Пример #1
    def RemoveRow(self, table_name, row_dict):
        """Removes a row in the database using the table name and row dict

      table_name: string of valid table name from constants
      row_dict: dictionary that coresponds to table_name

      InvalidInputError: Table name not valid
      TransactionError: Must run StartTansaction before deleting

      int: number of rows affected
        if (not table_name in helpers_lib.GetValidTables()):
            raise errors.InvalidInputError('Table name not valid: %s' %
        if (not self.transaction_init):
            raise errors.TransactionError(
                'Must run StartTansaction before deleting.')
        if (self.data_validation_instance is None):
        self.data_validation_instance.ValidateRowDict(table_name, row_dict)

        where_list = []
        for k in row_dict.iterkeys():
            where_list.append('%s=%s%s%s' % (k, '%(', k, ')s'))

        query = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s' % (table_name,
                                             ' AND '.join(where_list))
        self.cursor_execute(query, row_dict)
        return self.cursor.rowcount
Пример #2
    def MakeRow(self, table_name, row_dict):
        """Creates a row in the database using the table name and row dict
      table_name: string of valid table name from constants
      row_dict: dictionary that coresponds to table_name

      InvalidInputError: Table name not valid
      TransactionError: Must run StartTansaction before inserting

      int: last insert id
        if (not table_name in helpers_lib.GetValidTables()):
            raise errors.InvalidInputError('Table name not valid: %s' %
        if (not self.transaction_init):
            raise errors.TransactionError('Must run StartTansaction before '
        if (self.data_validation_instance is None):
        self.data_validation_instance.ValidateRowDict(table_name, row_dict)

        column_names = []
        column_assignments = []
        for k in row_dict.iterkeys():
            column_assignments.append('%s%s%s' % ('%(', k, ')s'))

        query = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (
            table_name, ','.join(column_names), ','.join(column_assignments))
        self.cursor_execute(query, row_dict)
        return self.cursor.lastrowid
Пример #3
    def GetValidTables(self):
        """Export this function to the top level of the db_access stuff so
    it can be used without importing un-needed classes.

      list: valid table names
Пример #4
    def UpdateRow(self, table_name, search_row_dict, update_row_dict):
        """Updates a row in the database using search and update dictionaries.

      table_name: string of valid table name from constants
      search_row_dict: dictionary that coresponds to table_name containing
                       search args
      update_row_dict: dictionary that coresponds to table_name containing
                       update args

      InvalidInputError: Table name not valid
      TransactionError: Must run StartTansaction before inserting

      int: number of rows affected
        if (not table_name in helpers_lib.GetValidTables()):
            raise errors.InvalidInputError('Table name not valid: %s' %
        if (not self.transaction_init):
            raise errors.TransactionError(
                'Must run StartTansaction before deleting.')
        if (self.data_validation_instance is None):

        query_updates = []
        query_searches = []
        combined_dict = {}
        for k, v in update_row_dict.iteritems():
            if (v is not None):
                query_updates.append('%s%s%s%s' % (k, '=%(update_', k, ')s'))
                combined_dict['update_%s' % k] = v

        for k, v in search_row_dict.iteritems():
            if (v is not None):
                query_searches.append('%s=%s%s%s' % (k, '%(search_', k, ')s'))
                combined_dict['search_%s' % k] = v

        query = 'UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s' % (
            table_name, ','.join(query_updates), ' AND '.join(query_searches))
        self.cursor_execute(query, combined_dict)
        return self.cursor.rowcount
Пример #5
    def TableRowCount(self, table_name):
        """Counts the amount of records in a table and returns it.

      table_name: string of valid table name from constants

      InvalidInputError: Table name not valid
      TransactionError: Must run StartTansaction before getting row count.

      int: number of rows found

        if (not table_name in helpers_lib.GetValidTables()):
            raise errors.InvalidInputError('Table name not valid: %s' %
        if (not self.transaction_init):
            raise errors.TransactionError(
                'Must run StartTansaction before getting '
                'row count.')
        self.cursor_execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s' % table_name)
        row_count = self.cursor.fetchone()
        return row_count['COUNT(*)']
Пример #6
    def ListRow(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Lists rows in the database using a dictionary of tables. Then returns 
    the rows found. Joins are auto generated on the fly based on foreign keys
    in the database.

      args: pairs of string of table name and dict of rows
      kwargs: lock_rows: default False
              column: column to search range on, if using multiple
                           tables, the column must be in the first table
                           in args.
              range_values: range tuple of values to search within for on column
              is_date: boolean of if range is of dates

      example usage: ListRow('users', user_row_dict,
                             'user_group_assignments', user_assign_row_dict,

