Пример #1
 def testSanity(self):
     '''Tests the sanity of Reference Property'''
     from homer.core.commons import String
     print "######## Creating Models ################"
     class Person(Model):
         name = String(required = True)
     class Book(Model):
         name = String(required = True, indexed = True)
         author = Reference(Person)
     print "Persisting Person"
     person = Person(name = "sasuke")
     print "Persisting Book"
     book = Book(name = "Pride", author = person)
     print "Checking Conversion Routine"
     k = eval(Book.author.convert(person))
     self.assertTrue(k == Key(Settings.default(),"Person","sasuke"))
     with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
         print "Checks if Reference accepts other kinds"
         book.author = Key(Settings.default(), "Book", "House")
     print "Checking Automatic Reference Read"
     id = Key(Settings.default(),"Book","Pride")
     # id.columns = ["name", "author"]
     found = self.db.read(id, FetchMode.Property)
     self.assertTrue(found.author.name == "sasuke")
     self.assertTrue(found.author == person)
Пример #2
 def testCountWithFilters(self):
     '''Show that counts with filters work'''
     import time
     import uuid
     class Profile(Model):
         id = String(required = True, indexed = True)
         fullname = String(indexed=True)
         bookmarks = Map(String, URL)   
     profile = Profile(id = str(uuid.uuid4()), fullname = "Iroiso Ikpokonte", bookmarks={})
     l = []
     for i in range(500):
         profile = Profile(id = str(i), fullname = "Iroiso", bookmarks={})
         profile.bookmarks["google"] = "http://google.com"
         profile.bookmarks["twitter"] = "http://twitter.com"
     start = time.time()
     with Level.All:
     self.assertTrue(Profile.count(fullname="Iroiso") == 500)
Пример #3
 def testBatchPut(self):
     '''Tests if puts in batches actually works'''
     import time
     import uuid
     class Profile(Model):
         id = String(required = True, indexed = True)
         fullname = String(indexed = True)
         bookmarks = Map(String, URL)   
     profile = Profile(id = str(uuid.uuid4()), fullname = "Iroiso Ikpokonte", bookmarks={})
     l = []
     for i in range(500):
         profile = Profile(id = str(i), fullname = "Iroiso Ikpokonte", bookmarks={})
         profile.bookmarks["google"] = "http://google.com"
         profile.bookmarks["twitter"] = "http://twitter.com"
     start = time.time()
     print ''
     print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
     with Level.All:
     print "Time Taken to put 500 Profiles: %s secs" % (time.time() - start)
     print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
     cursor = self.connection
     cursor.execute("USE %s" % Settings.keyspace())
     cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Profile;")
     count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
     print "Count: ", count
     self.assertTrue(count == 501)
Пример #4
def optionsFor(namespace):
    '''Returns configuration for a namespace or the default'''
    found = None
    namespaces = Settings.namespaces()
    if namespace not in namespaces:
        default = Settings.default()
        found = Settings.namespaces()[default]
        found = Settings.namespaces()[namespace]
    return found
Пример #5
 def Put(cls, namespace, model, key):
     """Stores Meta Information for a particular class"""
     from homer.options import Settings
     if not namespace:
         namespace = Settings.default()
     kind = model.__name__    
     if not namespace in cls.schema:
         cls.schema[namespace] = WeakValueDictionary()    
     if kind not in cls.schema[namespace]:
         cls.schema[namespace][kind] = model
         cls.keys[id(model)] = (namespace, kind, key, )
         raise NamespaceCollisionError("Model: %s already \
             exists in the Namespace: %s" % (model, namespace))
Пример #6
 def testReadMode(self):
     '''Tests if FetchMode works in Reads'''
     class Book(Model):
         name = String(required = True, indexed = True)
         author = String(indexed = True)
         isbn = String(indexed = True)
     book = Book(name="Lord of the Rings", author="J.R.R Tolkein", isbn="12345")
     for n in xrange(500):
         book[str(n)] = n
     print "Book len:" , len(book)
     k = Key(Settings.default(), "Book", "Lord of the Rings")
     #k.columns = ["name", "author", "isbn", "titles"] #We'll specify the columns manually for now
     b = self.db.read(k, FetchMode.All)
     assert isinstance(b, Book)
     print "Book len:" , len(b)
     assert len(b) == len(book)
     assert b == book
Пример #7
 def testDelete(self):
     '''Tests if Lisa.delete() works well'''
     class Book(Model):
         name = String(required = True, indexed = True)
         author = String(indexed = True)
     book = Book(name = "Pride", author="Anne Rice")
     cursor = self.connection
     cursor.execute("USE %s" % Settings.keyspace())
     cursor.execute("SELECT name, author FROM Book WHERE KEY=Pride")
     #print cursor.description
     row = cursor.fetchone()
     self.assertTrue(row[0] == "Pride")
     k = Key(Settings.default(), 'Book', 'Pride')
     cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM Book WHERE KEY=Pride")
     row = cursor.fetchone()
     print "Deleted row: %s" % row
     self.assertTrue(row[0] == None)
     # Make sure that Reads for Lisa return null too.
     results = self.db.read(k, FetchMode.Property)
Пример #8
 def testRead(self):
     '''Tests if Lisa.read() behaves as usual'''
     class Book(Model):
         name = String(required = True, indexed = True)
         author = String(indexed = True)
         isbn = String(indexed = True)
     book = Book(name="Lord of the Rings", author="J.R.R Tolkein", isbn="12345")
     k = Key(Settings.default(), "Book", "Lord of the Rings")
     #k.columns = ["name", "author", "isbn", "titles"] #We'll specify the columns manually for now
     b = self.db.read(k, FetchMode.Property)
     assert isinstance(b, Book)
     print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
     print b.name
     print b.author
     print b.isbn
     self.assertTrue(b == book)
     self.assertTrue(b.name == "Lord of the Rings")
     self.assertTrue(b.author == "J.R.R Tolkein")
     self.assertTrue(b.isbn == "12345")
     print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
Пример #9
 def setUp(self):
     default = Settings.default()
     self.pool = RoundRobinPool(Settings.namespaces().get(default))
Пример #10
 def setUp(self):
     '''Create the Pool'''
     print "Creating a Pool with the default connections"
     default = Settings.default()
     self.pool = RoundRobinPool(Settings.namespaces().get(default))