Пример #1
def test_drag_resize_floating_client(hlwm, x11, mouse, live_update):
    hlwm.attr.settings.update_dragged_clients = hlwm.bool(live_update)

    client, winid = x11.create_client(geometry=(50, 50, 300, 200))
    hlwm.call(f'set_attr clients.{winid}.floating true')
    geom_before = Rectangle.from_user_str(hlwm.attr.clients[winid].geometry_reported())
    assert geom_before == x11.get_absolute_geometry(client)  # duck-typing
    assert (geom_before.width, geom_before.height) == (300, 200)
    # move cursor to the top left corner, so we change the
    # window position and the size (and the bottom right corner is fixed)
    # Just positioning the mouse pointer, no need to wait for hlwm
    mouse.move_into(winid, x=0, y=0, wait=False)

    hlwm.call(['drag', winid, 'resize'])
    assert hlwm.get_attr('clients.dragged.winid') == winid
    mouse.move_relative(100, 120)
    final_size = (geom_before.width - 100, geom_before.height - 120)

    # check geometry during drag
    geom_after = client.get_geometry()
    x_after, y_after = x11.get_absolute_top_left(client)
    assert (x_after, y_after) == (geom_before.x + 100, geom_before.y + 120)
    expected_size = (geom_before.width, geom_before.height)
    if live_update:
        expected_size = final_size
    assert (geom_after.width, geom_after.height) == expected_size

    # stop drag and check final size
    mouse.click('1', wait=True)
    geom_after = client.get_geometry()
    assert (geom_after.width, geom_after.height) == final_size
    assert Rectangle.from_user_str(hlwm.attr.clients[winid].geometry_reported()) \
        == geom_before.adjusted(dx=100, dy=120, dw=-100, dh=-120)
Пример #2
def test_sizehint_change_applied(hlwm, x11, floating):
    hlwm.attr.tags.focus.floating = floating
    # create a client with a geometry that does not match the sizehints
    # we will set later
    handle, winid = x11.create_client()
    old_geometry = Rectangle(x=30, y=40, width=111, height=121)
    hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating_geometry = old_geometry
    if floating:
        assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].content_geometry().size(
        ) == old_geometry.size()

    # update the size hints:
    hints = {
        'flags': Xutil.PResizeInc,
        'width_inc': 5,
        'height_inc': 7,

    new_geometry = hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating_geometry()
    # the new size adheres to the size hints
    assert new_geometry.width % hints['width_inc'] == 0
    assert new_geometry.height % hints['height_inc'] == 0
    # the new size changes only as little as necessary
    assert abs(new_geometry.width - old_geometry.width) <= hints['width_inc']
    assert abs(new_geometry.height -
               old_geometry.height) <= hints['height_inc']

    if floating:
        assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].content_geometry().size(
        ) == new_geometry.size()
Пример #3
def test_floating_geometry_and_placement(hlwm, x11, place_center):
    hlwm.attr.tags.focus.floating = True

    rule_geo = Rectangle(30, 40, 140, 170)
    rule = ['floating_geometry=' + rule_geo.to_user_str()]
    if place_center:
        rule += ['floatplacement=center']
        # also add another rule whose floatplacement is then overwritten:
        hlwm.call('rule floatplacement=center')
        rule += ['floatplacement=none']

    # 'floatplacement' is only applied by 'rule', so no test
    # for 'apply_tmp_rule' or 'apply_rules'
    hlwm.call(['rule'] + rule)
    _, winid = x11.create_client()

    client_geo = hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating_geometry()
    monitor_geo = hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.geometry()

    assert client_geo.size() == rule_geo.size()
    if place_center:
        assert client_geo.center() == monitor_geo.center()
        assert client_geo.topleft() == rule_geo.topleft()
Пример #4
def test_floating_geometry(hlwm, x11, command, visible_tag):
    if command != 'rule':
        _, winid = x11.create_client()  # client first

