Пример #1
    def __init(self, origin, filename):
		Load the actual island from a file
		@param origin: Point
		@param filename: String, filename of island db or random map id
        self.file = filename
        self.origin = origin

        # check if filename is a random map
        if random_map.is_random_island_id_string(filename):
            # it's a random map id, create this map and load it
            db = random_map.create_random_island(filename)
            db = DbReader(
            )  # Create a new DbReader instance to load the maps file.

        p_x, p_y, width, height = db(
            "SELECT (MIN(x) + ?), (MIN(y) + ?), (1 + MAX(x) - MIN(x)), (1 + MAX(y) - MIN(y)) FROM ground",
            self.origin.x, self.origin.y)[0]

        # rect for quick checking if a tile isn't on this island
        # NOTE: it contains tiles, that are not on the island!
        self.rect = Rect(Point(p_x, p_y), width, height)

        self.ground_map = {}
        for (rel_x, rel_y, ground_id
             ) in db("SELECT x, y, ground_id FROM ground"):  # Load grounds
            ground = Entities.grounds[ground_id](self.session,
                                                 self.origin.x + rel_x,
                                                 self.origin.y + rel_y)
            # These are important for pathfinding and building to check if the ground tile
            # is blocked in any way.
            self.ground_map[(ground.x, ground.y)] = ground

        self.settlements = []
        self.wild_animals = []

        self.path_nodes = IslandPathNodes(self)

        # repopulate wild animals every 2 mins if they die out.
        Scheduler().add_new_object(self.check_wild_animal_population, self,
                                   Scheduler().get_ticks(120), -1)
	def get_metadata(cls, savegamefile):
		"""Returns metainfo of a savegame as dict.
		db = DbReader(savegamefile)
		metadata = cls.savegame_metadata.copy()

		for key in metadata.iterkeys():
			result = db("SELECT `value` FROM `metadata` WHERE `name` = ?", key)
			if len(result) > 0:
				assert(len(result) == 1)
				metadata[key] = cls.savegame_metadata_types[key](result[0][0])

		screenshot_data = None
			screenshot_data = db("SELECT value from metadata_blob where name = ?", "screen")[0][0]
		except IndexError: pass
		except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass
		metadata['screenshot'] = screenshot_data

		return metadata
Пример #3
def create_random_island(id_string):
    """Creates a random island as sqlite db.
	It is rather primitive; it places shapes on the dict.
	@param id_string: random island id string
	@return: sqlite db reader containing island
    # NOTE: the tilesystem will be redone soon, so constants indicating grounds are temporary
    # here and will have to be changed anyways.
    match_obj = re.match(_random_island_id_regexp, id_string)
    assert match_obj
    creation_method, width, height, seed = [
        long(i) for i in match_obj.groups()

    rand = random.Random(seed)

    map_dict = {}

    # creation_method 0 - standard small island for the 3x3 grid
    # creation_method 1 - large island

    # place this number of shapes
    for i in xrange(int(float(width + height) / 2 * 1.5)):
        x = rand.randint(4, width - 4)
        y = rand.randint(4, height - 4)

        # place shape determined by shape_id on (x, y)
        if creation_method == 0:
            shape_id = rand.randint(3, 5)
        elif creation_method == 1:
            shape_id = rand.randint(5, 8)

        if rand.randint(1, 4) == 1:
            # use a rect
            if creation_method == 0:
                for shape_coord in Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(
                        x - 3, y - 3, 5, 5).tuple_iter():
                    map_dict[shape_coord] = 1
            elif creation_method == 1:
                for shape_coord in Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(
                        x - 5, y - 5, 8, 8).tuple_iter():
                    map_dict[shape_coord] = 1

            # use a circle, where radius is determined by shape_id
            for shape_coord in Circle(Point(x, y), shape_id).tuple_iter():
                map_dict[shape_coord] = 1

    # write values to db
    map_db = DbReader(":memory:")
        "CREATE TABLE island_properties(name TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL)"

