Пример #1
def get_random_cell(a, nvec):
    if nvec == 0:
        return Cell(None)
    while True:
        if a <= 0:
            raise ValueError('The first argument must be strictly positive.')
        rvecs = np.random.uniform(0, a, (nvec,3))
        cell = Cell(rvecs)
        if cell.volume > a**nvec*0.1:
            return cell
Пример #2
def _load_vasp_header(f):
    '''Load the cell and atoms from a VASP file
       File specification provided here:


            An open file object

       **Returns:** ``title``, ``cell``, ``numbers``, ``coordinates``
    # read the title
    title = f.next().strip()
    # read the universal scaling factor
    scaling = float(f.next().strip())

    # read cell parameters in angstrom, without the universal scaling factor.
    # each row is one cell vector
    rvecs = []
    for i in xrange(3):
        rvecs.append([float(w) for w in f.next().split()])
    rvecs = np.array(rvecs)*angstrom*scaling

    # Convert to cell object
    cell = Cell(rvecs)

    # note that in older VASP version the following line might be absent
    vasp_numbers = [periodic[w].number for w in f.next().split()]
    vasp_counts = [int(w) for w in f.next().split()]
    numbers = []
    for n, c in zip(vasp_numbers, vasp_counts):
    numbers = np.array(numbers)

    line = f.next()
    # the 7th line can optionally indicate selective dynamics
    if line[0].lower() in ['s']:
        line = f.next()
    # parse direct/cartesian switch
    cartesian = line[0].lower() in ['c', 'k']

    # read the coordinates
    coordinates = []
    for line in f:
        # check if all coordinates are read
        if (len(line.strip()) == 0) or (len(coordinates) == numbers.shape[0]):
        coordinates.append([float(w) for w in line.split()[:3]])
    if cartesian:
        coordinates = np.array(coordinates)*angstrom*scaling
        coordinates = np.dot(np.array(coordinates), rvecs)

    return title, cell, numbers, coordinates
Пример #3
def _read_cube_header(f):
    # Read the title
    title = f.readline().strip()
    # skip the second line

    def read_grid_line(line):
        """Read a grid line from the cube file"""
        words = line.split()
        return (int(words[0]),
                          float(words[3])], float)
                # all coordinates in a cube file are in atomic units

    # number of atoms and origin of the grid
    natom, origin = read_grid_line(f.readline())
    # numer of grid points in A direction and step vector A, and so on
    shape0, axis0 = read_grid_line(f.readline())
    shape1, axis1 = read_grid_line(f.readline())
    shape2, axis2 = read_grid_line(f.readline())
    shape = np.array([shape0, shape1, shape2], int)
    axes = np.array([axis0, axis1, axis2])

    cell = Cell(axes * shape.reshape(-1, 1))
    ugrid = UniformGrid(origin, axes, shape, np.ones(3, int))

    def read_coordinate_line(line):
        """Read an atom number and coordinate from the cube file"""
        words = line.split()
        return (int(words[0]), float(words[1]),
                          float(words[4])], float)
                # all coordinates in a cube file are in atomic units

    numbers = np.zeros(natom, int)
    pseudo_numbers = np.zeros(natom, float)
    coordinates = np.zeros((natom, 3), float)
    for i in xrange(natom):
        numbers[i], pseudo_numbers[i], coordinates[i] = read_coordinate_line(
        # If the pseudo_number field is zero, we assume that no effective core
        # potentials were used.
        if pseudo_numbers[i] == 0.0:
            pseudo_numbers[i] = numbers[i]

    return title, coordinates, numbers, cell, ugrid, pseudo_numbers
Пример #4
def _load_vasp_header(f, nskip):
    '''Load the cell and atoms from a VASP file


            An open file object

            The number of lines to skip after the line with elements

       **Returns:** ``title``, ``cell``, ``numbers``, ``coordinates``
    # reat the title
    title = f.next().strip()

    # read cell parameters in angstrom. each row is one cell vector
    rvecs = []
    for i in xrange(3):
        rvecs.append([float(w) for w in f.next().split()])
    rvecs = np.array(rvecs) * angstrom

    # Convert to cell object
    cell = Cell(rvecs)

    vasp_numbers = [periodic[w].number for w in f.next().split()]
    vasp_counts = [int(w) for w in f.next().split()]
    numbers = []
    for n, c in zip(vasp_numbers, vasp_counts):
        numbers.extend([n] * c)
    numbers = np.array(numbers)

    # skip some lines
    for i in xrange(nskip):
    assert f.next().startswith('Direct')

    # read the fractional coordinates and convert to Cartesian
    coordinates = []
    for line in f:
        if len(line.strip()) == 0:
        coordinates.append([float(w) for w in line.split()[:3]])
    coordinates = np.dot(np.array(coordinates), rvecs)

    return title, cell, numbers, coordinates
Пример #5
    def eval_spline(self, cubic_spline, center, output, cell=None):
        '''Evaluate a spherically symmetric function


                A cubic spline with the radial dependence

                The center of the spherically symmetric function

                The output array

           **Optional arguments:**

                A unit cell when periodic boundary conditions are used.
        if cell is None:
            cell = Cell(None)
        eval_spline_grid(cubic_spline, center, output, self.points, cell)
Пример #6
    def eval_decomposition(self, cubic_splines, center, output, cell=None):
        '''Evaluate a spherical decomposition


                A list cubic splines, where each item is a radial function
                that is associated with a corresponding real spherical harmonic.

                The center of the spherically symmetric function

                The output array

           **Optional arguments:**

                A unit cell when periodic boundary conditions are used.
        if cell is None:
            cell = Cell(None)
        eval_decomposition_grid(cubic_splines, center, output, self.points, cell)
Пример #7
 def eval_spline(self, cubic_spline, center, output, cell=None):
     if cell is None:
         cell = Cell(None)
     eval_spline_grid(cubic_spline, center, output, self.points, cell)