    geo = Rectangle(30, 40, 140, 170)
    rule = [
        'floating=on', 'focus=on', 'floating_geometry=' + geo.to_user_str()

    if not visible_tag:
        hlwm.call('add othertag')
        rule += ['tag=othertag']

    if command == 'rule':
        hlwm.call(['rule'] + rule)
        _, winid = x11.create_client()  # client second
    elif command == 'apply_rules':
        # apply fresh rules to long existing client
        hlwm.call(['rule'] + rule)
        hlwm.call(['apply_rules', winid])
        hlwm.call(['apply_tmp_rule', winid] + rule)

    if not visible_tag:
        hlwm.call('use othertag')

    assert hlwm.attr.clients.focus.floating_geometry() == geo
    assert hlwm.attr.clients.focus.content_geometry() == geo
Пример #5
def test_implicit_type_conversion_rectangle(hlwm):
    # TODO: change as soon as custom attributes support Rectangle!
    geo = Rectangle(10, 20, 400, 500)
    hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.geometry = geo
    assert hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.geometry() == geo

    geo = Rectangle(20, 30, 422, 522)
    hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.geometry = geo
    assert hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.geometry() == geo
Пример #6
def test_directional_shift_resize_left_up(hlwm, command, direction,
    run: shift/resize up/left
    possibly put a window obstacle in the way
    hlwm.attr.tags.focus.floating = True
    client, _ = hlwm.create_client()
    bw = 3
    hlwm.attr.theme.border_width = bw
    gap = 2
    hlwm.attr.settings.snap_gap = gap
    hlwm.attr.clients[client].sizehints_floating = False
    old_geo = Rectangle(x=160, y=170, width=80, height=90)
    hlwm.attr.clients[client].floating_geometry = old_geo

    # possibly put a window obstacle between the 'client' and the screen edge:
    if put_obstacle:
        obstacle, _ = hlwm.create_client()
        hlwm.attr.clients[obstacle].sizehints_floating = False
        obstacle_pos = 100 + bw
        if direction == 'up':
            hlwm.attr.clients[obstacle].floating_geometry = \
                Rectangle(x=0, y=0, width=400, height=100)
        elif direction == 'left':
            hlwm.attr.clients[obstacle].floating_geometry = \
                Rectangle(x=0, y=0, width=100, height=400)
        # the next obstacle is the screen edge
        obstacle_pos = 0

    if direction == 'up':
        # expected position after shift up: same x, different y
        expected_pos = (160, obstacle_pos + bw + gap)
    elif direction == 'left':
        # expected position after shift left: different x, same y
        expected_pos = (obstacle_pos + bw + gap, 170)

    hlwm.call(['jumpto', client])
    hlwm.call([command, direction])  # the actual shift/resize

    # check that the top left corner of the window is adjusted as expected
    new_geo = hlwm.attr.clients.focus.floating_geometry()
    assert expected_pos == (new_geo.x, new_geo.y)

    if command == 'shift':
        # shift means: size is unchanged
        assert (old_geo.width, old_geo.height) == (new_geo.width,
        # resize means: bottom right corner is unchanged
        assert old_geo.x + old_geo.width == new_geo.x + new_geo.width
        assert old_geo.y + old_geo.height == new_geo.y + new_geo.height
Пример #7
def test_resize_shrink_not_possible(hlwm, direction):
    hlwm.attr.settings.snap_gap = 5
    hlwm.attr.tags.focus.floating = True

    winid, _ = hlwm.create_client()
    hlwm.attr.clients.focus.sizehints_floating = False
    # place the client roughly in the center of the monitor:
    geo_orig = Rectangle(x=200, y=200, width=160, height=140)
    hlwm.attr.clients.focus.floating_geometry = geo_orig

    # call resize multiple times
    for i in range(0, 15):
        proc = hlwm.unchecked_call(['resize', direction])
        if proc.returncode != 0:
            assert f"{winid} is too small to be shrunk" in proc.stderr
    geo_final = hlwm.attr.clients.focus.floating_geometry()