    # assign these characters, if a coastline is found in this offset
    offset_coastline = {'a': (0, -1), 'b': (1, 0), 'c': (0, 1), 'd': (-1, 0)}

    for x, y in map_dict.iterkeys():
        # add a coastline tile for coastline, or default land else
        coastline = ""
        for offset_char in sorted(offset_coastline):
            if (x + offset_coastline[offset_char][0],
                    y + offset_coastline[offset_char][1]) not in map_dict:
                coastline += offset_char

        if coastline:
            # TODO: use coastline tile depending on coastline
            map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, 49)
            map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,
    return map_db
Пример #4
def generate_map(seed=None):
    """Generates a whole map.
	@param seed: argument passed to random.seed
	@return filename to the sqlite db containing the new map"""
    rand = random.Random(seed)

    filename = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
    shutil.copyfile(PATHS.SAVEGAME_TEMPLATE, filename)

    db = DbReader(filename)

    island_space = (35, 35)
    island_min_size = (25, 25)
    island_max_size = (28, 28)

    method = rand.randint(0, 1)  # choose map creation method

    if method == 0:
        # generate up to 9 islands
        number_of_islands = 0
        for i in Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(0, 0, 2, 2):
            if rand.randint(0, 2) != 0:  # 2/3 chance for an island here
                number_of_islands = number_of_islands + 1
                x = int(i.x * island_space[0] * (rand.random() / 6 + 0.90))
                y = int(i.y * island_space[1] * (rand.random() / 6 + 0.90))
                island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
                island_params = {'creation_method': 0, 'seed': island_seed, \
                     'width': rand.randint(island_min_size[0], island_max_size[0]), \
                     'height': rand.randint(island_min_size[1], island_max_size[1])}

                island_string = string.Template(

                db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,

        # if there is 1 or 0 islands created, it places 1 large island in the centre
        if number_of_islands == 0:
            x = 20
            y = 20
            island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
            island_params = {'creation_method': 1, 'seed': island_seed, \
                 'width': rand.randint(island_min_size[0] * 2, island_max_size[0] * 2), \
                 'height': rand.randint(island_min_size[1] * 2, island_max_size[1] * 2)}
            island_string = string.Template(

            db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,

        elif number_of_islands == 1:
            db("DELETE FROM island")

            x = 20
            y = 20
            island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
            island_params = {'creation_method': 1, 'seed': island_seed, \
                 'width': rand.randint(island_min_size[0] * 2, island_max_size[0] * 2), \
                 'height': rand.randint(island_min_size[1] * 2, island_max_size[1] * 2)}

            island_string = string.Template(

            db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,

    elif method == 1:
        # places 1 large island in the centre
        x = 20
        y = 20
        island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
        island_params = {'creation_method': 1, 'seed': island_seed, \
             'width': rand.randint(island_min_size[0] * 2, island_max_size[0] * 2), \
             'height': rand.randint(island_min_size[1] * 2, island_max_size[1] * 2)}
        island_string = string.Template(

        db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,

    return filename
Пример #5
    def load(self, savegame, players, is_scenario=False):
        """Loads a map.
		@param savegame: path to the savegame database.
		@param players: iterable of dictionaries containing id, name, color and local
		@param is_scenario: Bool whether the loaded map is a scenario or not
        if is_scenario:
            # savegame is a yaml file, that contains reference to actual map file
            self.scenario_eventhandler = ScenarioEventHandler(self, savegame)
            savegame = os.path.join(SavegameManager.maps_dir, \

        self.log.debug("Session: Loading from %s", savegame)
        savegame_db = DbReader(savegame)  # Initialize new dbreader
            # load how often the game has been saved (used to know the difference between
            # a loaded and a new game)
            self.savecounter = SavegameManager.get_metadata(
        except KeyError:
            self.savecounter = 0

        self.world = World(
        )  # Load horizons.world module (check horizons/world/__init__.py)
        self.view.load(savegame_db)  # load view
        if not self.is_game_loaded():
            # NOTE: this must be sorted before iteration, cause there is no defined order for
            #       iterating a dict, and it must happen in the same order for mp games.
            for i in sorted(players):
                self.world.setup_player(i['id'], i['name'], i['color'],
            center = self.world.init_new_world()
            self.view.center(center[0], center[1])
            # try to load scenario data
        )  # load the manager (there might me old scheduled ticks).
            savegame_db)  # load the old gui positions and stuff

        for instance_id in savegame_db(
                "SELECT id FROM selected WHERE `group` IS NULL"
        ):  # Set old selected instance
            obj = WorldObject.get_object_by_id(instance_id[0])
        for group in xrange(len(
                self.selection_groups)):  # load user defined unit groups
            for instance_id in savegame_db(
                    "SELECT id FROM selected WHERE `group` = ?", group):

