Пример #1
def cli(ctx, itype, otype, ptask):
    Drizzles and individual images to be used for alignment
    dsn = ctx.dataset_name
    ctx.log('Running task %s for dataset %s', task, dsn)
    procdir = os.path.join(ctx.rundir, dsn)
    cfgf = '%s_cfg.json' % dsn
    cfg = hutils.rConfig(cfgf)
    tcfg = cfg['tasks'][task] = {}
    tcfg['ptask'] = ptask
    tcfg['itype'] = itype
    tcfg['otype'] = otype
    tcfg['stime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = False
    if ctx.refimg:
        refimg = str(ctx.refimg)
        refwcs = HSTWCS(refimg)
        cfg['refimg'] = refimg
        pscale = refwcs.pscale
        orientat = refwcs.orientat
        # use native pixel scale
        pscale = None
        orientat = 0
    images = hutils.imgList(cfg['images'])
    infiles = [str('%s%s' % (i, itype)) for i in images]

    n = len(infiles)
    with click.progressbar(infiles,
                           label='Generating single drizzled images') as pbar:
        for i, f in enumerate(pbar):
            ctx.vlog('\n\nDrizzling image %s - %s of %s', f, i + 1, n)
                drizzle_image.drzImage(f, pscale, orientat)
            except Exception as e:
                hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)

    tcfg['etime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = True
    ctx.vlog('Writing configuration file %s for %s task', cfgf, task)
    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)
Пример #2
def cli(ctx, restore, hlet, itype, otype, ptask):
    Applies offsets to images computed by superalign
    dsn = ctx.dataset_name
    ctx.log('Running task %s for dataset %s', task, dsn)
    procdir = os.path.join(ctx.rundir, dsn)
    cfgf = '%s_cfg.json' % dsn
    cfg = hutils.rConfig(cfgf)
    tcfg = cfg['tasks'][task] = {}
    tcfg['ptask'] = ptask
    tcfg['itype'] = itype
    tcfg['otype'] = otype
    tcfg['stime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = False
    originf = cfg['infiles']

    images = hutils.imgList(cfg['images'])
    infiles = [str('%s%s' % (i, itype)) for i in images]

    n = len(infiles)
    with click.progressbar(infiles,
                           label='Generating catalogs for images') as pbar:
        for i, inf in enumerate(pbar):
            outf = inf.replace('_drz_sci.fits', '_flt.fits')
            ctx.vlog('\nApplying offsets image %s - %s of %s', inf, i + 1, n)
                if restore:
                    apply_shift.restoreWCSdrz(inf, 0)
                    for ext in hutils.sciexts[hutils.getInstDet(outf)]:
                        origflt = [s for s in originf if outf in s][0]
                        restoreWCSflt(outf, origflt, ext)
                ctx.vlog('Applying offsets')
                apply_shift.applyOffset(inf, outf, hlet=hlet)

            except Exception as e:
                hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)

    tcfg['etime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = True
    ctx.vlog('Writing configuration file %s for %s task', cfgf, task)
    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)
Пример #3
def cli(ctx, itype, otype, ptask):
    Create IMV weight maps for WFC3IR images
    dsn = ctx.dataset_name
    ctx.log('Running task %s for dataset %s', task, dsn)
    procdir = os.path.join(ctx.rundir, dsn)
    cfgf = '%s_cfg.json' % dsn
    cfg = hutils.rConfig(cfgf)
    tcfg = cfg['tasks'][task] = {}
    tcfg['ptask'] = ptask
    tcfg['itype'] = itype
    tcfg['otype'] = otype
    tcfg['stime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = False
    iref = ctx.iref
    images = hutils.imgList(cfg['images'])
    infiles = [str('%s%s' % (i, itype)) for i in images]
    n = len(infiles)
    with click.progressbar(infiles,
                           label='Generating sky subtracted image') as pbar:
        for i, f in enumerate(pbar):
            ctx.vlog('\n\nCreating weight map for image %s - %s of %s', f,
                     i + 1, n)
            instdet = hutils.getInstDet(f)
            if instdet == 'wfc3ir':
                    make_ivm.makeweight(f, iref)
                except Exception as e:
                    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)

