def hmf(self, z, Mmin, Mmax, q_out = 'dndlnM', hmf_code='colossus', print_cosmo=False): if(hmf_code=='colossus'): params = {'flat': True, 'H0': self.H0, 'Om0':, 'Ob0': self.ob, 'sigma8': self.sigma8, 'ns': self.ns} col_cosmology.addCosmology('myCosmo', params) colcosmo=col_cosmology.setCosmology('myCosmo') if print_cosmo: print(colcosmo) #Mass_bin = np.logspace(np.log10(Mmin),np.log10(Mmax), num=500) Mh = 10**(np.linspace(np.log10(Mmin),np.log10(Mmax), num=200)) Mh=Mh/self.h #mfunc = mass_function.massFunction(Mh, z, mdef = self.halo_model_mdef, model = self.halo_model, q_out = q_out) mfunc = mass_function.massFunction(Mh, z, mdef = '200m', model = 'tinker08', q_out = q_out) mpc_to_m= 3.086e+22 mfunc*=(mpc_to_m)**-3 dndm=mfunc return Mh, dndm if(hmf_code=='hmf'): from hmf import cosmo as cosmo_hmf my_cosmo = cosmo_hmf.Cosmology() my_cosmo.update(cosmo_params={"H0":self.H0,"Om0","Ode0":self.ol,"Ob0":self.ob}) mf=MassFunction(Mmin=np.log10(Mmin), Mmax=np.log10(Mmax), hmf_model= 'ST') mf.update(z=z) mpc_to_m= 3.086e+22 #hm, dndm= mf.m, mf.dndlnm hm, dndm= mf.m/self.h, mf.dndlnm *(mpc_to_m)**-3 #* self.h**4*(mpc_to_m)**-3 # dndm*=(mpc_to_m)**-3 return hm, dndm
Om_a, H0_a, ns_a, sigma8_a, delta_a = AllCombinations[idx] #for Om, dc in [(xi,yj) for xi in AllOm for yj in delta_h]: #print x, y print(Om_a, H0_a, ns_a, sigma8_a, delta_a) print '-----------------' # Standard Cosmology #HaloMF = MassFunction(cosmo_model = cosmo.WMAP5) #my_cosmo = cosmo.Cosmology(cosmo_model=cosmo.WMAP5) # Custom cosmology #new_model = LambdaCDM(H0 = 75.0, Om0= 0.4, Tcmb0 = 2.7, Ob0 = 0.3, Ode0=0.4) new_model = LambdaCDM(H0 = H0_a, Om0= Om_a, Tcmb0 = 2.7, Ob0 = 0.1, Ode0=1-Om_a) HaloMF = MassFunction(cosmo_model = new_model, delta_h = delta_a, sigma_8 = sigma8_a) HaloMF.update(n = ns_a) my_cosmo = cosmo.Cosmology(cosmo_model = new_model) k = np.logspace(np.log(1e-3), np.log(5), 100) delta_k = sigma_8 = 0.8 z = 0.0 hmf.halofit.halofit(k, delta_k, sigma_8, z, cosmo=None, takahashi=True) print HaloMF.parameter_values # Check for parameters properly cumulative_mass_func = HaloMF.ngtm xxy = np.hstack( [Om_a, H0_a, ns_a, sigma8_a, delta_a , cumulative_mass_func[::10]] ) y = np.vstack( (y, xxy) )
def main(): # set cosmology and linear power spectrum ''' H0=70.0 Omega_M=0.279000 Omega_b=0.046100 w0=-1.000000 Omega_k=0.000000 n_s=0.972000 inputPk="../input_pk/wmap9_fid_matterpower_z0.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 ''' H0 = 67.32117 Omega_M = 0.3158 Omega_b = 0.0490 w0 = -1.000000 Omega_k = 0.000000 n_s = 0.96605 inputPk = "../input_pk/planck_2018_test_matterpower.dat" nH = 2.4e21 opt = 1 xx_power.init_cosmology(H0, Omega_M, Omega_b, w0, Omega_k, n_s, nH, inputPk, opt) shot_noise = 0.00 ell = 10.**np.linspace(np.log10(10.), np.log10(3.e4), 31) theta_fid = [ 4.0, 3.e-5, 0.0800, 0.120000, 1.000000, 0.180000, 0.800000, 0.500000, 0.10000, 1.720000, 0.195000, 0.010000, 0.800000, 0.9, 1.0, 6.0, 3.0 ] param_ind_dict = { 'eps_f': 0, 'eps_DM': 1, 'f_star': 2, 'S_star': 3, 'A_C': 4, 'alpha_nt': 5, 'n_nt': 6, 'beta_nt': 7, 'gamma_mod0': 8, 'gamma_mod_zslope': 9, 'x_break': 10, 'x_smooth': 11, 'n_nt_mod': 12, 'clump0': 13, 'clump_zslope': 14, 'x_clump': 15, 'alpha_clump1': 16, } param_label_dict = { 'eps_f': r'$\epsilon_f/10^{-6}$', 'eps_DM': r'$\epsilon_{DM}$', 'f_star': r'$f_\star$', 'S_star': r'$S_\star$', 'A_C': r'$A_C$', 'alpha_nt': r'$\alpha_{nt}$', 