        # cursor has to be inited last, else player interacts with a not inited world with it.
        self.cursor = SelectionTool(self)
        )  # Set cursor correctly, menus might need to be opened.

        assert hasattr(self.world, "player"), 'Error: there is no human player'
def create_random_island(id_string):
    """Creates a random island as sqlite db.
	It is rather primitive; it places shapes on the dict.
	@param id_string: random island id string
	@return: sqlite db reader containing island
    # NOTE: the tilesystem will be redone soon, so constants indicating grounds are temporary
    # here and will have to be changed anyways.
    match_obj = re.match(_random_island_id_regexp, id_string)
    assert match_obj
    creation_method, width, height, seed = [
        long(i) for i in match_obj.groups()

    rand = random.Random(seed)

    map_dict = {}

    # creation_method 0 - standard small island for the 3x3 grid
    # creation_method 1 - large island

    # place this number of shapes
    for i in xrange(int(float(width + height) / 2 * 1.5)):
        x = rand.randint(8, width - 8)
        y = rand.randint(8, height - 8)

        # place shape determined by shape_id on (x, y)
        if creation_method == 0:
            shape_id = rand.randint(3, 5)
        elif creation_method == 1:
            shape_id = rand.randint(5, 8)

        if rand.randint(1, 4) == 1:
            # use a rect
            if creation_method == 0:
                for shape_coord in Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(
                        x - 3, y - 3, 5, 5).tuple_iter():
                    map_dict[shape_coord] = True
            elif creation_method == 1:
                for shape_coord in Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(
                        x - 5, y - 5, 8, 8).tuple_iter():
                    map_dict[shape_coord] = True

            # use a circle, where radius is determined by shape_id
            for shape_coord in Circle(Point(x, y), shape_id).tuple_iter():
                map_dict[shape_coord] = True

    # write values to db
    map_db = DbReader(":memory:")
        "CREATE TABLE island_properties(name TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL)"

    # add grass tiles
    for x, y in map_dict.iterkeys():
        map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, GROUND.DEFAULT_LAND)

    def fill_tiny_spaces(tile):
        """Fills 1 tile gulfs and straits with the specified tile
		@param tile: ground tile to fill with

        neighbours = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0)]
        corners = [(-1, -1), (-1, 1)]
        knight_moves = [(-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, -2), (-1, 2), (1, -2), (1, 2),
                        (2, -1), (2, 1)]
        bad_configs = set([
            0, 1 << 0, 1 << 1, 1 << 2, 1 << 3, (1 << 0) | (1 << 3),
            (1 << 1) | (1 << 2)

        while True:
            to_fill = {}
            for x, y in map_dict.iterkeys():
                for x_offset, y_offset in neighbours:
                    x2 = x + x_offset
                    y2 = y + y_offset
                    if (x2, y2) in map_dict:
                    # (x2, y2) is now a point just off the island

                    neighbours_dirs = 0
                    for i in range(len(neighbours)):
                        x3 = x2 + neighbours[i][0]
                        y3 = y2 + neighbours[i][1]
                        if (x3, y3) not in map_dict:
                            neighbours_dirs |= (1 << i)
                    if neighbours_dirs in bad_configs:
                        # part of a straight 1 tile gulf
                        to_fill[(x2, y2)] = True
                        for x_offset, y_offset in corners:
                            x3 = x2 + x_offset
                            y3 = y2 + y_offset
                            x4 = x2 - x_offset
                            y4 = y2 - y_offset
                            if (x3, y3) in map_dict and (x4, y4) in map_dict:
                                # part of a diagonal 1 tile gulf
                                to_fill[(x2, y2)] = True

                # block 1 tile straits
                for x_offset, y_offset in knight_moves:
                    x2 = x + x_offset
                    y2 = y + y_offset
                    if (x2, y2) not in map_dict:
                    if abs(x_offset) == 1:
                        y2 = y + y_offset / 2
                        if (x2, y2) in map_dict or (x, y2) in map_dict:
                        x2 = x + x_offset / 2
                        if (x2, y2) in map_dict or (x2, y) in map_dict:
                    to_fill[(x2, y2)] = True

            if to_fill:
                for x, y in to_fill.iterkeys():
                    map_dict[(x, y)] = tile
                    map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, tile)

