Пример #1
async def json_serialize_states(hass):
    """Serialize million states with websocket default encoder."""
    states = [
        core.State("light.kitchen", "on", {"friendly_name": "Kitchen Lights"})
        for _ in range(10**6)

    start = timer()
    return timer() - start
Пример #2
def _ws_formatted_get_events(
    msg_id: int,
    start_time: dt,
    end_time: dt,
    event_processor: EventProcessor,
) -> str:
    """Fetch events and convert them to json in the executor."""
    return JSON_DUMP(
            msg_id, event_processor.get_events(start_time, end_time)
Пример #3
def _async_send_empty_response(
    connection: ActiveConnection, msg_id: int, start_time: dt, end_time: dt | None
) -> None:
    """Send an empty response.

    The current case for this is when they ask for entity_ids
    that will all be filtered away because they have UOMs or
    stream_end_time = end_time or dt_util.utcnow()
    empty_stream_message = _generate_stream_message([], start_time, stream_end_time)
    empty_response = messages.event_message(msg_id, empty_stream_message)
Пример #4
def _ws_formatted_get_events(
    msg_id: int,
    start_day: dt,
    end_day: dt,
    formatter: Callable[[int, Any], dict[str, Any]],
    event_processor: EventProcessor,
) -> tuple[str, dt | None]:
    """Fetch events and convert them to json in the executor."""
    events = event_processor.get_events(start_day, end_day)
    last_time = None
    if events:
        last_time = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(events[-1]["when"])
    result = formatter(msg_id, events)
    return JSON_DUMP(result), last_time
Пример #5
def _ws_stream_get_events(
    msg_id: int,
    start_day: dt,
    end_day: dt,
    formatter: Callable[[int, Any], dict[str, Any]],
    event_processor: EventProcessor,
    partial: bool,
) -> tuple[str, dt | None]:
    """Fetch events and convert them to json in the executor."""
    events = event_processor.get_events(start_day, end_day)
    last_time = None
    if events:
        last_time = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(events[-1]["when"])
    message = _generate_stream_message(events, start_day, end_day)
    if partial:
        # This is a hint to consumers of the api that
        # we are about to send a another block of historical
        # data in case the UI needs to show that historical
        # data is still loading in the future
        message["partial"] = True
    return JSON_DUMP(formatter(msg_id, message)), last_time