Пример #1
def get_distance_dictionary():
    dist_dict = {}
    for i in range(game_map.width):
        for j in range(game_map.height):
            pos = positionals.Position(i, j)
            dist_dict[(i, j)] = game_map.calculate_distance(
                me.shipyard.position, positionals.Position(i, j))
    return dist_dict
Пример #2
 def get_target(self, scope):
     halite_list = []
     for x in range(self.game_map.width):
         for y in range(self.game_map.height):
                 (positionals.Position(x, y),
                  self.game_map[positionals.Position(x, y)].halite_amount))
     sorted_list = sorted(halite_list, key=lambda t: t[1])
     top_targets = sorted_list[-10:-1]
     return random.choice(top_targets)[0]
Пример #3
def get_halite_dictionary():
    halite_dict = {}
    for i in range(game_map.width):
        for j in range(game_map.height):
            pos = positionals.Position(i, j)
            halite_dict[(i, j)] = game_map[pos].halite_amount
    return halite_dict
Пример #4
def get_attack_list():
    atck_list = []
    for i in range(game_map.width):
        for j in range(game_map.height):
            pos = positionals.Position(i, j)
            if game_map[pos].has_structure and pos != me.shipyard.position:
                atck_list.append((i, j))
    return atck_list
Пример #5
    def input_for_ship(self, game_map, ship, my_other_ships, other_ships, my_dropoffs, other_dropoffs, turn_number,
        #output: input training data
            nearbyhalite = np.zeros((2*N+1,2*N+1));
            nearbymyship= np.zeros((2*N+1,2*N+1));
            nearbyenemyship= np.zeros((2*N+1,2*N+1));
            for i in range(ship.position.x-N,ship.position.x+N):
                for j in range(ship.position.y-N,ship.position.y+N):
            for myship in my_other_ships:
            for i in range(ship.position.x-N,ship.position.x+N):
                for j in range(ship.position.y-N,ship.position.y+N):
                    if game_map.normalize(positionals.Position(i,j)) in myshippos:

            for othership in other_ships:
            for i in range(ship.position.x-N,ship.position.x+N):
                for j in range(ship.position.y-N,ship.position.y+N):
                    if game_map.normalize(positionals.Position(i,j)) in enemyship:
            wid = game_map.width
            if wid == 56: maxturn = 476
            if wid == 40: maxturn = 426
            if wid == 32: maxturn= 401
            if wid == 64: maxturn= 501
            if wid == 48: maxturn = 451
            #get relative coordinate of nearest dropoff site
            for dropoff in my_dropoffs():
                dis2 = game_map.calculate_distance(ship.position, dropoff.position);
                if dis > dis2:
                    dis = dis2
                    tarx = dropoff.position.x-ship.position.x
                    tary = dropoff.position.y-ship.position.y
            #periodic boundary condition
            if tarx>wid/2:tarx=tarx-wid;
            if tarx<-wid/2:tarx=tarx+wid;
            if tary>wid/2:tary=tary-wid;
            if tary<-wid/2:tary=tary+wid;
            return [nearbyhalite,nearbyenemyship,nearbymyship,turn_number,maxturn,ship.halite_amount,tarx,tary]
Пример #6
def get_most_halite(ship):
    if ship.id in standing_farming_orders:
        if ship.position == positionals.Position(standing_farming_orders[ship.id][0], standing_farming_orders[ship.id][1]) and game_map[ship.position].halite_amount < constants.MAX_HALITE / 10:
            del standing_farming_orders[ship.id]
    if ship.id in standing_farming_orders:
        return positionals.Position(standing_farming_orders[ship.id][0], standing_farming_orders[ship.id][1],)
        a = get_efficient_halite()
        ord = True
        while ord:
            b = max(a, key=a.get)
            if b in standing_farming_orders.values():
                del a[b]
                ord = False
    pos = positionals.Position(b[0], b[1])
    standing_farming_orders[ship.id] = b
    return pos

