Пример #1
import hep.table
from   hep.cernlib.hbook import create, createTable
from   hep.test import compare

# test

# HBOOK requires correct data alignment of columns.  If this is not
# handled correctly when the schema is used to book the CWN, a schema
# such as this one will cause problems, since the float64 columns are
# not 64-bit-aligned.

schema = hep.table.Schema()
schema.addColumn("index1", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value1", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index2", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value2", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index3", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value3", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index4", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value4", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index5", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value5", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index6", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value6", "float64")

hbook_file = create("cwn2.hbook")
table = createTable("cwn", hbook_file, schema, column_wise=1)
compare(len(table.schema), 12)
Пример #2
from   hep.cernlib import hbook
import hep.fs
import hep.hist
import hep.table 
from   random import random

# Construct a schema with three columns.
schema = hep.table.Schema(a="float32", b="float32", c="float32")
# Create a new HBOOK file.
hbook_file = hep.fs.getdir("test.hbook", makedirs=True, writable=True)
# Create a row-wise n-tuple in it.
table = hbook.createTable("ntuple", hbook_file, schema, column_wise=False)
# Fill 100 random rows into the ntuple.
for i in xrange(0, 100):
    table.append(a=random(), b=random(), c=random())
# Release these to close the HBOOK file.
del table, hbook_file

# Reopen the HBOOK file.
hbook_file = hep.fs.getdir("test.hbook", writable=True)
# Get the n-tuple.
table = hbook_file["ntuple"]
# Project a histogram of the sum of the three values in each row.
histogram = hep.hist.Histogram1D(30, (0.0, 3.0), expression="a + b + c")
hep.hist.project(table.rows, (histogram, ))
# Write the histogram to the HBOOK file.
hbook_file["histogram"] = histogram