Пример #1
def read_data():
    file_name = "train_data.dat"
    blob = np.fromfile(file_name, np.uint8)
    # reshape to images
    n_channels = 3
    height = 32
    width = 32
    n_images = len(blob) // (n_channels * height * width)
    data = blob.reshape(n_images, height, width, n_channels)

    # resize
    resize_len = 224
    images = np.empty((n_images, resize_len, resize_len, n_channels), np.uint8)
    for i in prange(n_images):
        images[i] = cv2.resize(data[i], (resize_len, resize_len))

    # convert from [0,255] to [0.0,1.0]
    # normalize
    u2f_ratio = np.float32(255.0)
    c0_m = np.float32(0.485)
    c1_m = np.float32(0.456)
    c2_m = np.float32(0.406)
    c0_std = np.float32(0.229)
    c1_std = np.float32(0.224)
    c2_std = np.float32(0.225)
    for i in prange(n_images):
        images[i, :, :, 0] = (images[i, :, :, 0] / u2f_ratio - c0_m) / c0_std
        images[i, :, :, 1] = (images[i, :, :, 1] / u2f_ratio - c1_m) / c1_std
        images[i, :, :, 2] = (images[i, :, :, 2] / u2f_ratio - c2_m) / c2_std

    # convert to CHW
    images = images.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
    return images
Пример #2
def get_stats(imgs, num_detections, detection_classes, detection_scores):
    n_imgs = len(num_detections)
    car_mask = np.empty(n_imgs, np.bool_)

    top_detect_scores = detection_scores[:,0]
    num_cars = np.empty(n_imgs, np.int32)
    num_bikes = np.empty(n_imgs, np.int32)
    for i in prange(n_imgs):
        car_mask[i] = False
        num_cars[i] = 0
        num_bikes[i] = 0
        classes = detection_classes[i,:]
        for j in range(len(classes)):
            if classes[j] == CAR_CLASS:
                num_cars[i] += 1
                car_mask[i] = True
            if classes[j] == BIKE_CLASS:
                num_bikes[i] += 1

    df = pd.DataFrame({'top_detect_scores': top_detect_scores,
                       'num_detections': num_detections,
                       'num_cars': num_cars,
                       'num_bikes': num_bikes})
    stats = df.describe()
    car_imgs = imgs[car_mask]
Пример #3
def read_data():
    #fname = "/export/intel/lustre/etotoni/BXP5401-front-camera_2017.dat"
    fname = "img2.dat"
    blob = np.fromfile(fname, np.uint8)

    # reshape to images
    n_channels = 3
    height = 800
    width = 1280
    n_images = len(blob) // (n_channels * height * width)
    data = blob.reshape(n_images, height, width, n_channels)

    # select every 5 image
    data = data[::5, :, :, :]
    n_images = len(data)

    # crop to 600 by 600
    data = data[:, 100:-100, 340:-340, :]

    # resize
    resize_len = 224
    resized_images = np.empty((n_images, resize_len, resize_len, n_channels),
    for i in prange(n_images):
        resized_images[i] = cv2.resize(data[i], (resize_len, resize_len))

    # convert from [0,255] to [0.0,1.0]
    fdata = (resized_images) / np.float32(255.0)
    fdata = (fdata - np.float32(0.5)) / np.float32(0.5)

    # convert to CHW
    fdata = fdata.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2))
    return fdata
Пример #4
def intraday_mean_revert():
    file_name = "stock_data_all_google.hdf5"
    f = h5py.File(file_name, "r")
    sym_list = list(f.keys())
    nsyms = len(sym_list)
    max_num_days = 4000
    all_res = np.zeros(max_num_days)

    t1 = time.time()
    for i in prange(nsyms):
        symbol = sym_list[i]

        s_open = f[symbol + '/Open'][:]
        s_high = f[symbol + '/High'][:]
        s_low = f[symbol + '/Low'][:]
        s_close = f[symbol + '/Close'][:]
        s_vol = f[symbol + '/Volume'][:]
        df = pd.DataFrame({
            'Open': s_open,
            'High': s_high,
            'Low': s_low,
            'Close': s_close,
            'Volume': s_vol,

        # create column to hold our 90 day rolling standard deviation
        df['Stdev'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=90).std()

        # create a column to hold our 20 day moving average
        df['Moving Average'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean()

        # create a column which holds a TRUE value if the gap down from previous day's low to next
        # day's open is larger than the 90 day rolling standard deviation
        df['Criteria1'] = (df['Open'] - df['Low'].shift(1)) < -df['Stdev']

        # create a column which holds a TRUE value if the opening price of the stock is above the 20 day moving average
        df['Criteria2'] = df['Open'] > df['Moving Average']

        # create a column that holds a TRUE value if both above criteria are also TRUE
        df['BUY'] = df['Criteria1'] & df['Criteria2']

        # calculate daily % return series for stock
        df['Pct Change'] = (df['Close'] - df['Open']) / df['Open']

        # create a strategy return series by using the daily stock returns where the trade criteria above are met
        df['Rets'] = df['Pct Change'][df['BUY']]

        n_days = len(df['Rets'])
        res = np.zeros(max_num_days)
        if n_days:
            res[-n_days:] = df['Rets'].fillna(0).values
        all_res += res

    print("execution time:", time.time() - t1)
Пример #5
def read_example():
    t1 = time.time()
    A = hpat.ros.read_ros_images("image_test.bag")
    # crop out dashboard
    B = A[:, :-50, :, :]
    # intensity threshold
    threshold = B.mean() + .004 * B.std()
    n = B.shape[0]
    mask = np.empty(n, np.bool_)
    for i in prange(n):
        im = B[i]
        mask[i] = im.mean() > threshold
    C = B[mask]
    D = np.empty_like(C)
    for i in prange(len(C)):
        D[i, :, :, 0] = gaussian_blur(C[i, :, :, 0])
        D[i, :, :, 1] = gaussian_blur(C[i, :, :, 1])
        D[i, :, :, 2] = gaussian_blur(C[i, :, :, 2])
    # K-means model
    numCenter = 4
    numIter = 10
    dn, dh, dw, dc = D.shape
    centroids = np.random.randint(0, 255,
                                  (numCenter, dh, dw, dc)).astype(np.uint8)
    for l in range(numIter):
        dist = np.array([[
            sqrt(np.sum((D[i] - centroids[j])**2)) for j in range(numCenter)
        ] for i in range(dn)])
        labels = np.array([dist[i].argmin() for i in range(dn)])
        for i in range(numCenter):
            mask2 = (labels == i)
            num_points = np.sum(mask2)
            if num_points != 0:
                centroids[i] = np.sum(D[mask2], 0) / num_points
                centroids[i] = np.random.randint(0, 255,
                                                 (dh, dw, dc)).astype(np.uint8)

    t2 = time.time()
    print("Exec time: ", t2 - t1)
    return centroids
Пример #6
 def test_impl(n):
     X = np.ones(n)
     b = 0.5
     points = np.array([-1.0, 2.0, 5.0])
     N = points.shape[0]
     exps = 0
     for i in hpat.prange(n):
         p = X[i]
         d = (-(p - points)**2) / (2 * b**2)
         m = np.min(d)
         exps += m - np.log(b * N) + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(d - m)))
     return exps
Пример #7
def f(N, D, M):
    X = np.random.randint(0, 5, size=(N, D)).astype(np.int32)
    y = np.empty(N, dtype=np.int32)
    for i in prange(N):
        y[i] = i % 4
    p = np.random.randint(0, 5, size=(M, D)).astype(np.int32)
    clf = hpat.ml.MultinomialNB(n_classes=4)
    t1 = time.time()
    clf.train(X, y)
    res = clf.predict(p)
    print("Exec time:", time.time() - t1)
    return res.sum()
Пример #8
def f(N, D, M):
    X = np.random.ranf((N, D))
    y = np.empty(N)
    for i in prange(N):
        y[i] = i%4
    p = np.random.ranf((M, D))
    clf = hpat.ml.SVC(n_classes=4)
    t1 = time.time()
    clf.train(X, y)
    res = clf.predict(p)
    print("Exec time:", time.time()-t1)
    return res.sum()
Пример #9
def load_images():
    files = glob.glob(
    n = len(files)
    dataset = np.empty((n, 360, 1000, 3), np.uint8)
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in prange(n):
        f = files[i]
        img = cv2.imread(f)
        img_resized = cv2.resize(img, (1000, 360))
        dataset[i] = img_resized

    m = dataset.mean()
    print("mean ", m, "\nExec time",
          time.time() - t1)
Пример #10
def kde():
    f = h5py.File("kde.hdf5", "r")
    X = f['points'][:]
    b = 0.5
    points = np.array([-1.0, 2.0, 5.0])
    N = points.shape[0]
    n = X.shape[0]
    exps = 0
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in prange(n):
        p = X[i]
        d = (-(p - points)**2) / (2 * b**2)
        m = np.min(d)
        exps += m - np.log(b * N) + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(d - m)))
    t = time.time() - t1
    print("Execution time:", t, "\nresult:", exps)
    return exps
Пример #11
def intraday_mean_revert():
    nsyms = 500
    max_num_days = 4000
    all_res = np.zeros(max_num_days)

    t1 = time.time()
    for i in prange(nsyms):
        s_open = 20 * np.random.randn(max_num_days)
        s_high = 22 * np.random.randn(max_num_days)
        s_low = 18 * np.random.randn(max_num_days)
        s_close = 19 * np.random.randn(max_num_days)
        s_vol = 1000 * np.random.randn(max_num_days)
        df = pd.DataFrame({
            'Open': s_open,
            'High': s_high,
            'Low': s_low,
            'Close': s_close,
            'Volume': s_vol,

        #create column to hold our 90 day rolling standard deviation
        df['Stdev'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=90).std()

        #create a column to hold our 20 day moving average
        df['Moving Average'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean()

        #create a column which holds a TRUE value if the gap down from previous day's low to next
        #day's open is larger than the 90 day rolling standard deviation
        df['Criteria1'] = (df['Open'] - df['Low'].shift(1)) < -df['Stdev']

        #create a column which holds a TRUE value if the opening price of the stock is above the 20 day moving average
        df['Criteria2'] = df['Open'] > df['Moving Average']

        #create a column that holds a TRUE value if both above criteria are also TRUE
        df['BUY'] = df['Criteria1'] & df['Criteria2']

        #calculate daily % return series for stock
        df['Pct Change'] = (df['Close'] - df['Open']) / df['Open']

        #create a strategy return series by using the daily stock returns where the trade criteria above are met
        df['Rets'] = df['Pct Change'][df['BUY'] == True]

        all_res += df['Rets'].fillna(0)

    print("execution time:", time.time() - t1)
Пример #12
def kde():
    t = pq.read_table('kde.parquet')
    df = t.to_pandas()
    X = df['points'].values
    b = 0.5
    points = np.array([-1.0, 2.0, 5.0])
    N = points.shape[0]
    n = X.shape[0]
    exps = 0
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in prange(n):
        p = X[i]
        d = (-(p - points)**2) / (2 * b**2)
        m = np.min(d)
        exps += m - np.log(b * N) + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(d - m)))
    t = time.time() - t1
    print("Execution time:", t, "\nresult:", exps)
    return exps
Пример #13
 def test_impl(nsyms):
     max_num_days = 100
     all_res = 0.0
     for i in hpat.prange(nsyms):
         s_open = 20 * np.ones(max_num_days)
         s_low = 28 * np.ones(max_num_days)
         s_close = 19 * np.ones(max_num_days)
         df = pd.DataFrame({'Open': s_open, 'Low': s_low,
                             'Close': s_close})
         df['Stdev'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=90).std()
         df['Moving Average'] = df['Close'].rolling(window=20).mean()
         df['Criteria1'] = (df['Open'] - df['Low'].shift(1)) < -df['Stdev']
         df['Criteria2'] = df['Open'] > df['Moving Average']
         df['BUY'] = df['Criteria1'] & df['Criteria2']
         df['Pct Change'] = (df['Close'] - df['Open']) / df['Open']
         df['Rets'] = df['Pct Change'][df['BUY'] == True]
         all_res += df['Rets'].mean()
     return all_res