Пример #1
def default_movie(m):
    Replace a movie entry by a proper URL with text.
    The idea is to link to an HTML file with the media element.
    # Note: essentially same code as html_movie, but
    # the HTML code is embedded in a file.

    global _counter_for_html_movie_player
    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()
    from html import html_movie
    text = html_movie(m)

    # Make an HTML file where the movie file can be played
    # (alternative to launching a player manually).
    _counter_for_html_movie_player += 1
    moviehtml = 'movie_player%d' % \
    _counter_for_html_movie_player + '.html'
    f = open(moviehtml, 'w')
<title>Embedding media in HTML</title>
""" % text)
    print '*** made link to new HTML file %s\n    with code to display the movie \n    %s' % (moviehtml, filename)
    text = '%s `%s`: load "`%s`": "%s" into a browser' % \
       (caption, filename, moviehtml, moviehtml)
    return text
Пример #2
def default_movie(m):
    Replace a movie entry by a proper URL with text.
    The idea is to link to an HTML file with the media element.
    # Note: essentially same code as html_movie, but
    # the HTML code is embedded in a file.

    global _counter_for_html_movie_player
    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()
    from html import html_movie
    text = html_movie(m)

    # Make an HTML file where the movie file can be played
    # (alternative to launching a player manually).
    _counter_for_html_movie_player += 1
    moviehtml = 'movie_player%d' % \
    _counter_for_html_movie_player + '.html'
    f = open(moviehtml, 'w')
<title>Embedding media in HTML</title>
""" % text)
    print '*** made link to new HTML file %s\n    with code to display the movie \n    %s' % (moviehtml, filename)
    text = '%s `%s`: load "`%s`": "%s" into a browser' % \
       (caption, filename, moviehtml, moviehtml)
    return text
Пример #3
def rst_movie(m):
    html_text = html_movie(m)
    html_text = indent_lines(html_text, 'sphinx')
    rst_text = '.. raw:: html\n' + html_text + '\n'

    filename = m.group('filename')
    if not filename.startswith('http') and not filename.startswith('mov'):
        errwarn('*** warning: movie file %s' % filename)
        errwarn('    is not in mov* subdirectory - this will give problems with sphinx')
    return rst_text
Пример #4
def rst_movie(m):
    html_text = html_movie(m)
    html_text = indent_lines(html_text, "sphinx")
    rst_text = ".. raw:: html\n" + html_text + "\n"

    filename = m.group("filename")
    if not filename.startswith("http") and not filename.startswith("mov"):
        print "*** warning: movie file %s" % filename
        print "    is not in mov* subdirectory - this will give problems with sphinx"
    return rst_text
Пример #5
def rst_movie(m):
    html_text = html_movie(m)
    html_text = indent_lines(html_text, 'sphinx')
    rst_text = '.. raw:: html\n' + html_text + '\n'

    filename = m.group('filename')
    if not filename.startswith('http') and not filename.startswith('mov'):
        print '*** warning: movie file %s' % filename
        print '    is not in mov* subdirectory - this will give problems with sphinx'
    return rst_text
Пример #6
def ipynb_movie(m):
    # m.group() must be called before m.group('name')
    text = '<!-- dom:%s -->' % m.group()

    global html_encountered, movie_encountered, movie_files
    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()
    youtube = False

    if 'youtu.be' in filename or 'youtube.com' in filename:
        youtube = True
    if '*' in filename or '->' in filename:
        errwarn('*** warning: * or -> in movie filenames is not supported in ipynb')
        return text

    def YouTubeVideo(filename):
        # Use YouTubeVideo object
        if 'watch?v=' in filename:
            name = filename.split('watch?v=')[1]
        elif 'youtu.be/' in filename:
            name = filename.split('youtu.be/')[1]
            errwarn('*** error: youtube movie name "%s" could not be interpreted' % filename)

        text = ''
        global movie_encountered
        if not movie_encountered:
            text += 'from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo\n'
            movie_encountered = True
        text += 'YouTubeVideo("%s")\n' % name
        return text