Пример #7
    def _find_dropoff_destination(self):
        me = self.game.me
        game_map = self.game.game_map
        radii = 32

        def check_sparsity(pos):
            for dropoff_location in self.dropoff_locations:
                dist = game_map.calculate_distance(pos, dropoff_location)
                if dist < 12:
                    return False
            return True

        def check_halite_density(pos, width=6):
            halite_amount = 0
            for i in range(-round(width / 2), round(width / 2), 1):
                for j in range(-round(width / 2), round(width / 2), 1):
                    curr_cell = game_map[new_pos]
                    curr_halite_amount = curr_cell.halite_amount
                    halite_amount += curr_halite_amount
            return halite_amount

        destination = None
        best_halite_amount = -987654321

        for i in range(-round(radii / 2), round(radii / 2), 1):
            for j in range(-round(radii / 2), round(radii / 2), 1):
                new_pos = game_map.normalize(me.shipyard.position +
                                             positionals.Position(i, j))
                dist = game_map.calculate_distance(me.shipyard.position,
                if dist < 12:
                    continue  # Skip the ones that are too close.

                halite_amount = check_halite_density(new_pos, width=6)
                if halite_amount > best_halite_amount and check_sparsity(
                    destination = new_pos
                    best_halite_amount = halite_amount
        if destination:
        return destination
Пример #8
def get_move_order(ship):

    if check_end_is_nigh() and ship_status[ship.id] != "attacking":
        a = game_map.get_unsafe_moves(
            ship.position, me.shipyard.position)
        next_move = a[0]
        return ship.move(next_move)

    elif ship_status[ship.id] == "attacking":
        if ship.id not in standing_attack_orders:
            standing_attack_orders[ship.id] = atck_list.pop()
            att_loc = standing_attack_orders[ship.id]
            att_pos = positionals.Position(att_loc[0], att_loc[1])
            next_move = game_map.naive_navigate(ship, att_pos)
            logging.info("target is {}.".format(att_pos))
            return ship.move(next_move)
            att_pos = positionals.Position(
                standing_attack_orders[ship.id][0], standing_attack_orders[ship.id][1])
            next_move = game_map.naive_navigate(ship, att_pos)
            return ship.move(next_move)

    elif ship_status[ship.id] == "returning" or ship.is_full:
        next_move = game_map.naive_navigate(ship, me.shipyard.position)
        if ship.id in standing_farming_orders:
            del standing_farming_orders[ship.id]

        for enemy in enemy_ships:
            if game_map.calculate_distance(ship.position, me.shipyard.position) == 1:
                if enemy.position == me.shipyard.position:
                    a = game_map.get_unsafe_moves(
                        ship.position, me.shipyard.position)
                    next_move = a[0]
                    return ship.move(next_move)

        if next_move == Direction.Still:
            if random.random() < 0.5:
                reroute = random.choice(cardinal_dir)

                rerouted_move = game_map.naive_navigate(
                    ship, ship.position.directional_offset(reroute))
                return ship.move(rerouted_move)
            return ship.move(next_move)
            return ship.move(next_move)

    elif ship_status[ship.id] == "exploring":
        if game_map[ship.position].halite_amount < constants.MAX_HALITE / 10:
            next_move = game_map.naive_navigate(ship, get_most_halite(ship))
            if next_move == Direction.Still:
                reroute = random.choice(cardinal_dir)

                rerouted_move = game_map.naive_navigate(
                    ship, ship.position.directional_offset(reroute))
                return ship.move(rerouted_move)

