ]
        response = {
            'ms'  : ms.to_json (),
            'mss' : [s.to_json () for s in selected],
        n_defined = np.count_nonzero (val.def_matrix[ms.ms_id - 1])
        response['ms']['open'] = n_defined

        return make_json_response (response)
Пример #9
def optimal_substemma_csv():
    """Do an exhaustive search for the combination among a given set of ancestors
    that best explains a given manuscript.


    if current_app.config.val is None:
        current_app.config.val = init(current_app.config.dba)
    val = current_app.config.val

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        # the manuscript to explain
        ms = Manuscript(conn, request.args.get('ms'))

        # get the selected set of ancestors and build all combinations of that set
        selected = [
            Manuscript(conn, anc_id)
            for anc_id in (request.args.get('selection') or '').split()
        combinations = []
        i = 0
        for l in range(len(selected)):
            for c in itertools.combinations(selected, l + 1):
                combinations.append(Combination(c, i))
                i += 1

        explain_matrix = build_explain_matrix(conn, val, ms.ms_id)

        res = [c.to_csv() for c in combinations]

        return csvify(_OptimalSubstemmaRow._fields,
                      list(map(_OptimalSubstemmaRow._make, res)))
Пример #10
def set_cover_json (hs_hsnr_id):
    """ Approximate the minimum set cover for a manuscript.

    See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_cover_problem

    response = {}

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin () as conn:
        if current_app.config.val is None:
            current_app.config.val = init (current_app.config.dba)
        val = current_app.config.val

        cover = []

        ms = Manuscript (conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        response['ms'] = ms.to_json ()
        ms_id = ms.ms_id - 1  # numpy indices start at 0

        # allow user to pre-select a set of manuscripts
        pre_selected = [ Manuscript (conn, anc_id)
                         for anc_id in (request.args.get ('pre_select') or '').split () ]
        response['mss'] = [s.to_json () for s in pre_selected]

        np.set_printoptions (edgeitems = 8, linewidth = 100)

        b_common = np.logical_and (val.def_matrix, val.def_matrix[ms_id])
        b_common[ms_id] = False  # don't find original ms.
        b_common[0]     = False  # don't find A
        b_common[1]     = False  # don't find MT

        # eliminate descendants from the matrix
        ancestors = get_ancestors (conn, current_app.config.set_cover_rg_id, ms.ms_id)
        for i in range (0, val.n_mss):
            if (i + 1) not in ancestors:
                b_common[i] = 0

        n_defined = np.count_nonzero (val.def_matrix[ms_id])
        response['ms']['open'] = n_defined

        explain_matrix = build_explain_matrix (conn, val, ms.ms_id)

        explain_equal_matrix = val.mask_matrix[ms_id]

        # The mss x passages boolean matrix that is TRUE whenever the inspected ms.
        # agrees with the potential source ms.
        b_equal = np.bitwise_and (val.mask_matrix, explain_equal_matrix) > 0
        b_equal = np.logical_and (b_equal, b_common)

        # The mss x passages boolean matrix that is TRUE whenever the inspected ms.
        # agrees with the potential source ms. or is posterior to it.
        b_post = np.bitwise_and (val.mask_matrix, explain_matrix) > 0
        b_post = np.logical_and (b_post, b_common)

        n_explained = 0

        for n in range (0, MAX_COVER_SIZE):
            if n < len (pre_selected):
                # use manuscript pre-selected by user
                ms_id_most_similar = pre_selected[n].ms_id - 1
                # find manuscript that explains the most passages by agreement
                ms_id_most_similar = int (np.argmax (np.sum (b_equal, axis = 1)))

            b_explained        = np.copy (b_post[ms_id_most_similar])
            b_explained_equal  = np.copy (b_equal[ms_id_most_similar])
            ms_most_similar    = Manuscript (conn, 'id' + str (ms_id_most_similar + 1))
            d = ms_most_similar.to_json ()

            # exit if no passages could be explained
            n_explains = int (np.count_nonzero (b_explained))
            n_equal    = int (np.count_nonzero (b_explained_equal))
            if n_explains == 0:
            n_explained += n_explains

            # remove "explained" readings, so they will not be matched again
            b_post[:,b_explained] = False
            b_equal[:,b_explained] = False
            explain_matrix[b_explained] = 0
            # explain_equal_matrix[b_explained] = 0

            n_unknown = np.count_nonzero (np.bitwise_and (explain_matrix, 0x1))

            d['explains']  = n_explains
            d['equal']     = n_equal
            d['post']      = n_explains - n_equal
            d['explained'] = n_explained
            d['unknown']   = n_unknown
            d['open']      = n_defined - n_explained - n_unknown
            d['n']         = n + 1
            cover.append (d)

        # output list
        response['cover'] = cover
        return make_json_response (response)
Пример #11
def relatives_csv(passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Output a table of the nearest relatives of a manuscript.

