async def test_ip_bans_file_creation(hass, aiohttp_client): """Testing if banned IP file created.""" app = web.Application() app['hass'] = hass async def unauth_handler(request): """Return a mock web response.""" raise HTTPUnauthorized app.router.add_get('/', unauth_handler) setup_bans(hass, app, 2) mock_real_ip(app)("") with patch('homeassistant.components.http.ban.async_load_ip_bans_config', return_value=mock_coro( [IpBan(banned_ip) for banned_ip in BANNED_IPS])): client = await aiohttp_client(app) m = mock_open() with patch('', m, create=True): resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 401 assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == len(BANNED_IPS) assert m.call_count == 0 resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 401 assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == len(BANNED_IPS) + 1 m.assert_called_once_with(hass.config.path(IP_BANS_FILE), 'a') resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 403 assert m.call_count == 1
def mock_api_client(hass, test_client): """Start the Hass HTTP component.""" hass.loop.run_until_complete(async_setup_component(hass, 'api', { 'http': { http.CONF_API_PASSWORD: API_PASSWORD, } }))[KEY_BANNED_IPS] = [IpBan(banned_ip) for banned_ip in BANNED_IPS] return hass.loop.run_until_complete(test_client(
async def test_access_from_banned_ip(hass, aiohttp_client): """Test accessing to server from banned IP. Both trusted and not.""" app = web.Application() setup_bans(hass, app, 5) set_real_ip = mock_real_ip(app) with patch('homeassistant.components.http.ban.load_ip_bans_config', return_value=[IpBan(banned_ip) for banned_ip in BANNED_IPS]): client = await aiohttp_client(app) for remote_addr in BANNED_IPS: set_real_ip(remote_addr) resp = await client.get('/') assert resp.status == 403
async def test_ip_bans_file_creation(hass, aiohttp_client): """Testing if banned IP file created.""" notification_calls = async_mock_service(hass, "persistent_notification", "create") app = web.Application() app["hass"] = hass async def unauth_handler(request): """Return a mock web response.""" raise HTTPUnauthorized app.router.add_get("/", unauth_handler) setup_bans(hass, app, 2) mock_real_ip(app)("") with patch( "homeassistant.components.http.ban.async_load_ip_bans_config", return_value=[IpBan(banned_ip) for banned_ip in BANNED_IPS], ): client = await aiohttp_client(app) m_open = mock_open() with patch("", m_open, create=True): resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == 401 assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == len(BANNED_IPS) assert m_open.call_count == 0 resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == 401 assert len(app[KEY_BANNED_IPS]) == len(BANNED_IPS) + 1 m_open.assert_called_once_with( hass.config.path(IP_BANS_FILE), "a", encoding="utf8" ) resp = await client.get("/") assert resp.status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN assert m_open.call_count == 1 assert len(notification_calls) == 3 assert ( notification_calls[0].data["message"] == "Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from ( See the log for details." )
def setUpModule(): """Initialize a Home Assistant server.""" global hass hass = get_test_home_assistant() bootstrap.setup_component( hass, http.DOMAIN, { http.DOMAIN: { http.CONF_API_PASSWORD: API_PASSWORD, http.CONF_SERVER_PORT: SERVER_PORT, } }) bootstrap.setup_component(hass, 'api')[KEY_BANNED_IPS] = [ IpBan(banned_ip) for banned_ip in BANNED_IPS ] hass.start()