Пример #1
def work(request):
    user = request.user
    action = request.REQUEST.get('action', None)
    weibo = SinaWeibo.get_by_user(user)
    if (action == 'search'):
        keyword = request.REQUEST.get("q")
        collect_candidate(user, weibo.get_auth(), keyword)
    elif (action == "followall"):
        follow_all(user, weibo.get_auth())
    elif (action == "clearall"):

    KeywordFormSet = modelformset_factory(Keyword)
    keyword_formset = KeywordFormSet()

    managed_count = Candidate.get_by_user(user).filter(
    candidate_count = Candidate.get_by_user(user).filter(

    return render_to_response(
        "work.html", {
            "managed_count": managed_count,
            "candidate_count": candidate_count,
            "keyword_formset": keyword_formset
Пример #2
def unmanage(request, form):
    ids = form.cleaned_data['candidates']
    for i in ids:
        weiboid, userid = i.split('-')
        c = Candidate.get_by_id(userid, weiboid)
        c.managed = False
    return make_json_response(request)
Пример #3
def manage(request, form):
    ids = form.cleaned_data['candidates']
    for i in ids:
        weiboid, userid = i.split('-')
        c = Candidate.get_by_id(userid, weiboid)
        #        if c is None: continue
        c.managed = True
    return make_json_response(request)
Пример #4
def page_pool(request):
    date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
    from home.models import daily_today

    me = request.user
    sina = SinaWeibo.get_by_user(me)
    keywords = [keyword_vo(k) for k in Keyword.objects.filter(sina=sina)]

    n = daily_today()
    strdate = request.REQUEST.get('date', n.strftime(date_format))
    date = datetime.datetime.strptime(strdate, date_format)
    if (n.year == date.year and n.month == date.month and n.day == date.day):
        add_new_candidate = True
        add_new_candidate = False

    candidates = Candidate.get_by_user_date(me, date)

    #    candidates = Candidate.get_by_user(me).order_by("-follow_date")
    field_lookups = [k for k in request.REQUEST.keys() if k.find('__') >= 0]
    if field_lookups:
        for k in field_lookups:
            candidates = candidates.filter(**dict(((k, request.REQUEST[k]), )))

#    dates = list(Candidate.get_by_user(me).dates('follow_date','day'))
#    dates.sort(reverse=True)
    candidate_page = {
        'date': date.strftime(date_format),
    if add_new_candidate and not field_lookups:
        remained = sina.daily_remained_quota
        candidates = list(candidates)
        new_c = Candidate.get_user_new(me).order_by("-priority")[:remained]
        candidates = candidates + list(new_c)

#    perpage  = int(request.REQUEST.get('perpage','25'))
#    page  = int(request.REQUEST.get('page','1'))
#    candidate_paginator = Paginator(candidates, perpage)
#    try:
#        candidates_page = candidate_paginator.page(page)
#    except (InvalidPage, EmptyPage):
#        candidates_page = candidate_paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

#daily candidates
    found = Candidate.objects.filter(user=me).filter(
    daily_res = {}
    daily_res['quota_remained'] = sina.daily_remained_quota
    daily_res['quota'] = sina.daily_quota
    daily_res['followed'] = sina.daily_followed
    daily_res['idle_days'] = sina.idle_days
    daily_res['found'] = min(found, daily_res['quota_remained'])

    result = {}
    result['me'] = user_vo(me)
    result['keywords'] = keywords
    #   result['candidates'] = [candidate_vo(c) for c in candidates_page.object_list]
    #    result['candidate_page'] = page_vo(candidate_paginator, candidates_page)
    result['candidates'] = [candidate_vo(c) for c in candidates]
    result['candidate_page'] = candidate_page
    result['daily'] = daily_res

    return make_json_response(request, result)