    Output a table of the nearest relatives/ancestors/descendants of a
    manuscript and what they attest.



    type_ = request.args.get('type') or 'rel'
    limit = int(request.args.get('limit') or 0)
    labez = request.args.get('labez') or 'all'
    mode = request.args.get('mode') or 'sim'
    include = request.args.getlist('include[]') or []
    fragments = request.args.getlist('fragments[]') or []

    view = 'affinity_view' if mode == 'rec' else 'affinity_p_view'

    where = ''
    if type_ == 'anc':
        where = ' AND older < newer'
    if type_ == 'des':
        where = ' AND older >= newer'

    if labez == 'all':
        where += " AND labez !~ '^z'"
    elif labez == 'all+lac':
        where += " AND labez = '%s'" % labez

    if 'fragments' in fragments:
        frag_where = ''
        frag_where = 'AND aff.common > aff.ms1_length / 2'

    limit = '' if limit == 0 else ' LIMIT %d' % limit

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:

        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        ms = Manuscript(conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id = passage.request_rg_id(request)

        exclude = get_excluded_ms_ids(conn, include)

        # Get the X most similar manuscripts and their attestations
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        /* get the LIMIT closest ancestors for this node */
        WITH ranks AS (
          SELECT ms_id1, ms_id2,
            rank () OVER (ORDER BY affinity DESC, common, older, newer DESC, ms_id2) AS rank,
          FROM {view} aff
          WHERE ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id AND ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude
            AND newer > older {frag_where}
          ORDER BY affinity DESC

        SELECT r.rank,
               aff.ms_id2 as ms_id,
               aff.common - aff.equal - aff.older - aff.newer - aff.unclear as norel,
               CASE WHEN aff.newer < aff.older THEN ''
                    WHEN aff.newer = aff.older THEN '-'
                    ELSE '>'
               END as direction,
          {view} aff
        JOIN apparatus_view_agg a
          ON aff.ms_id2 = a.ms_id
        JOIN manuscripts ms
          ON aff.ms_id2 = ms.ms_id
        LEFT JOIN ranks r
          ON r.ms_id2 = aff.ms_id2
        WHERE aff.ms_id2 NOT IN :exclude AND aff.ms_id1 = :ms_id1
              AND aff.rg_id = :rg_id AND aff.common > 0
              AND a.pass_id = :pass_id {where} {frag_where}
        ORDER BY affinity DESC, r.rank, newer DESC, older DESC, hsnr

        Relatives = collections.namedtuple(
            'rank ms_id hs hsnr length common equal older newer unclear norel direction affinity labez certainty'
        return csvify(Relatives._fields, list(map(Relatives._make, res)))
Пример #12
def manuscript_full_json(passage_or_id, hs_hsnr_id):
    """Endpoint.  Serve information about a manuscript.

    :param string hs_hsnr_id: The hs, hsnr or id of the manuscript.



    hs_hsnr_id = request.args.get('ms_id') or hs_hsnr_id

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        passage = Passage(conn, passage_or_id)
        ms = Manuscript(conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        rg_id = passage.request_rg_id(request)

        if ms.ms_id is None:
            return cache(
                make_json_response(None, 400,
                                   'Bad request: No such manuscript.'))

        json = ms.to_json()
        json['length'] = ms.get_length(rg_id)

        # Get the attestation(s) of the manuscript (may be uncertain eg. a/b/c)
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT labez, clique, labez_clique, certainty
        FROM apparatus_view_agg
        WHERE ms_id = :ms_id AND pass_id = :pass_id
        """, dict(parameters, ms_id=ms.ms_id, pass_id=passage.pass_id))

        row = res.fetchone()
        if row is not None:
            json['labez'], json['clique'], json['labez_clique'], json[
                'certainty'] = row

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to all manuscripts
        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT avg (a.affinity) as aa,
        percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a.affinity) as ma
        FROM affinity a
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict(parameters, ms_id1=ms.ms_id, rg_id=rg_id))

        json['aa'], json['ma'] = 0.0, 0.0
        row = res.fetchone()
        if row is not None:
            json['aa'], json['ma'] = row

        # Get the affinity of the manuscript to MT
        # For a description of mt and mtp see the comment in
        # ActsMsListValPh3.pl and
        # http://intf.uni-muenster.de/cbgm/actsPh3/guide_en.html#Ancestors

        res = execute(
            conn, """
        SELECT a.affinity as mt, a.equal::float / c.length as mtp
        FROM affinity a
        JOIN ms_ranges c
          ON (a.ms_id1, a.rg_id) = (c.ms_id, c.rg_id)
        WHERE a.ms_id1 = :ms_id1 AND a.ms_id2 = 2 AND a.rg_id = :rg_id
        """, dict(parameters, ms_id1=ms.ms_id, rg_id=rg_id))

        json['mt'], json['mtp'] = 0.0, 0.0
        row = res.fetchone()
        if row is not None:
            json['mt'], json['mtp'] = row

        return cache(make_json_response(json))
Пример #13
def set_cover_json(hs_hsnr_id):
    """ Approximate the minimum set cover for a manuscript.

