Пример #1
    def _process(cls, block, is_initial_sync=False):
        """Process a single block. Assumes a trx is open."""
        #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        num = cls._push(block)
        date = block['timestamp']

        account_names = set()
        json_ops = []
        for tx_idx, tx in enumerate(block['transactions']):
            for operation in tx['operations']:
                op_type = operation['type']
                op = operation['value']

                # account ops
                if op_type == 'pow_operation':
                elif op_type == 'pow2_operation':
                elif op_type == 'account_create_operation':
                elif op_type == 'account_create_with_delegation_operation':
                elif op_type == 'create_claimed_account_operation':

                # account metadata updates
                elif op_type == 'account_update_operation':
                    if not is_initial_sync:
                        Accounts.dirty(op['account'])  # full
                elif op_type == 'account_update2_operation':
                    if not is_initial_sync:
                        Accounts.dirty(op['account'])  # full

                # post ops
                elif op_type == 'comment_operation':
                    Posts.comment_op(op, date)
                    if not is_initial_sync:
                        Accounts.dirty(op['author'])  # lite - stats
                elif op_type == 'delete_comment_operation':
                elif op_type == 'vote_operation':
                    if not is_initial_sync:
                        Accounts.dirty(op['author'])  # lite - rep
                        Accounts.dirty(op['voter'])  # lite - stats
                        CachedPost.vote(op['author'], op['permlink'], None,

                # misc ops
                elif op_type == 'transfer_operation':
                    Payments.op_transfer(op, tx_idx, num, date)
                elif op_type == 'custom_json_operation':

        Accounts.register(account_names, date)  # register any new names
        CustomOp.process_ops(json_ops, num,
                             date)  # follow/reblog/community ops

        return num
Пример #2
    def _process(cls, block):
        """Process a single block. Assumes a trx is open."""
        #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        assert issubclass(type(block), Block)
        num = cls._push(block)
        cls._current_block_date = block.get_date()

        # head block date shall point to last imported block (not yet current one) to conform hived behavior.
        # that's why operations processed by node are included in the block being currently produced, so its processing time is equal to last produced block.
        # unfortunately it is not true to all operations, most likely in case of dates that used to come from
        # FatNode where it supplemented it with its-current head block, since it was already past block processing,
        # it saw later block (equal to _current_block_date here)
        if cls._head_block_date is None:
            cls._head_block_date = cls._current_block_date

        ineffective_deleted_ops = Blocks.prepare_vops(
            Posts.comment_payout_ops, block, cls._current_block_date, num,
            num <= cls._last_safe_cashout_block)

        json_ops = []
        for transaction in block.get_next_transaction():
            assert issubclass(type(transaction), Transaction)
            for operation in transaction.get_next_operation():
                assert issubclass(type(operation), Operation)

                start = OPSM.start()
                op_type = operation.get_type()
                assert op_type, "Only supported types are expected"
                op = operation.get_body()

                assert 'block_num' not in op
                op['block_num'] = num

                account_name = None
                op_details = None
                potentially_new_account = False
                # account ops
                if op_type == OperationType.Pow:
                    account_name = op['worker_account']
                    potentially_new_account = True
                elif op_type == OperationType.Pow2:
                    account_name = op['work']['value']['input'][
                    potentially_new_account = True
                elif op_type == OperationType.AccountCreate:
                    account_name = op['new_account_name']
                    op_details = op
                    potentially_new_account = True
                elif op_type == OperationType.AccountCreateWithDelegation:
                    account_name = op['new_account_name']
                    op_details = op
                    potentially_new_account = True
                elif op_type == OperationType.CreateClaimedAccount:
                    account_name = op['new_account_name']
                    op_details = op
                    potentially_new_account = True

                if potentially_new_account and not Accounts.register(
                        account_name, op_details, cls._head_block_date, num):
                        "Failed to register account {} from operation: {}".
                        format(account_name, op))

                # account metadata updates
                if op_type == OperationType.AccountUpdate:
                    Accounts.update_op(op, False)
                elif op_type == OperationType.AccountUpdate2:
                    Accounts.update_op(op, True)

                # post ops
                elif op_type == OperationType.Comment:
                    Posts.comment_op(op, cls._head_block_date)
                elif op_type == OperationType.DeleteComment:
                    key = "{}/{}".format(op['author'], op['permlink'])
                    if key not in ineffective_deleted_ops:
                        Posts.delete_op(op, cls._head_block_date)
                elif op_type == OperationType.CommentOption:
                elif op_type == OperationType.Vote:
                    Votes.vote_op(op, cls._head_block_date)

                # misc ops
                elif op_type == OperationType.Transfer:
                    Payments.op_transfer(op, transaction.get_id(), num,
                elif op_type == OperationType.CustomJson:  # follow/reblog/community ops
                    CustomOp.process_op(op, num, cls._head_block_date)

                OPSM.op_stats(str(op_type), OPSM.stop(start))

        cls._head_block_date = cls._current_block_date

        return num