Пример #1
def _sanitize_post(inp, bbcode_uid: str):
    smls = re.compile(r'<!-- s.*? --><img src=\\?"\{SMILIES_PATH\}/.*?\\?" '
                      'alt=\\?"(.*?)\\?" title=\\?".*?" /><!-- s.*? -->')
    inp = re.sub(smls, r"\1", inp)
    inp = html.unescape(inp)

    inp = inp.replace(":" + bbcode_uid, "")

    img_tags = re.compile(r"\[/?img\]")
    inp = re.sub(img_tags, "", inp)

    youtube_embeds = re.compile(
        r'\[html\]<iframe width="\d+" height="\d+" '
        'src="//www.youtube.com/embed/([^"]+)" frameborder='
        r'"0" allowfullscreen></iframe>\[/html\]')
    inp = re.sub(youtube_embeds, r"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\1", inp)

    inp = bbcode.render_html(inp,
    inp = inp.replace('rel="nofollow"', "")
    inp = HTMLSlacker(inp).get_output()

    return inp
Пример #2
def convert_to_slack_markdown(gh_text):
    html = markdown.markdown(gh_text)
    # later convert back to \n
    html = html.replace("\n", "<br>")
    # slack treat header as bold
    html = re.sub(r"<h[1-6]{1}>", "<br><strong>", html)
    html = re.sub(r"</h[1-6]{1}>", "</strong>", html)
    # task list
    html = html.replace("[ ] ", "☐ ")
    html = html.replace("[x] ", "☑︎ ")
    # convert to slack markdown
    slack_markdown = HTMLSlacker(html).get_output()
    return slack_markdown
Пример #3
def test_example_1():
    html = """
    There is <i>something</i> interesting about <code>this doc</code>

    And <a href="http://example.com/">here is a
    link in a paragraph!</a>
    expected = "*Hello*\n There is _something_ interesting about `this doc` \n And <http://example.com/|here is a link in a paragraph!>"
    output = HTMLSlacker(html).get_output()
    assert (output == expected)
Пример #4
def test_rss_feed(feed_url):
    feed_dump = feedparser.parse(feed_url).feed
    if "title" in feed_dump:
        # pprint.pprint(feedparser.parse(feed_url).feed)
        d = feedparser.parse(feed_url)
        dumpout = {
            "status": True,
            "title": feed_dump["title"],
            "feed_subtext": feed_dump["subtitle"],
            "feed_summary": HTMLSlacker(d.entries[0]["summary"]).get_output(),
            "feed_entry_link": d.entries[0]["link"],
        return dumpout
        return {"status": False}
Пример #5
def get_messages(**options):
    for message_data in fetch_messages(**options):
        channel = options['channel']
        email_message = email.message_from_bytes(message_data)
        subject = decoded_header(email_message.get('Subject'))
        from_header = email_message.get('From')
        to_header = email_message.get('To')
        from_name = email.utils.getaddresses([from_header])[0][0]
        msgid = email_message.get('Message-ID').strip()
        should_notify = True
            if not options.get('text', ''):
                should_notify = not MailMessage.objects.get(pk=msgid)
        except MailMessage.DoesNotExist:
        if should_notify:
            # Create a nicely-formatted version of the message
            body, mimetype = get_body(email_message)
            reply = quotations.extract_from(body, mimetype)
            text, sig = signature.extract(reply, sender=from_header)
            if mimetype == "text/html":
                text = HTMLSlacker(text).get_output()
            msg = "_{}_ to _{}_\n*{}*\n\n{}".format(from_name, to_header,
                                                    subject, text)
            msg = truncatewords_html(msg, 400)
            opts = {'channel': channel, 'text': msg}

            # Attempt to thread any email conversation as a Slack thread
            references = email_message.get('References', '').split()
            thread = MailMessage.objects.filter(msgid__in=references)
            sc = SlackClient(os.environ['SLACK_TOKEN'])
            # Send the message
            response = sc.api_call("chat.postMessage", **opts)
            if thread:
                # Also add it as a thread
                opts['thread_ts'] = thread.first().slackthread_ts
                response = sc.api_call("chat.postMessage", **opts)
            if response['ok']:
                ts = response['ts']
                msg, created = MailMessage.objects.get_or_create(
                    subject=subject, msgid=msgid)
                msg.slackthread_ts = ts
Пример #6
def test_pipedrive_test():
    # html = "Test <div><br></div><div>This is after newline</div><div><br></div><div><b><i><u>This is bold italic underlined</u></i></b></div><div><b><i><u><br></u></i></b></div><div><ul><li>this is unordered list</li><ul><li>nested</li></ul><li>unnested</li></ul><ol><li>ordered</li></ol></div>"
    html = "Test <div><br></div><div>This is after newline</div><div><br></div><div><b><i><u>This is bold italic underlined</u></i></b></div><div><b><i><u><br></u></i></b></div>"
    expected = "Test \nThis is after newline\n*_This is bold italic underlined_*"
    output = HTMLSlacker(html).get_output()
    assert (output == expected)
Пример #7
def test_link_with_target():
    html = 'Please click <a href="http://xxx.com/t.html" target="_blank">here</a>'
    expected = "Please click <http://xxx.com/t.html|here>"
    output = HTMLSlacker(html).get_output()
    assert (output == expected)
Пример #8
def test_script_not_rendered():
    html = '''<script><!-- /* stuff */ --></script>Dear Prudence'''
    expected = "Dear Prudence"
    output = HTMLSlacker(html).get_output()
    assert (output == expected)
Пример #9
def test_task_list_rendered():
    html = '''[] Grocery<br>[x] Laundary'''
    expected = "☐ Grocery\n☑︎ Laundary"
    output = HTMLSlacker(html).get_output()
    assert (output == expected)
Пример #10
def test_headers_rendered_no_spaces():
    html = '''<h2>Hello</h2><h7>new</h7><h2><b>world</b></h2>'''
    expected = "*Hello*\nnew *world*"
    output = HTMLSlacker(html).get_output()
    assert (output == expected)
Пример #11
def test_ordered_list():
    html = 'Here is my cool list <ol><li>The Shining</li><li>Memento</li><li>Blade Runner</li></ol>'
    expected = 'Here is my cool list 1. The Shining\n2. Memento\n3. Blade Runner'
    output = HTMLSlacker(html).get_output()
    assert (output == expected)