    See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_cover_problem

    include = request.args.getlist('include[]') or []
    pre_select = (request.args.get('pre_select') or '').split()
    response = {}

    with current_app.config.dba.engine.begin() as conn:
        if current_app.config.val is None:
            current_app.config.val = init(current_app.config.dba)
        val = current_app.config.val

        cover = []

        ms = Manuscript(conn, hs_hsnr_id)
        response['ms'] = ms.to_json()
        ms_id = ms.ms_id - 1  # numpy indices start at 0

        # allow user to pre-select a set of manuscripts
        pre_selected = [Manuscript(conn, anc_id) for anc_id in pre_select]
        response['mss'] = [s.to_json() for s in pre_selected]

        np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=8, linewidth=100)

        # The mss x passages boolean matrix that is TRUE whenever the inspected
        # ms. and the source ms. are both defined.
        b_common = np.logical_and(val.def_matrix, val.def_matrix[ms_id])

        # Remove mss. we don't want to compare
        b_common[ms_id] = False  # don't find original ms.
        if 'A' not in include and 'A' not in pre_select:
            b_common[0] = False
        if 'MT' not in include and 'MT' not in pre_select:
            b_common[1] = False
        # also eliminate all descendants
        ancestors = get_ancestors(conn, current_app.config.rg_id_all, ms.ms_id)
        for i in range(0, val.n_mss):
            if (i + 1) not in ancestors:
                b_common[i] = False

        n_defined = np.count_nonzero(val.def_matrix[ms_id])
        response['ms']['open'] = n_defined

        # mask_matrix ist the mss x passages matrix containing the bitmask of
        # all readings
        explain_matrix = build_explain_matrix(conn, val, ms.ms_id)
        explain_equal_matrix = val.mask_matrix[ms_id]

        # The mss x passages boolean matrix that is TRUE whenever the inspected ms.
        # agrees with the potential source ms.
        b_equal = np.bitwise_and(val.mask_matrix, explain_equal_matrix) > 0
        b_equal = np.logical_and(b_equal, b_common)

        # The mss x passages boolean matrix that is TRUE whenever the inspected ms.
        # agrees with the potential source ms. or is posterior to it.
        b_post = np.bitwise_and(val.mask_matrix, explain_matrix) > 0
        b_post = np.logical_and(b_post, b_common)

        # The 1 x passages boolean matrix that is TRUE whenever the passage is
        # still unexplained.
        b_open = np.copy(val.def_matrix[ms_id])

        # The 1 x passages boolean matrix that is TRUE whenever the source of
        # the reading in the inspected ms. is unknown
        b_unknown = np.bitwise_and(explain_matrix, 0x1)
        b_unknown = np.logical_and(b_unknown, b_open)

        n_explained = 0

        for n in range(0, MAX_COVER_SIZE):
            if n < len(pre_selected):
                # use manuscript pre-selected by user
                ms_id_most_similar = pre_selected[n].ms_id - 1
                # find manuscript that explains the most passages by agreement
                ms_id_most_similar = int(np.argmax(np.sum(b_equal, axis=1)))

            ms_most_similar = Manuscript(conn,
                                         'id' + str(ms_id_most_similar + 1))
            d = ms_most_similar.to_json()

            b_explained = np.copy(b_post[ms_id_most_similar])
            n_explains = int(np.count_nonzero(b_explained))
            # exit if no passages could be explained
            if n_explains == 0:

            n_equal = int(np.count_nonzero(b_equal[ms_id_most_similar]))

            # remove "explained" readings, so they will not be matched again
            b_post[:, b_explained] = False
            b_equal[:, b_explained] = False
            b_unknown[b_explained] = False
            b_open[b_explained] = False

            n_explained += n_explains
            n_unknown = int(np.count_nonzero(b_unknown))
            n_open = int(np.count_nonzero(b_open))

            d['explains'] = n_explains
            d['explained'] = n_explained
            d['equal'] = n_equal
            d['post'] = n_explains - n_equal
            d['unknown'] = n_unknown
            d['open'] = n_open - n_unknown
            d['n'] = n + 1

        # output list
        response['cover'] = cover
        return make_json_response(response)