    tcfg['etime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = True
    ctx.vlog('Writing configuration file %s for %s task', cfgf, task)
    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)
Пример #4
def cli(ctx, itype, otype, ptask):
    Correct for ACS amplifier discontinuities
    dsn = ctx.dataset_name
    ctx.log('Running task %s for dataset %s', task, dsn)
    procdir = os.path.join(ctx.rundir, dsn)
    cfgf = '%s_cfg.json' % dsn
    cfg = hutils.rConfig(cfgf)
    tcfg = cfg['tasks'][task] = {}
    tcfg['ptask'] = ptask
    tcfg['itype'] = itype
    tcfg['otype'] = otype
    tcfg['stime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = False
    images = hutils.imgList(cfg['images'])
    infiles = [str('%s%s' % (i, itype)) for i in images]
    n = len(infiles)
    with click.progressbar(
            infiles, label='Generating amplifier corrected image') as pbar:
        for i, f in enumerate(pbar):
            ctx.vlog('\n\nCorrecting image %s - %s of %s', f, i + 1, n)
            instdet = hutils.getInstDet(f)
            if instdet == 'acswfc':
                except Exception as e:
                    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)

    tcfg['etime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = True
    ctx.vlog('Writing configuration file %s for %s task', cfgf, task)
    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)
Пример #5
def cli(ctx, itype, otype, ptask):
    Applies mask to images
    dsn = ctx.dataset_name
    pmaskdir = ctx.pmaskdir
    ctx.log('Running task %s for dataset %s', task, dsn)
    procdir = os.path.join(ctx.rundir, dsn)
    cfgf = '%s_cfg.json' % dsn
    cfg = hutils.rConfig(cfgf)
    tcfg = cfg['tasks'][task] = {}
    tcfg['ptask'] = ptask
    tcfg['itype'] = itype
    tcfg['otype'] = otype
    tcfg['stime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = False

    images = hutils.imgList(cfg['images'])
    infiles = [str('%s%s' % (i, itype)) for i in images]

    n = len(infiles)
    with click.progressbar(infiles,
                           label='Generating masks for images') as pbar:
        for i, f in enumerate(pbar):
            ctx.vlog('\n\nChecking masks for image %s - %s of %s', f, i + 1, n)
            masks = [
                fp for fp in glob.glob('%s*.reg' % f[:9])
                if 'footprint' not in fp
            if masks:
                    for m in masks:
                        if 'SCI' in m:
                            # ACSWFC and WFC3UV
                            chip = int(m.split('.reg')[0][-1])
                            if chip == 1:
                                dq_ext = 3
                            if chip == 2:
                                dq_ext = 6
                            # WFC3IR
                            dq_ext = 3
                        ctx.vlog('Applying mask to %s - DQ extention %s', f,
                        apply_mask.applymask(f, m, dq_ext)
                except Exception as e:
                    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)
                ctx.vlog('No masks found for %s', f)

            if hutils.getInstDet(f) == 'wfc3ir':
                if pmaskdir:
                    ctx.vlog('Checking for persistance mask for image %s', f)
                    pmaskfile = os.path.join(
                        pmaskdir, f.replace('flt.fits', 'pmask.fits'))
                    if os.path.exists(pmaskfile):
                        ctx.vlog('Found persistance mask image %s',
                        apply_mask.applypersist(f, pmaskfile)

    tcfg['etime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = True
    ctx.vlog('Writing configuration file %s for %s task', cfgf, task)
    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)
Пример #6
def cli(ctx, itype, ofile, ptask):
    Runs superalign on catalogs for alignment
    dsn = ctx.dataset_name
    ctx.log('Running task %s for dataset %s', task, dsn)
    procdir = os.path.join(ctx.rundir, dsn)
    cfgf = '%s_cfg.json' % dsn
    cfg = hutils.rConfig(cfgf)
    tcfg = cfg['tasks'][task] = {}
    tcfg['ptask'] = ptask
    tcfg['itype'] = itype
    tcfg['ofile'] = cfg['sfile'] = ofile
    tcfg['stime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = False

