Пример #1
	def init_buildability_cache(self, terrain_cache):
		self.buildability_cache = SettlementBuildabilityCache(terrain_cache, self.ground_map)
Пример #2
	def init_buildability_cache(self, terrain_cache):
		self.buildability_cache = SettlementBuildabilityCache(terrain_cache, self.ground_map)
Пример #3
class Settlement(ComponentHolder, WorldObject, ChangeListener, ResourceHandler):
	"""The Settlement class describes a settlement and stores all the necessary information
	like name, current inhabitants, lists of tiles and houses, etc belonging to the village."""

	log = logging.getLogger("world.settlement")

	component_templates = (
					{'limit': 0}

	def __init__(self, session, owner):
		@param owner: Player object that owns the settlement
		super(Settlement, self).__init__()
		self.__init(session, owner, self.make_default_upgrade_permissions(), self.make_default_tax_settings())

	def __init(self, session, owner, upgrade_permissions, tax_settings):
		from horizons.session import Session
		assert isinstance(session, Session)
		self.session = session
		self.owner = owner
		self.buildings = []
		self.ground_map = {} # this is the same as in island.py. it uses hard references to the tiles too
		self.produced_res = defaultdict(int) # dictionary of all resources, produced at this settlement
		self.buildings_by_id = defaultdict(list)
		self.warehouse = None # this is set later in the same tick by the warehouse itself or load() here
		self.upgrade_permissions = upgrade_permissions
		self.tax_settings = tax_settings
		Scheduler().add_new_object(self.__init_inventory_checker, self)

	def init_buildability_cache(self, terrain_cache):
		self.buildability_cache = SettlementBuildabilityCache(terrain_cache, self.ground_map)

	def make_default_upgrade_permissions(cls):
		upgrade_permissions = {}
		for level in xrange(TIER.CURRENT_MAX):
			upgrade_permissions[level] = True
		upgrade_permissions[TIER.CURRENT_MAX] = False
		return upgrade_permissions

	def make_default_tax_settings(cls):
		tax_settings = {}
		for level in xrange(TIER.CURRENT_MAX + 1):
			tax_settings[level] = 1.0
		return tax_settings

	def set_tax_setting(self, level, tax):
		self.tax_settings[level] = tax

	def set_upgrade_permissions(self, level, allowed):
		if self.upgrade_permissions[level] != allowed:
			self.upgrade_permissions[level] = allowed


	def inhabitants(self):
		"""Returns number of inhabitants (sum of inhabitants of its buildings)"""
		return sum([building.inhabitants for building in self.buildings])

	def cumulative_running_costs(self):
		"""Return sum of running costs of all buildings"""
		return sum([building.running_costs for building in self.buildings])

	def cumulative_taxes(self):
		"""Return sum of all taxes paid in this settlement in 1 tax round"""
		return sum([building.last_tax_payed for building in self.buildings if
								hasattr(building, 'last_tax_payed')])

	def get_residentials_of_lvl_for_happiness(self, level, min_happiness=0, max_happiness=101):
		is_valid_residential = lambda building: (hasattr(building, 'happiness') and
		                                         min_happiness <= building.happiness < max_happiness) and \
		                                        (hasattr(building, 'level') and building.level == level)
		return len(filter(is_valid_residential, self.buildings))

	def balance(self):
		"""Returns sum(income) - sum(expenses) for settlement"""
		return self.cumulative_taxes + self.get_component(TradePostComponent).sell_income \
					 - self.cumulative_running_costs - self.get_component(TradePostComponent).buy_expenses

	def island(self):
		"""Returns the island this settlement is on"""
		return self.session.world.get_island(self.warehouse.position.origin)

	def level_upgrade(self, lvl):
		"""Upgrades settlement to a new tier.
		It only delegates the upgrade to its buildings."""
		for building in self.buildings:

	def save(self, db, islandid):
		super(Settlement, self).save(db)

		db("INSERT INTO settlement (rowid, island, owner) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
			self.worldid, islandid, self.owner.worldid)
		for res, amount in self.produced_res.iteritems():
			db("INSERT INTO settlement_produced_res (settlement, res, amount) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
			   self.worldid, res, amount)
		for level in xrange(TIER.CURRENT_MAX + 1):
			db("INSERT INTO settlement_level_properties (settlement, level, upgrading_allowed, tax_setting) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",
				self.worldid, level, self.upgrade_permissions[level], self.tax_settings[level])