    # possible movement directions
    all_moves = {
        'sw': (-1, -1),
        'w': (-1, 0),
        'nw': (-1, 1),
        's': (0, -1),
        'n': (0, 1),
        'se': (1, -1),
        'e': (1, 0),
        'ne': (1, 1)

    def get_island_outline():
		@return: the points just off the island as a dict
        result = {}
        for x, y in map_dict.iterkeys():
            for offset_x, offset_y in all_moves.itervalues():
                coords = (x + offset_x, y + offset_y)
                if coords not in map_dict:
                    result[coords] = True
        return result

    # add grass to sand tiles
    outline = get_island_outline()
    for x, y in outline.iterkeys():
        filled = []
        for dir in sorted(all_moves):
            coords = (x + all_moves[dir][1], y + all_moves[dir][0])
            if coords in map_dict:

        tile = None
        # straight coast or 1 tile U-shaped gulfs
        if filled == ['s', 'se', 'sw'] or filled == ['s']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTH
        elif filled == ['e', 'ne', 'se'] or filled == ['e']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne', 'nw'] or filled == ['n']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'sw', 'w'] or filled == ['w']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_EAST
        # slight turn (looks best with straight coast)
        elif filled == ['e', 'se'] or filled == ['e', 'ne']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne'] or filled == ['n', 'nw']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'w'] or filled == ['sw', 'w']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_EAST
        elif filled == ['s', 'sw'] or filled == ['s', 'se']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTH
        # sandy corner
        elif filled == ['se']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTHWEST1
        elif filled == ['ne']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTHWEST1
        elif filled == ['nw']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTHEAST1
        elif filled == ['sw']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTHEAST1
        # grassy corner
        elif 3 <= len(filled) <= 5:
            coast_set = set(filled)
            if 'e' in coast_set and 'se' in coast_set and 's' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTHEAST3
            elif 's' in coast_set and 'sw' in coast_set and 'w' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTHWEST3
            elif 'w' in coast_set and 'nw' in coast_set and 'n' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTHWEST3
            elif 'n' in coast_set and 'ne' in coast_set and 'e' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTHEAST3

        assert tile
        map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, tile)

    for coords, type in outline.iteritems():
        map_dict[coords] = type

    # add sand to shallow water tiles
    outline = get_island_outline()
    for x, y in outline.iterkeys():
        filled = []
        for dir in sorted(all_moves):
            coords = (x + all_moves[dir][1], y + all_moves[dir][0])
            if coords in map_dict:

        tile = None
        # straight coast or 1 tile U-shaped gulfs
        if filled == ['s', 'se', 'sw'] or filled == ['s']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTH
        elif filled == ['e', 'ne', 'se'] or filled == ['e']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne', 'nw'] or filled == ['n']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'sw', 'w'] or filled == ['w']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_EAST
        # slight turn (looks best with straight coast)
        elif filled == ['e', 'se'] or filled == ['e', 'ne']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne'] or filled == ['n', 'nw']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'w'] or filled == ['sw', 'w']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_EAST
        elif filled == ['s', 'sw'] or filled == ['s', 'se']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTH
        # mostly wet corner
        elif filled == ['se']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTHWEST1
        elif filled == ['ne']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTHWEST1
        elif filled == ['nw']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTHEAST1
        elif filled == ['sw']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTHEAST1
        # mostly dry corner
        elif 3 <= len(filled) <= 5:
            coast_set = set(filled)
            if 'e' in coast_set and 'se' in coast_set and 's' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTHEAST3
            elif 's' in coast_set and 'sw' in coast_set and 'w' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTHWEST3
            elif 'w' in coast_set and 'nw' in coast_set and 'n' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTHWEST3
            elif 'n' in coast_set and 'ne' in coast_set and 'e' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTHEAST3

        assert tile
        map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, tile)

    for coords, type in outline.iteritems():
        map_dict[coords] = type

    # add shallow water to deep water tiles
    outline = get_island_outline()
    for x, y in outline.iterkeys():
        filled = []
        for dir in sorted(all_moves):
            coords = (x + all_moves[dir][1], y + all_moves[dir][0])
            if coords in map_dict:

        tile = None
        # straight coast or 1 tile U-shaped gulfs
        if filled == ['s', 'se', 'sw'] or filled == ['s']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_NORTH
        elif filled == ['e', 'ne', 'se'] or filled == ['e']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne', 'nw'] or filled == ['n']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'sw', 'w'] or filled == ['w']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_EAST
        # slight turn (looks best with straight coast)
        elif filled == ['e', 'se'] or filled == ['e', 'ne']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne'] or filled == ['n', 'nw']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'w'] or filled == ['sw', 'w']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_EAST
        elif filled == ['s', 'sw'] or filled == ['s', 'se']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_NORTH
        # mostly deep corner
        elif filled == ['se']:
        elif filled == ['ne']:
        elif filled == ['nw']:
        elif filled == ['sw']:
        # mostly shallow corner
        elif 3 <= len(filled) <= 5:
            coast_set = set(filled)
            if 'e' in coast_set and 'se' in coast_set and 's' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_NORTHEAST3
            elif 's' in coast_set and 'sw' in coast_set and 'w' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_NORTHWEST3
            elif 'w' in coast_set and 'nw' in coast_set and 'n' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_SOUTHWEST3
            elif 'n' in coast_set and 'ne' in coast_set and 'e' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_SOUTHEAST3

        assert tile
        map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, tile)

    return map_db
Пример #7
def create_random_island(id_string):
    """Creates a random island as sqlite db.
	It is rather primitive; it places shapes on the dict.
	The coordinates of tiles will be 0 <= x < width and 0 <= y < height
	@param id_string: random island id string
	@return: sqlite db reader containing island
    # NOTE: the tilesystem will be redone soon, so constants indicating grounds are temporary
    # here and will have to be changed anyways.
    match_obj = re.match(_random_island_id_regexp, id_string)
    assert match_obj
    creation_method, width, height, seed = [
        long(i) for i in match_obj.groups()

    rand = random.Random(seed)

    map_set = set()

    # creation_method 0 - standard small island for the 3x3 grid
    # creation_method 1 - large island
    # creation_method 2 - a number of randomly sized and placed islands

    # place this number of shapes
    for i in xrange(15 + width * height / 45):
        # place shape determined by shape_id on (x, y)
        add = True
        rect_chance = 6
        if creation_method == 0:
            shape_id = rand.randint(3, 5)
        elif creation_method == 1:
            shape_id = rand.randint(5, 8)
        elif creation_method == 2:
            shape_id = rand.randint(2, 8)
            rect_chance = 29
            if rand.randint(0, 4) == 0:
                rect_chance = 13
                add = False

        shape = None
        if rand.randint(1, rect_chance) == 1:
            # use a rect
            if add:
                x = rand.randint(8, width - 7)
                y = rand.randint(8, height - 7)
                if creation_method == 0:
                    shape = Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(x - 3, y - 3, 5, 5)
                elif creation_method == 1:
                    shape = Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(x - 5, y - 5, 8, 8)
                elif creation_method == 2:
                    shape = Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(
                        x - 5, y - 5, rand.randint(2, 8), rand.randint(2, 8))
                x = rand.randint(0, width)
                y = rand.randint(0, height)
                shape = Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(
                    x - 5, y - 5, rand.randint(2, 8), rand.randint(2, 8))
            # use a circle, where radius is determined by shape_id
            radius = shape_id
            if not add and rand.randint(0, 6) < 5:
                x = rand.randint(-radius * 3 / 2, width + radius * 3 / 2)
                y = rand.randint(-radius * 3 / 2, height + radius * 3 / 2)
                shape = Circle(Point(x, y), shape_id)
            elif width - radius - 4 >= radius + 3 and height - radius - 4 >= radius + 3:
                x = rand.randint(radius + 3, width - radius - 4)
                y = rand.randint(radius + 3, height - radius - 4)
                shape = Circle(Point(x, y), shape_id)

        if shape:
            for shape_coord in shape.tuple_iter():
                if add:
                elif shape_coord in map_set:

    # write values to db
    map_db = DbReader(":memory:")
        "CREATE TABLE island_properties(name TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL)"

