class TestStreamerFlowchartDefaults(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Instantiate a test fixture. """ self.sf = StreamerFlowchart("Test % 1", "SomeCode >> SomeMoreCode") def testPrefix(self): """ If no prefix is specified, it defaults to a lowercase stripped version of the name. """ self.assertEqual(self.sf.prefix, "test1") def testMakeTikzNode(self): """ Test all (intended) cases of StreamerFlowchart._makeTikzNode. """ # Start self.assertEqual(r"\node [start] (test1-0) {Start};", self.sf._makeTikzNode("Start", 0)) # Tool self.assertEqual( r"\node [block, below=of test1-0] (test1-1) {Something};", self.sf._makeTikzNode("Something", 1) ) # Cut self.assertEqual( r"\node [block, cut, below=of test1-1] (test1-2) " "{( X > 500 * MeV )};", self.sf._makeTikzNode("( X > 500 * MeV )", 2), ) # Sink self.assertEqual( r"\node [block, sink, below=of test1-2] (test1-3) " r"{SINK( 'Hlt1\%(name)sDecision' )};", self.sf._makeTikzNode("SINK( 'Hlt1%(name)sDecision' )", 3), ) def testMakeLine(self): """ Test the basic functionality of StreamerFlowchart._makeLine. """ self.assertEqual(r"\path [line] (test1-0) -- (test1-1);", self.sf._makeLine(0, 1)) def testTikz(self): """ Test whether generating the TikZ code for a very simple example works. A more detailed example can be found in """ print(self.sf.tikz) self.assertMultiLineEqual( r"""\node [start] (test1-0) {SomeCode}; \node [block, below=of test1-0] (test1-1) {SomeMoreCode}; \path [line] (test1-0) -- (test1-1);""", self.sf.tikz, )
def setUp(self): """ Instantiate a test fixture. """ self.sf = StreamerFlowchart("Test % 1", "SomeCode >> SomeMoreCode")