def hodsubsample(self,marray,flist=[0.682689492137,0.954499736104],nsubsample=1000, whichbox=1,cenopt=2,satopt=2,bosswdir='/home/howdiedoo/boss/',whichPB=0,COMVopt=0): """ Subsamples the chain and computes a bands containing flist fractions. nsubsample = 1000 by default. marray are mass points where you want to evaluate the hod. """ #def wgtresult2(wgt,v,flist=[0.682689492137,0.954499736104]): sNcen = np.zeros([len(marray),nsubsample]) sNsat = np.zeros([len(marray),nsubsample]) sNtot = np.zeros([len(marray),nsubsample]) sMmed = np.zeros([3,nsubsample]) sMavg = np.zeros([3,nsubsample]) for nn in range(nsubsample): hh = hod.hodfromchain(self.randomsubsample(),whichbox=whichbox,cenopt=cenopt,satopt=satopt,\ bosswdir=bosswdir,whichPB=whichPB,COMVopt=COMVopt) sNcen[:,nn] = hh.Ncen(marray) sNsat[:,nn] = hh.Ncen(marray) * hh.Nsat(marray) sNtot[:,nn] = sNcen[:,nn] + sNsat[:,nn] ## compute interesting stats on halo masses. ctmp = (*hh.Ncen( sMmed[0,nn] =[np.where(ctmp >= 0.5*ctmp[-1])[0].min()] sMavg[0,nn] = (**hh.Ncen([-1] ctmp = (*hh.Ncen(*(1.+hh.Nsat( sMmed[2,nn] =[np.where(ctmp >= 0.5*ctmp[-1])[0].min()] sMavg[2,nn] = (**hh.Ncen(*(1.+hh.Nsat([-1] ctmp = (*hh.Ncen(*(hh.Nsat( sMmed[1,nn] =[np.where(ctmp >= 0.5*ctmp[-1])[0].min()] sMavg[1,nn] = (**hh.Ncen(*(hh.Nsat([-1] rr = np.zeros([len(flist)*2+1, len(marray)]) wgttmp = np.zeros(nsubsample)+1. bNcen = np.zeros([5,len(marray)]) bNsat = np.zeros([5,len(marray)]) bNtot = np.zeros([5,len(marray)]) Mmed = np.zeros([5,3]) Mavg = np.zeros([5,3]) for ii in range(3): Mmed[:,ii] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sMmed[ii,:]) Mavg[:,ii] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sMavg[ii,:]) for mm in range(len(marray)): # print bNcen[:,mm].shape # print wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sNcen[mm,:]) # print wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sNcen[mm,:]).shape bNcen[:,mm] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sNcen[mm,:]) bNsat[:,mm] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sNsat[mm,:]) bNtot[:,mm] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sNtot[mm,:]) self.bNcen = bNcen self.bNsat = bNsat self.bNtot = bNtot self.msub = marray self.Mmed = Mmed self.Mavg = Mavg self.nsubsample = nsubsample
def fillsig2hod(self, whichbox=1, cenopt=2, satopt=2, bosswdir='/home/howdiedoo/boss/', whichPB=0, COMVopt=0, cenvfrac=0.3, ihvscale=1.0, cenvfromchain=1, ihvfromchain=1): """ Default behavior is to take values for cenvfrac and ihv from the chain, but add cenvfrac from the parameter in quadruture. """ sig2hod = np.zeros(self.nelts) mycenvfrac = cenvfrac myihv = ihvscale for cnt, elt in zip(range(self.nelts), self.chain): hh = hod.hodfromchain(elt, whichbox=whichbox, cenopt=cenopt, satopt=satopt, bosswdir=bosswdir, whichPB=whichPB, COMVopt=COMVopt) if cenvfromchain == 1: mycenvfrac = (elt['cenvfrac']**2 + cenvfrac**2) if mycenvfrac > 0.: mycenvfrac = mycenvfrac**0.5 if ihvfromchain == 1: myihv = elt['ihvscale'] sig2hod[cnt] = hh.sig2hod(cenvfrac=mycenvfrac, ihvscale=myihv) #if cnt%100 == 0: # print 'done',cnt,'of ',self.nelts self.sig2hod = sig2hod self.cenvfrac = cenvfrac self.ihvscale = ihvscale self.cenvfromchain = cenvfromchain self.ihvfromchain = ihvfromchain