    # add grass tiles
    for x, y in map_set:
        map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, GROUND.DEFAULT_LAND)

    def fill_tiny_spaces(tile):
        """Fills 1 tile gulfs and straits with the specified tile
		@param tile: ground tile to fill with

        all_neighbours = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1),
                          (1, 0), (1, 1)]
        neighbours = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0)]
        corners = [(-1, -1), (-1, 1)]
        knight_moves = [(-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, -2), (-1, 2), (1, -2), (1, 2),
                        (2, -1), (2, 1)]
        bad_configs = set([
            0, 1 << 0, 1 << 1, 1 << 2, 1 << 3, (1 << 0) | (1 << 3),
            (1 << 1) | (1 << 2)

        edge_set = copy.copy(map_set)
        reduce_edge_set = True

        while True:
            to_fill = set()
            to_ignore = set()
            for x, y in edge_set:
                # ignore the tiles with no empty neighbours
                if reduce_edge_set:
                    is_edge = False
                    for x_offset, y_offset in all_neighbours:
                        if (x + x_offset, y + y_offset) not in map_set:
                            is_edge = True
                    if not is_edge:
                        to_ignore.add((x, y))

                for x_offset, y_offset in neighbours:
                    x2 = x + x_offset
                    y2 = y + y_offset
                    if (x2, y2) in map_set:
                    # (x2, y2) is now a point just off the island

                    neighbours_dirs = 0
                    for i in xrange(len(neighbours)):
                        x3 = x2 + neighbours[i][0]
                        y3 = y2 + neighbours[i][1]
                        if (x3, y3) not in map_set:
                            neighbours_dirs |= (1 << i)
                    if neighbours_dirs in bad_configs:
                        # part of a straight 1 tile gulf
                        to_fill.add((x2, y2))
                        for x_offset, y_offset in corners:
                            x3 = x2 + x_offset
                            y3 = y2 + y_offset
                            x4 = x2 - x_offset
                            y4 = y2 - y_offset
                            if (x3, y3) in map_set and (x4, y4) in map_set:
                                # part of a diagonal 1 tile gulf
                                to_fill.add((x2, y2))

                # block 1 tile straits
                for x_offset, y_offset in knight_moves:
                    x2 = x + x_offset
                    y2 = y + y_offset
                    if (x2, y2) not in map_set:
                    if abs(x_offset) == 1:
                        y2 = y + y_offset / 2
                        if (x2, y2) in map_set or (x, y2) in map_set:
                        x2 = x + x_offset / 2
                        if (x2, y2) in map_set or (x2, y) in map_set:
                    to_fill.add((x2, y2))

                # block diagonal 1 tile straits
                for x_offset, y_offset in corners:
                    x2 = x + x_offset
                    y2 = y + y_offset
                    x3 = x + 2 * x_offset
                    y3 = y + 2 * y_offset
                    if (x2, y2) not in map_set and (x3, y3) in map_set:
                        to_fill.add((x2, y2))
                    elif (x2, y2) in map_set and (x2, y) not in map_set and (
                            x, y2) not in map_set:
                        to_fill.add((x2, y))

            if to_fill:
                for x, y in to_fill:
                    map_set.add((x, y))
                    map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, tile)

                old_size = len(edge_set)
                edge_set = edge_set.difference(to_ignore).union(to_fill)
                reduce_edge_set = old_size - len(edge_set) > 50

    # possible movement directions
    all_moves = {
        'sw': (-1, -1),
        'w': (-1, 0),
        'nw': (-1, 1),
        's': (0, -1),
        'n': (0, 1),
        'se': (1, -1),
        'e': (1, 0),
        'ne': (1, 1)

    def get_island_outline():
		@return: the points just off the island as a dict
        result = set()
        for x, y in map_set:
            for offset_x, offset_y in all_moves.itervalues():
                coords = (x + offset_x, y + offset_y)
                if coords not in map_set:
        return result

