Пример #1
 def select_hex(self, x, y, use_hex):
     if use_hex:
         self.selected_hex = hexgrid.Hex(x, y)
         self.selected_hex = hex_at(x, y)
     self.selection_mesh.vertices = hex_vertices(self.grid,
Пример #2
 def pixel_to_hex(self,p):
     M = self.orientation
     size = self.size
     origin =self.origin
     pt = Point((p.x - origin.x) / size.x, (p.y - origin.y) / size.y)
     q = M.b0 * pt.x + M.b1 * pt.y
     r = M.b2 * pt.x + M.b3 * pt.y
     return hexgrid.Hex(q,r)
Пример #3
 def select_adjacent(self, x, y, use_hex):
     if use_hex:
         requested_hex = hexgrid.Hex(self.selected_hex[0] + x,
                                     self.selected_hex[1] + y)
         square_y = requested_hex[1]
         if square_y < 0 or square_y >= self.height:
             self.select_hex(requested_hex[0], requested_hex[1], True)
             max(min(self.selected_hex[0] + x, self.width - 1), 0),
             max(min(self.selected_hex[1] + y, self.height - 1), 0), False)
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, width, height, rows, columns, selection_mode,
              selection_color, grid_color, grid_width):
     super(HexApp, self).__init__()
     self.width = width
     self.height = height
     self.rows = rows
     self.columns = columns
     self.selection_mode = selection_mode
     self.selection_color = selection_color
     self.grid_color = grid_color
     self.grid_width = grid_width
     self.selected_hex = hexgrid.Hex(0, 0)
     self.selection_mesh = None
     self.grid = None
     self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, None)
Пример #5
def aStar(request):
    global startGu, endGu
    center = hexgrid.Point((float(startX) + float(endX)) / 2,
                           (float(startY) + float(endY)) / 2)
    rate = 110.574 / (111.320 * math.cos(37.55582994870823 * math.pi / 180))
    grid = hexgrid.Grid(hexgrid.OrientationFlat, center,
                        Point(rate * 0.00015, 0.00015), morton.Morton(2, 32))
    sPoint = grid.hex_at(Point(float(startX), float(startY)))
    ePoint = grid.hex_at(Point(float(endX), float(endY)))
    map_size = max(abs(sPoint.q), abs(sPoint.r))
    road1 = Roadtohexgrid.objects.filter(is_danger=1, hexgrid_gu=startGu).all()
    road2 = Roadtohexgrid.objects.filter(is_danger=1, hexgrid_gu=endGu).all()
    total_road = road1.union(road2, all=False)
    wall1 = Roadtohexgrid.objects.filter(is_danger=0, hexgrid_gu=startGu).all()
    wall2 = Roadtohexgrid.objects.filter(is_danger=0, hexgrid_gu=endGu).all()
    total_wall = wall1.union(wall2, all=False)
    wh = GridWithWeights(layout_flat, Point(rate * 0.00015, 0.00015), center,
                         map_size + 5)
    for r in total_road:
        gis = Geometry(r.hexgrid_loc.hex()[8:])
        h = grid.hex_at(shape(gis.geojson))
        wh.weights[(h.q, h.r)] = 1

    for w in total_wall:
        gis = Geometry(w.hexgrid_loc.hex()[8:])
        h = grid.hex_at(shape(gis.geojson))
        wh.weights[(h.q, h.r)] = 200

    start, goal = (sPoint.q, sPoint.r), (ePoint.q, ePoint.r)
    came_from, cost_so_far = a_star_search(wh, start, goal)
    pointList = reconstruct_path(came_from, start=start, goal=goal)
    plist = []
    for p in pointList:
        point = wh.hex_to_pixel(hexgrid.Hex(p[0], p[1]))
        plist.append([point.x, point.y])
    crime_location = {
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "LineString",
            "coordinates": plist
    pistes = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [crime_location]}

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'pistes': pistes}),
Пример #6
# Event Loop
while True:

    log.debug("\nNew loop at time {}.".format(clock))

    # Find out what the mouse is pointing at.
    # Calculate where in the world the mouse is pointing.
    mouse_xy_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    mouse_hex_pos = hexgrid.pixel_to_hex(layout, Point(*mouse_xy_pos))
    mouse_hex_cubic = hexgrid.hex_round(mouse_hex_pos)
    mouse_hex = Hex(mouse_hex_cubic.r, mouse_hex_cubic.q)
    # Calculate which segment of the hex the mouse is in.
    off = hexgrid.Hex(mouse_hex_pos.r - mouse_hex_cubic.r,
                      mouse_hex_pos.q - mouse_hex_cubic.q,
                      mouse_hex_pos.s - mouse_hex_cubic.s)
    diff = (off.r - off.q, off.q - off.s, off.s - off.r)
    m = -1.0
    mi = None
    for i in range(len(diff)):
        if abs(diff[i]) > m:
            m = abs(diff[i])
            mi = i
    d = [0, 0, 0]
    sign = 1 if diff[mi] > 0 else -1
    d[mi] = sign
    d[(mi + 1) % 3] = -sign
    mouse_dir = hexgrid.Hex(*d)

    log.debug("Mouse at {}".format(mouse_hex))
Пример #7
def hex_at(x, y):
    return hexgrid.Hex(x,
                       y - x // 2)  # // is floor division (integer division)