Пример #1
def vary_two_cfg(hs, qcx, cx, query_cfg, vary_cfg, fnum=1):
    if len(vary_cfg) > 2:
        raise Exception('can only vary at most two cfgeters')
    print('[dev] vary_two_cfg: q' + hs.vs_str(qcx, cx))
    cfg_keys = vary_cfg.keys()
    cfg_vals = vary_cfg.values()
    cfg1_name = cfg_keys[0]
    cfg2_name = cfg_keys[1]
    cfg1_steps = cfg_vals[0]
    cfg2_steps = cfg_vals[1]
    nRows = len(cfg1_steps)
    nCols = len(cfg2_steps)

    print('[dev] Varying configs: nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nRows, nCols))
    print('[dev] %r = %r ' % (cfg1_name, cfg1_steps))
    print('[dev] %r = %r ' % (cfg2_name, cfg2_steps))
    ylabel_args = dict(rotation='horizontal',
    xlabel_args = dict(fontproperties=df2.FONTS.medbold)
    #ax = df2.gca()
    # Vary cfg1
    print_lock_ = helpers.ModulePrintLock(mc3, df2)
    assign_alg = query_cfg.agg_cfg.query_type
    vert = not hs.args.horiz
    plt_match_args = dict(fnum=fnum, show_gname=False, showTF=False, vert=vert)
    for rowx, cfg1_value in enumerate(cfg1_steps):
        query_cfg.update_cfg(**{cfg1_name: cfg1_value})
        y_title = cfg1_name + '=' + helpers.format(cfg1_value, 3)
        # Vary cfg2
        for colx, cfg2_value in enumerate(cfg2_steps):
            query_cfg.update_cfg(**{cfg2_name: cfg2_value})
            pnum = (nRows, nCols, rowx * nCols + colx + 1)
            # HACK
            # query only the chips of interest (groundtruth) when doing vsone
            if assign_alg == 'vsone':
                res = hs.query_groundtruth(qcx, query_cfg)
            # query the entire database in vsmany (just as fast as vgroundtruth)
            elif assign_alg == 'vsmany':
                res = hs.query(qcx, query_cfg)
            res.plot_single_match(hs, cx, pnum=pnum, **plt_match_args)
            x_title = cfg2_name + '=' + helpers.format(cfg2_value, 3)  # helpers.commas(cfg2_value, 3)
            ax = df2.gca()
            if rowx == len(cfg1_steps) - 1:
                ax.set_xlabel(x_title, **xlabel_args)
            if colx == 0:
                ax.set_ylabel(y_title, **ylabel_args)
    del print_lock_
    vary_title = '%s vary %s and %s' % (assign_alg, cfg1_name, cfg2_name)
    figtitle =  '%s %s %s' % (vary_title, hs.vs_str(qcx, cx), str(hs.cx2_property(qcx, 'Notes')))
    subtitle = mc3.simplify_test_uid(query_cfg.get_uid())
    df2.set_figtitle(figtitle, subtitle)
    fnum += 1
    viz.save_if_requested(hs, vary_title)
    return fnum
Пример #2
def viz_chipgraph(hs, graph, fnum=1, with_images=False):
    # Adapated from
    # https://gist.github.com/shobhit/3236373
    print('[encounter] drawing chip graph')
    df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1))
    ax = df2.gca()
    #pos = netx.spring_layout(graph)
    pos = netx.graphviz_layout(graph)
    netx.draw(graph, pos=pos, ax=ax)
    if with_images:
        cx_list = graph.nodes()
        pos_list = [pos[cx] for cx in cx_list]
        thumb_list = hs.get_thumb(cx_list, 16, 16)
        draw_images_at_positions(thumb_list, pos_list)
Пример #3
def draw_images_at_positions(img_list, pos_list):
    print('[encounter] drawing %d images' % len(img_list))
    # Thumb stack
    ax  = df2.gca()
    fig = df2.gcf()
    trans = ax.transData.transform
    trans2 = fig.transFigure.inverted().transform
    mark_progress, end_progress = util.progress_func(len(pos_list), lbl='drawing img')
    for ix, ((x, y), img) in enumerate(izip(pos_list, img_list)):
        xx, yy = trans((x, y))  # figure coordinates
        xa, ya = trans2((xx, yy))  # axes coordinates
        width, height = img.shape[0:2]
        tlx = xa - (width / 2.0)
        tly = ya - (height / 2.0)
        img_bbox = [tlx, tly, width, height]
        # Make new axis for the image
        img_ax = df2.plt.axes(img_bbox)
Пример #4
def vary_two_cfg(hs, qcx, cx, query_cfg, vary_cfg, fnum=1):
    if len(vary_cfg) > 2:
        raise Exception('can only vary at most two cfgeters')
    print('[dev] vary_two_cfg: q' + hs.vs_str(qcx, cx))
    cfg_keys = vary_cfg.keys()
    cfg_vals = vary_cfg.values()
    cfg1_name = cfg_keys[0]
    cfg2_name = cfg_keys[1]
    cfg1_steps = cfg_vals[0]
    cfg2_steps = cfg_vals[1]
    nRows = len(cfg1_steps)
    nCols = len(cfg2_steps)

