Пример #1
    def default(self, module, run_id, **kwargs):
        response = {"status": "unkown", "data": []}
            if module not in self.modules:
                raise Exception("Module not found")

            module = self.modules[module]

            if module.isUnauthorized():
                raise cp.HTTPError(status=403, message="You are not allowed to access this resource.")

            run = hf_runs.select(hf_runs.c.id == run_id).execute().fetchone()
            if run is None:
                raise cp.HTTPError(status=404, message="The specified run ID was not found!")

            specific_module = module.getModule(run)
            if not hasattr(specific_module, "ajax"):
                raise cp.HTTPError(status=404, message="Module does not export data via Ajax")

            if specific_module.error_string:
                raise Exception(specific_module.error_string)
            if specific_module.dataset is None:
                raise cp.HTTPError(status=404, message="No data at this time")
            response["data"] = specific_module.ajax(**kwargs)
            response["status"] = "success"

            # ajax data never goes bad, since it is supposed to be static
            cp.lib.caching.expires(secs=9999999, force=True)

        except cp.HTTPError, e:
            cp.lib.caching.expires(secs=0, force=False)
            response = {
                "status": "error",
                "code": e.code,
                "reason": "%i: %s" % (e.code, e.reason),
                "data": []
    def prepareDisplay(self, category=None, **kwargs):
        generate the data and template context required to display
        a page containing the navbar.
        :param string: Name of the ca
        :returns: tuple (template_context, category_dict, run)
        Select a hf run based on the passed 'date' and 'time' parameters. If not
        specified, use most recent run. If they are specified, make sure they do
        not mark a point in the future.
        Because (usually) microseconds are stored in the database, too, we have
        to pad with extra 59 seconds (note: 59 because it will be the same minute
        but there will only be a single "dead" second, we can live with that).
        time_error_message = ''
        time_obj = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
            timestamp = kwargs['date'] if 'date' in kwargs is not None else time_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            timestamp += '_' + (kwargs['time'] if 'time' in kwargs else time_obj.strftime('%H:%M'))
            # notice the extra seconds to avoid microsecond and minute issues
            time_obj = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M"))+59)

        except Exception:
            time_error_message = "The passed time was invalid"
        if time_obj > datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())+59):
            time_error_message = "HappyFace is not an oracle"
            time_obj = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())+59)
            test = hf_runs.select().execute().fetchone()
            self.logger.error("Test "+str(test))
        except Exception, e:
Пример #3
    def prepareDisplay(self, category=None, **kwargs):
        generate the data and template context required to display
        a page containing the navbar.

        :param string: Name of the ca
        :returns: tuple (template_context, category_dict, run)
        Select a hf run based on the passed 'date' and 'time' parameters. If not
        specified, use most recent run. If they are specified, make sure they do
        not mark a point in the future.
        Because (usually) microseconds are stored in the database, too, we have
        to pad with extra 59 seconds (note: 59 because it will be the same minute
        but there will only be a single "dead" second, we can live with that).

        time_error_message = ''

        time_obj = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
            timestamp = kwargs['date'] if 'date' in kwargs is not None else time_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            timestamp += '_' + (kwargs['time'] if 'time' in kwargs else time_obj.strftime('%H:%M'))
            # notice the extra seconds to avoid microsecond and minute issues
            time_obj = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")) + 59)

        except Exception:
            time_error_message = "The passed time was invalid"

        requested_time_obj = time_obj # store time as specified by the user

        if time_obj > datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time()) + 59):
            time_error_message = "HappyFace is not an oracle"
            time_obj = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time()) + 59)

        run = hf_runs.select(hf_runs.c.time <= time_obj). \
            where(or_(hf_runs.c.completed == True, hf_runs.c.completed == None)). \
            order_by(hf_runs.c.time.desc()). \
        if run is None:
            time_error_message = "No data so far in past"
            run = hf_runs.select(hf_runs.c.time >= time_obj). \
                where(or_(hf_runs.c.completed == True, hf_runs.c.completed == None)). \
                order_by(hf_runs.c.time.asc()). \
            time_obj = run["time"]
        run = {"id": run["id"],
               "time": run["time"],
               "requested_time": requested_time_obj}

