def find_keywords_and_groups(id_str, text, retweet_id_str): """Find the keywords and associated groups in the tweet.""" # refresh keywords global keywords, keywords_sync_time if (time() - keywords_sync_time) > 60 * 60: keywords = get_keywords() keywords_sync_time = time() # First check if retweets are already processed in the cache if retweet_id_str: key = "t:%s" % retweet_id_str rt = redis.get(key) if rt: kw, groups, tokens = json.loads(rt) insert_tweet.apply_async((id_str, kw, groups, tokens), queue="master") redis.expire(key, rt_cache_time) return frog = get_frog() # tokens contains a list of dictionaries with frog's analysis per token # each dict has the keys "index", "lemma", "pos", "posprob" and "text" # where "text" is the original text tokens = frog.process(text) kw = [] groups = [] for (i, t) in enumerate(tokens): lemma = t["lemma"] k = keywords.get(lemma, None) if k is not None: if t["posprob"] > posprob_minimum: if not t["pos"].startswith(k.pos + "("): continue # when the second to last keyword is matched and the very last keyword is "…" # then we have a false match because the second to last keyword was truncated if i == (len(tokens) - 2): if tokens[-1]["text"] == "…": continue kw.append(lemma) groups += k.groups kw, groups = list(set(kw)), list(set(groups)) insert_tweet.apply_async((id_str, kw, groups, tokens), queue="master") # put retweets in the cache if retweet_id_str: data = [kw, groups, tokens] redis.set(key, json.dumps(data), ex=rt_cache_time)
from hortiradar.clustering import Config, ExtendedTweet, Cluster, Stories from hortiradar.clustering.util import round_time from hortiradar.database import get_db, get_keywords db = get_db() groups = [ g["name"] for g in db.groups.find({}, projection={ "name": True, "_id": False }) ] storiesdb = db.stories tweetsdb = db.tweets keywords = get_keywords(local=True) redis = StrictRedis() spam_level = Config.getfloat('database:parameters', "spam_level") tweet_threshold = Config.getfloat('storify:parameters', 'tweet_threshold') def is_spam(t): return t.get("spam") is not None and t["spam"] > spam_level def get_filt_tokens(tweet): return [t.lemma for t in tweet.tokens if not t.filter_token()]
import os from configparser import ConfigParser from time import time from typing import Sequence from redis import StrictRedis import ujson as json from hortiradar.database import app, get_frog, get_keywords, insert_tweet, insert_lemma if os.environ.get("ROLE") == "worker": keywords = get_keywords() keywords_sync_time = time() config = ConfigParser() + "/tasks_workers.ini") posprob_minimum = config["workers"].getfloat("posprob_minimum") redis = StrictRedis() rt_cache_time = 60 * 60 * 6 @app.task def find_keywords_and_groups(id_str, text, retweet_id_str): """Find the keywords and associated groups in the tweet.""" # refresh keywords global keywords, keywords_sync_time if (time() - keywords_sync_time) > 60 * 60: keywords = get_keywords() keywords_sync_time = time()