def test_query(self):
        connection = get_connection()

        recordings = (973, 972)
        point = (5.7058276, 50.8510157)  # EPSG:4326 (lon, lat)
        distance = 2  # in meters

        frames = Frames(connection)
        cursor = frames.query(within=(point, distance),

        frame = Frame(cursor)

        timestamp = datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 11, 8, 6, 24, 90000)
        self.assertEqual(, 727692)
        self.assertEqual(frame.recordingid, 972)
        self.assertEqual(frame.guid, "c5a3c5f5-b760-44f7-875a-fddaa268d710")
        self.assertEqual(frame.uuid, "c5a3c5f5-b760-44f7-875a-fddaa268d710")
        self.assertEqual(frame.latitude, 50.8510157)
        self.assertEqual(frame.longitude, 5.7058276)
        self.assertEqual(frame.altitude, 95.029)
        self.assertEqual(frame.roll, -0.1474)
        self.assertEqual(frame.pitch, 1.1014)
        self.assertEqual(frame.azimuth, 162.0647)
        self.assertEqual(frame.heading, 162.0647)
        self.assertEqual(frame.timestamp, timestamp)
        self.assertEqual(frame.stamp, timestamp)
        self.assertEqual(frame.index, 271)
        self.assertEqual(frame.distance, 0.0)
Пример #2
def get_frame():
    recordings = Recordings(connection)
    frames = Frames(connection)
    cursor = recordings.all()
    recording = Recording(cursor)
    cursor = frames.query(, index=0)
    return Frame(cursor)
Пример #3
    def test_query_recordingid(self):
        connection = get_connection()

        recordings = 972
        point = (5.7058276, 50.8510157)  # EPSG:4326 (lon, lat)
        distance = 2  # in meters

        frames = Frames(connection)
        cursor = frames.query(within=(point, distance),
                              recordingid=recordings, limit=3, offset=1)

        frame = Frame(cursor)

        timestamp = datetime.datetime(2016, 5, 11, 8, 6, 24, 90000)
        self.assertEqual(, 727953)
        self.assertEqual(frame.recordingid, 972)
        self.assertEqual(frame.uuid, "9089f29d-9437-4a3c-bd88-ed9e27445289")
# Copyright(C) 2020 Horus View and Explore B.V.

import psycopg2

from horus_db import Frames, Frame

# This example shows how to geo-query frames

def get_connection():
    return psycopg2.connect(
        "dbname=HorusWebMoviePlayer user=postgres password=horusweb")

connection = get_connection()
frames = Frames(connection)

# Get a frame
frame = Frame(frames.query())

if frame is None:
    print("No recordings!")

# Get frames within a certain distance of this frame
point = (frame.longitude, frame.latitude)  # EPSG:4326 (lon, lat)
distance = 20  # in meters
cursor = frames.query(within=(point, distance))

frame = Frame(cursor)
Пример #5
import psycopg2

from horus_db import Frames, Frame
from horus_media import Client, ImageRequestBuilder, ImageProvider, Size, Direction

# This example shows how to request a spherical image

def get_connection():
    return psycopg2.connect(
        "dbname=HorusWebMoviePlayer user=postgres password=horusweb")

connection = get_connection()
frames = Frames(connection)
client = Client()
image_provider = ImageProvider()

# Get a frame
frame = Frame(frames.query())

if frame is None:
    print("No recordings!")

# Set parameters
size = Size(1024, 1024)
direction = Direction(yaw=45, pitch=-20)

# Get the image
    ("password", args.db_password),
    connection_string = " ".join(
        map("=".join, filter(lambda x: x[1] != None, db_params)))
    connection = psycopg2.connect(connection_string)
except psycopg2.OperationalError as exception:
    logging.error(f"{exception} Connecting to database")
    client = Client(args.server)
except OSError as exception:
    logging.error(f"{exception}. Connecting to server {args.server}")

frames = Frames(connection)
grid = Grid()
image_provider = ImageProvider(grid)

def compute_angle(frame, sign_location):
    camera_model = CameraModel(frame.get_location(), frame.heading)
    return -camera_model.look_at_angle(sign_location)

for location in
    print(f"Looking for {location}")
    results = []
    cursor = frames.query(within=(location, distance),
client = util.get_client(args)
recordings = Recordings(connection)

# Select the demo city of Rotterdam
recording = next(Recording.query(
    recordings, directory_like="Rotterdam360\\\\Ladybug5plus"))
print(recording, " -> ",

# Step 1. create and configure spherical camera
sp_camera = SphericalCamera()

# Step 2. Get a recorded frame and place the camera onto that 'frame'
frames = Frames(connection)
results = Frame.query(frames,,
                      index=210, order_by="index",)

# step 3. do some sight seeing..
# This sections hardcodes looking at points of interest, which
# normally would come from image processing or AI tooling.

class Poi():
    """Describes and labels a point of interest within the image """
    pixel: Pixel
    name: str
    yaw: float
    pitch: float
Пример #8
def get_next_frame(frame):
    frames = Frames(connection)
    cursor = frames.query(recordingid=frame.recordingid, index=frame.index + 1)
    return Frame(cursor)
import psycopg2

from horus_db import Frames, Frame
from horus_media import Client, ImageRequestBuilder, ImageProvider, Mode, Size, Geometry

# This example shows how to request a georeferenced orthographic image (geotiff)

def get_connection():
    return psycopg2.connect(
        "dbname=HorusWebMoviePlayer user=postgres password=horusweb")

connection = get_connection()
frames = Frames(connection)
client = Client()
image_provider = ImageProvider()

# Get a frame
frame = Frame(frames.query())

if frame is None:
    print("No recordings!")

# If available, the altitude of the next frame is used in calculating ground plane
# (optional, required if results should be equal to the Horus MoviePlayer)
cursor = frames.query(recordingid=frame.recordingid, index=frame.index + 1)
next_frame = Frame(cursor)
if next_frame is not None:
# Copyright(C) 2020 Horus View and Explore B.V.

import psycopg2

from horus_db import Frames, Recordings, Frame, Recording

# This example shows how to iterate over all the frames in a recording

def get_connection():
    return psycopg2.connect(
        "dbname=HorusWebMoviePlayer user=postgres password=horusweb")

connection = get_connection()
recordings = Recordings(connection)
frames = Frames(connection)

cursor = recordings.all()

# Get the first recording
recording = Recording(cursor)
print(" ",, " ",

if recording is None:
    print("No recordings!")

# Get all frames of a recording
cursor = frames.query(

frame = Frame(cursor)