Пример #1
def optO(xs,E,T_prior,beta,L,NHW):
    #format: lambda xs,Z0: optOMult(xs,Z0,NW)
    #1. convert xs (time/space observations) to X,D
    ls = zip(*xs)[0]
    ds = zip(*xs)[2]
    X = array([arrayWithOne(l,L) for l in ls])
    D = array([arrayWithOne(d,NHW) for d in ds])
    #since E is Nx2, we can take just the second column to provide the same info (and this is what the opt functions expect)
    return {'mu':optT(X, E[:,1], T_prior), 'omega':optQ(D, E[:,1], X, NHW, beta)}
Пример #2
def logOptOMult(xs,Z0,NW):
    #MAP approach (with prior pseudo count 0.5)
    alpha = 0.0 # 0.5
    N = len(xs)
    (N1,K) = shape(Z0)
    assert N==N1,'%i %i'%(N,N1)
    #convert xs to matrix X:
    X0 = zeros((N,NW))
    for n in range(N): X0[n,:] = arrayWithOne(xs[n],NW)
    #for each word w in NW, calcualate frequency
    lgF = log(zeros( (NW,K) ) + alpha)
    for k in range(K):
        Zsum = Z0[:,k].sum()
        if Zsum>0:
            for w in range(NW):
                log_xz_sum = -inf
                for n in range(N):
                    log_xz_sum = logaddexp(log_xz_sum, log(X0[n,w]) + log(Z0[n,k]))
                lgF[w,k] = log_xz_sum-log(Zsum + NW*alpha)

    #make sure normalized:
    assert all( abs(exp(lgF).sum(axis=0)-1.) < 1e-4), exp(lgF).sum(axis=0)
    #make sure no zero entries (otherwise we get into trouble with testing when an obs with zero probability happens)
    #assert all(lgF>-inf),lgF.T
    return lgF.T
Пример #3
def optOMult(xs,Z0,NW):
    #MAP approach (with prior pseudo count 0.5
    alpha = 0.5
    N = len(xs)
    (N1,K) = shape(Z0)
    assert N==N1
    #convert xs to matrix X:
    X0 = zeros((N,NW))
    for n in range(N): X0[n,:] = arrayWithOne(xs[n],NW)
    #for each word w in NW, calcualate frequency
    F = zeros( (NW,K) ) + alpha
    for k in range(K):
        Zsum = Z0[:,k].sum()
        for w in range(NW): 
            F[w,k] += (X0[:,w]*Z0[:,k]).sum()
            F[w,k] /= (Zsum+NW*alpha)
    #print 'F',F
    #O = F/reshape(F.sum(axis=1),(K,1))
    #make sure no zero entries (otherwise we get into trouble with testing when an obs with zero probability happens)
    assert all(F>0),F.T
    assert all((F.sum(axis=0)-1.0) < 0.000001),F.T
    return F.T