    # after calling 'resize' that often, the minimum window size
    # must have been reached. So calling it again will not change the geometry:
    hlwm.call_xfail(['resize', direction]).expect_stderr('too small')
    assert geo_final == hlwm.attr.clients.focus.floating_geometry()

    if direction in ['up', 'down']:
        assert geo_orig.width == geo_final.width
        assert geo_orig.height == geo_final.height

    assert geo_final.width >= 50
    assert geo_final.height >= 50
Пример #8
def test_drag_move_sends_configure(hlwm, x11, mouse, update_dragged):
    hlwm.attr.tags.focus.floating = 'on'
    hlwm.attr.settings.update_dragged_clients = hlwm.bool(update_dragged)
    client, winid = x11.create_client()
    x, y = x11.get_absolute_top_left(client)
    before = Rectangle.from_user_str(hlwm.attr.clients[winid].geometry_reported())
    assert (x, y) == (before.x, before.y)
    mouse.move_into(winid, wait=True)

    hlwm.call(['drag', winid, 'move'])
    mouse.move_relative(12, 15)
    mouse.click('1')  # stop dragging
    hlwm.call('true')  # sync

    after = Rectangle.from_user_str(hlwm.attr.clients[winid].geometry_reported())
    assert before.adjusted(dx=12, dy=15) == after
Пример #9
def test_detect_monitors_xrandr(hlwm_spawner, screens, xvfb):
    args = ['-extension', 'XINERAMA']
    args += ['+extension', 'RANDR']
    with MultiscreenDisplay(server='Xephyr', screens=screens,
                            extra_args=args) as xserver:
        # boot up hlwm
        hlwm_proc = hlwm_spawner(display=xserver.display)
        hlwm = conftest.HlwmBridge(xserver.display, hlwm_proc)

        # for the debugging if something fails:
        lines = hlwm.call('detect_monitors --list-all').stdout.splitlines()
        for cur_line in lines:
            words = cur_line.split(' ')
            if words[0] == 'xinerama:':
                # check that xinerama is disabled
                assert len(words) == 1
            elif words[0] == 'xrandr:':
                # unfortunately, xrandr in Xephyr only reports the first screen
                assert len(words) == 2
                assert words[1] == Rectangle(
                    x=0, y=0, width=screens[0][0],
                assert False, f"unknown detect_monitors output: {cur_line}"

Пример #10
def test_can_move_client_at_monitor_edge(hlwm, mouse):
    hlwm.attr.tags.focus.floating = True
    winid, _ = hlwm.create_client()
    hlwm.call('move_monitor 0 600x400+0+0')
    # move floating coordinates clearly off screen:
    floating_geo = Rectangle(x=2000, y=4000, width=300, height=200)
    hlwm.attr.clients[winid].sizehints_floating = False
    hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating_geometry = floating_geo
    # still, the window overlaps with the monitor by a few pixels
    content_geo = hlwm.attr.clients[winid].content_geometry()
    assert content_geo.x + 20 < 600
    assert content_geo.y + 20 < 400
    assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating_geometry() == floating_geo
    # so, despite the floating geo is far off,
    # the window is shown on the monitor

    # now drag the window by a few pixels back into the monitor:
    hlwm.attr.settings.update_dragged_clients = True
    hlwm.call(['drag', winid, 'move'])
    delta = Point(-72, -93)
    assert hlwm.get_attr('clients.dragged.winid') == winid
    mouse.move_relative(delta.x, delta.y)