      TransactionError: Must run StartTansaction before inserting
      UnexpectedDataError: If is_date is specified you must specify column and range
      UnexpectedDataError: If column or range is specified both are needed
      InvalidInputError: Found unknown option(s)
      UnexpectedDataError: No args given, must at least have a pair of table name and row dict
      UnexpectedDataError: Number of unnamed args is not even.
          Args should be entered in pairs of table name and row dict.
      InvalidInputError: Table name not valid
      InvalidInputError: Column not found in row
      UnexpectedDataError: Column in table is not a DateTime type
      UnexpectedDataError: Date from range is not a valid datetime object
      InvalidInputError: Range must be int if is_date is not set
      InvalidInputError: Multiple tables were passed in but no joins were found

      tuple of row dicts consisting of all the tables that were in the input.
      all column names in the db are unique so no colisions occour
        example: ({'user_name': 'sharrell', 'access_level': 10, 
                   'user_group_assignments_group_name: 'cs',
                   'user_group_assignments_user_name: 'sharrell'},
                  {'user_name': 'sharrell', 'access_level': 10, 
                   'user_group_assignments_group_name: 'eas',
                   'user_group_assignments_user_name: 'sharrell'})
        if (not self.transaction_init):
            raise errors.TransactionError(
                'Must run StartTansaction before getting '
        if (self.data_validation_instance is None):

        valid_tables = helpers_lib.GetValidTables()
        tables = {}
        table_names = []
        lock_rows = False
        column = None
        range_values = ()
        is_date = None
        if (kwargs):
            if ('lock_rows' in kwargs):
                lock_rows = kwargs['lock_rows']
                del kwargs['lock_rows']
            if ('column' in kwargs):
                column = kwargs['column']
                del kwargs['column']
            if ('range_values' in kwargs):
                range_values = kwargs['range_values']
                del kwargs['range_values']
            if ('is_date' in kwargs):
                is_date = kwargs['is_date']
                del kwargs['is_date']
            if (column is None and is_date is not None):
                raise errors.UnexpectedDataError(
                    'If is_date is specified you must '
                    'specify column and range')
            if (bool(column) ^ bool(range_values)):
                raise errors.UnexpectedDataError(
                    'If column or range is specified '
                    'both are needed')
            if (kwargs):
                raise errors.InvalidInputError('Found unknown option(s): '
                                               '%s' % kwargs.keys())

        if (not args):
            raise errors.UnexpectedDataError(
                'No args given, must at least have a '
                'pair of table name and row dict')
        if (len(args) % 2):
            raise errors.UnexpectedDataError(
                'Number of unnamed args is not even. Args '
                'should be entered in pairs of table name '
                'and row dict.')
        count = 0
        for arg in args:
            count += 1
            if (count % 2):
                if (not arg in valid_tables):
                    raise errors.InvalidInputError('Table name not valid: %s' %
                current_table_name = arg
                # do checking in validate row dict to check if it is a dict
                    current_table_name, arg, none_ok=True, all_none_ok=True)
                tables[current_table_name] = arg

        if (range_values):
            if (column not in args[1]):
                raise errors.InvalidInputError('Column %s not found in row'
                                               'dictionary: %s' %
                                               (column, args[1]))

            if (is_date):
                if (constants.TABLES[args[0]][column] != 'DateTime'):
                    raise errors.UnexpectedDataError(
                        'column: %s in table %s is not a'
                        'DateTime type' % (column, args[0]))
                for date in range_values:
                    if (not self.data_validation_instance.isDateTime(date)):
                        raise errors.UnexpectedDataError(
                            'Date: %s from range is not a valid '
                            'datetime object' % date)
                for value in range_values:
                    if (not self.data_validation_instance.isUnsignedInt(value)
                        raise errors.InvalidInputError(
                            'Range must be int if is_date '
                            'is not set')
        query_where = []
        if (len(tables) > 1):
            if (not self.foreign_keys):
                    'SELECT table_name, column_name, '
                    'referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name '
                    'FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE '
                    'referenced_table_name IS NOT NULL AND '
                    'referenced_table_schema="%s"' % self.db_name)
                self.foreign_keys = self.cursor.fetchall()

            for key in self.foreign_keys:
                if (key['table_name'] in table_names
                        and key['referenced_table_name'] in table_names):

                                       '%(referenced_column_name)s)' % key)
            if (not query_where):
                raise errors.InvalidInputError(
                    'Multiple tables were passed in but no '
                    'joins were found')
        column_names = []
        search_dict = {}
        for table_name, row_dict in tables.iteritems():
            for key, value in row_dict.iteritems():
                column_names.append('%s.%s' % (table_name, key))
                if (value is not None):
                    search_dict[key] = value
                    query_where.append('%s%s%s%s' % (key, '=%(', key, ')s'))

        if (range_values):
            search_dict['start'] = range_values[0]
            search_dict['end'] = range_values[1]
                '%s%s%s%s' % (column, '>=%(start)s AND ', column, '<=%(end)s'))

        query_end = ''
        if (query_where):
            query_end = 'WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(query_where)
        if (lock_rows):
            query_end = '%s FOR UPDATE' % query_end

        query = 'SELECT %s FROM %s %s' % (','.join(column_names),
                                          ','.join(table_names), query_end)

        self.cursor_execute(query, search_dict)
        return self.cursor.fetchall()