Пример #1
def InstSegm(extent, boundary, t_ext=0.4, t_bound=0.2):
    extent : extent prediction
    boundary : boundary prediction
    t_ext : threshold for extent
    t_bound : threshold for boundary

    # Threshold extent mask
    ext_binary = np.uint8(extent >= t_ext)

    # Artificially create strong boundaries for
    # pixels with non-field labels
    input_hws = np.copy(boundary)
    input_hws[ext_binary == 0] = 1

    # Create the directed graph
    size = input_hws.shape[:2]
    graph = hg.get_8_adjacency_graph(size)
    edge_weights = hg.weight_graph(graph, input_hws, hg.WeightFunction.mean)

    tree, altitudes = hg.watershed_hierarchy_by_dynamics(graph, edge_weights)

    # Get individual fields
    # by cutting the graph using altitude
    instances = hg.labelisation_horizontal_cut_from_threshold(
        tree, altitudes, threshold=t_bound).astype(np.float)

    instances[ext_binary == 0] = np.nan

    return instances
Пример #2
    def test_labelisation_horizontal_cut(self):
        tree = hg.Tree(np.asarray((5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7)))

        altitudes = np.asarray((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.7), dtype=np.double)

        ref_t0 = np.asarray((1, 2, 3, 3, 3), dtype=np.int32)
        ref_t1 = np.asarray((1, 1, 2, 2, 2), dtype=np.int32)
        ref_t2 = np.asarray((1, 1, 1, 1, 1), dtype=np.int32)

        output_t0 = hg.labelisation_horizontal_cut_from_threshold(tree, altitudes, 0)
        output_t1 = hg.labelisation_horizontal_cut_from_threshold(tree, altitudes, 0.5)
        output_t2 = hg.labelisation_horizontal_cut_from_threshold(tree, altitudes, 0.7)

        self.assertTrue(hg.is_in_bijection(ref_t0, output_t0))
        self.assertTrue(hg.is_in_bijection(ref_t1, output_t1))
        self.assertTrue(hg.is_in_bijection(ref_t2, output_t2))
    def test_hierarchy_to_optimal_MumfordShah_energy_cut_hierarchy(self):
        # Test strategy:
        # 1) start from a random hierarchy
        # 2) construct the corresponding optimal Mumford-Shah energy cut hierarchy
        # 3) verify that the horizontal cuts of the new hierarchy corresponds to the
        # optimal energy cuts of the first hierarchy obtained from the explicit MF energy
        # and the function labelisation_optimal_cut_from_energy

        shape = (10, 10)
        g = hg.get_4_adjacency_graph(shape)
        vertex_weights = np.random.rand(*shape)
        edge_weights = hg.weight_graph(g, vertex_weights, hg.WeightFunction.L1)
        tree1, altitudes1 = hg.watershed_hierarchy_by_area(g, edge_weights)

        tree, altitudes = hg.hierarchy_to_optimal_MumfordShah_energy_cut_hierarchy(

        for a in altitudes:
            if a != 0:
                res = False
                cut1 = hg.labelisation_horizontal_cut_from_threshold(
                    tree, altitudes, a)
                # du to numerical issues, and especially as we test critical scale level lambda,
                # we test several very close scale levels
                for margin in [-1e-8, 0, 1e-8]:
                    mfs_energy = hg.attribute_piecewise_constant_Mumford_Shah_energy(
                        tree1, vertex_weights, a + margin)
                    cut2 = hg.labelisation_optimal_cut_from_energy(
                        tree1, mfs_energy)
                    res = res or hg.is_in_bijection(cut1, cut2)
Пример #4
def get_cut_thr(tree, altitudes, thr=0.5):

    labels = hg.labelisation_horizontal_cut_from_threshold(
        tree, 1 - altitudes, 1 - thr)

    return labels