    # then, we expect that the window actually moves back
    # by precisely this distance:
    # (in old hlwm versions, the window was glueing in the bottom right corner)
    assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].content_geometry() == content_geo.adjusted(dx=delta.x, dy=delta.y)
    # but of course the floating geo changed a lot (e.g. more than 500),
    # because the window is now within the screen again:
    new_floating_geo = hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating_geometry()
    assert abs(new_floating_geo.x - floating_geo.x) > 500
    assert abs(new_floating_geo.y - floating_geo.y) > 500
Пример #11
def test_decorated_off_floating_geometry_correct(hlwm):
    winid, _ = hlwm.create_client()
    hlwm.attr.theme.border_width = 8
    client_obj = hlwm.attr.clients[winid]

    client_obj.floating_geometry = Rectangle(10, 20, 200, 100)
    client_obj.floating = True
    client_obj.decorated = False

    assert client_obj.floating_geometry() == client_obj.decoration_geometry()
Пример #12
def test_floating_geometry_change(hlwm, minimized, floating, x11, othertag):
    if othertag:
        hlwm.call('add othertag')
        hlwm.call('rule tag=othertag')
    handle, winid = x11.create_client()
    clientobj = hlwm.attr.clients[winid]
    clientobj.floating = hlwm.bool(floating)
    clientobj.minimized = hlwm.bool(minimized)
    hlwm.call('pad "" 0 0 0 0')
    hlwm.call('move_monitor "" 800x600+0+0')

    for geom in [Rectangle(x=50, y=100, width=100, height=300),
                 Rectangle(x=-20, y=2, width=430, height=200)]:

        clientobj.floating_geometry = geom.to_user_str()

        if not minimized and not othertag:
            assert (clientobj.content_geometry() == geom) == floating
            assert (x11.get_absolute_top_left(handle) == (geom.x, geom.y)) == floating
Пример #13
def test_resize_shrink_client(hlwm, direction):
    hlwm.attr.settings.snap_gap = 5
    hlwm.attr.tags.focus.floating = True
    hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.geometry = Rectangle(x=0,

    hlwm.attr.clients.focus.sizehints_floating = False
    # place the client roughly in the center of the monitor:
    geo_orig = Rectangle(x=200, y=200, width=300, height=400)
    hlwm.attr.clients.focus.floating_geometry = geo_orig
    # shift the client towards the monitor edge in the specified 'direction'
    hlwm.call(['shift', direction])
    geo_moved = hlwm.attr.clients.focus.floating_geometry()
    # and the size is as originally
    assert geo_moved.width == geo_orig.width
    assert geo_moved.height == geo_orig.height

    # calling 'resize' with the same direction forces the client to shrink:
    hlwm.call(['resize', direction])

    geo_shrunk = hlwm.attr.clients.focus.floating_geometry()
    if direction in ['up', 'down']:
        # client was shrunk in height
        assert geo_shrunk.width == geo_moved.width
        assert geo_shrunk.height == geo_moved.height // 2
        # client was shrunk in width
        assert geo_shrunk.width == geo_moved.width // 2
        assert geo_shrunk.height == geo_moved.height

    if direction in ['right', 'down']:
        # bottom right corner stays unchanged
        assert geo_shrunk.x + geo_shrunk.width == geo_moved.x + geo_moved.width
        assert geo_shrunk.y + geo_shrunk.height == geo_moved.y + geo_moved.height
        # top left corner stays unchanged
        assert geo_shrunk.x == geo_moved.x
        assert geo_shrunk.y == geo_moved.y
Пример #14
def test_panel_object(hlwm, x11):
    assert int(hlwm.attr.panels.count()) == 0

    _, winid = x11.create_client(geometry=(1, 0, 800, 30),
                                 wm_class=('panelinst', 'panelclass'),

    assert int(hlwm.attr.panels.count()) == 1
    assert hlwm.attr.panels[winid].instance() == 'panelinst'
    assert hlwm.attr.panels[winid]['class']() == 'panelclass'
    assert hlwm.attr.panels[winid].geometry() == Rectangle(1, 0, 800, 30)
    assert hlwm.attr.panels[winid].winid() == winid
Пример #15
def test_drag_floating_to_other_monitor(hlwm, mouse, source_floating, client_floating, target_floating, client_focused):
    total_width = hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.geometry().width
    total_height = hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.geometry().height
    # create two monitors side by side with small gaps, pads, and some odd coordinates
    hlwm.call('add othertag')
    geo1 = Rectangle(x=10, y=20, width=total_width / 2 - 30, height=total_height)
    geo2 = Rectangle(x=total_width / 2, y=15, width=total_width / 2, height=total_height)
    hlwm.call(['set_monitors', geo1.to_user_str(), geo2.to_user_str()])
    hlwm.call(['pad', '0', '11', '12', '13', '14'])
    hlwm.call(['pad', '1', '15', '16', '17', '18'])
    hlwm.attr.settings.update_dragged_clients = True