    text += '\n<!-- begin movie -->\n'
    display_method = option('ipynb_movie=', 'HTML')
    if display_method == 'md':
        text += html_movie(m)
    elif display_method.startswith('HTML'):
        text += '\n!bc pycod\n'
        if youtube and 'YouTube' in display_method:
            text += YouTubeVideo(filename)
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
            # Use HTML formatting
            if not html_encountered:
                text += 'from IPython.display import HTML\n'
                html_encountered = True
            text += '_s = """' + html_movie(m) + '"""\n'
            text += 'HTML(_s)\n'
            if not filename.startswith('http'):
        text += '!ec\n'
    elif display_method == 'ipynb':
        text += '!bc pycod\n'
        if youtube:
            text += YouTubeVideo(filename)
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
            # see http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/1.x/examples/notebooks/Part%205%20-%20Rich%20Display%20System.ipynb
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18019477/how-can-i-play-a-local-video-in-my-ipython-notebook
            # http://python.6.x6.nabble.com/IPython-User-embedding-non-YouTube-movies-in-the-IPython-notebook-td5024035.html
            # Just support .mp4, .ogg, and.webm
            stem, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if ext not in ('.mp4', '.ogg', '.webm'):
                errwarn('*** error: movie "%s" in format %s is not supported for --ipynb_movie=%s' % (filename, ext, display_method))
                errwarn('    use --ipynb_movie=HTML instead')
            height = 365
            width = 640
            if filename.startswith('http'):
                file_open = 'import urllib\nvideo = urllib.urlopen("%s").read()' % filename
                file_open = 'video = open("%s", "rb").read()' % filename
            text += """
from base64 import b64encode
video_encoded = b64encode(video)
video_tag = '<video controls loop alt="%s" height="%s" width="%s" src="data:video/%s;base64,{0}">'.format(video_encoded)
""" % (file_open, filename, height, width, ext[1:])
            if not filename.startswith('http'):
            if not html_encountered:
                text += 'from IPython.display import HTML\n'
                html_encountered = True
            text += 'HTML(data=video_tag)\n'
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
        text += '!ec\n'
        errwarn('*** error: --ipynb_movie=%s is not supported' % display_method)
    text += '<!-- end movie -->\n'
    return text
Пример #7
def ipynb_movie(m):
    # m.group() must be called before m.group('name')
    text = '<!-- dom:%s -->' % m.group()

    global html_encountered, movie_encountered, movie_files
    filename = m.group('filename')
    caption = m.group('caption').strip()
    youtube = False

    if 'youtu.be' in filename or 'youtube.com' in filename:
        youtube = True
    if '*' in filename or '->' in filename:
        print '*** warning: * or -> in movie filenames is not supported in ipynb'
        return text

    def YouTubeVideo(filename):
        # Use YouTubeVideo object
        if 'watch?v=' in filename:
            name = filename.split('watch?v=')[1]
        elif 'youtu.be/' in filename:
            name = filename.split('youtu.be/')[1]
            print '*** error: youtube movie name "%s" could not be interpreted' % filename

        text = ''
        global movie_encountered
        if not movie_encountered:
            text += 'from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo\n'
            movie_encountered = True
        text += 'YouTubeVideo("%s")\n' % name
        return text

    text += '\n<!-- begin movie -->\n'
    display_method = option('ipynb_movie=', 'HTML')
    if display_method == 'md':
        text += html_movie(m)
    elif display_method.startswith('HTML'):
        text += '\n!bc pycod\n'
        if youtube and 'YouTube' in display_method:
            text += YouTubeVideo(filename)
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
            # Use HTML formatting
            if not html_encountered:
                text += 'from IPython.display import HTML\n'
                html_encountered = True
            text += '_s = """' + html_movie(m) + '"""\n'
            text += 'HTML(_s)\n'
            if not filename.startswith('http'):
        text += '!ec\n'
    elif display_method == 'ipynb':
        text += '!bc pycod\n'
        if youtube:
            text += YouTubeVideo(filename)
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
            # see http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/1.x/examples/notebooks/Part%205%20-%20Rich%20Display%20System.ipynb
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18019477/how-can-i-play-a-local-video-in-my-ipython-notebook
            # http://python.6.x6.nabble.com/IPython-User-embedding-non-YouTube-movies-in-the-IPython-notebook-td5024035.html
            # Just support .mp4, .ogg, and.webm
            stem, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if ext not in ('.mp4', '.ogg', '.webm'):
                print '*** error: movie "%s" in format %s is not supported for --ipynb_movie=%s' % (
                    filename, ext, display_method)
                print '    use --ipynb_movie=HTML instead'
            height = 365
            width = 640
            if filename.startswith('http'):
                file_open = 'import urllib\nvideo = urllib.urlopen("%s").read()' % filename
                file_open = 'video = open("%s", "rb").read()' % filename
            text += """
from base64 import b64encode
video_encoded = b64encode(video)
video_tag = '<video controls loop alt="%s" height="%s" width="%s" src="data:video/%s;base64,{0}">'.format(video_encoded)
""" % (file_open, filename, height, width, ext[1:])
            if not filename.startswith('http'):
            if not html_encountered:
                text += 'from IPython.display import HTML\n'
                html_encountered = True
            text += 'HTML(data=video_tag)\n'
            if caption:
                text += '\nprint "%s"' % caption
        text += '!ec\n'
        print '*** error: --ipynb_movie=%s is not supported' % display_method
    text += '<!-- end movie -->\n'
    return text
Пример #8
def rst_movie(m):
    html_text = html_movie(m)
    html_text = indent_lines(html_text, 'sphinx')
    rst_text = '.. raw:: html\n' + html_text + '\n'
    return rst_text