                return ship.move(next_move)
            return ship.stay_still()
    elif ship_status[ship.id] == "start_exploring":
        next_move = game_map.naive_navigate(ship, get_most_halite(ship))
        if next_move == Direction.Still:
            a = get_safe_moves(ship.position)
            if len(a) != 0:
                b = random.randint(0, len(a) - 1)
                next_move = game_map.naive_navigate(
                    ship, ship.position.directional_offset(a[b]))
                return ship.move(next_move)
                next_move = random.choice(
                    [Direction.North, Direction.South, Direction.East, Direction.West])
                return ship.move(next_move)
            return ship.move(rerouted_move)
            return ship.move(next_move)
        logging.info("ERROR!!! {}.".format(
def parse_replay_file(file_name):
    with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
        data = json.loads(zstd.loads(f.read()))
    constants.set_dimensions(data["production_map"]["width"], data["production_map"]["height"])
    player_id = int(file_name.split("-")[-1][:-4])
    player_name = name_dict[player_id] if player_id in name_dict else None
    player = [p for p in data['players'] if " ".join(p['name'].split(" ")[:-1]) == player_name]
    if len(player) > 0:
        player = player[0]
        print(f"Skipping {file_name}")
        return []
    player_id = int(player["player_id"])
    my_shipyard = entity.Shipyard(player_id, ARBITRARY_ID,
    other_shipyards = [
        entity.Shipyard(p['player_id'], ARBITRARY_ID,
                        positionals.Position(p['factory_location']['x'], p['factory_location']['y']))
        for p in data['players'] if int(p['player_id']) != player_id]
    width = data['production_map']['width']
    height = data['production_map']['height']
    first_cells = []
    for x in range(len(data['production_map']['grid'])):
        row = []
        for y in range(len(data['production_map']['grid'][x])):
            row += [game_map.MapCell(positionals.Position(x, y), data['production_map']['grid'][x][y]['energy'])]
    frames = []
    for f in data['full_frames']:
        prev_cells = first_cells if len(frames) == 0 else frames[-1]._cells
        new_cells = copy.deepcopy(prev_cells)
        for c in f['cells']:
            new_cells[c['y']][c['x']].halite_amount = c['production']
        frames.append(game_map.GameMap(new_cells, width, height))

    moves = [{} if str(player_id) not in f['moves'] else {m['id']: m['direction'] for m in f['moves'][str(player_id)] if
                                                          m['type'] == "m"} for f in data['full_frames']]
    ships = [{} if str(player_id) not in f['entities'] else {
        int(sid): entity.Ship(player_id, int(sid), positionals.Position(ship['x'], ship['y']), ship['energy']) for
    sid, ship in
        f['entities'][str(player_id)].items()} for f in data['full_frames']]
    other_ships = [
        {int(sid): entity.Ship(int(pid), int(sid), positionals.Position(ship['x'], ship['y']), ship['energy']) for
         pid, p in
         f['entities'].items() if
         int(pid) != player_id for sid, ship in p.items()} for f in data['full_frames']]
    first_my_dropoffs = [my_shipyard]
    first_them_dropoffs = other_shipyards
    my_dropoffs = []
    them_dropoffs = []
    for f in data['full_frames']:
        new_my_dropoffs = copy.deepcopy(first_my_dropoffs if len(my_dropoffs) == 0 else my_dropoffs[-1])
        new_them_dropoffs = copy.deepcopy(first_them_dropoffs if len(them_dropoffs) == 0 else them_dropoffs[-1])
        for e in f['events']:
            if e['type'] == 'construct':
                if int(e['owner_id']) == player_id:
                        entity.Dropoff(player_id, ARBITRARY_ID,
                                       positionals.Position(e['location']['x'], e['location']['y'])))
                        entity.Dropoff(e['owner_id'], ARBITRARY_ID,
                                       positionals.Position(e['location']['x'], e['location']['y'])))
    return list(zip(frames, moves, ships, other_ships, my_dropoffs, them_dropoffs))
Пример #10
    def _search_surrounding(self, ship, radii, find_mine=False):
        Search within the radii for
        1. # of enemies around me 
        2. sum of distance from the enemies
        3. # of allies around me
        4. sum of distance from the allies
        5. sum of halites in the search area,
        6. closest mine with acceptable amount of halites.