    images = hutils.imgList(cfg['images'])
    infiles = [str('%s%s' % (i, itype)) for i in images]
    refimg = cfg['refimg']
    refcat = cfg['refcat']
    refcat_sa = cfg['refcat_sa']
    refwcs = HSTWCS(fits.open(refimg))
    mkcat = make_catalog.MakeCat(refimg)

    sa_hlf = find_executable('superalign_hlfred')
    if not sa_hlf:
            'Unable to find "superalign_hlfred" executable. Make sure it is in your PATH.'

    ctx.vlog('Grouping images by visit for alignment')
    visits = set([i[:6] for i in infiles])
    vdata = {}
    for v in visits:
        vdata[v] = []
        for e in infiles:
            if e[:6] == v:

    # Run superalign on all visits
    ctx.vlog('Generating the superalign input')
    with open('superalign_failed_visits.txt', 'w') as sfv:
        for visit, inf in vdata.items():
            super_align.makeSAin(visit, inf, refwcs, refcat_sa)
                sa_cmd = '%s %s_superalign.in %s_sources.cat %s_offsets.cat' % (
                    sa_hlf, visit, visit, visit)
                ctx.vlog('Running: %s', sa_cmd)
                ecode = super_align.runSuperAlign(sa_cmd)
                if ecode != 0:
                    print('Superalign FAILED on %s' % visit)
                    sfv.write('%s\n' % visit)
                    print('Completed superalign on %s' % visit)
                super_align.makeSourceCat(visit, refwcs)
                ctx.vlog('Running simplematch')
                ctx.vlog('Running applyshifts')

            except Exception as e:
                hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)

    # Refine the shifts with MCMC
    ctx.vlog('Refining shifts...')
    with open('mcmc_shifts.txt', 'a') as ms:
        for drz in infiles:
            super_align.stars2cat(drz, refwcs)
        for visit, inf in vdata.items():
            ctx.vlog('Generating matched catalogs for visit %s', visit)
            for c1 in glob.glob('%s???_drz_sci_sa.cat.stars.cat' % visit):
                c2 = refcat
                c1m = c1.replace('.cat.stars.cat', '_match.cat')
                c2m = c1.replace('.cat.stars.cat', '_ref_match.cat')
                super_align.nn_match(c1, c2, refwcs, c1m, c2m)
        for drz in infiles:
            with fits.open(drz) as hdu:
                wn = hdu[0].header['wcsname']
            if wn == 'DRZWCS_1':
                ctx.vlog('Refining shifts for %s' % drz)
                offset = super_align.refineShiftMCMC(drz)
                dxp, dyp, dtp = offset
                ms.write('%s %.3f %.3f %.3f\n' % (drz, dxp, dyp, dtp))
                ctx.vlog('Generating catalogs for checking alignment for %s',
                whtf = drz.replace('sci', 'wht')
                instdet = hutils.getInstDet(drz)
                micat = drz.replace('.fits', '_all.cat')
                os.rename(micat, micat.replace('_all.cat', '_all_orig.cat'))
                omrcat = drz.replace('.fits', '_ref.cat')
                os.rename(omrcat, omrcat.replace('_ref.cat', '_ref_orig.cat'))
                os.rename(drz.replace('.fits', '.cat'),
                          drz.replace('.fits', '_orig.cat'))
                mkcat.makeCat(drz, instdet, weightfile=whtf)
                omicat = drz.replace('.fits', '.cat')
                # create new catalogs with only maching pairs
                hutils.nn_match_radec(micat, refcat, omicat, omrcat)

    ctx.vlog('Calculating total shifts from shift files...')

