def exit_handler(): global experiment_json global elastic_id if running and experiment_json != None: experiment_json = json.loads(experiment_json) experiment_json['status'] = "KILLED" experiment_json['finished'] = experiment_json = json.dumps(experiment_json) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, str('dist' + str(elastic_id)), experiment_json)
def exception_handler(): global running global experiment_json if running and experiment_json != None: experiment_json = json.loads(experiment_json) experiment_json['status'] = "FAILED" experiment_json['finished'] = experiment_json = json.dumps(experiment_json) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json)
def end(metric=None): global running global experiment_json global elastic_id global driver_tensorboard_hdfs_path global app_id if not running: raise RuntimeError( "An experiment is not running. Did you forget to call experiment.end()?" ) try: if metric: experiment_json = util.finalize_experiment(experiment_json, None, str(metric)) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) else: experiment_json = util.finalize_experiment(experiment_json, None, None) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) except: exception_handler() raise finally: elastic_id += 1 running = False handle = hopshdfs.get() if tensorboard.tb_pid != 0: subprocess.Popen(["kill", str(tensorboard.tb_pid)]) if tensorboard.local_logdir_bool: local_tb = tensorboard.local_logdir_path util.store_local_tensorboard(local_tb, tensorboard.events_logdir) if not tensorboard.endpoint == None and not tensorboard.endpoint == '' \ and handle.exists(tensorboard.endpoint): handle.delete(tensorboard.endpoint) hopshdfs.kill_logger()
def run(sc, map_fun, tf_args, num_executors, num_ps, tensorboard=False, input_mode=InputMode.TENSORFLOW, log_dir=None, driver_ps_nodes=False, master_node=None, reservation_timeout=600, name='no-name', local_logdir=False, versioned_resources=None, description=None, queues=['input', 'output', 'error']): """Starts the TensorFlowOnSpark cluster and Runs the TensorFlow "main" function on the Spark executors Args: :sc: SparkContext :map_fun: user-supplied TensorFlow "main" function :tf_args: ``argparse`` args, or command-line ``ARGV``. These will be passed to the ``map_fun``. :num_executors: number of Spark executors. This should match your Spark job's ``--num_executors``. :num_ps: number of Spark executors which are reserved for TensorFlow PS nodes. All other executors will be used as TensorFlow worker nodes. :tensorboard: boolean indicating if the chief worker should spawn a Tensorboard server. :input_mode: TFCluster.InputMode :log_dir: directory to save tensorboard event logs. If None, defaults to a fixed path on local filesystem. :driver_ps_nodes: run the PS nodes on the driver locally instead of on the spark executors; this help maximizing computing resources (esp. GPU). You will need to set cluster_size = num_executors + num_ps :master_node: name of the "master" or "chief" node in the cluster_template, used for `tf.estimator` applications. :reservation_timeout: number of seconds after which cluster reservation times out (600 sec default) :queues: *INTERNAL_USE* Returns: A TFCluster object representing the started cluster. """ #in hopsworks we want the tensorboard to always be true: global elastic_id global running global run_id tb = True elastic_id = elastic_id + 1 run_id = run_id + 1 running = True "Reserving TFSparkNodes {0}".format("w/ TensorBoard" if tb else "")) assert num_ps < num_executors if driver_ps_nodes: raise Exception( 'running PS nodes on driver is not supported and not needed on Hops Hadoop, since we have GPU scheduling.' ) if log_dir: raise Exception( 'No need to specify log_dir directory, we save TensorBoard events in the directory returned by tensorboard.logdir for you' ) # build a cluster_spec template using worker_nums cluster_template = {} cluster_template['ps'] = range(num_ps) if master_node is None: cluster_template['worker'] = range(num_ps, num_executors) else: cluster_template[master_node] = range(num_ps, num_ps + 1) if num_executors > num_ps + 1: cluster_template['worker'] = range(num_ps + 1, num_executors)"cluster_template: {}".format(cluster_template)) # get default filesystem from spark defaultFS = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().get("fs.defaultFS") # strip trailing "root" slash from "file:///" to be consistent w/ "hdfs://..." if defaultFS.startswith( "file://") and len(defaultFS) > 7 and defaultFS.endswith("/"): defaultFS = defaultFS[:-1] # get current