        # if the run is older than a certain time threshold,
        # then mark it as stale
        stale_threshold = datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 0, 0,
                                             int(hf.config.get('happyface', 'stale_data_threshold_minutes')))
        data_stale = (run['time'] + stale_threshold) < datetime.datetime.now()
        run['stale'] = data_stale

        category_list = [cat.getCategory(run) for cat in self.category_list]
        category_dict = dict((cat.name, cat) for cat in category_list)

        selected_category = None
        for c in category_list:
            if c.name == category:
                selected_category = c

        lock_icon = 'lock_icon_on.png' if cp.request.cert_authorized else 'lock_icon_off.png'
        lock_icon = os.path.join(hf.config.get('paths', 'template_icons_url'), lock_icon)

        template_context = {
            "static_url": hf.config.get('paths', 'static_url'),
            "happyface_url": hf.config.get('paths', 'happyface_url'),
            "category_list": category_list,
            "module_list": [],
            "hf": hf,
            "time_specified": ('date' in kwargs or 'time' in kwargs),
            "date_string": time_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            "time_string": time_obj.strftime('%H:%M'),
            "histo_step": kwargs['s'] if 's' in kwargs else "00:15",
            "run": run,
            'selected_module': None,
            'selected_category': selected_category,
            'time_error_message': time_error_message,
            'data_stale': data_stale,
            'svn_rev': hf.__version__,
            'lock_icon': lock_icon,
            'include_time_in_url': ('date' in kwargs or 'time' in kwargs),
            'automatic_reload': not ('date' in kwargs or 'time' in kwargs),
            'reload_interval': int(hf.config.get('happyface', 'reload_interval')),
            'hf_css': cp.request.hf_css

        for cat in category_list:
        return template_context, category_dict, run
Пример #4
    def default(self, plt_type=None, img=None, **kwargs):
        if hf.config.get('plotgenerator', 'enabled').lower() != 'true':
            return "Plot Generator disabled by HappyFace configuration"

        if img == "img":
            if plt_type == "time":
                return hf.plotgenerator.timeseriesPlot(self.category_list, **kwargs)
            elif plt_type == "custom":
                return hf.plotgenerator.customPlot(**kwargs)
                # just get the lastest run, we don't really need it
                run = hf_runs.select(). \
                    where(or_(hf_runs.c.completed == True, hf_runs.c.completed == None)). \
                    order_by(hf_runs.c.time.desc()). \
                category_list = [cat.getCategory(run) for cat in self.category_list]

                start_date = kwargs['start_date'] if 'start_date' in kwargs else run["time"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                start_time = kwargs['start_time'] if 'start_time' in kwargs else run["time"].strftime('%H:%M')

                start = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(start_date + '_' + start_time, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")))
                past = start - datetime.timedelta(days=2)

                end_date = kwargs['end_date'] if 'end_date' in kwargs else past.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                end_time = kwargs['end_time'] if 'end_time' in kwargs else past.strftime('%H:%M')

                end = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(end_date + '_' + end_time, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")))

                plot_cfg = hf.plotgenerator.getTimeseriesPlotConfig(**kwargs)

                curve_dict = {}
                for name, curve in plot_cfg["curve_dict"].iteritems():
                    #curve <=> (title, table, module_instance, col_expr)
                    curve_dict[name] = (curve[2], \
                        curve[4], \
                        curve[3], \

                # Parse the constraints
                constraint_dict = {}
                for name, cond_list in kwargs.iteritems():
                    if name.startswith('filter'):
                        include = True
                        name = name[6:] if len(name) > 6 else ''
                    elif name.startswith('exclude'):
                        include = False
                        name = name[7:] if len(name) > 7 else ''
                    if not isinstance(cond_list, list):
                        cond_list = [cond_list, ]
                    for cond in cond_list:
                        var = cond.split(',')[0]
                        value = ','.join(cond.split(',')[1:])
                        if name in constraint_dict:
                            constraint_dict[name].append([include, var, value])
                            constraint_dict[name] = [[include, var, value], ]
                trendplot = (kwargs['renormalize'].lower() if 'renormalize' in kwargs else 'false') in ['1', 'true']

                legend_select = dict((i, "") for i in xrange(11))
                if 'legend' in kwargs:
                    legend_select[int(kwargs['legend'])] = "selected='selected'"

                template_context = {
                        "static_url": hf.config.get('paths', 'static_url'),
                        "url_short_api_key": hf.config.get('plotgenerator', 'url_short_api_key'),
                        "happyface_url": hf.config.get('paths', 'happyface_url'),
                        "category_list": category_list,
                        "module_list": [],
                        "start": start,
                        "end": end,
                        "curve_dict": curve_dict,
                        "constraint_dict": constraint_dict,
                        "trendplot": trendplot,
                        "title": kwargs["title"] if 'title' in kwargs else '',
                        "hf": hf,
                        "legend_select": legend_select,

                for cat in category_list:
                if plt_type == "time":
                    test = self.timeseries_template.render_unicode(**template_context)
                    return test
            except Exception, e:
                self.logger.error("Plot interface hander failed: " + str(e))