Пример #1
class KijkoSmitTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        This generates a catalogue to be used for the regression.  
        # Generates a data set assuming b=1
        self.dmag = 0.1
        mext = np.arange(4.0,7.01,0.1)
        self.mval = mext[0:-1] + self.dmag / 2.0
        self.bval = 1.0
        numobs = np.flipud(np.diff(np.flipud(10.0**(-self.bval*mext+7.0))))

        # Define completeness window
        numobs[0:6] *= 10
        numobs[6:13] *= 20
        numobs[13:22] *= 50
        numobs[22:] *= 100

        compl = np.array([[1900, 1950, 1980, 1990], [6.34, 5.44, 4.74, 3.0]])
        self.compl = compl.transpose()
        numobs = np.around(numobs)

        magnitude = np.zeros( (np.sum(numobs)) )
        year = np.zeros( (np.sum(numobs)) ) * 1999 

        lidx = 0
        for mag, nobs in zip(self.mval, numobs):
            uidx = int(lidx+nobs)
            magnitude[lidx:uidx] = mag + 0.01
            year_low = compl[0,np.min(np.nonzero(compl[1,:] < mag)[0])] 
            year[lidx:uidx] = (year_low + np.random.rand(uidx-lidx) * 
            lidx = uidx 

        self.catalogue = {'magnitude' : magnitude, 'year' : year}
        self.ks_ml = KijkoSmit()
        self.config = {'Average Type' : 'Weighted'}
    def test_kijko_smith_maximum_likelihood(self):
        Tests that the computed b value corresponds to the same value
        used to generate the test data set 
        bval, sigma_b, aval, sigma_a = self.ks_ml.calculate(self.catalogue, 
                self.config, self.compl)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.bval, bval, 1)

    def test_kijko_smith_set_reference_magnitude(self):
        completeness_table = np.array([[1900, 1.0]])
        catalogue = {'magnitude': np.array([5.0, 6.0]), 
                     'year': np.array([2000, 2000])}
        config = {'reference_magnitude' : 0.0}
        self.ks_ml.calculate(catalogue, config, completeness_table)
Пример #2
    def setUp(self):
        This generates a catalogue to be used for the regression.  
        # Generates a data set assuming b=1
        self.dmag = 0.1
        mext = np.arange(4.0,7.01,0.1)
        self.mval = mext[0:-1] + self.dmag / 2.0
        self.bval = 1.0
        numobs = np.flipud(np.diff(np.flipud(10.0**(-self.bval*mext+7.0))))

        # Define completeness window
        numobs[0:6] *= 10
        numobs[6:13] *= 20
        numobs[13:22] *= 50
        numobs[22:] *= 100

        compl = np.array([[1900, 1950, 1980, 1990], [6.34, 5.44, 4.74, 3.0]])
        self.compl = compl.transpose()
        numobs = np.around(numobs)

        magnitude = np.zeros( (np.sum(numobs)) )
        year = np.zeros( (np.sum(numobs)) ) * 1999 

        lidx = 0
        for mag, nobs in zip(self.mval, numobs):
            uidx = int(lidx+nobs)
            magnitude[lidx:uidx] = mag + 0.01
            year_low = compl[0,np.min(np.nonzero(compl[1,:] < mag)[0])] 
            year[lidx:uidx] = (year_low + np.random.rand(uidx-lidx) * 
            lidx = uidx 

        self.catalogue = {'magnitude' : magnitude, 'year' : year}
        self.ks_ml = KijkoSmit()
        self.config = {'Average Type' : 'Weighted'}