    # add grass to sand tiles
    outline = get_island_outline()
    for x, y in outline:
        filled = []
        for dir in sorted(all_moves):
            coords = (x + all_moves[dir][1], y + all_moves[dir][0])
            if coords in map_set:

        tile = None
        # straight coast or 1 tile U-shaped gulfs
        if filled == ['s', 'se', 'sw'] or filled == ['s']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTH
        elif filled == ['e', 'ne', 'se'] or filled == ['e']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne', 'nw'] or filled == ['n']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'sw', 'w'] or filled == ['w']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_EAST
        # slight turn (looks best with straight coast)
        elif filled == ['e', 'se'] or filled == ['e', 'ne']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne'] or filled == ['n', 'nw']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'w'] or filled == ['sw', 'w']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_EAST
        elif filled == ['s', 'sw'] or filled == ['s', 'se']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTH
        # sandy corner
        elif filled == ['se']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTHWEST1
        elif filled == ['ne']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTHWEST1
        elif filled == ['nw']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTHEAST1
        elif filled == ['sw']:
            tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTHEAST1
        # grassy corner
        elif 3 <= len(filled) <= 5:
            coast_set = set(filled)
            if 'e' in coast_set and 'se' in coast_set and 's' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTHEAST3
            elif 's' in coast_set and 'sw' in coast_set and 'w' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.SAND_NORTHWEST3
            elif 'w' in coast_set and 'nw' in coast_set and 'n' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTHWEST3
            elif 'n' in coast_set and 'ne' in coast_set and 'e' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.SAND_SOUTHEAST3

        assert tile
        map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, tile)
    map_set = map_set.union(outline)

    # add sand to shallow water tiles
    outline = get_island_outline()
    for x, y in outline:
        filled = []
        for dir in sorted(all_moves):
            coords = (x + all_moves[dir][1], y + all_moves[dir][0])
            if coords in map_set:

        tile = None
        # straight coast or 1 tile U-shaped gulfs
        if filled == ['s', 'se', 'sw'] or filled == ['s']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTH
        elif filled == ['e', 'ne', 'se'] or filled == ['e']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne', 'nw'] or filled == ['n']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'sw', 'w'] or filled == ['w']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_EAST
        # slight turn (looks best with straight coast)
        elif filled == ['e', 'se'] or filled == ['e', 'ne']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne'] or filled == ['n', 'nw']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'w'] or filled == ['sw', 'w']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_EAST
        elif filled == ['s', 'sw'] or filled == ['s', 'se']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTH
        # mostly wet corner
        elif filled == ['se']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTHWEST1
        elif filled == ['ne']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTHWEST1
        elif filled == ['nw']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTHEAST1
        elif filled == ['sw']:
            tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTHEAST1
        # mostly dry corner
        elif 3 <= len(filled) <= 5:
            coast_set = set(filled)
            if 'e' in coast_set and 'se' in coast_set and 's' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTHEAST3
            elif 's' in coast_set and 'sw' in coast_set and 'w' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.COAST_NORTHWEST3
            elif 'w' in coast_set and 'nw' in coast_set and 'n' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTHWEST3
            elif 'n' in coast_set and 'ne' in coast_set and 'e' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.COAST_SOUTHEAST3

        assert tile
        map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, tile)
    map_set = map_set.union(outline)

    # add shallow water to deep water tiles
    outline = get_island_outline()
    for x, y in outline:
        filled = []
        for dir in sorted(all_moves):
            coords = (x + all_moves[dir][1], y + all_moves[dir][0])
            if coords in map_set:

        tile = None
        # straight coast or 1 tile U-shaped gulfs
        if filled == ['s', 'se', 'sw'] or filled == ['s']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_NORTH
        elif filled == ['e', 'ne', 'se'] or filled == ['e']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne', 'nw'] or filled == ['n']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'sw', 'w'] or filled == ['w']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_EAST
        # slight turn (looks best with straight coast)
        elif filled == ['e', 'se'] or filled == ['e', 'ne']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_WEST
        elif filled == ['n', 'ne'] or filled == ['n', 'nw']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_SOUTH
        elif filled == ['nw', 'w'] or filled == ['sw', 'w']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_EAST
        elif filled == ['s', 'sw'] or filled == ['s', 'se']:
            tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_NORTH
        # mostly deep corner
        elif filled == ['se']:
        elif filled == ['ne']:
        elif filled == ['nw']:
        elif filled == ['sw']:
        # mostly shallow corner
        elif 3 <= len(filled) <= 5:
            coast_set = set(filled)
            if 'e' in coast_set and 'se' in coast_set and 's' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_NORTHEAST3
            elif 's' in coast_set and 'sw' in coast_set and 'w' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_NORTHWEST3
            elif 'w' in coast_set and 'nw' in coast_set and 'n' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_SOUTHWEST3
            elif 'n' in coast_set and 'ne' in coast_set and 'e' in coast_set:
                tile = GROUND.DEEP_WATER_SOUTHEAST3

