Пример #1
def main(job_id, params):
    print '!!! Entered Main !!!'
    print 'Anything printed here will end up in the output directory for job #:', str(
    print params
    f = Branin()  # Change this
    res = f.objective_function([params['x'], params['y']])  # CHANGE THIS
    print res
    with open('/home/mansurm/Experiments/brannin/run1.csv',
              'a') as csvfile:  # CHANGE THIS
        writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
    return res['main'][0]
Пример #2
def run_example(num_points_to_sample=200, verbose=False, **kwargs):
	b = Branin()
	bounds = b.get_meta_information()['bounds']
	dimensions = len(bounds)
	lower =np.array([i[0] for i in bounds])
	upper =np.array([i[1] for i in bounds])
	start_point = (upper-lower)/2
	exp = Experiment([lower,upper])
        SamplePoint(start_point, wrapper(start_point,b), 0.6)])
	for _ in range(num_points_to_sample):
		next_point_to_sample = gp_next_points(exp, **kwargs)[0]
		value_of_next_point = wrapper(next_point_to_sample,b)
		if verbose:
			print "Sampled f({0:s}) = {1:.18E}".format(str(next_point_to_sample), value_of_next_point)
		exp.historical_data.append_sample_points([SamplePoint(next_point_to_sample, value_of_next_point, 0.6)])
Пример #3
import numpy as np

from hpolib.benchmarks.synthetic_functions import Branin

# Perform random search on the Branin function

b = Branin()

values = []

cs = b.get_configuration_space()

for i in range(1000):
    configuration = cs.sample_configuration()
    rval = b.objective_function(configuration)
    loss = rval['function_value']

Пример #4
import os
from fanova import fANOVA
import numpy as np
from robo.fmin import random_search
from hpolib.benchmarks.synthetic_functions import Branin
import fanova.visualizer

objective_function = Branin()
info = objective_function.get_meta_information()
bounds = np.array(info['bounds'])
config_space = objective_function.get_configuration_space()

# Start Bayesian optimization to optimize the objective function
results = random_search(objective_function,
                        bounds[:, 0],
                        bounds[:, 1],

# Creating a fANOVA object
X = np.array([i for i in results['X']])
Y = np.array([i for i in results['y']])
f = fANOVA(X, Y)

print(f.quantify_importance((0, )))

# Visualization
os.makedirs("./plots", exist_ok=True)
vis = fanova.visualizer.Visualizer(f, config_space, "./plots/")
Пример #5
This example shows how RoBO can be combined with HPOlib.
Before you run it, make sure that you installed it.
For further information have a look here https://github.com/automl/HPOlib2.git
import numpy as np
from hpolib.benchmarks.synthetic_functions import Branin

from robo.fmin import bayesian_optimization

f = Branin()
info = f.get_meta_information()
bounds = np.array(info['bounds'])

# Start Bayesian optimization to optimize the objective function
results = bayesian_optimization(f,
                                bounds[:, 0],
                                bounds[:, 1],
Пример #6
import numpy as np

from hpolib.benchmarks.synthetic_functions import Branin

from robo.fmin import bayesian_optimization

f = Branin()
info = f.get_meta_information()
bounds = np.array(info['bounds'])

# Start Bayesian optimization to optimize the objective function
results = bayesian_optimization(f, bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1], num_iterations=50)
Пример #7
class Wrapper(UserFunction):

    def __init__(self, b):
        self.b = b

    def evaluate(self, X: np.ndarray):
        res = []
        for xi in X:
            yi = self.b.objective_function(xi)["function_value"]
            res.append(UserFunctionResult(xi, np.array([yi])))
        return res

if args.benchmark == "branin":
    b = Branin()
elif args.benchmark == "hartmann3":
    b = Hartmann3()
elif args.benchmark == "hartmann6":
    b = Hartmann6()
elif args.benchmark == "bohachevsky":
    b = Bohachevsky()
elif args.benchmark == "rosenbrock":
    b = Rosenbrock()
elif args.benchmark == "goldsteinprice":
    b = GoldsteinPrice()
elif args.benchmark == "forrester":
    b = Forrester()
elif args.benchmark == "camelback":
    b = Camelback()
elif args.benchmark == "sinone":
Пример #8
from fanova import fANOVA
import numpy as np
from robo.fmin import random_search
from hpolib.benchmarks.synthetic_functions import Branin
import fanova.visualizer

objective_function = Branin()
info = objective_function.get_meta_information()
bounds = np.array(info['bounds'])
config_space = objective_function.get_configuration_space()

# Start Bayesian optimization to optimize the objective function
results = random_search(objective_function, bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1], num_iterations=50)

# Creating a fANOVA object
X = np.array([i for i in results['X']])
Y = np.array([i for i in results['y']])
f = fANOVA(X,Y)

print(f.quantify_importance((0, )))

# Visualization
vis = fanova.visualizer.Visualizer(f, config_space, "./plots/")