		# dump ground data via json, it's orders of magnitude faster than sqlite
		data = json.dumps(self.ground_map.keys())
		db("INSERT INTO settlement_tiles(rowid, data) VALUES(?, ?)", self.worldid, data)

	def load(cls, db, worldid, session, island):
		self = cls.__new__(cls)
		self.session = session
		super(Settlement, self).load(db, worldid)

		owner = db("SELECT owner FROM settlement WHERE rowid = ?", worldid)[0][0]
		upgrade_permissions = {}
		tax_settings = {}
		for level, allowed, tax in db("SELECT level, upgrading_allowed, tax_setting FROM settlement_level_properties WHERE settlement = ?", worldid):
			upgrade_permissions[level] = allowed
			tax_settings[level] = tax
		self.__init(session, WorldObject.get_object_by_id(owner), upgrade_permissions, tax_settings)

		# load the settlement tile map
		tile_data = db("SELECT data FROM settlement_tiles WHERE rowid = ?", worldid)[0][0]
		coords_list = [tuple(raw_coords) for raw_coords in json.loads(tile_data)] # json saves tuples as list
		for coords in coords_list:
			tile = island.ground_map[coords]
			self.ground_map[coords] = tile
			tile.settlement = self

		# load all buildings in this settlement
		from horizons.world import load_building
		for building_id, building_type in \
			  db("SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", worldid):
			building = load_building(session, db, building_type, building_id)
			if building_type == BUILDINGS.WAREHOUSE:
				self.warehouse = building

		for res, amount in db("SELECT res, amount FROM settlement_produced_res WHERE settlement = ?", worldid):
			self.produced_res[res] = amount

		return self

	def get_tiles_in_radius(self, location, radius, include_self):
		"""Returns tiles in radius of location.
		This is a generator.
		@param location: anything that supports get_radius_coordinates (usually Rect).
		@param include_self: bool, whether to include the coordinates in location
		for coord in location.get_radius_coordinates(radius, include_self):
				yield self.ground_map[coord]
			except KeyError:

	def add_building(self, building, load=False):
		"""Adds a building to the settlement.
		This does not set building.settlement, it must be set beforehand.
		@see Island.add_building
		if building.id in self.buildings_by_id:
			self.buildings_by_id[building.id] = [building]
		if building.has_component(Producer) and not \
		   building.has_component(ShipProducer) and not building.has_component(GroundUnitProducer):
			finished = self.settlement_building_production_finished
		if not load and not building.buildable_upon and self.buildability_cache:
			self.buildability_cache.modify_area([coords for coords in building.position.tuple_iter()])
		if hasattr(self.owner, 'add_building'):
			# notify interested players of added building

	def remove_building(self, building):
		"""Properly removes a building from the settlement"""
		if not building in self.buildings:
			self.log.debug("Building %s can not be removed from settlement", building.id)
		if building.has_component(Producer) and not \
		   building.has_component(ShipProducer) and not building.has_component(GroundUnitProducer):
			finished = self.settlement_building_production_finished
		if not building.buildable_upon and self.buildability_cache:
			self.buildability_cache.add_area([coords for coords in building.position.tuple_iter()])
		if hasattr(self.owner, 'remove_building'):
			# notify interested players of removed building

	def count_buildings(self, id):
		"""Returns the number of buildings in the settlement that are of the given type."""
		return len(self.buildings_by_id.get(id, []))

	def settlement_building_production_finished(self, building, produced_res):
		"""Callback function for registering the production of resources."""
		for res, amount in produced_res.iteritems():
			self.produced_res[res] += amount

	def __init_inventory_checker(self):
		"""Check for changed inventories every 4 ticks."""
		storage = self.get_component(StorageComponent)
		self.__inventory_checker = InventoryChecker(SettlementInventoryUpdated, storage, 4)

	def end(self):
		self.buildability_cache = None
		self.session = None
		self.owner = None
		self.buildings = None
		self.ground_map = None
		self.produced_res = None
		self.buildings_by_id = None
		self.warehouse = None
		if hasattr(self, '__inventory_checker'):
Пример #4
class Settlement(ComponentHolder, WorldObject, ChangeListener, ResourceHandler):
	"""The Settlement class describes a settlement and stores all the necessary information
	like name, current inhabitants, lists of tiles and houses, etc belonging to the village."""

