Пример #1
def link_irods_file_to_django(resource, filepath):
    Link a newly created irods file to Django resource model

    :param filepath: full path to file
    # link the newly created file (**filepath**) to Django resource model
    b_add_file = False
    # TODO: folder is an abstract concept... utilize short_path for whole API
    if resource:
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource, filepath,
            ResourceFile.get(resource=resource, file=base, folder=folder)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            # this does not copy the file from anywhere; it must exist already
            ResourceFile.create(resource=resource, file=base, folder=folder)
            b_add_file = True

        if b_add_file:
            file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(filepath)
            if file_format_type not in [mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()]:
                resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)
            # this should assign a logical file object to this new file
            # if this resource supports logical file
Пример #2
def rename_irods_file_or_folder_in_django(resource, src_name, tgt_name):
    Rename file in Django DB after the file is renamed in Django side
    :param resource: the BaseResource object representing a HydroShare resource
    :param src_name: the file or folder full path name to be renamed
    :param tgt_name: the file or folder full path name to be renamed to

    Note: the need to copy and recreate the file object was made unnecessary
    by the ResourceFile.set_storage_path routine, which always sets that
    correctly. Thus it is possible to move without copying. Thus, logical file
    relationships are preserved and no longer need adjustment.
    # checks src_name as a side effect.
    folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource, src_name,
        res_file_obj = ResourceFile.get(resource=resource, file=base, folder=folder)
        # checks tgt_name as a side effect.
        ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource, tgt_name,

    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        # src_name and tgt_name are folder names
        res_file_objs = ResourceFile.list_folder(resource, src_name)

        for fobj in res_file_objs:
            src_path = fobj.storage_path
            # naively replace src_name with tgt_name
            new_path = src_path.replace(src_name, tgt_name, 1)
def data_store_rename_file_or_folder(request, pk=None):
    Rename one file or folder in a resource file hierarchy.  It is invoked by an AJAX call

    :param request: a REST request
    :param pk: the short_id of a resource to modify, from REST URL.

    This is invoked by an AJAX call in the UI. It returns a json object that has the
    relative path of the target file or folder that has been renamed. The AJAX request
    must be a POST request with input data for source_path and target_path, where source_path
    and target_path are the relative paths for the source and target file or folder.

    This routine is **specifically** targeted at validating requests from the UI.
    Thus it is much more limiting than a general purpose REST responder.
    pk = request.POST.get('res_id', pk)
    if pk is None:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource id is not included',
    pk = str(pk).strip()
        resource, _, user = authorize(
            request, pk, needed_permission=ACTION_TO_AUTHORIZE.EDIT_RESOURCE)
    except NotFound:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource not found',
    except PermissionDenied:
        return HttpResponse('Permission denied',

    src_path = resolve_request(request).get('source_path', None)
    tgt_path = resolve_request(request).get('target_path', None)
    if src_path is None or tgt_path is None:
        return HttpResponse('Source or target name is not specified',

    if not src_path or not tgt_path:
        return HttpResponse('Source or target name is empty',

    src_path = str(src_path).strip()
    tgt_path = str(tgt_path).strip()
    src_folder, src_base = os.path.split(src_path)
    tgt_folder, tgt_base = os.path.split(tgt_path)

    if src_folder != tgt_folder:
        return HttpResponse(
            'Rename: Source and target names must be in same folder',

    if not src_path.startswith('data/contents/'):
        return HttpResponse(
            'Rename: Source path must start with data/contents/',

    if src_path.find('/../') >= 0 or src_path.endswith('/..'):
        return HttpResponse('Rename: Source path cannot contain /../',

    if not tgt_path.startswith('data/contents/'):
        return HttpResponse(
            'Rename: Target path must start with data/contents/',

    if tgt_path.find('/../') >= 0 or tgt_path.endswith('/..'):
        return HttpResponse('Rename: Target path cannot contain /../',

    istorage = resource.get_irods_storage()

    # protect against stale data botches: source files should exist
    src_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, src_path)
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(
            resource, src_storage_path, test_exists=True)
    except ValidationError:
        return HttpResponse('Object to be renamed does not exist',

    if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, src_storage_path):
        try:  # Django record should exist for each file
            ResourceFile.get(resource, base, folder=folder)
        except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
            return HttpResponse('Object to be renamed does not exist',

    # check that the target doesn't exist
    tgt_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, tgt_path)
    tgt_short_path = tgt_path[len('data/contents/'):]
    if istorage.exists(tgt_storage_path):
        return HttpResponse('Desired name is already in use',
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(
            resource, tgt_storage_path, test_exists=False)
    except ValidationError:
        return HttpResponse(
            'Poorly structured desired name {}'.format(tgt_short_path),
        ResourceFile.get(resource, base, folder=tgt_short_path)
        return HttpResponse(
            'Desired name {} is already in use'.format(tgt_short_path),
    except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
        pass  # correct response

        rename_file_or_folder(user, pk, src_path, tgt_path)
    except SessionException as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.stderr,
    except DRF_ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.detail, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    return_object = {'target_rel_path': tgt_path}

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(return_object),
def data_store_move_to_folder(request, pk=None):
    Move a list of files and/or folders to another folder in a resource file hierarchy.