working dir of spark launch working_dir = os.getcwd() # start a server to listen for reservations and broadcast cluster_spec server = reservation.Server(num_executors) server_addr = server.start() # start TF nodes on all executors"Starting TensorFlow on executors") cluster_meta = { 'id': random.getrandbits(64), 'cluster_template': cluster_template, 'num_executors': num_executors, 'default_fs': defaultFS, 'working_dir': working_dir, 'server_addr': server_addr } nodeRDD = sc.parallelize(range(num_executors), num_executors) global app_id app_id = sc.applicationId global experiment_json versioned_path = util.version_resources(versioned_resources, get_logdir(app_id)) experiment_json = None experiment_json = util.populate_experiment(sc, name, 'TFCluster', 'run', get_logdir(app_id), None, versioned_path, description) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, str('dist' + str(elastic_id)), experiment_json) # start TF on a background thread (on Spark driver) to allow for feeding job def _start(status): try: nodeRDD.foreachPartition(, tf_args, cluster_meta, tb, None, app_id, run_id, queues, local_logdir=local_logdir, background=(input_mode == InputMode.SPARK))) except Exception as e: logging.error("Exception in TF background thread") status['error'] = str(e) exception_handler() t = threading.Thread(target=_start, args=(tf_status, )) # run as daemon thread so that in spark mode main thread can exit # if feeder spark stage fails and main thread can't do explicit shutdown t.daemon = True t.start() # wait for executors to check GPU presence"Waiting for GPU presence check to start") gpus_present = server.await_gpu_check()"All GPU checks completed") # wait for executors to register and start TFNodes before continuing"Waiting for TFSparkNodes to start") cluster_info = server.await_reservations(sc, tf_status, reservation_timeout)"All TFSparkNodes started") # print cluster_info and extract TensorBoard URL tb_url = None for node in cluster_info: if node['tb_port'] != 0: tb_url = "http://{0}:{1}".format(node['host'], node['tb_port']) if tb_url is not None: "========================================================================================" )"")"TensorBoard running at: {0}".format(tb_url))"") "========================================================================================" ) # since our "primary key" for each executor's TFManager is (host, executor_id), sanity check for duplicates # Note: this may occur if Spark retries failed Python tasks on the same executor. tb_nodes = set() for node in cluster_info: node_id = (node['host'], node['executor_id']) if node_id in tb_nodes: raise Exception( "Duplicate cluster node id detected (host={0}, executor_id={1})" .format(node_id[0], node_id[1]) + "Please ensure that:\n" + "1. Number of executors >= number of TensorFlow nodes\n" + "2. Number of tasks per executors is 1\n" + "3, TFCluster.shutdown() is successfully invoked when done.") else: tb_nodes.add(node_id) # create TFCluster object cluster = TFCluster() = sc cluster.meta = cluster_meta cluster.nodeRDD = nodeRDD cluster.cluster_info = cluster_info cluster.cluster_meta = cluster_meta cluster.input_mode = input_mode cluster.queues = queues cluster.server = server return cluster
def shutdown(self, ssc=None): """Stops the distributed TensorFlow cluster. Args: :ssc: *For Streaming applications only*. Spark StreamingContext """"Stopping TensorFlow nodes") # identify ps/workers ps_list, worker_list = [], [] for node in self.cluster_info: if node['job_name'] == 'ps': ps_list.append(node) else: worker_list.append(node) if ssc is not None: # Spark Streaming done = False while not done: done = ssc.awaitTerminationOrTimeout(1) if not done and self.server.done:"Server done, stopping StreamingContext") ssc.stop(stopSparkContext=False, stopGraceFully=True) done = done or self.server.done else: # in TENSORFLOW mode, there is no "data feeding" job, only a "start" job, so we must wait for the TensorFlow workers # to complete all tasks, while accounting for any PS tasks which run indefinitely. if self.input_mode == InputMode.TENSORFLOW: count = 0 done = False while not done: st = jobs = st.getActiveJobsIds() if len(jobs) > 0: stages = st.getActiveStageIds() for i in stages: si = st.getStageInfo(i) if si.numActiveTasks == len(ps_list): # if we only have PS tasks left, check that we see this condition a couple times count += 1 done = (count >= 3) time.sleep(5) else: done = True global running running = False # shutdown queues and managers for "worker" executors. # note: in SPARK