'n_nt': r'$n_{nt}$', 'beta_nt': r'$\beta_{nt}$', 'gamma_mod0': r'$\Gamma_0$', 'gamma_mod_zslope': r'$\beta_\Gamma$', 'n_nt_mod': '$n_{nt,mod}$', 'clump0': r'$C_0$', 'clump_zslope': r'$\beta_C$', 'x_clump': r'$x_{C}$', 'alpha_clump1': r'$\alpha_{C1}$', 'alpha_clump2': r'$\alpha_{C2}$' } #rosat_ell, rosat_cl, rosat_var = read_data("../ROSAT/rosat_R4_R7_mask_hfi_R2_small_ell.txt") #rosat_cl *= rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) #rosat_cl_err = np.sqrt(rosat_var)*rosat_ell*(rosat_ell+1.)/(2.0*math.pi) #params = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'S_star', 'alpha_nt', 'n_nt', 'beta_nt', 'gamma_mod0', 'gamma_mod_zslope', 'clump0', 'clump_zslope', 'x_clump', 'alpha_clump1', 'alpha_clump2' ] params = ['eps_f', 'f_star', 'clump0'] redshift, dlz = np.linspace(-4, np.log10(3.0), 10, retstep=True) redshift = 10**redshift print(dlz) my_cosmo = cosmo.Cosmology() hubble = my_cosmo.cosmo.h print(hubble) mvir, dlm = np.linspace(13, 16, 20, retstep=True) flux, dlf = np.linspace(-20, -10, 20, retstep=True) mvir = 10**mvir flux = 10**flux Nsperster = np.zeros(flux.shape) redo = False if redo: for iv, f in enumerate(flux): for iz, z in enumerate(redshift): dVdz = my_cosmo.cosmo.differential_comoving_volume( z).value * hubble**3 s = [] for mass in mvir: ff, m500 = xray_flux(mass, z, theta_fid) s.append(ff) s = np.array(s) mlim = np.interp(f, s, mvir) #h = hmf.MassFunction(z=z, Mmin=13, Mmax=16, dlog10m=0.1) h = hmf.MassFunction(z=z) Nm = 0.0 for im, mass in enumerate(h.m): if mass >= mlim: Nm += h.dlog10m * h.dndlog10m[im] * dVdz * z * dlz Nsperster[iv] += Nm"logNlogS.npy", Nsperster) surveys = ["CDFS", "COSMOS", "XXL", "S82", "RASS"] areas = [0.25, 2.0, 50.0, 31.0, 4.0 * 3.141592 * ster2sqdeg * 0.25] sens = [0.66e-15, 1.7e-15, 5e-15, 0.87e-15, 5.6e-13] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.21, 0.16, 0.75, 0.75]) print(areas, sens) ax.scatter(areas, sens, s=1.0, marker='o') for i, txt in enumerate(surveys): ax.annotate(txt, (areas[i], sens[i])) ax.set_xlabel(r'Area [deg$^2$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'flux [erg/s/cm$^2$]') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') #ax.set_xlim(1e-2, 1e5 ) #ax.set_ylim(1e-16, 1e-12) #ax.legend(loc='best') fig.savefig("wedding_test.png") fig.clf()
plt.axis([6, 11.5, 1e-6, 5e0]) leg = plt.legend(loc='upper right', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize(PlotScripts.global_legendsize) outputFile = "hmf_z{0:.2f}.png".format(z) #plt.savefig(outputFile, bbox_inches='tight') # Save the figure #print('Saved file to {0}'.format(outputFile)) #plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': PlotScripts.Set_Params_Plot() filepath = '/lustre/projects/p004_swin/bsmith/1.6Gpc/means/halo_1721673/dm_gadget/data/' cosmol = AllVars.Set_Params_Britton( ) # Set the parameters for Britton's model. my_cosmo = cosmo.Cosmology(cosmo_model=cosmol) # Update the hmf cosmology. britton_cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=69.5, Om0=0.285, Ob0=0.04845) hmf = MassFunction() hmf.update(cosmo_params={"H0": 69.5, "Om0": 0.285}, Mmax=11, Mmin=6) for snapshot_idx in range(snaplow, snaphigh + 1): #plot_snapshot(filepath, snapshot_idx, 0, 0) #plot_density_grid(filepath, snapshot_idx, 128) #plot_halos(filepath, snapshot_idx) #check_bounds(filepath, snapshot_idx) plot_hmf(filepath, snapshot_idx, hmf)