    hlwm.attr.tags[0].floating = source_floating
    hlwm.attr.tags[1].floating = target_floating
    # another dummy client
    otherclient, _ = hlwm.create_client()

    # put client in the middle of tag 0
    hlwm.call('rule floatplacement=center')
    winid, _ = hlwm.create_client()
    if client_focused:
        focused_winid = winid
        focused_winid = otherclient
    hlwm.call(['jumpto', focused_winid])
    hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating = client_floating
    assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].tag() == hlwm.attr.tags[0].name()
    assert hlwm.attr.clients.focus.winid() == focused_winid

    # start dragging
    content_geo_before = hlwm.attr.clients[winid].content_geometry()
    start = content_geo_before.center()
    mouse.move_to(start.x, start.y)
    hlwm.call(['drag', winid, 'move'])
    end = hlwm.attr.monitors[1].geometry().center()
    mouse.move_to(end.x, end.y)
    content_geo_after = hlwm.attr.clients[winid].content_geometry()
    assert end == content_geo_after.center()
    assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].tag() == hlwm.attr.tags[1].name()
    assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating_effectively() is True
    # check that the focused client does not change:
    assert hlwm.attr.clients.focus.winid() == focused_winid
    # check that the correct monitor is focused
    assert hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.tag() == hlwm.attr.clients.focus.tag()
    assert hlwm.attr.monitors.focus.index() == (1 if client_focused else 0)
    if not target_floating:
        # if the target tag is not floating, the client must have been
        # set to single-window floating
        assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating() is True
        # if the target tag is floating, then the client's floating
        # state is unchanged
        assert hlwm.attr.clients[winid].floating() == client_floating
Пример #16
def test_smart_placement_within_monitor(hlwm):
    In the smart placement, the outer geometry of clients
    must be used. So test that even with wide decorations,
    the top left corner of the decoration is not off screen.
    hlwm.attr.tags.focus.floating = 'on'
    hlwm.call('rule floatplacement=smart')
    bw = 25
    hlwm.attr.theme.border_width = bw
    hlwm.attr.settings.snap_gap = 5  # something smaller than bw
    winid, _ = hlwm.create_client()

    inner_geometry = Rectangle.from_user_str(

    # assert that the top left corner of the decoration
    # is still within the monitor
    assert inner_geometry.x - bw >= 0
    assert inner_geometry.y - bw >= 0
Пример #17
def test_detect_monitors_deduplication(hlwm_spawner, screens, xvfb):
    args = ['+extension', 'XINERAMA']
    args += ['-extension', 'RANDR']
    # Xvfb puts all screens at position (0,0),
    # so we use it to verify that detect_monitors removes duplicates
    # while preserving the order
    with MultiscreenDisplay(server='Xvfb', screens=screens,
                            extra_args=args) as xserver:
        # boot up hlwm
        hlwm_proc = hlwm_spawner(display=xserver.display)
        hlwm = conftest.HlwmBridge(xserver.display, hlwm_proc)
        # create enough tags
        hlwm.call('chain , add tag1 , add tag2 , add tag3')
        assert hlwm.get_attr('monitors.count') == '1'
        rects = hlwm.call(['detect_monitors', '-l']).stdout.splitlines()
        expected = [
            Rectangle(0, 0, s[0], s[1]).to_user_str()
            for idx, s in enumerate(screens) if screens.index(s) == idx

        assert rects == expected
