Пример #1
def upload_data(args, molecule, isos, d_refs):
    Upload the new transitions and states to the database. Only do this for
    real if args.dry_run = False.

    args: the processed command line arguments with the names of files to
    use in uploading the data, the list of HITRAN molecule and isotopologue
    IDs to resolve the global_iso_id to etc...
    molecule: the Molecule object for the molecule whose transitions and
    states are to be uploaded.
    isos: a list of Iso objects, ordered by their local isotopologue ID
    cases_list: a list of Case objects, where the index is the case_id (ie
    cases_list[0] is None, cases_list[1] represents the dcs case etc...
    d_refs: a dictionary of RefsMap objects, keyed by HITRAN-style refID,
    e.g. 'O2-gamma_self-2'.


    if args.dry_run:
        vprint('[DRY RUN] Uploading to database...')
        vprint('Uploading to database...')

    # first, expire old lines

    # get the all the molecular state description 'cases' in a list indexed
    # by caseID
    cases = Case.objects.all()
    cases_list = [None,]    # caseIDs start at 1, so case_list[0]=None
    for case in cases:

    # find out the ID at which we can start adding states
        first_stateID = State.objects.all().order_by('-id')[0].id + 1
    except IndexError:
        # no states in the database yet, so we start at 1
        first_stateID = 1
    vprint('new states will be added with ids starting at %d' % first_stateID)

    # upload the new states
    states = upload_states(args, isos, cases_list)

    # get the Source objects we'll need to attach to the parameters
    sources = get_sources(d_refs)
    # this is the default Source for when we can't find anything better:
    hitran86_source = Source.objects.all().filter(pk=HITRAN1986_SOURCEID).get()

    # now read in and upload the transitions
    if args.dry_run:
        vprint('[DRY RUN] Uploading transitions ...')
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        vprint('Uploading transitions ...')
    start_time = time.time()
    ntrans = 0
    for line in open(args.trans_file_upload, 'r'):
        line = line.rstrip() # strip the EOL because the last field is par_line
        trans = HITRANTransition()

        for prm_name in trans_prms:
            # create and attach the HITRANParam objects
            setattr(trans, prm_name, HITRANParam(None))
        fields = line.split(',')
        for i, output_field in enumerate(trans_fields):
            # set the transition attributes
            trans.set_param(output_field.name, fields[i], output_field.fmt)

        # attach the upper state to the transition
        if trans.stateIDp < first_stateID:
            # this state is already in the database: find it
            trans.statep = State.objects.all().get(pk=trans.stateIDp)
            # new upper state: get it from the states list
            trans.statep = states[trans.stateIDp-first_stateID]

        # attach the lower state to the transition
        if trans.stateIDpp < first_stateID:
            # this state is already in the database: find it
            trans.statepp = State.objects.all().get(pk=trans.stateIDpp)
            # new lower state: get it from the states list
            trans.statepp = states[trans.stateIDpp-first_stateID]

        # attach the case_module for this transition's states' quantum numbers
        trans.case_module = hitran_meta.get_case_module(trans.molec_id,

        # fetch the right Iso object
        iso = isos[trans.local_iso_id-1]
        # this_trans is a hitranmeta.Trans object for the MySQL database
        this_trans = Trans(iso=iso, statep=trans.statep, statepp=trans.statepp,
                nu=trans.nu.val, Sw=trans.Sw.val, A=trans.A.val,
                multipole=trans.multipole, Elower=trans.Elower, gp=trans.gp,
                gpp=trans.gpp, valid_from=args.s_mod_date,
        ntrans += 1
        if not args.dry_run:
            # if we're really uploading, save the transition to the database
        # create and execute the INSERT strings for the transition's parameters
        for prm_name in trans_prms:
            val = trans.get_param_attr(prm_name, 'val')
            if val is None:
                # no value for this parameter - move on to the next one
            # fetch the Source object for this parameter
            source_id = trans.get_param_attr(prm_name, 'source_id')
            if source_id is None:
                # if we can't identify source_id, it's missing from the
                # hitranmeta_refs_map and/or hitransmeta_source tables:
                # this is fatal and we must exit with an error
                print 'Error! no reference specified for', prm_name

            # create the parameter object for this parameter
            prm_fields = ['trans_id', 'val']
            prm_entries = [str(this_trans.id), str(val)]
            err = trans.get_param_attr(prm_name, 'err')
            if err is not None:
            prm_entries.append(str(trans.get_param_attr(prm_name, 'ierr')))
            s_insert = 'INSERT INTO prm_%s (%s) VALUES (%s)'\
                             % (prm_name.lower(), ', '.join(prm_fields),
                                ', '.join(prm_entries))
            if not args.dry_run:
                # if we're really uploading, save the prm to the database

    end_time = time.time()
    vprint('%d transitions read in (%s)' % (ntrans,
                timed_at(end_time - start_time)))
Пример #2
trans = []
start_time = time.time()
line_no = 0
ncorrections = 0
co = open(corrections_file, 'w')
for line in open(trans_file, 'r'):
    line_no += 1
    line = line.rstrip()
    this_trans = HITRANTransition()
    # create the HITRANParam objects for the trans_prms parameters
    for prm_name in trans_prms:
        setattr(this_trans, prm_name, HITRANParam(None))
        #eval('this_trans.%s=HITRANParam(None)' % prm_name)
    fields = line.split(',')
    for i, output_field in enumerate(trans_fields):
        this_trans.set_param(output_field.name, fields[i], output_field.fmt)
    #print this_trans.stateIDp, this_trans.stateIDpp
    this_trans.statep = get_state(this_trans.stateIDp)
    this_trans.statepp = get_state(this_trans.stateIDpp)
    this_trans.case_module = hitran_meta.get_case_module(this_trans.molec_id,

    # OH (A-X) system is a special case:
    if this_trans.statep.global_iso_id == 48 and s_qns[15]=='A':
        this_trans.case_module = hcase_OHAX

    if not this_trans.validate_as_par():
        this_trans.old_par_line = this_trans.par_line
        this_trans.par_line = correct_par(this_trans)
        if this_trans.validate_as_par():
            print >>co, '%d-%s' % (line_no, this_trans.old_par_line)