    :param request: a REST request
    :param pk: the short_id of a resource to modify, from REST URL.

    It is invoked by an AJAX call and returns a json object that has the relative paths of
    the target files or folders to which files have been moved. The AJAX request must be a POST
    request with input data passed in for source_paths and target_path where source_paths
    and target_path are the relative paths for the source and target file or folder in the
    res_id file directory.

    This routine is **specifically** targeted at validating requests from the UI.
    Thus it is much more limiting than a general purpose REST responder.
    pk = request.POST.get('res_id', pk)
    if pk is None:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource id is not included',

    # whether to treat request as atomic: skip overwrites for valid request
    atomic = request.POST.get('atomic', 'false') == 'true'  # False by default

    pk = str(pk).strip()
        resource, _, user = authorize(
            request, pk, needed_permission=ACTION_TO_AUTHORIZE.EDIT_RESOURCE)
    except NotFound:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource not found',
    except PermissionDenied:
        return HttpResponse('Permission denied',

    tgt_path = resolve_request(request).get('target_path', None)
    src_paths = resolve_request(request).get('source_paths', None)
    if src_paths is None or tgt_path is None:
        return HttpResponse(
            'Bad request - src_paths or tgt_path is not included',

    tgt_path = str(tgt_path).strip()
    if not tgt_path:
        return HttpResponse('Target directory not specified',

    # protect against common hacking attacks
    if not tgt_path.startswith('data/contents/'):
        return HttpResponse(
            'Target directory path must start with data/contents/',
    if tgt_path.find('/../') >= 0 or tgt_path.endswith('/..'):
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - tgt_path cannot contain /../',

    istorage = resource.get_irods_storage()

    # strip trailing slashes (if any)
    tgt_path = tgt_path.rstrip('/')
    tgt_short_path = tgt_path[len('data/contents/'):]
    tgt_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, tgt_path)

    if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, tgt_storage_path):
        return HttpResponse('Target of move is not an existing folder',

    src_paths = json.loads(src_paths)

    for i in range(len(src_paths)):
        src_paths[i] = str(src_paths[i]).strip().rstrip('/')

    # protect against common hacking attacks
    for src_path in src_paths:

        if not src_path.startswith('data/contents/'):
            return HttpResponse(
                'Paths to be moved must start with data/contents/',

        if src_path.find('/../') >= 0 or src_path.endswith('/..'):
            return HttpResponse('Paths to be moved cannot contain /../',

    valid_src_paths = []
    skipped_tgt_paths = []

    for src_path in src_paths:
        src_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, src_path)
        src_short_path = src_path[len('data/contents/'):]

        # protect against stale data botches: source files should exist
            folder, file = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(
                resource, src_storage_path, test_exists=True)
        except ValidationError:
            return HttpResponse(
                'Source file {} does not exist'.format(src_short_path),

        if not irods_path_is_directory(
                istorage, src_storage_path):  # there is django record
                ResourceFile.get(resource, file, folder=folder)
            except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
                return HttpResponse(
                    'Source file {} does not exist'.format(src_short_path),

        # protect against inadvertent overwrite
        base = os.path.basename(src_storage_path)
        tgt_overwrite = os.path.join(tgt_storage_path, base)
        if not istorage.exists(tgt_overwrite):
                src_path)  # partly qualified path for operation
        else:  # skip pre-existing objects
            skipped_tgt_paths.append(os.path.join(tgt_short_path, base))

    if skipped_tgt_paths:
        if atomic:
            message = 'move would overwrite {}'.format(
                ', '.join(skipped_tgt_paths))
            return HttpResponse(message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    # if not atomic, then try to move the files that don't have conflicts
    # stop immediately on error.

        move_to_folder(user, pk, valid_src_paths, tgt_path)
    except SessionException as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.stderr,
    except DRF_ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.detail, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    return_object = {'target_rel_path': tgt_path}

    if skipped_tgt_paths:  # add information on skipped steps
        message = '[Warn] skipped move to existing {}'.format(
            ', '.join(skipped_tgt_paths))
        return_object['additional_status'] = message

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(return_object),
def data_store_rename_file_or_folder(request, pk=None):
    Rename one file or folder in a resource file hierarchy.  It is invoked by an AJAX call

    :param request: a REST request
    :param pk: the short_id of a resource to modify, from REST URL.

    This is invoked by an AJAX call in the UI. It returns a json object that has the
    relative path of the target file or folder that has been renamed. The AJAX request
    must be a POST request with input data for source_path and target_path, where source_path
    and target_path are the relative paths (relative to path res_id/data/contents) for the
    source and target file or folder.