    sasd = {}
    with open('sa_shifts.txt') as sas:
        sasl = [i.split() for i in sas.read().splitlines()]
    for sasi in sasl:
        ffn, sdx, sdy, sdt = sasi
        sasd[ffn] = [float(sdx), float(sdy), float(sdt)]

    mcsd = {}
    with open('mcmc_shifts.txt') as mcs:
        mcsl = [i.split() for i in mcs.read().splitlines()]
    for mcsi in mcsl:
        ffn, mdx, mdy, mdt = mcsi
        mcsd[ffn] = [float(mdx), float(mdy), float(mdt)]

    with open('{}_total_shifts.txt'.format(dsn), 'w') as tsf:
        for ff, sas in sasd.items():
            mcs = mcsd[ff]
            tsh = [sum(i) for i in zip(sas, mcs)]
            ash = sas + mcs + tsh
            tshifts = [ff] + ash
                '{} {: .3f} {: .3f} {: .3f} {: .3f} {: .3f} {: .3f} {: .3f} {: .3f} {: .3f}\n'

    tcfg['etime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = True
    ctx.vlog('Writing configuration file %s for %s task', cfgf, task)
    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)
Пример #7
def cli(ctx, itype, otype, ptask):
    Generates object catalogs for each input image sutable for alignment
    dsn = ctx.dataset_name
    ctx.log('Running task %s for dataset %s', task, dsn)
    procdir = os.path.join(ctx.rundir, dsn)
    cfgf = '%s_cfg.json' % dsn
    cfg = hutils.rConfig(cfgf)
    refimg = ctx.refimg
    refcat = ctx.refcat
    tcfg = cfg['tasks'][task] = {}
    tcfg['ptask'] = ptask
    tcfg['itype'] = itype
    tcfg['otype'] = otype
    tcfg['stime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = False

    images = hutils.imgList(cfg['images'])
    infiles = [str('%s%s' % (i, itype)) for i in images]
    refwht = None
    extref = False

    if refimg:
        extref = True

    if not refimg:
        # For now if a reference image is not given just use one of the input images
        # TODO Need to determine best image to use for the reference image from the input list if no refimg is given
        refimg = infiles[0]
        refwht = refimg.replace('drz_sci.fits', 'drz_wht.fits')
        cfg['refimg'] = refimg
        cfg['refcat'] = refimg.replace('.fits', '.cat')

    mkcat = make_catalog.MakeCat(refimg)
    if refcat:
        cfg['refcat'] = refcat
        refcat_sa = '%s_refcat_sa.cat' % dsn
        cfg['refcat_sa'] = refcat_sa
        ctx.vlog('Generating catalog from external reference catalog %s',
        mkcat.makeSACatExtRef(refcat, refcat_sa)

        cfg['refcat'] = refimg.replace('.fits', '.cat')
        cfg['refcat_sa'] = refimg.replace('.fits', '_sa.cat')
        instdet = hutils.getInstDet(refimg)
        if extref:
            ctx.vlog('Generating catalog for external reference image %s',
            mkcat.makeCat(refimg, instdet, weightfile=refwht)
            mkcat.makeSACat(refimg, extref=True)
            ctx.vlog('Generating catalog for internal reference image %s',
            mkcat.makeCat(refimg, instdet, weightfile=refwht)

    n = len(infiles)
    with click.progressbar(infiles,
                           label='Generating catalogs for images') as pbar:
        for i, inf in enumerate(pbar):
            ctx.vlog('\nGenerating catalogs for image %s - %s of %s', inf,
                     i + 1, n)
            whtf = inf.replace('sci', 'wht')
            instdet = hutils.getInstDet(inf)
            mkcat.makeCat(inf, instdet, weightfile=whtf)
            micat = inf.replace('.fits', '_all.cat')
            omicat = inf.replace('.fits', '.cat')
            omrcat = inf.replace('.fits', '_ref.cat')
            # create new catalogs with only maching pairs
            hutils.nn_match_radec(micat, refcat, omicat, omrcat)

    tcfg['etime'] = ctx.dt()
    tcfg['completed'] = True
    ctx.vlog('Writing configuration file %s for %s task', cfgf, task)
    hutils.wConfig(cfg, cfgf)