def rm_cmd(self, argv): """usage: rm [-nv] <file> rm -R[-v] <file-or-directory> - remove file or directory """ # 指定するファイルを削除する。 # ディレクトリも破棄対象とする場合は -R オプションを合わせて指定すること recursive = False dryrun = False args = [] while argv: opts, params = cli.getopt(argv, 'Rnv', ( 'recursive', 'verbose', 'dryrun', )) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-R', '--recursive'): name = optarg elif opt in ('-n', '--dryrun'): dryrun = True elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'): cli.verbose = 1 else: return self.usage(cmd) argv = cli.nextopt(params, args) if not args: self.usage(cmd) return self._remove_reguler_files(args, recursive)
def glob_cmd(self, line): """usage: glob [-d <base-dir>] pattern .. - check glob pattern""" cmd = 'glob' argv = cli.split_line(line, useGlob=False) basedir = '' try: opts, args = cli.getopt(argv, 'd:') except cli.GetoptError: return self.usage(cmd) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-d': basedir = optarg elif opt == '-v': verbose = True lf = LocalFolder(basedir) cli.puts(lf) entries = [] for pat in args: entries.extend(lf.glob(pat)) cli.show_items(entries)
def lrmdir_cmd(self, argv): """usage: rmdir [-n][-p] <dir> - remove empty directory (folder) """ # ディレクトリを削除する cmd = argv.pop(0) opts, args = cli.getopt(argv, 'np', ('dryrun', 'parents', 'help')) dry_run = 0 with_parent = 0 mode = 0o777 for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-n', '--dryrun'): dry_run = 1 elif opt in ('-p', '--parents'): with_parent = 1 else: return self.usage(cmd) rc = 0 for path in args: try: if with_parent: os.removedirs(path) continue os.rmdir(path) except OSError as e: log.error('%s while rmdir %s', path) rc = 1
def cp_cmd(self, argv): """usage: cp [-pn] <src> <dst> cp -R [-pn] <src> .. <dst-dir> - copy file """ # ファイルを複製する # 日付は維持する。 # 複製途中のファイルは出現しないように調整する # 複数のファイルを指定した場合は、<dst> cmd = argv.pop(0) preserve = False recursive = False dryrun = False args = [] while argv: opts, params = cli.getopt(argv, 'Rpnv', ( 'recursive', 'preserve', 'verbose', 'dryrun', )) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-p', '--preserve'): preserve = True elif opt in ('-R', '--recursive'): recursive = True elif opt in ('-n', '--dryrun'): dryrun = True elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'): cli.verbose = 1 else: return self.usage(cmd) argv = cli.nextopt(params, args) if len(args) == 2 and not os.path.isdir(args[1]): self._copy_reguler_file(args[0], args[1], preserve) return 0 dst_dir = args.pop(-1) if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir): log.error('%s is not directory.', dst_dir) return 1 sum = 0 ct = 0 for fn in args: if os.path.isfile(fn): dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.basename(fn)) sum += self._copy_reguler_file(fn, dst_file) ct += 1 elif recursive and os.path.isdir(fn): dst_new = os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.basename(fn)) if not os.path.isdir(dst_new): os.makedirs(dst_new) mtime = os.path.getmtime(fn) bytes, nct = self._copy_folder(fn, dst_new, preserve=preserve) #os.utime(dst_new, (None, mtime)) sum += bytes ct += nct else: log.error('%s not reguler file or directory', fn)