	log = logging.getLogger("world.settlement")

	component_templates = (
					{'limit': 0}

	def __init__(self, session, owner):
		@param owner: Player object that owns the settlement
		super(Settlement, self).__init__()
		self.__init(session, owner, self.make_default_upgrade_permissions(), self.make_default_tax_settings())

	def __init(self, session, owner, upgrade_permissions, tax_settings):
		from horizons.session import Session
		assert isinstance(session, Session)
		self.session = session
		self.owner = owner
		self.buildings = []
		self.ground_map = {} # this is the same as in island.py. it uses hard references to the tiles too
		self.produced_res = defaultdict(int) # dictionary of all resources, produced at this settlement
		self.buildings_by_id = defaultdict(list)
		self.warehouse = None # this is set later in the same tick by the warehouse itself or load() here
		self.upgrade_permissions = upgrade_permissions
		self.tax_settings = tax_settings
		Scheduler().add_new_object(self.__init_inventory_checker, self)

	def init_buildability_cache(self, terrain_cache):
		self.buildability_cache = SettlementBuildabilityCache(terrain_cache, self.ground_map)

	def make_default_upgrade_permissions(cls):
		upgrade_permissions = {}
		for level in xrange(TIER.CURRENT_MAX):
			upgrade_permissions[level] = True
		upgrade_permissions[TIER.CURRENT_MAX] = False
		return upgrade_permissions

	def make_default_tax_settings(cls):
		tax_settings = {}
		for level in xrange(TIER.CURRENT_MAX + 1):
			tax_settings[level] = 1.0
		return tax_settings

	def set_tax_setting(self, level, tax):
		self.tax_settings[level] = tax

	def set_upgrade_permissions(self, level, allowed):
		if self.upgrade_permissions[level] != allowed:
			self.upgrade_permissions[level] = allowed


	def inhabitants(self):
		"""Returns number of inhabitants (sum of inhabitants of its buildings)"""
		return sum([building.inhabitants for building in self.buildings])

	def cumulative_running_costs(self):
		"""Return sum of running costs of all buildings"""
		return sum([building.running_costs for building in self.buildings])

	def cumulative_taxes(self):
		"""Return sum of all taxes paid in this settlement in 1 tax round"""
		return sum([building.last_tax_payed for building in self.buildings if
								hasattr(building, 'last_tax_payed')])

	def get_residentials_of_lvl_for_happiness(self, level, min_happiness=0, max_happiness=101):
		is_valid_residential = lambda building: (hasattr(building, 'happiness') and
		                                         min_happiness <= building.happiness < max_happiness) and \
		                                        (hasattr(building, 'level') and building.level == level)
		return len(filter(is_valid_residential, self.buildings))

	def balance(self):
		"""Returns sum(income) - sum(expenses) for settlement"""
		return self.cumulative_taxes + self.get_component(TradePostComponent).sell_income \
					 - self.cumulative_running_costs - self.get_component(TradePostComponent).buy_expenses

	def island(self):
		"""Returns the island this settlement is on"""
		return self.session.world.get_island(self.warehouse.position.origin)

	def level_upgrade(self, lvl):
		"""Upgrades settlement to a new tier.
		It only delegates the upgrade to its buildings."""
		for building in self.buildings:

	def save(self, db, islandid):
		super(Settlement, self).save(db)

		db("INSERT INTO settlement (rowid, island, owner) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
			self.worldid, islandid, self.owner.worldid)
		for res, amount in self.produced_res.iteritems():
			db("INSERT INTO settlement_produced_res (settlement, res, amount) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
			   self.worldid, res, amount)
		for level in xrange(TIER.CURRENT_MAX + 1):
			db("INSERT INTO settlement_level_properties (settlement, level, upgrading_allowed, tax_setting) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)",
				self.worldid, level, self.upgrade_permissions[level], self.tax_settings[level])

		# dump ground data via json, it's orders of magnitude faster than sqlite
		data = json.dumps(self.ground_map.keys())
		db("INSERT INTO settlement_tiles(rowid, data) VALUES(?, ?)", self.worldid, data)

	def load(cls, db, worldid, session, island):
		self = cls.__new__(cls)
		self.session = session
		super(Settlement, self).load(db, worldid)

		owner = db("SELECT owner FROM settlement WHERE rowid = ?", worldid)[0][0]
		upgrade_permissions = {}
		tax_settings = {}
		for level, allowed, tax in db("SELECT level, upgrading_allowed, tax_setting FROM settlement_level_properties WHERE settlement = ?", worldid):
			upgrade_permissions[level] = allowed
			tax_settings[level] = tax
		self.__init(session, WorldObject.get_object_by_id(owner), upgrade_permissions, tax_settings)

		# load the settlement tile map
		tile_data = db("SELECT data FROM settlement_tiles WHERE rowid = ?", worldid)[0][0]
		coords_list = [tuple(raw_coords) for raw_coords in json.loads(tile_data)] # json saves tuples as list
		for coords in coords_list:
			tile = island.ground_map[coords]
			self.ground_map[coords] = tile
			tile.settlement = self

		# load all buildings in this settlement
		from horizons.world import load_building
		for building_id, building_type in \
			  db("SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", worldid):
			building = load_building(session, db, building_type, building_id)
			if building_type == BUILDINGS.WAREHOUSE:
				self.warehouse = building

		for res, amount in db("SELECT res, amount FROM settlement_produced_res WHERE settlement = ?", worldid):
			self.produced_res[res] = amount

		return self

	def get_tiles_in_radius(self, location, radius, include_self):
		"""Returns tiles in radius of location.
		This is a generator.
		@param location: anything that supports get_radius_coordinates (usually Rect).
		@param include_self: bool, whether to include the coordinates in location
		for coord in location.get_radius_coordinates(radius, include_self):
				yield self.ground_map[coord]
			except KeyError:

	def add_building(self, building, load=False):
		"""Adds a building to the settlement.
		This does not set building.settlement, it must be set beforehand.
		@see Island.add_building
		if building.id in self.buildings_by_id:
			self.buildings_by_id[building.id] = [building]
		if building.has_component(Producer) and not building.has_component(UnitProducer):
			finished = self.settlement_building_production_finished
		if not load and not building.buildable_upon and self.buildability_cache:
			self.buildability_cache.modify_area([coords for coords in building.position.tuple_iter()])
		if hasattr(self.owner, 'add_building'):
			# notify interested players of added building

	def remove_building(self, building):
		"""Properly removes a building from the settlement"""
		if not building in self.buildings:
			self.log.warn("Building %s can not be removed from settlement", building.id)
		if building.has_component(Producer) and not building.has_component(UnitProducer):
			finished = self.settlement_building_production_finished
		if not building.buildable_upon and self.buildability_cache:
			self.buildability_cache.add_area([coords for coords in building.position.tuple_iter()])
		if hasattr(self.owner, 'remove_building'):
			# notify interested players of removed building

	def count_buildings(self, id):
		"""Returns the number of buildings in the settlement that are of the given type."""
		return len(self.buildings_by_id.get(id, []))

	def settlement_building_production_finished(self, building, produced_res):
		"""Callback function for registering the production of resources."""
		for res, amount in produced_res.iteritems():
			self.produced_res[res] += amount

	def __init_inventory_checker(self):
		"""Check for changed inventories every 4 ticks."""
		storage = self.get_component(StorageComponent)
		self.__inventory_checker = InventoryChecker(SettlementInventoryUpdated, storage, 4)

	def end(self):
		self.buildability_cache = None
		self.session = None
		self.owner = None
		self.buildings = None
		self.ground_map = None
		self.produced_res = None
		self.buildings_by_id = None
		self.warehouse = None
		if hasattr(self, '__inventory_checker'):