    This routine is **specifically** targeted at validating requests from the UI.
    Thus it is much more limiting than a general purpose REST responder.
    pk = request.POST.get('res_id', pk)
    if pk is None:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource id is not included',
    pk = str(pk).strip()
        resource, _, user = authorize(request, pk,
    except NotFound:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource not found', status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
    except PermissionDenied:
        return HttpResponse('Permission denied', status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

    src_path = resolve_request(request).get('source_path', None)
    tgt_path = resolve_request(request).get('target_path', None)
        src_path = _validate_path(src_path, 'src_path')
        tgt_path = _validate_path(tgt_path, 'tgt_path')
    except ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    src_folder, src_base = os.path.split(src_path)
    tgt_folder, tgt_base = os.path.split(tgt_path)

    if src_folder != tgt_folder:
        return HttpResponse('Rename: Source and target names must be in same folder',

    istorage = resource.get_irods_storage()

    # protect against stale data botches: source files should exist
    src_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, src_path)
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource,
    except ValidationError:
        return HttpResponse('Object to be renamed does not exist',

    if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, src_storage_path):
        try:  # Django record should exist for each file
            ResourceFile.get(resource, base, folder=folder)
        except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
            return HttpResponse('Object to be renamed does not exist',

    # check that the target doesn't exist
    tgt_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, tgt_path)
    tgt_short_path = tgt_path[len('data/contents/'):]
    if istorage.exists(tgt_storage_path):
        return HttpResponse('Desired name is already in use',
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource,
    except ValidationError:
        return HttpResponse('Poorly structured desired name {}'
        ResourceFile.get(resource, base, folder=tgt_short_path)
        return HttpResponse('Desired name {} is already in use'
    except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
        pass  # correct response

        rename_file_or_folder(user, pk, src_path, tgt_path)
    except SessionException as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.stderr, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
    except DRF_ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.detail, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    return_object = {'target_rel_path': tgt_path}

    return HttpResponse(
def data_store_move_to_folder(request, pk=None):
    Move a list of files and/or folders to another folder in a resource file hierarchy.

    :param request: a REST request
    :param pk: the short_id of a resource to modify, from REST URL.

    It is invoked by an AJAX call and returns a json object that has the relative paths of
    the target files or folders to which files have been moved. The AJAX request must be a POST
    request with input data passed in for source_paths and target_path where source_paths
    and target_path are the relative paths (relative to path res_id/data/contents) for the source
    and target file or folder in the res_id file directory.

    This routine is **specifically** targeted at validating requests from the UI.
    Thus it is much more limiting than a general purpose REST responder.
    pk = request.POST.get('res_id', pk)
    if pk is None:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource id is not included',

    # whether to treat request as atomic: skip overwrites for valid request
    atomic = request.POST.get('atomic', 'false') == 'true'  # False by default

    pk = str(pk).strip()
        resource, _, user = authorize(request, pk,
    except NotFound:
        return HttpResponse('Bad request - resource not found', status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
    except PermissionDenied:
        return HttpResponse('Permission denied', status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

    tgt_path = resolve_request(request).get('target_path', None)
    src_paths = resolve_request(request).get('source_paths', None)

        tgt_path = _validate_path(tgt_path, 'tgt_path', check_path_empty=False)
    except ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    istorage = resource.get_irods_storage()

    tgt_short_path = tgt_path[len('data/contents/'):]
    tgt_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, tgt_path)

    if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, tgt_storage_path):
        return HttpResponse('Target of move is not an existing folder',

    src_paths = json.loads(src_paths)

    # protect against common hacking attacks
    for index, src_path in enumerate(src_paths):
            src_paths[index] = _validate_path(src_path, 'src_paths')
        except ValidationError as ex:
            return HttpResponse(ex.message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    valid_src_paths = []
    skipped_tgt_paths = []

    for src_path in src_paths:
        src_storage_path = os.path.join(resource.root_path, src_path)
        src_short_path = src_path[len('data/contents/'):]

        # protect against stale data botches: source files should exist
            folder, file = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource,
        except ValidationError:
            return HttpResponse('Source file {} does not exist'.format(src_short_path),

        if not irods_path_is_directory(istorage, src_storage_path):  # there is django record
                ResourceFile.get(resource, file, folder=folder)
            except ResourceFile.DoesNotExist:
                return HttpResponse('Source file {} does not exist'.format(src_short_path),

        # protect against inadvertent overwrite
        base = os.path.basename(src_storage_path)
        tgt_overwrite = os.path.join(tgt_storage_path, base)
        if not istorage.exists(tgt_overwrite):
            valid_src_paths.append(src_path)  # partly qualified path for operation
        else:  # skip pre-existing objects
            skipped_tgt_paths.append(os.path.join(tgt_short_path, base))

    if skipped_tgt_paths:
        if atomic:
            message = 'move would overwrite {}'.format(', '.join(skipped_tgt_paths))
            return HttpResponse(message, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    # if not atomic, then try to move the files that don't have conflicts
    # stop immediately on error.

        move_to_folder(user, pk, valid_src_paths, tgt_path)
    except SessionException as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.stderr, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
    except DRF_ValidationError as ex:
        return HttpResponse(ex.detail, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    return_object = {'target_rel_path': tgt_path}

    if skipped_tgt_paths:  # add information on skipped steps
        message = '[Warn] skipped move to existing {}'.format(', '.join(skipped_tgt_paths))
        return_object['additional_status'] = message

    return HttpResponse(