Пример #1
def test_half_bt24cell_geom():
    cellquatang = 2 * np.arccos(
        np.clip(np.sum(half_bt24cell_faces * half_bt24cell_faces[:, None], -1),
                -1, 1))
    cellquatang = np.minimum(cellquatang, 2 * np.pi - cellquatang)
    cellcen = homog.quat.quat_to_xform(half_bt24cell_faces)
    cellcenang = homog.angle_of(homog.hinv(cellcen) @ cellcen[:, None])

    cellcenanground = np.round(cellcenang * 180 / np.pi, 5)
    # print(np.unique(cellcenanground))

    assert np.allclose(cellcenang, cellquatang)
    # np.fill_diagonal(cellcenang, 10)

    q = homog.quat.rand_quat((1000, ))
    qang = 2 * np.arccos(
        np.clip(np.abs(np.sum(q * half_bt24cell_faces[:, None], -1)), -1, 1))
    minqang = np.min(qang, 0)
    # print('Qang to closest',
    #        np.percentile(minqang * 180 / np.pi, np.arange(0, 101, 10)))
    assert np.max(minqang) < 62.81 / 180 * np.pi

    x = homog.rand_xform(1000)
    cellxform = homog.quat.quat_to_xform(half_bt24cell_faces)
    xang = homog.angle_of(x @ homog.hinv(cellxform)[:, None])
    minxang = np.min(xang, 0)
    # print('Xang to closest:',
    # np.percentile(minxang * 180 / np.pi, np.arange(0, 101, 10)))
    assert np.max(minqang) < 62.81 / 180 * np.pi
Пример #2
    def checkpoint(self):
        """TODO: Summary
        print('MakeXIndexAccumulator checkpoint', end='')
        if len(self.tmp) is 0: return
        sc = np.concatenate([x[0] for x in self.tmp])
        indices = np.concatenate([x[1] for x in self.tmp])[sc <= self.thresh]
        assert np.all(indices < self.sizes)
        positions = np.concatenate([x[2] for x in self.tmp])[sc <= self.thresh]
        from_pos = positions[:, self.from_seg]
        to_pos = positions[:, self.to_seg]
        xtgt = hinv(from_pos) @ to_pos
        bin_idx = self.binner.get_bin_index(xtgt)

        for k, v in zip(bin_idx, indices):
        # self.xindex = {**{k: v for k, v in zip(bin_idx, indices)},
        # **self.xindex}

        # print('IndexAcculator checkpoint, xindex size:', len(self.xindex))
        self.tmp = []
        print('done, xindex size:', len(self.xindex),
              sum(len(v) for v in self.xindex.values()))
def xform_between_chains(chain1, chain2, sele='name CA', state=1):
    assert chain1 != chain2
    atoms1 = cmd.get_model(f'chain {chain1} and ({sele})', state).atom
    atoms2 = cmd.get_model(f'chain {chain2} and ({sele})', state).atom
    assert len(atoms1) > 2
    assert len(atoms1) == len(atoms2)
    atoms1 = atoms1[0], atoms1[int(len(atoms1) / 2)], atoms1[-1]
    atoms2 = atoms2[0], atoms2[int(len(atoms2) / 2)], atoms2[-1]
    crds1 = [a.coord for a in atoms1]
    crds2 = [a.coord for a in atoms2]
    stub1 = hm.hstub(*crds1)
    stub2 = hm.hstub(*crds2)
    xform = stub2 @ hm.hinv(stub1)
    return xform
def primary_xform_commutator(units, state=1, **kw):
    print('stub 0:')
    closest = None
    for j in range(1, 20):
        x = hm.hinv(units[0].stub) @ units[j].stub
        # print(f'stub {j}:')
        # print(units[j].stub)
        # print(x)
        axis, ang, cen = hm.axis_ang_cen_of(x)
        helical = hm.hdot(axis, x[:, 3])
        print(j, helical, x[2, 3])
        if abs(helical) > 0.01:
            return x
    return None
Пример #5
def test_XformBinner_covrad():
    niter = 30
    nsamp = 10000
    for i in range(niter):
        cart_resl = np.random.rand() * 10 + 0.1
        ori_resl = np.random.rand() * 50 + 2.5
        xforms = homog.rand_xform(nsamp)
        xb = XformBinner(cart_resl, ori_resl)
        idx = xb.get_bin_index(xforms)
        cen, f6 = xb.get_bin_center(idx, debug=True)
        cart_dist = np.linalg.norm(xforms[..., :3, 3] - cen[..., :3, 3],
        ori_dist = homog.angle_of(homog.hinv(cen) @ xforms)
        # if not np.all(cart_dist < cart_resl):
        # print('ori_resl', ori_resl, 'nside:', xb.ori_nside,
        # 'max(cart_dist):', np.max(cart_dist), cart_resl)
        # if not np.all(cart_dist < cart_resl):
        # print('ori_resl', ori_resl, 'nside:', xb.ori_nside,
        # 'max(ori_dist):', np.max(ori_dist))
        assert np.sum(cart_dist < cart_resl) > nsamp * 0.99
        assert np.sum(ori_dist < ori_resl / 180 * np.pi) > nsamp * 0.99
def sort_and_calc_neighbors(units,
    xprimary = primary_xform_commutator(units, state=state)
    if xprimary is not None:
        primary_neighbor = {}
        other_neighbor = {}
        neighbors = []
    for i in range(len(units)):
        isele = units[i].sele
        for j in range(i + 1, min(i + window + 1, len(units))):
            # if i == j: continue
            xcomm = hm.hinv(units[i].stub) @ units[j].stub
            jsele = units[j].sele
            isect_sele = (f'({isele} and name CA) within {discut} of ' +
                          f'({jsele} and name CA)')
            n = cmd.select(isect_sele, state=state)
            if n > 0:
                if xprimary is not None:
                    if np.allclose(xcomm, xprimary, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2):
                        assert i not in primary_neighbor
                        primary_neighbor[i] = j
                        assert j not in other_neighbor
                        other_neighbor[i] = j
                    neighbors.append((i, j))
    if xprimary is not None:
        assert len(primary_neighbor) > max(0, len(units) - 10)
        assert len(other_neighbor) > max(0, len(units) - 10)
        return primary_neighbor, other_neighbor
        return neighbors, None
Пример #7
    def checkpoint(self):
        """TODO: Summary
        if len(self.temporary) is 0: return
        ntmp = sum(len(tmp[0]) for tmp in self.temporary)
        print('XIndexedAccumulator checkpoint... ncandidates:', ntmp, end=' ')
        if hasattr(self, 'scores'):
            sc, li, lp = [self.scores], [self.lowidx], [self.lowpos]
            sc, li, lp = [], [], []
        scores = np.concatenate([x[0] for x in self.temporary])
        if scores.shape[0] is 0: return
        assert np.all(scores == 0)
        lowidx = np.concatenate([x[1] for x in self.temporary])
        lowpos = np.concatenate([x[2] for x in self.temporary])
        scores = scores[:self.max_results]
        lowpos = lowpos[:self.max_results]
        lowidx = lowidx[:self.max_results]
        from_pos = lowpos[:, -1]
        to_pos = self.cyclic_xform @ from_pos
        xtgt = hinv(from_pos) @ to_pos
        bin_idx = self.binner.get_bin_index(xtgt)

        # head_idx = np.stack([self.xindex[i] for i in bin_idx])
        lowidxtmp, headidxtmp = [], []
        for i, b in enumerate(bin_idx):
            for headidx in self.xindex[b]:
        lowidx = np.stack(lowidxtmp)
        head_idx = np.stack(headidxtmp)

        join_idx, valid = self.segments[self.splitpoint].merge_idx(
            self.tail[-1], lowidx[:, -1], self.head[0], head_idx[:, 0])
        lowidx = lowidx[valid][join_idx >= 0]
        head_idx = head_idx[valid][join_idx >= 0]
        join_idx = join_idx[join_idx >= 0]

        # join_idx = self.segments[self.splitpoint].merge_idx_slow(
        #     self.tail[-1], lowidx[:, -1],
        #     self.head[0], head_idx[:, 0])
        # lowidx = lowidx[join_idx >= 0]
        # head_idx = head_idx[join_idx >= 0]
        # join_idx = join_idx[join_idx >= 0]
        lowidx = np.concatenate(
            [lowidx[:, :-1], join_idx[:, None], head_idx[:, 1:]], axis=1)

        ifrom, ito = lowidx[:, self.from_seg], lowidx[:, self.to_seg]
        site1 = self.segments[self.from_seg].entrysiteid[ifrom]
        site2 = self.segments[self.from_seg].exitsiteid[ifrom]
        site3 = self.segments[self.to_seg].entrysiteid[ito]
        ok = (site1 != site2) * (site1 != site3) * (site2 != site3)
        # print('!!!!!!!!', np.sum(ok), ok.shape)
        # print('site1', *['%6i' % np.sum(site1 == i) for i in range(10)])
        # print('site2', *['%6i' % np.sum(site2 == i) for i in range(10)])
        # print('site3', *['%6i' % np.sum(site3 == i) for i in range(10)])
        lowidx = lowidx[ok]

        if hasattr(self, 'lowidx'):
            self.lowidx = np.concatenate([self.lowidx, lowidx])
            self.lowidx = lowidx
        self.temporary = []
        print('done, total pre-err =', len(self.lowidx))
Пример #8
import homog
with redirect_stdout(open(os.devnull,'w')):
    from xbin import *

ori_nside = int(sys.argv[1])
Nsamp = 1000000
Nptiles = 101
ptiles = np.concatenate([np.arange(Nptiles),
                         100 - 10**np.linspace(2, -6, Nptiles)])
estimate = np.zeros_like(ptiles)
coherent = np.zeros_like(ptiles)

while True:
    xforms = homog.rand_xform(Nsamp)
    xb = XformBinner(ori_nside=ori_nside)
    idx = xb.get_bin_index(xforms)
    cen = xb.get_bin_center(idx)
    ori_dist = homog.angle_of(homog.hinv(cen) @ xforms)
    ehat = np.percentile(ori_dist, ptiles)
    old = estimate
    estimate = np.maximum(estimate, ehat)
    if np.any(old != estimate):
        print('independent', Nsamp, ori_nside,
    if np.sum(ehat) > np.sum(coherent):
        coherent = ehat
        print('coherent', Nsamp, ori_nside,