    print('[dev] Varying configs: nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nRows, nCols))
    print('[dev] %r = %r ' % (cfg1_name, cfg1_steps))
    print('[dev] %r = %r ' % (cfg2_name, cfg2_steps))
    ylabel_args = dict(rotation='horizontal',
    xlabel_args = dict(fontproperties=df2.FONTS.medbold)
    #ax = df2.gca()
    # Vary cfg1
    print_lock_ = helpers.ModulePrintLock(mc3, df2)
    assign_alg = query_cfg.agg_cfg.query_type
    vert = not hs.args.horiz
    plt_match_args = dict(fnum=fnum, show_gname=False, showTF=False, vert=vert)
    for rowx, cfg1_value in enumerate(cfg1_steps):
        query_cfg.update_cfg(**{cfg1_name: cfg1_value})
        y_title = cfg1_name + '=' + helpers.format(cfg1_value, 3)
        # Vary cfg2
        for colx, cfg2_value in enumerate(cfg2_steps):
            query_cfg.update_cfg(**{cfg2_name: cfg2_value})
            pnum = (nRows, nCols, rowx * nCols + colx + 1)
            # HACK
            # query only the chips of interest (groundtruth) when doing vsone
            if assign_alg == 'vsone':
                res = hs.query_groundtruth(qcx, query_cfg)
            # query the entire database in vsmany (just as fast as vgroundtruth)
            elif assign_alg == 'vsmany':
                res = hs.query(qcx, query_cfg)
            res.plot_single_match(hs, cx, pnum=pnum, **plt_match_args)
            x_title = cfg2_name + '=' + helpers.format(
                cfg2_value, 3)  # helpers.commas(cfg2_value, 3)
            ax = df2.gca()
            if rowx == len(cfg1_steps) - 1:
                ax.set_xlabel(x_title, **xlabel_args)
            if colx == 0:
                ax.set_ylabel(y_title, **ylabel_args)
    del print_lock_
    vary_title = '%s vary %s and %s' % (assign_alg, cfg1_name, cfg2_name)
    figtitle = '%s %s %s' % (vary_title, hs.vs_str(
        qcx, cx), str(hs.cx2_property(qcx, 'Notes')))
    subtitle = mc3.simplify_test_uid(query_cfg.get_uid())
    df2.set_figtitle(figtitle, subtitle)
    fnum += 1
    viz.save_if_requested(hs, vary_title)
    return fnum
Пример #5
def annotate_chipres(hs, res, cx, showTF=True, showScore=True, title_pref='',
                     title_suff='', show_2nd_gname=True, show_2nd_name=True, 
                     time_appart=True, in_image=False, offset1=(0, 0),
                     offset2=(0, 0), show_query=True, xywh2=None, **kwargs):
    printDBG('[viz] annotate_chipres()')
    #print('Did not expect args: %r' % (kwargs.keys(),))
    qcx = res.qcx
    score = res.cx2_score[cx]
    matched_kpts= np.float32(len(res.cx2_fs[cx]))
    # TODO Use this function when you clean show_chipres
    (truestr, falsestr, nonamestr) = ('TRUE', 'FALSE', '???')
    is_true, is_unknown = hs.is_true_match(qcx, cx)
    isgt_str = nonamestr if is_unknown else (truestr if is_true else falsestr)
    match_color = {nonamestr: df2.UNKNOWN_PURP,
                   truestr:   df2.TRUE_GREEN,
                   falsestr:  df2.FALSE_RED}[isgt_str]
    # Build title
    title = '*%s*' % isgt_str if showTF else ''
    if showScore:
        score_str = (' score=' + helpers.num_fmt(score))% (score)
        score_str +=('   matched_kpts='+ helpers.num_fmt(matched_kpts))% (matched_kpts)
        title += score_str
    title = title_pref + str(title) + title_suff
    # Build xlabel
    xlabel_ = []
    ax = df2.gca()
    ax._hs_viewtype = 'chipres'
    ax._hs_qcx = qcx
    ax._hs_cx = cx
    if 'show_1st':

    if 'show_2nd_gname':
        xlabel_.append('\n below_gname=%r' % hs.cx2_gname(cx))
    if 'show_2nd_name':
        xlabel_.append('below_name=%r' % hs.cx2_name(cx))
    if 'time_appart':
        xlabel_.append('\n' + hs.get_timedelta_str(qcx, cx))
    xlabel = ', '.join(xlabel_)

        title = ''
        xlabel = ''
    df2.set_title(title, ax)
    df2.set_xlabel(xlabel, ax)
    if in_image:
        roi1 = hs.cx2_roi(qcx) + np.array(list(offset1) + [0, 0])
        roi2 = hs.cx2_roi(cx) + np.array(list(offset2) + [0, 0])
        theta1 = hs.cx2_theta(qcx)
        theta2 = hs.cx2_theta(cx)
        # HACK!
        lbl1 = 'q' + hs.cidstr(qcx)
        lbl2 = hs.cidstr(cx)
        if show_query:
            df2.draw_roi(roi1, bbox_color=df2.ORANGE, label=lbl1, theta=theta1)
        df2.draw_roi(roi2, bbox_color=match_color, label=lbl2, theta=theta2)
        # No matches draw a red box
        if len(res.cx2_fm[cx]) == 0:
            df2.draw_boxedX(roi2, theta=theta2)
        if xywh2 is None:
            xy, w, h = df2._axis_xy_width_height(ax)
            xywh2 = (xy[0], xy[1], w, h)
        df2.draw_border(ax, match_color, 4, offset=offset2)
        # No matches draw a red box
        if len(res.cx2_fm[cx]) == 0: