Пример #1
    def evaluateFromState(self, state, playerid):
        # print("state",state.player_states[playerid].hand) 
        evaluator = Evaluator()
        hand = []
        board = []
        # p1_score = evaluator.evaluate(board, player1_hand)
        for i in state.player_states[playerid].hand:
            # print(card_to_normal_str(i))
            # print(hand)

        for j in state.community_card:
            if j != -1:
                # print(card_to_normal_str(j))
                # print(board)

        if len(board) == 0:
            rank = evaluator.evaluate(hand, [])
        elif len(board) == 3: 
            rank = evaluator.evaluate(hand, board[:3])
        elif len(board) == 4:
            rank = evaluator.evaluate(hand, board[:4])
        elif len(board) == 5:
            rank = evaluator.evaluate(hand, board[:5])
        rank_class = evaluator.get_rank_class(rank)
        class_string = evaluator.class_to_string(rank_class)
        percentage = 1.0 - evaluator.get_five_card_rank_percentage(rank)  # higher better here
        return [rank,percentage]
Пример #2
    def _getObservation(self, state):
        # [monteCarlo, remainChips, investChips, pot]
        cards = [
            for c in state.player_states[self.playerid].hand
        boards = [
            card_to_normal_str(c).upper() for c in state.community_card
            if c != -1

        self.playerCount = len(
            [p for p in state.player_states if p.playing_hand])
        start = time.time()
        self.winRate = self.monteCarlo.calc_win_rate(cards, boards,

        remainChips = state.player_states[self.playerid].stack / self.BB
        investChips = state.player_states[self.playerid].betting / self.BB
        pot = state.community_state.totalpot / self.BB
        toCallChips = state.community_state.to_call / self.BB
        # state = [self.winRate, remainChips, investChips, pot] # ver1
        state = [
            self.winRate, self.playerCount, remainChips, investChips, pot,
        ]  # ver2

        # print 'time_getObs', (time.time() - start), state, self.playerid
        return np.array(state)
Пример #3
def card_list_to_str(cards):
    s = ""
    for c in cards:
        if c == -1:
        s += (card_to_normal_str(c) + " ")
    return s.strip()
Пример #4
 def __turn_card_to_one_hot(self, card):
     if card == -1:
         return [0] * 52
     # " {'23456789TJQKA'} + {'shdc''} (note: lower case) "
     card_info = card_to_normal_str(card)
     card_idx = CHAR_NUM_TO_INT[card_info[:1]] + CHAR_SUIT_TO_INT[card_info[1:]]
     card_hot = [0]*52
     card_hot[card_idx] = 1
     return card_hot
Пример #5
 def __turn_card_to_one_hot_returnIndx(self, card, card_hot):
     if card == -1:
         return card_hot
         card_info = card_to_normal_str(card)
         card_idx = CHAR_NUM_TO_INT[card_info[:1]] + CHAR_SUIT_TO_INT[card_info[1:]]
         if card_hot[card_idx] == 1:
             input("Error!!!!!! card_hot cann't duplicate")
             card_hot[card_idx] = 1
         return card_hot
Пример #6
    def __turn_observation_to_state(self, observation, playerid):
        my_card = observation.player_states[playerid].hand
        community_card = observation.community_card
        round_num = observation.community_state.round
        round_one_hot = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        if round_num == 0:
            round_one_hot = [0, 0, 0, 1]
        elif round_num == 1:
            round_one_hot = [0, 0, 1, 0]
        elif round_num == 2:
            round_one_hot = [0, 1, 0, 0]
        elif round_num == 3:
            round_one_hot = [1, 0, 0, 0]

        my_card_list = [card_to_normal_str(card) for card in my_card]
        community_card_list = [
            card_to_normal_str(card) for card in community_card if card != -1
        if len(community_card_list) > 0:
            # get board cards
            # get win rate
        self.win_rate = self.bot.estimate_winrate(n=200)

        player_cnt = observation.community_state.num_not_fold_player
        my_stack = observation.player_states[playerid].stack
        total_pot = observation.community_state.totalpot
        to_call = observation.community_state.to_call
        return self.__turn_card_to_one_hot(my_card[0]) + \
               self.__turn_card_to_one_hot(my_card[1])+ \
               self.__turn_card_to_one_hot(community_card[0])+ \
               self.__turn_card_to_one_hot(community_card[1])+ \
               self.__turn_card_to_one_hot(community_card[2])+ \
               self.__turn_card_to_one_hot(community_card[3])+ \
               self.__turn_card_to_one_hot(community_card[4])+ \
               [player_cnt, total_pot, to_call, self.win_rate] + round_one_hot
Пример #7
    def __turn_card_to_one_hot(self, card):
        if card == -1:
            return [0] * 52
        # " {'23456789TJQKA'} + {'shdc''} (note: lower case) "
        card_info = card_to_normal_str(card)
        # for j in ['s','h','d','c']:
        #     for i in ['A','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','T','J','Q','K']:
        #         card_hot = [0]*52
        #         print('{0}'.format(i+j))
        #         card_idx = CHAR_NUM_TO_INT[i] + CHAR_SUIT_TO_INT[j]
        #         print(card_idx)
        #         card_hot[card_idx] = 1
        #         print(card_hot)
        #         input('pause')

        card_idx = CHAR_NUM_TO_INT[card_info[:1]] + CHAR_SUIT_TO_INT[card_info[1:]]
        card_hot = [0]*52
        card_hot[card_idx] = 1
        return card_hot
Пример #8
    def takeAction(self, state, playerid):
        round = state.community_state.round  # 0-3
        hands = [
            for c in state.player_states[playerid].hand
        table_cards = [
            card_to_normal_str(c).upper() for c in state.community_card
            if c != -1
        min_bet = state.community_state.to_call
        chips = state.player_states[playerid].stack
        bigblind = state.community_state.bigblind
        betting = state.player_states[playerid].betting

        num_in_game_player = len(
            [p for p in state.player_states if p.playing_hand])

        allin_threshold = self.preflop_win_rate.quantile(
            axis=0, q=0.9)[num_in_game_player - 2]
        call_threshold = self.preflop_win_rate.quantile(
            axis=0, q=0.6)[num_in_game_player - 2]

        raise_action_amount = min_bet * 2
        allin_action_amount = chips
        call_action_amount = min_bet

        action_amount = 0
        if round == 0:
            win_rate = self._get_preflop_win_rate(hands, num_in_game_player)
            if win_rate >= allin_threshold:
                if min_bet * 4 > chips:
                    action_amount = allin_action_amount
                    action_amount = max(min_bet, 0.4 * chips * random.random())
            elif win_rate >= call_threshold:
                action_amount = call_action_amount
            elif win_rate >= call_threshold and chips < 3 * bigblind:
                action_amount = allin_action_amount
            elif min_bet <= 0.05 * chips:
                action_amount = call_action_amount
            win_rate = self.mcg.calc_win_rate(hands, table_cards,
                                              num_in_game_player, 1000)
            if win_rate >= 0.9:
                action_amount = allin_action_amount
            elif win_rate >= 0.75:
                if betting > 0.3 * chips:
                    action_amount = call_action_amount
                    action_amount = max(min_bet, 0.3 * chips * random.random())
            elif win_rate >= 0.6:
                if betting > 0.1 * chips:
                    action_amount = call_action_amount
                    action_amount = max(min_bet, 0.1 * chips * random.random())

        if action_amount >= allin_action_amount:
            action = ACTION(action_table.RAISE, chips)
        elif abs(action_amount - raise_action_amount) <= 0.5 * bigblind:
            action = ACTION(action_table.RAISE, raise_action_amount)
        elif abs(action_amount - call_action_amount) <= 0.5 * bigblind:
            action = ACTION(action_table.CALL, min_bet)
        elif action_amount >= call_action_amount:
            action = ACTION(action_table.RAISE, action_amount)
            action = ACTION(action_table.FOLD, action_amount)

        return action
Пример #9
    def takeAction(self, state, playerid):
        my_card = state.player_states[playerid].hand
        my_card = [card_to_normal_str(card) for card in my_card]
        community_card = state.community_card
        community_card = [
            card_to_normal_str(card) for card in community_card if card != -1


        if len(community_card) > 0:
            # get board cards
            # get win rate
        win_rate = self.bot.estimate_winrate(n=200)
        bet_amount = state.community_state.smallblind
        action = action_table.FOLD
        round_bet = state.community_state.total_preround_pot
        total_bet = state.community_state.totalpot
        big_blind = state.community_state.bigblind
        min_bet = state.community_state.call_price
        player_cnt = state.community_state.num_not_fold_player
        my_chips = state.player_states[playerid].stack
        if min_bet == 0:
            action = action_table.CHECK

        if round_bet == total_bet:
            #nobody bet in this round, default check
            action = action_table.CHECK

        if total_bet < big_blind * 1.5:
            total_bet = big_blind * 1.5

        min_bet_ratio = float(min_bet) / total_bet
            total_win_rate = win_rate**(player_cnt - 1)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            total_win_rate = 0
        print("win_rate: {}".format(win_rate))
        print("total_win_rate: {}".format(total_win_rate))

        max_call = 0

        if state.community_state.round == 0:  #round_bet=0
            #TODO: consider which round of Deal
            if total_win_rate > 0.8 and win_rate > 0.92:
                print("Deal#1 rule hit, try to attract others to call")
                action = action_table.BET
                bet_amount = random.randint(4, 7) * big_blind
                max_call = max(0.5 * my_chips, 20 * big_blind)
            elif total_win_rate > 0.7 and win_rate > 0.8:
                print("Deal#2 rule hit")
                action = action_table.BET
                bet_amount = random.randint(2, 5) * big_blind
                max_call = max(0.5 * my_chips, 20 * big_blind)
                print("Deal#2: max_call:{}".format(max_call))
            elif my_chips < 10 * big_blind:
                print("Deal#3 rule hit: be conservative because too poor")
                if min_bet < big_blind and win_rate > 0.3:  #smallBlind case
                    action = action_table.CHECK
            elif win_rate > 0.6:
                print("Deal#4 rule hit")
                action = action_table.BET
                bet_amount = random.randint(1, 3) * big_blind
                max_call = random.randint(4, 6) * big_blind
            elif win_rate > 0.5:
                print("Deal#5 rule hit")
                action = action_table.CHECK
                max_call = random.randint(2, 3) * big_blind
            elif win_rate > 0.3:
                print("Deal#6 rule hit")
                action = action_table.CHECK
                max_call = big_blind
                print("Deal: no rule hit, fold")

            if total_win_rate > 0.8 and win_rate > 0.98:
                print("#1 rule hit, try to attract others to call")
                if win_rate == 1:
                    action = action_table.BET
                    bet_amount = my_chips
                elif state.community_state.round == 1:
                    action = action_table.BET
                    bet_amount = 0.6 * round_bet
                elif state.community_state.round == 2:
                    action = action_table.BET
                    bet_amount = round_bet
                elif my_chips > round_bet:  #river
                    action = action_table.BET
                    bet_amount = round_bet
                    action = action_table.BET
                    bet_amount = my_chips
            elif total_win_rate > 0.7 and win_rate > 0.8:
                print("#2 rule hit")
                action = action_table.BET
                bet_amount = 0.5 * round_bet
                max_call = round_bet
            elif total_win_rate > 0.5:
                print("#4 rule hit")
                if big_blind == min_bet:
                    action = action_table.BET
                    bet_amount = min_bet
                action = action_table.CHECK
                max_call = round_bet * win_rate
            elif win_rate > 0.5:
                print("#6 rule hit")
                action = action_table.CHECK
                max_call = round_bet * 0.5
            elif win_rate > 0.3:
                print("#7 rule hit")
                action = action_table.CHECK
                max_call = big_blind
                print("no rule hit, fold")

        if bet_amount < min_bet:
            bet_amount = min_bet

        if max_call != 0 and max_call < min_bet:
            print("fold because someone bet too much: min_bet:{} max_call:{}".
                  format(min_bet, max_call))
            action = action_table.FOLD
            bet_amount = 0

        print("decide_action: action:{}, amount:{}, max_call:{}".format(
            action, bet_amount, max_call))
        return ACTION(action, bet_amount)