Пример #1
def check_attempt(params):
    ans_terms = collect_terms(params['ans_tree'])
    att_terms = collect_terms(params['att_tree'])
    unrecognized = set(att_terms) - set(ans_terms) - set([0, 1])
    #print 'unrecognized=',unrecognized
    if len(unrecognized) > 0:
        inanswerstring = ','.join([str(x) for x in set(ans_terms) - set([1])])
        unrecstring = ','.join([str(x) for x in set(unrecognized) - set([1])])
        hint = 'The numbers in the question are: ' + inanswerstring
        hint += '. Where did ' + unrecstring + ' come from? '
        hint += 'Please replace ' + unrecstring + ' with expressions that use the numbers ' + inanswerstring
        return hint
    return ''
Пример #2
def check_attempt(params):
    ans_terms = collect_terms(params["ans_tree"])
    att_terms = collect_terms(params["att_tree"])
    unrecognized = set(att_terms) - set(ans_terms) - set([0, 1])
    # print 'unrecognized=',unrecognized
    if len(unrecognized) > 0:
        inanswerstring = ",".join([str(x) for x in set(ans_terms) - set([1])])
        unrecstring = ",".join([str(x) for x in set(unrecognized) - set([1])])
        hint = "The numbers in the question are: " + inanswerstring
        hint += ". Where did " + unrecstring + " come from? "
        hint += "Please replace " + unrecstring + " with expressions that use the numbers " + inanswerstring
        return hint
    return ""
Пример #3
def check_attempt(params):
    missing=set(ans_terms) - set(att_terms)- set([0,1])
    #print 'unrecognized=',unrecognized
    if len(missing)>0:
        inattemptstring= ', '.join([str(x) for x in set(att_terms)-set([1])])
        missingstring=', '.join([str(x) for x in set(missing)-set([1])])
        hint='The numbers in your answer are: '+inattemptstring

        if len(missing)>1:
            hint+='. You are not using the numbers '
            hint+= missingstring+' used in the question. '
            hint+='Figure out how to use these numbers in your answer.'
            hint+='. You are not using the number '
            hint+= missingstring+' used in the question. '
            hint+='Figure out how to use this number in your answer.'

        return hint
    return ''
Пример #4
def check_attempt(params):
    ans_terms = collect_terms(params['ans_tree'])
    att_terms = collect_terms(params['att_tree'])
    missing = set(ans_terms) - set(att_terms) - set([0, 1])
    #print 'unrecognized=',unrecognized
    if len(missing) > 0:
        inattemptstring = ', '.join(
            [str(x) for x in set(att_terms) - set([1])])
        missingstring = ', '.join([str(x) for x in set(missing) - set([1])])
        hint = 'The numbers in your answer are: ' + inattemptstring

        if len(missing) > 1:
            hint += '. You are not using the numbers '
            hint += missingstring + ' used in the question. '
            hint += 'Figure out how to use these numbers in your answer.'
            hint += '. You are not using the number '
            hint += missingstring + ' used in the question. '
            hint += 'Figure out how to use this number in your answer.'

        return hint
    return ''