        and update ship_status
        me = self.game.me
        game_map = self.game.game_map

        num_enemies = 0
        sum_dist_enemies = 0
        num_allies = 0
        sum_dist_allies = 0
        sum_halites = 0

        best_mine = None
        best_mine_distance = 987654321
        best_net_profit = -987654321
        best_amount = 0

        home_pos = self.ship_status[ship.id][HOME].position
        curr_pos = ship.position

        for i in range(-round(radii / 2), round(radii / 2), 1):
            for j in range(-round(radii / 2), round(radii / 2), 1):
                new_pos = game_map.normalize(curr_pos +
                                             positionals.Position(i, j))
                dist = game_map.calculate_distance(curr_pos, new_pos)
                curr_cell = game_map[new_pos]
                curr_halite_amount = curr_cell.halite_amount
                if not curr_cell.is_empty:
                    if (curr_cell.has_structure and curr_cell.structure.owner == me.id) \
                        or (curr_cell.is_occupied and curr_cell.ship.owner == me.id):
                        num_allies += 1
                        sum_dist_allies += dist
                    else:  # enemy
                        num_enemies += 1
                        sum_dist_enemies += dist
                sum_halites += curr_halite_amount
                # Update mine only when
                # 1. Deloading
                # 2. Newly made ship
                # 3. The current mine is deprecated
                if find_mine and (self.ship_status[ship.id][ACTION] == DELOAD or (self.ship_status[ship.id][ACTION] == FORAGE and \
                    (self.ship_status[ship.id][MINE] is None or self.ship_status[ship.id][MINE].halite_amount == 0))):
                    net_profit = self.check_if_valid_mine(
                        ship, new_pos, 2)  # TODO experiment with this
                    if net_profit > best_net_profit:
                        best_net_profit = net_profit
                        best_mine = curr_cell
                        best_mine_distance = dist
                        best_amount = curr_halite_amount
        if best_mine:
            self.mine_targets[ship.id] = best_mine
            self.ship_status[ship.id][MINE] = best_mine
            self.ship_status[ship.id][MINE_ARCHIVE] = best_amount
        return num_enemies, sum_dist_enemies, num_allies, sum_dist_allies, \
Пример #11
    def _search_surrounding(self, ship, radii):
        Search within the radii for
        1. # of enemies around me 
        2. sum of distance from the enemies
        3. # of allies around me
        4. sum of distance from the allies
        5. sum of halites in the search area,
        6. closest mine with acceptable amount of halites.

        and update ship_status
        me = self.game.me
        game_map = self.game.game_map

        num_enemies = 0
        sum_dist_enemies = 0
        num_allies = 0
        sum_dist_allies = 0
        sum_halites = 0

        best_mine = None
        best_mine_distance = 987654321
        best_net_profit = -987654321

        home_pos = self.ship_status[ship.id][HOME].position
        curr_pos = ship.position
        for i in range(-round(radii / 2), round(radii / 2), 1):
            for j in range(-round(radii / 2), round(radii / 2), 1):
                new_pos = curr_pos + positionals.Position(i, j)
                dist = game_map.calculate_distance(curr_pos, new_pos)
                curr_cell = game_map[new_pos]
                curr_halite_amount = curr_cell.halite_amount
                if not curr_cell.is_empty:
                    if (curr_cell.has_structure and curr_cell.structure.owner == me.id) \
                        or (curr_cell.is_occupied and curr_cell.ship.owner == me.id):
                        num_allies += 1
                        sum_dist_allies += dist
                    else:  # enemy
                        num_enemies += 1
                        sum_dist_enemies += dist
                sum_halites += curr_halite_amount

                if ship.position == home_pos and self.ship_status[ship.id][ACTION] == FORAGE and \
                (abs(i) >= 5 and abs(j) >= 5):
                    # normalized_halite_amount = curr_halite_amount * 1.2 if curr_halite_amount >= self.max_halite / 2 else curr_halite_amount
                    net_profit = (ship.halite_amount * (0.9 ** dist) + \
                        curr_halite_amount * 0.92) * (0.9 ** game_map.calculate_distance(new_pos, home_pos))
                    if net_profit >= 50 and net_profit > best_net_profit and curr_cell not in self.targets.values(
                        best_net_profit = net_profit
                        best_mine = curr_cell
                        best_mine_distance = dist

        if best_mine:
            self.targets[ship.id] = best_mine
            self.ship_status[ship.id][MINE] = best_mine
            self.ship_status[ship.id][DIST_MINE] = best_mine_distance
            self.ship_status[ship.id][NET_PROF] = best_net_profit
        return num_enemies, sum_dist_enemies, num_allies, sum_dist_allies, \