def tsv_cmd(self, argv): """usage: tsv [-n <lines>][-s <skip>][-S <step>][-E <encoding>][-o <outfile>] files .. options: -n #, --lines # 読み込む総行数 -s #, --skip # 読み飛ばす行数。複数のファイルを指定する場合、最初のファイルについてのみ有効 """ # TSV/CSVファイルを読み込んで表示する cmd = argv[0] step = 1 skip = 0 lines = 0 encoding = '' de = '\t' opts, args = cli.getopt( argv[1:], 'n:s:S:E:vd:', ('skip=', 'lines=', 'rows=', 'encoding=', 'step=', 'delimiter=')) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-n', '--lines', '--rows'): lines = int(optarg) elif opt in ('-d', '--delimiter'): de = optarg elif opt in ('-s', '--skip'): skip = int(optarg) elif opt in ('-S', '--step'): step = int(optarg) elif opt in ('-E', '--encoding'): encoding = optarg elif opt == '-v': cli.verbose = True else: return self.usage(cmd, opt) if step <= 1: def xprint(ta): cli.puts(de.join(ta)) else: def xprint(rows): for ta in rows: cli.puts(de.join(ta)) fm = LocalFolder() ct = 0 for tf in args: for ta in fm.read_tsv_lines(tf, skip=skip, step=step, lines=lines, encoding=encoding): xprint(ta) ct += 1 if cli.verbose:'%d time repeat.', ct)
def launcher_cmd(self, args): cmd = args.pop(0) op = 'run' opts, args = cli.getopt(argv, 'lv', ('list', 'verbose')) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-l', '--list'): op = 'list' elif opt == '-v': cli.verbose = True else: return self.usage(cmd, opt)
def env_cmd(self, argv): "usage: env [-i][-u var] [name=value].. [cmd [args]] .." # 環境変数の確認とコマンドの実行 cmd = argv[0] opts, args = cli.getopt(argv[1:], 'iu:v') from os import environ as ENV env = dict(ENV) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-u': # 指定する変数を除外する if optarg in env: env.pop(optarg) elif opt == '-i': env.clear() elif opt == '-v': cli.verbose = True else: return self.usage(cmd) def show_env(): for kn in sorted(env.keys()): cli.puts('%s=%s' % (kn, env[kn])) if not args: return show_env() ind = 0 for tt in args: p = tt.find('=') if p < 1: break kn, kv = tt[:p], tt[p + 1:] env[kn] = kv ind += 1 args = list(args[ind:]) if not args: return show_env() wd = os.getcwd() # 標準入出力は、このプロセスのそれと同じものを利用する # コマンドの探索にはPATHを利用してくれる pc = subprocess.Popen(args, close_fds=True, cwd=wd, env=env) try: log.debug('pid: %d', rc = pc.wait() except: rc = 255 pc.terminate() log.debug('rc: %d cmd: %s', rc, ' '.join(args)) return rc
def hostname_cmd(self, argv): 'usage: hostname [-a]' cmd = argv.pop(0) show_all = False opts, args = cli.getopt(argv, 'a', ('all')) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-a', '--all'): show_all = True elif opt == '-v': cli.verbose = True else: return self.usage(cmd) uname = platform.uname() if show_all: cli.puts(uname) return cli.puts(uname[1])
def find_cmd(self, line): """usage: find [-v][-t type][-d depth][-u user][-g group]\ [-n include-pattern][-x exclude-pattern][-m +mod-date][-s +size] [directory] .. - find directory entry""" # ディレクトリを探索して、条件に合致するファイルをレポートする cmd = 'find' argv = cli.split_line(line, useGlob=False) #print [ (idx,tt) for idx, tt in enumerate(argv) ] groups = [] users = [] depth = 10 ftype = '' includes = [] excludes = [] pattern = [] modtime = 0 size = None args = [] while argv: opts, params = cli.getopt(argv, 't:d:u:g:n:x:m:s:', ( 'group=', 'user='******'depth=', 'ftype=', 'name=', 'exclude=', 'size=', 'modified=', )) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-g', '--group'): groups.append(optarg) elif opt in ('-u', '--user'): users.append(optarg) elif opt in ('-d', '--depth'): depth = int(optarg) elif opt in ('-s', '--size'): size = int(size) elif opt in ('-n', '--name'): includes.append(optarg) elif opt in ('-x', '--exclude'): exclude.append(optarg) elif opt == '-v': cli.verbose = True argv = cli.nextopt(params, args) if not args: args.append('') for dirname in args: for fn in folder_walk(dirname): if fn.startswith('.'): continue cli.puts(fn)