mode, this job will immediately queue up behind the "data feeding" job. # in TENSORFLOW mode, this will only run after all workers have finished. workers = len(worker_list) workerRDD =, workers) workerRDD.foreachPartition( TFSparkNode.shutdown(self.cluster_info, self.queues)) # exit Spark application w/ err status if TF job had any errors if 'error' in tf_status: logging.error("Exiting Spark application with error status.") exception_handler() #sys.exit(1) global experiment_json global app_id experiment_json = util.finalize_experiment(experiment_json, None, None) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, str('dist' + str(elastic_id)), experiment_json)"Shutting down cluster") # shutdown queues and managers for "PS" executors. # note: we have to connect/shutdown from the spark driver, because these executors are "busy" and won't accept any other tasks. for node in ps_list: addr = node['addr'] authkey = node['authkey'] m = TFManager.connect(addr, authkey) q = m.get_queue('control') q.put(None) q.join() # wait for all jobs to finish done = False while not done: time.sleep(5) st = jobs = st.getActiveJobsIds() if len(jobs) == 0: break def tensorboard_url(self): """ Utility function to get Tensorboard URL """ tb_url = None for node in self.cluster_info: if node['tb_port'] != 0 and node[ 'job_name'] == 'worker' and node['task_index'] == 0: tb_url = "http://{0}:{1}".format(node['host'], node['tb_port']) return tb_url
def begin(spark, name='no-name', local_logdir=False, versioned_resources=None, description=None): """ Start an experiment Args: :spark_session: SparkSession object :name: (optional) name of the job """ global running if running: raise RuntimeError( "An experiment is currently running. Please call experiment.stop() to stop it." ) try: global app_id global experiment_json global elastic_id global run_id global driver_tensorboard_hdfs_path running = True sc = spark.sparkContext app_id = str(sc.applicationId) run_id = run_id + 1 versioned_path = util.version_resources(versioned_resources, get_logdir(app_id)) experiment_json = None experiment_json = util.populate_experiment(sc, name, 'experiment', 'begin', get_logdir(app_id), None, versioned_path, description) util.version_resources(versioned_resources, get_logdir(app_id)) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) hdfs_exec_logdir, hdfs_appid_logdir = hopshdfs.create_directories( app_id, run_id, None, 'begin') pydoop.hdfs.dump('', os.environ['EXEC_LOGFILE'], user=hopshdfs.project_user()) hopshdfs.init_logger() driver_tensorboard_hdfs_path, _ = tensorboard.register( hdfs_exec_logdir, hdfs_appid_logdir, 0, local_logdir=local_logdir, tensorboard_driver=True) except: exception_handler() raise return
def horovod(spark, notebook, name='no-name', local_logdir=False, versioned_resources=None, description=None): """ Run the notebooks specified in the path as input to horovod Args: :spark_session: SparkSession object :notebook: Notebook path :name: (optional) name of the job """ global running if running: raise RuntimeError( "An experiment is currently running. Please call experiment.end() to stop it." ) try: global app_id global experiment_json global elastic_id running = True sc = spark.sparkContext app_id = str(sc.applicationId) allreduce.run_id = allreduce.run_id + 1 versioned_path = util.version_resources(versioned_resources, allreduce.get_logdir(app_id)) experiment_json = None experiment_json = util.populate_experiment( sc, name, 'experiment', 'horovod', allreduce.get_logdir(app_id), None, versioned_path, description) util.version_resources(versioned_resources, allreduce.get_logdir(app_id)) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) tensorboard_logdir = allreduce.launch(sc, notebook, local_logdir=local_logdir) experiment_json = util.finalize_experiment(experiment_json, None, None) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) except: exception_handler() raise finally: elastic_id += 1 running = False return tensorboard_logdir
def grid_search(spark, map_fun, args_dict, direction='max', name='no-name', local_logdir=False, versioned_resources=None, description=None): """ Run the wrapper function with each hyperparameter combination as specified by the dictionary Args: :spark_session: SparkSession object :map_fun: The TensorFlow function to run :args_dict: A dictionary containing hyperparameter values to insert as arguments for each TensorFlow job :direction: 'max' to maximize, 'min' to minimize :name: (optional) name of the job """ global running if running: raise RuntimeError( "An experiment is currently running. Please call experiment.end() to stop it." ) try: global app_id global experiment_json global elastic_id running = True sc = spark.sparkContext app_id = str(sc.applicationId) gs.run_id = gs.run_id + 1 versioned_path = util.version_resources(versioned_resources, gs.get_logdir(app_id)) experiment_json = util.populate_experiment(sc, name, 'experiment', 'grid_search', gs.get_logdir(app_id), json.dumps(args_dict), versioned_path, description) util.version_resources(versioned_resources, gs.get_logdir(app_id)) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) grid_params = util.grid_params(args_dict) tensorboard_logdir, param, metric = gs._grid_launch( sc, map_fun, grid_params, direction=direction, local_logdir=local_logdir) experiment_json = util.finalize_experiment(experiment_json, param, metric) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) except: exception_handler() raise finally: elastic_id += 1 running = False return tensorboard_logdir
def evolutionary_search(spark, objective_function, search_dict, direction='max', generations=10, population=10, mutation=0.5, crossover=0.7, cleanup_generations=False, name='no-name', local_logdir=False, versioned_resources=None, description=None): """ Run the wrapper function with each hyperparameter combination as specified by the dictionary Args: :spark_session: SparkSession object :map_fun: The TensorFlow function to run :search_dict: (optional) A dictionary containing differential evolutionary boundaries """ global running if running: raise RuntimeError( "An experiment is currently running. Please call experiment.end() to stop it." ) try: global app_id global experiment_json global elastic_id running = True sc = spark.sparkContext app_id = str(sc.applicationId) diff_evo.run_id = diff_evo.run_id + 1 versioned_path = util.version_resources(versioned_resources, diff_evo.get_logdir(app_id)) experiment_json = None experiment_json = util.populate_experiment(sc, name, 'experiment', 'evolutionary_search', diff_evo.get_logdir(app_id), json.dumps(search_dict), versioned_path, description) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) tensorboard_logdir, best_param, best_metric = diff_evo._search( spark, objective_function, search_dict, direction=direction, generations=generations, popsize=population, mutation=mutation, crossover=crossover, cleanup_generations=cleanup_generations, local_logdir=local_logdir) experiment_json = util.finalize_experiment(experiment_json, best_param, best_metric) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) best_param_dict = util.convert_to_dict(best_param) except: exception_handler() raise finally: elastic_id += 1 running = False return tensorboard_logdir, best_param_dict
def launch(spark, map_fun, args_dict=None, name='no-name', local_logdir=False, versioned_resources=None, description=None): """ Run the wrapper function with each hyperparameter combination as specified by the dictionary Args: :spark_session: SparkSession object :map_fun: The TensorFlow function to run :args_dict: (optional) A dictionary containing hyperparameter values to insert as arguments for each TensorFlow job :name: (optional) name of the job """ global running if running: raise RuntimeError( "An experiment is currently running. Please call experiment.end() to stop it." ) try: global app_id global experiment_json global elastic_id running = True sc = spark.sparkContext app_id = str(sc.applicationId) launcher.run_id = launcher.run_id + 1 versioned_path = util.version_resources(versioned_resources, launcher.get_logdir(app_id)) experiment_json = None if args_dict: experiment_json = util.populate_experiment( sc, name, 'experiment', 'launcher', launcher.get_logdir(app_id), json.dumps(args_dict), versioned_path, description) else: experiment_json = util.populate_experiment( sc, name, 'experiment', 'launcher', launcher.get_logdir(app_id), None, versioned_path, description) util.version_resources(versioned_resources, launcher.get_logdir(app_id)) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) retval, tensorboard_logdir = launcher.launch(sc, map_fun, args_dict, local_logdir) if retval: experiment_json = util.finalize_experiment(experiment_json, None, retval) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) return tensorboard_logdir experiment_json = util.finalize_experiment(experiment_json, None, None) util.put_elastic(hopshdfs.project_name(), app_id, elastic_id, experiment_json) except: exception_handler() raise finally: elastic_id += 1 running = False return tensorboard_logdir