def fillsig2hod(self,whichbox=1,cenopt=2,satopt=2,bosswdir='/home/howdiedoo/boss/',whichPB=0,COMVopt=0,cenvfrac=0.3,ihvscale=1.0,cenvfromchain=1,ihvfromchain=1): """ Default behavior is to take values for cenvfrac and ihv from the chain, but add cenvfrac from the parameter in quadruture. """ sig2hod = np.zeros(self.nelts) mycenvfrac = cenvfrac myihv = ihvscale for cnt, elt in zip(range(self.nelts), self.chain): hh = hod.hodfromchain(elt,whichbox=whichbox,cenopt=cenopt,satopt=satopt,bosswdir=bosswdir,whichPB=whichPB,COMVopt=COMVopt) if cenvfromchain == 1: mycenvfrac = (elt['cenvfrac']**2 + cenvfrac**2) if mycenvfrac > 0.: mycenvfrac = mycenvfrac**0.5 if ihvfromchain == 1: myihv = elt['ihvscale'] sig2hod[cnt] = hh.sig2hod(cenvfrac=mycenvfrac,ihvscale=myihv) #if cnt%100 == 0: # print 'done',cnt,'of ',self.nelts self.sig2hod = sig2hod self.cenvfrac = cenvfrac self.ihvscale = ihvscale self.cenvfromchain = cenvfromchain self.ihvfromchain = ihvfromchain
def plothodsubsample(self, ax=None, popt=0, rebinsize=10, fillopt=0, color='k', renormalize=False, MFwgt=False, flist=[0.954499736104], nsubsample=1000, whichbox=1, cenopt=2, satopt=2, bosswdir='/home/howdiedoo/boss/', whichPB=0, COMVopt=0, alpha=0.5, fsatrescale=1.): """ Computes if necessary the subsample. popt = 0: Ncen popt = 1: Nsat popt = 2: Ntot popt = 3: Nsat/fsatrescale; only makes sense on a MFwgt plot. """ try: x = self.bNcen[0, 0] x = self.bNcen[0, 0] x = self.bNcen[0, 0] wgt = np.zeros(len(self.msub)) + 1. if MFwgt == True: hh = hod.hodfromchain(self.chain[0], whichbox=whichbox, cenopt=cenopt, satopt=satopt, bosswdir=bosswdir, whichPB=whichPB, COMVopt=COMVopt) wgt = if rebinsize > 1: Nrebin = BRutils.rebin(, rebinsize=rebinsize) wgt = Nrebin except: ## need to run subsample. hh = hod.hodfromchain(self.chain[0], whichbox=whichbox, cenopt=cenopt, satopt=satopt, bosswdir=bosswdir, whichPB=whichPB, COMVopt=COMVopt) Mlist = wgt = np.zeros(len(Mlist)) + 1. if MFwgt == True: wgt = if rebinsize > 1: Mlist = np.exp( BRutils.rebin(np.log(, rebinsize=rebinsize)) wgt = np.zeros(len(Mlist)) + 1. tmpo = np.log10(Mlist[1:] / Mlist[:-1]).mean() assert ( np.fabs(np.log10(Mlist[1:]) - np.log10(Mlist[:-1]) - tmpo) < 0.001 * tmpo).all() if MFwgt == True: Nrebin = BRutils.rebin(, rebinsize=rebinsize) wgt = Nrebin self.hodsubsample(Mlist, flist=flist, nsubsample=nsubsample, whichbox=whichbox, cenopt=cenopt, satopt=satopt, bosswdir=bosswdir, whichPB=whichPB, COMVopt=COMVopt) if ax is None: ff = plt.figure(figsize=[6, 6]) ax = ff.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: ff = None if popt == 0: myy1 = wgt * self.bNcen[1] myy2 = wgt * self.bNcen[2] if popt == 1: myy1 = wgt * self.bNsat[1] myy2 = wgt * self.bNsat[2] if popt == 2: myy1 = wgt * self.bNtot[1] myy2 = wgt * self.bNtot[2] if popt == 3: myy1 = wgt * self.bNsat[1] / fsatrescale myy2 = wgt * self.bNsat[2] / fsatrescale if renormalize == True: myy1 = myy1 / float(myy1.sum()) myy2 = myy2 / float(myy2.sum()) if fillopt == 1: ax.fill_between(self.msub, myy1, myy2, facecolor=color, alpha=alpha) else: ax.plot(self.msub, myy1, color) ax.plot(self.msub, myy2, color) ## how do we fill between two curves instead. ax.set_xscale('log') return ff, ax
def hodsubsample(self, marray, flist=[0.682689492137, 0.954499736104], nsubsample=1000, whichbox=1, cenopt=2, satopt=2, bosswdir='/home/howdiedoo/boss/', whichPB=0, COMVopt=0): """ Subsamples the chain and computes a bands containing flist fractions. nsubsample = 1000 by default. marray are mass points where you want to evaluate the hod. """ #def wgtresult2(wgt,v,flist=[0.682689492137,0.954499736104]): sNcen = np.zeros([len(marray), nsubsample]) sNsat = np.zeros([len(marray), nsubsample]) sNtot = np.zeros([len(marray), nsubsample]) sMmed = np.zeros([3, nsubsample]) sMavg = np.zeros([3, nsubsample]) for nn in range(nsubsample): hh = hod.hodfromchain(self.randomsubsample(),whichbox=whichbox,cenopt=cenopt,satopt=satopt,\ bosswdir=bosswdir,whichPB=whichPB,COMVopt=COMVopt) sNcen[:, nn] = hh.Ncen(marray) sNsat[:, nn] = hh.Ncen(marray) * hh.Nsat(marray) sNtot[:, nn] = sNcen[:, nn] + sNsat[:, nn] ## compute interesting stats on halo masses. ctmp = ( * hh.Ncen( sMmed[0, nn] =[np.where(ctmp >= 0.5 * ctmp[-1])[0].min()] sMavg[0, nn] = ( * * hh.Ncen( / ctmp[-1] ctmp = ( * hh.Ncen( * (1. + hh.Nsat( sMmed[2, nn] =[np.where(ctmp >= 0.5 * ctmp[-1])[0].min()] sMavg[2, nn] = ( * * hh.Ncen( * (1. + hh.Nsat( / ctmp[-1] ctmp = ( * hh.Ncen( * (hh.Nsat( sMmed[1, nn] =[np.where(ctmp >= 0.5 * ctmp[-1])[0].min()] sMavg[1, nn] = ( * * hh.Ncen( * (hh.Nsat( / ctmp[-1] rr = np.zeros([len(flist) * 2 + 1, len(marray)]) wgttmp = np.zeros(nsubsample) + 1. bNcen = np.zeros([5, len(marray)]) bNsat = np.zeros([5, len(marray)]) bNtot = np.zeros([5, len(marray)]) Mmed = np.zeros([5, 3]) Mavg = np.zeros([5, 3]) for ii in range(3): Mmed[:, ii] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp, sMmed[ii, :]) Mavg[:, ii] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp, sMavg[ii, :]) for mm in range(len(marray)): # print bNcen[:,mm].shape # print wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sNcen[mm,:]) # print wgtresult2raw(wgttmp,sNcen[mm,:]).shape bNcen[:, mm] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp, sNcen[mm, :]) bNsat[:, mm] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp, sNsat[mm, :]) bNtot[:, mm] = wgtresult2raw(wgttmp, sNtot[mm, :]) self.bNcen = bNcen self.bNsat = bNsat self.bNtot = bNtot self.msub = marray self.Mmed = Mmed self.Mavg = Mavg self.nsubsample = nsubsample
def plothodsubsample(self,ax=None,popt=0,rebinsize=10,fillopt=0,color='k',renormalize=False,MFwgt=False,flist=[0.954499736104],nsubsample=1000, whichbox=1,cenopt=2,satopt=2,bosswdir='/home/howdiedoo/boss/',whichPB=0,COMVopt=0,alpha=0.5,fsatrescale=1.): """ Computes if necessary the subsample. popt = 0: Ncen popt = 1: Nsat popt = 2: Ntot popt = 3: Nsat/fsatrescale; only makes sense on a MFwgt plot. """ try: x = self.bNcen[0,0] x = self.bNcen[0,0] x = self.bNcen[0,0] wgt = np.zeros(len(self.msub))+1. if MFwgt == True: hh = hod.hodfromchain(self.chain[0],whichbox=whichbox,cenopt=cenopt,satopt=satopt,bosswdir=bosswdir,whichPB=whichPB,COMVopt=COMVopt) wgt = if rebinsize > 1: Nrebin = BRutils.rebin(,rebinsize=rebinsize) wgt = Nrebin except: ## need to run subsample. hh = hod.hodfromchain(self.chain[0],whichbox=whichbox,cenopt=cenopt,satopt=satopt,bosswdir=bosswdir,whichPB=whichPB,COMVopt=COMVopt) Mlist = wgt = np.zeros(len(Mlist))+1. if MFwgt == True: wgt = if rebinsize > 1: Mlist = np.exp(BRutils.rebin(np.log(,rebinsize=rebinsize)) wgt = np.zeros(len(Mlist))+1. tmpo = np.log10(Mlist[1:]/Mlist[:-1]).mean() assert (np.fabs(np.log10(Mlist[1:]) - np.log10(Mlist[:-1]) - tmpo) < 0.001*tmpo).all() if MFwgt == True: Nrebin = BRutils.rebin(,rebinsize=rebinsize) wgt = Nrebin self.hodsubsample(Mlist,flist=flist,nsubsample=nsubsample,whichbox=whichbox,cenopt=cenopt,satopt=satopt,bosswdir=bosswdir,whichPB=whichPB,COMVopt=COMVopt) if ax is None: ff = plt.figure(figsize=[6,6]) ax = ff.add_subplot(1,1,1) else: ff = None if popt == 0: myy1 = wgt*self.bNcen[1] myy2 = wgt*self.bNcen[2] if popt == 1: myy1 = wgt*self.bNsat[1] myy2 = wgt*self.bNsat[2] if popt == 2: myy1 = wgt*self.bNtot[1] myy2 = wgt*self.bNtot[2] if popt == 3: myy1 = wgt*self.bNsat[1]/fsatrescale myy2 = wgt*self.bNsat[2]/fsatrescale if renormalize == True: myy1 = myy1/float(myy1.sum()) myy2 = myy2/float(myy2.sum()) if fillopt == 1: ax.fill_between(self.msub,myy1,myy2,facecolor=color,alpha=alpha) else: ax.plot(self.msub,myy1,color) ax.plot(self.msub,myy2,color) ## how do we fill between two curves instead. ax.set_xscale('log') return ff, ax