        assert tile
        map_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y, tile)

    return map_db
Пример #8
def generate_map(seed=None):
    """Generates a whole map.
	@param seed: argument passed to random.seed
	@return filename to the sqlite db containing the new map"""
    rand = random.Random(seed)

    filename = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
    shutil.copyfile(PATHS.SAVEGAME_TEMPLATE, filename)

    db = DbReader(filename)

    island_space = (35, 35)
    island_min_size = (25, 25)
    island_max_size = (28, 28)

    method = min(2, rand.randint(
        0, 9))  # choose map creation method with 80% chance for method 2

    if method == 0:
        # generate up to 9 islands
        number_of_islands = 0
        for i in Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(0, 0, 2, 2):
            if rand.randint(0, 2) != 0:  # 2/3 chance for an island here
                number_of_islands = number_of_islands + 1
                x = int(i.x * island_space[0] * (rand.random() / 6 + 0.90))
                y = int(i.y * island_space[1] * (rand.random() / 6 + 0.90))
                island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
                island_params = {'creation_method': 0, 'seed': island_seed, \
                     'width': rand.randint(island_min_size[0], island_max_size[0]), \
                     'height': rand.randint(island_min_size[1], island_max_size[1])}

                island_string = string.Template(

                db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,

        # if there is 1 or 0 islands created, it places 1 large island in the centre
        if number_of_islands == 0:
            x = 20
            y = 20
            island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
            island_params = {'creation_method': 1, 'seed': island_seed, \
                 'width': rand.randint(island_min_size[0] * 2, island_max_size[0] * 2), \
                 'height': rand.randint(island_min_size[1] * 2, island_max_size[1] * 2)}
            island_string = string.Template(

            db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,

        elif number_of_islands == 1:
            db("DELETE FROM island")

            x = 20
            y = 20
            island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
            island_params = {'creation_method': 1, 'seed': island_seed, \
                 'width': rand.randint(island_min_size[0] * 2, island_max_size[0] * 2), \
                 'height': rand.randint(island_min_size[1] * 2, island_max_size[1] * 2)}

            island_string = string.Template(

            db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,

    elif method == 1:
        # places 1 large island in the centre
        x = 20
        y = 20
        island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
        island_params = {'creation_method': 1, 'seed': island_seed, \
             'width': rand.randint(island_min_size[0] * 2, island_max_size[0] * 2), \
             'height': rand.randint(island_min_size[1] * 2, island_max_size[1] * 2)}
        island_string = string.Template(

        db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,
    elif method == 2:
        # tries to fill at most land_coefficient * 100% of the map with land
        map_width = 140
        map_height = 140
        min_island_size = 20
        max_island_size = 65
        max_islands = 20
        min_space = 2
        land_coefficient = max(0.3, min(0.6, rand.gauss(0.45, 0.07)))

        islands = []
        estimated_land = 0
        max_land_amount = map_width * map_height * land_coefficient

        for i in xrange(max_islands):
            size_modifier = 1.1 - 0.2 * estimated_land / float(max_land_amount)
            width = rand.randint(min_island_size - 5, max_island_size)
            width = max(
                min(max_island_size, int(round(width * size_modifier))))
            coef = max(0.25, min(4, rand.gauss(1, 0.2)))
            height = max(min_island_size,
                         min(int(round(width * coef)), max_island_size))
            size = width * height
            if estimated_land + size > max_land_amount:

            for j in xrange(7):
                # try to place the island 7 times
                x = rand.randint(0, map_width - width)
                y = rand.randint(0, map_height - height)

                rect = Rect.init_from_topleft_and_size(x, y, width, height)
                blocked = False
                for existing_island in islands:
                    if rect.distance(existing_island) < min_space:
                        blocked = True
                if blocked:

                island_seed = rand.randint(-sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
                island_params = {'creation_method': 2, 'seed': island_seed, \
                     'width': width, 'height': height}
                island_string = string.Template(
                db("INSERT INTO island (x, y, file) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", x, y,

                estimated_land += size

    return filename