def lls_cmd(self, argv): "usage: lls <folder> .." cmd = argv[0] opts, args = cli.getopt(argv[1:], 'aldCvR') lsStyle = 'column' recursive = False ignoredir = False all = False for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-l': lsStyle = 'detail' elif opt == '-a': all = True elif opt == '-d': ignoredir = True elif opt == '-C': lsStyle = 'column' elif opt == '-R': recursive = True elif opt == '-v': cli.verbose = True else: return self.usage(cmd) detail = lsStyle == 'detail' if not args: return self._lls('', detail, recursive, all) ment = [] if ignoredir: for ent in args: fmt, isdir = self._file_format(ent) if detail: cli.puts(fmt) else: ment.append(ent) if ment: cli.show_list(ment) return 0 for ent in args: fmt, isdir = self._file_format(ent) if isdir: self._lls(ent, detail, recursive, all) continue if detail: cli.puts(fmt) else: ment.append(ent) if ment: cli.show_list(ment)
def grep_cmd(self, line): """usage: grep [-invR][-e [RE]] [RE] <text-file> | <directory> .. - print reguler expression match line """ cmd = 'grep' argv = cli.split_line(line, useGlob=False) opts, args = cli.getopt(argv, 'invre:E:') recursive = False invert = False ignoreCase = False patterns = [] lnumber = False encoding = 'utf-8' for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-i': ignoreCase = True elif opt == '-v': invert = True elif opt == '-R': recursive = True elif opt == '-n': lnumber = True elif opt == '-e': patterns.append(optarg) elif opt == '-E': encoding = optarg ind = 0 al = len(args) if not al: return self.usage(cmd) if not patterns: patterns.append(args[ind]) ind += 1 if ind > al: log.error('empty search target') return if True: regexp = [] reopts = 0 if ignoreCase: reopts |= re.IGNORECASE for pat in patterns: regexp.append(re.compile(pat, reopts)) def _grep_file(target): # パターンを検索してマッチしたら表示する with open(target) as fp: ct = 0 line = fp.readline() try: while line: ct += 1 line = line.decode(encoding, 'replace') #if ct < 3: print ct,':',type(line),line, found = False for reg in regexp: if found = True break pflag = not invert if found else invert if pflag: if lnumber: cli.puts('%s: %s: %s' % (target, ct, line), end='') else: cli.puts('%s: %s' % (target, line), end='') line = fp.readline() except Exception as e: cli.puts('ERROR: %s:%s:%s' % (tf, ct, e), file=cli.syserr) for tf in cli.glob(args[ind:]): _grep_file(tf)
def lhead_cmd(self, argv): """usage: lhead [-n line][-s skip] <file> - show head line of (gziped) file """ # gzipファイルの先頭部を表示する cmd = argv.pop(0) lines = 10 skip = 0 encoding = None errors = 'strict' pattern = '' args = [] while argv: opts, params = cli.getopt(argv, 'n:s:E:T', ('lines=', 'skip=', 'encoding=', 'help')) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt in ('-n', '--lines'): lines = int(optarg) elif opt in ('-s', '--skip'): skip = int(optarg) elif opt in ('-T', '--tsv'): pattern = r'\s+' elif opt in ('-P', '--pattern'): pattern = optarg elif opt in ('-E', '--encoding'): encoding = optarg else: return self.usage(cmd) argv = cli.nextopt(params, args) if len(args) == 0: return self.usage(cmd) lf = None for fn in args: basedir = os.path.dirname(fn) if not lf or lf.getFolderName() != basedir: lf = LocalFolder(basedir) fn0 = os.path.basename(fn) if not pattern: for line in lf.readlines(fn0, skip=skip, lines=lines, encoding=encoding, errors=errors): cli.puts(line) return fs = re.compile(pattern) sep = '\t' for line in lf.readlines(fn0, skip=skip, lines=lines, encoding=encoding, errors=errors): ta = fs.split(line) cli.puts(sep.join(ta)) @cli.alert def glob_cmd(self, line): """usage: glob [-d <base-dir>] pattern .. - check glob pattern""" cmd = 'glob' argv = cli.split_line(line, useGlob=False) basedir = '' try: opts, args = cli.getopt(argv, 'd:') except cli.GetoptError: return self.usage(cmd) for opt, optarg in opts: if opt == '-d': basedir = optarg elif opt == '-v': verbose = True lf = LocalFolder(basedir) cli.puts(lf) entries = [] for pat in args: entries.extend(lf.glob(pat)) cli.show_items(entries)