def construct_tree(root): # get a plain list of current scene cnt = h3d.findNodes(h3d.RootNode, "", h3d.NodeTypes.Undefined) if cnt == 0: return local_dict = {} for i in range(cnt): node_id = h3d.getNodeFindResult(i) if node_id == h3d.RootNode: continue node_name = h3d.getNodeParamStr(node_id, h3d.NodeParams.NameStr) # sikp the editor's interal nodes if node_name.startswith('__') and node_name.endswith('__'): continue local_dict[node_id] = gModel.createItem(node_name, node_id) # add children recursively for nid, item in local_dict.iteritems(): pid = h3d.getNodeParent(nid) try: parent = gModel.getItem(local_dict[pid]) parent.appendRow(gModel.getItem(item)) except KeyError: # it's top level node, or its parent is a editor node root.appendRow(gModel.getItem(item))
def _h3dSetupScene(self): h3dres = self._h3dres self._env = h3d.addNodes(h3d.RootNode, h3dres.env) h3d.setNodeTransform(self._env, 0, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20) self._knight = h3d.addNodes(h3d.RootNode, h3dres.knight) h3d.setNodeTransform(self._knight, 0, 0, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) h3d.setupModelAnimStage(self._knight, 0, h3dres.knightAnim1, 0, '', False) h3d.setupModelAnimStage(self._knight, 1, h3dres.knightAnim2, 0, '', False) # Attach particle system to hand joint h3d.findNodes(self._knight, 'Bip01_R_Hand', h3d.NodeTypes.Joint) hand = h3d.getNodeFindResult(0) self._particleSystem = h3d.addNodes(hand, h3dres.particleSys) h3d.setNodeTransform(self._particleSystem, 0, 40, 0, 90, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) self._light = h3d.addLightNode(h3d.RootNode, 'Light1', 0, 'LIGHTING', 'SHADOWMAP') h3d.setNodeTransform(self._light, 0, 15, 10, -60, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.RadiusF, 0, 30) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.FovF, 0, 90) h3d.setNodeParamI(self._light, h3d.Light.ShadowMapCountI, 1) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ShadowMapBiasF, 0, 0.01) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ColorF3, 0, 1.0) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ColorF3, 1, 0.8) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ColorF3, 2, 0.7) # Customize post processing effects mat = h3d.findResource(h3d.ResTypes.Material, 'pipelines/postHDR.material.xml') # hdrParams: exposure, brightpass threshold, brightpass offset (see shader for description) h3d.setMaterialUniform(mat, 'hdrExposure', 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) h3d.setMaterialUniform(mat, 'hdrBrightThres', 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) h3d.setMaterialUniform(mat, 'hdrBrightOffset', 0.08, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def construct_tree(root) : # get a plain list of current scene cnt = h3d.findNodes(h3d.RootNode, "", h3d.NodeTypes.Undefined) if cnt == 0 : return local_dict = {} for i in range(cnt) : node_id = h3d.getNodeFindResult(i) if node_id == h3d.RootNode : continue node_name = h3d.getNodeParamStr(node_id, h3d.NodeParams.NameStr) # sikp the editor's interal nodes if node_name.startswith('__') and node_name.endswith('__') : continue local_dict[node_id] = gModel.createItem(node_name, node_id) # add children recursively for nid, item in local_dict.iteritems() : pid = h3d.getNodeParent(nid) try : parent = gModel.getItem(local_dict[pid]) parent.appendRow(gModel.getItem(item)) except KeyError : # it's top level node, or its parent is a editor node root.appendRow(gModel.getItem(item))
def set_particlesys(self, psys): # Attach particle system to hand joint h3d.findNodes(self._knight, 'Bip01_R_Hand', h3d.NodeTypes.Joint) hand = h3d.getNodeFindResult(0) if self._particleSystem is not None: h3d.removeNode(self._particleSystem) self._particleSystem = h3d.addNodes(hand, psys) h3d.setNodeTransform(self._particleSystem, 0, 40, 0, 90, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
def _mainloopUpdate(self, dt): app.App._mainloopUpdate(self, dt) for w in self._windows: h3d.setNodeTransform(, self._x, self._y, self._z, self._rx, self._ry, 0, 1, 1, 1) if self._debugViewMode: h3d.setOption(h3d.Options.DebugViewMode, 1.0) else: h3d.setOption(h3d.Options.DebugViewMode, 0.0) if self._wireframeMode: h3d.setOption(h3d.Options.WireframeMode, 1.0) else: h3d.setOption(h3d.Options.WireframeMode, 0.0) key = pyglet.window.key curVel = self._velocity * dt if w.keyboard[key.LSHIFT]: curVel *= 5 if w.keyboard[key.W]: self._x -= sin(radians(self._ry)) * cos(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel self._y -= sin(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel self._z -= cos(radians(self._ry)) * cos(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel if w.keyboard[key.S]: self._x += sin(radians(self._ry)) * cos(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel self._y += sin(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel self._z += cos(radians(self._ry)) * cos(-radians(self._rx)) * curVel if w.keyboard[key.A]: self._x += sin(radians(self._ry - 90)) * curVel self._z += cos(radians(self._ry - 90)) * curVel if w.keyboard[key.D]: self._x += sin(radians(self._ry + 90)) * curVel self._z += cos(radians(self._ry + 90)) * curVel if w.keyboard[key._1]: self._weight += 2 * dt if self._weight > 1.0: self._weight = 1.0 if w.keyboard[key._2]: self._weight -= 2 * dt if self._weight < 0.0: self._weight = 0.0 break # we use only exactly ONE window if not self._freeze: self._animTime += dt h3d.setModelAnimParams(self._knight, 0, self._animTime * 24.0, self._weight) h3d.setModelAnimParams(self._knight, 1, self._animTime * 24.0, 1.0 - self._weight) count = h3d.findNodes(self._particleSystem, '', h3d.NodeTypes.Emitter) for i in range(count): h3d.advanceEmitterTime(h3d.getNodeFindResult(i), dt)
def setup_scene(self) : h3dres = self._h3dres # Add skybox self._sky = h3d.addNodes(h3d.RootNode, h3dres.skyBox) h3d.setNodeTransform(self._sky, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 500, 500, 500) # Add light source self._light = h3d.addLightNode(h3d.RootNode, 'Light1', h3dres.lightMat, 'LIGHTING', 'SHADOWMAP') h3d.setNodeTransform(self._light, 0, 20, 50, -30, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.RadiusF, 0, 200) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.FovF, 0, 90) h3d.setNodeParamI(self._light, h3d.Light.ShadowMapCountI, 3) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ShadowSplitLambdaF, 0, 0.9) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ShadowMapBiasF, 0, 0.001) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ColorF3, 0, 0.9) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ColorF3, 1, 0.7) h3d.setNodeParamF(self._light, h3d.Light.ColorF3, 2, 0.75) # Add domino scene self._domino = h3d.addNodes(h3d.RootNode, h3dres.dominoRes ) # Add particle effects h3d.findNodes(self._domino, 'sphere', h3d.NodeTypes.Mesh) sphere = h3d.getNodeFindResult(0) self._particleSystem = h3d.addNodes(sphere, h3dres.particleSys) # Set particle parameter count = h3d.findNodes(self._particleSystem, '', h3d.NodeTypes.Emitter) for i in range(count): node = h3d.getNodeFindResult(i) h3d.setNodeParamF(node, h3d.Emitter.ForceF3, 1, 1.5) h3d.setNodeParamF(node, h3d.Emitter.EmissionRateF, 0, 200) h3d.setNodeParamF(node, h3d.Emitter.SpreadAngleF, 0, 45) # Customize post processing effects mat = h3d.findResource(h3d.ResTypes.Material, 'pipelines/postHDR.material.xml') # hdrParams: exposure, brightpass threshold, brightpass offset (see shader for description) h3d.setMaterialUniform(mat, 'hdrExposure', 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) h3d.setMaterialUniform(mat, 'hdrBrightThres', 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) h3d.setMaterialUniform(mat, 'hdrBrightOffset', 0.08, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.add_camera("MainCamera", h3dres.hdrPipe) h3d.setNodeTransform(, -14.0, 40.0, 24.0, -50.0, -20, 1.3, 1, 1, 1)
def graphic_update(self, cur_fps, ani_time, weight): hdr = h3d.getNodeParamI(, h3d.Camera.PipeResI ) == self._h3dres.hdrPipe if (PIWIO.key_clicked() and PIWIO.clicked_key() == Qt.Key_F5) :self.__mode += 1 if self.__mode > 0 : if hdr: h3d.utils.showText( "Pipeline: hdr", 0.03, 0.24, 0.026, 1, 1, 1, self._h3dres.fontMat ) else: h3d.utils.showText( "Pipeline: deferred", 0.03, 0.24, 0.026, 1, 1, 1, self._h3dres.fontMat ) if self.__mode == 3 : self.__mode = 0 if PIWIO.key_clicked() and PIWIO.clicked_key() == Qt.Key_F3 : if hdr : h3d.setNodeParamI(, h3d.Camera.PipeResI, self._h3dres.deferredPipe ) else : h3d.setNodeParamI(, h3d.Camera.PipeResI, self._h3dres.hdrPipe ) SetCamera( count = h3d.findNodes(self._particleSystem, '', h3d.NodeTypes.Emitter) for i in range(count): h3d.updateEmitter(h3d.getNodeFindResult(i), 1.0/cur_fps)
def graphic_update(self, cur_fps, ani_time, weight): if (PIWIO.key_clicked() and PIWIO.clicked_key() == Qt.Key_F5): self.__mode += 1 if PIWIO.key_clicked() and PIWIO.clicked_key() == Qt.Key_F3: self.change_render_mode(self.__render_mode + 1) if self.__mode > 0: name, _ = self.__rmode_dict[self.__render_mode] h3d.utils.showText("Pipeline: {}".format(name), 0.03, 0.24, 0.026, 1, 1, 1, self._h3dres.fontMat) if self.__mode == 3: self.__mode = 0 h3d.setModelAnimParams(self._knight, 0, ani_time, weight) h3d.setModelAnimParams(self._knight, 1, ani_time, 1.0 - weight) h3d.updateModel( self._knight, h3d.ModelUpdateFlags.Animation | h3d.ModelUpdateFlags.Geometry) count = h3d.findNodes(self._particleSystem, '', h3d.NodeTypes.Emitter) for i in range(count): h3d.updateEmitter(h3d.getNodeFindResult(i), 1.0 / cur_fps)