def get_candidates(self, htid, n=300, min_count=2, max_dist=.25, min_prop_match=False, search_k=-1, force=False, save=False, ann_path=None, ann_dims=None, prefault=False): ''' force: Force recrunch, even if the file already exists. Otherwise, existing file is loaded. save: save results to data_dir with stubbytree file structure ''' outpath = os.path.join( self.data_dir, utils.id_to_stubbytree(htid, format='ann.parquet')) if not force and os.path.exists(outpath): logging.debug('File already found: {}'.format(outpath)) try: results = pd.read_parquet(outpath) # Post cache filtering of rows results = results[results['count'] >= min_count] results = results[results['mean'] <= max_dist] if min_prop_match: results = results[results['prop_match'] >= min_prop_match] return results except OSError: logging.warning("Issue loading ANN Candidates. Recrunching.") mtannoy = self.mtannoy(ann_path, ann_dims, prefault, force=False) results = mtannoy.doc_match_stats(htid, n=n, min_count=min_count, max_dist=max_dist, search_k=search_k) if save: os.makedirs(os.path.split(outpath)[0], exist_ok=True) # Create directories if needed results.to_parquet(outpath, compression='snappy') if min_prop_match: results = results[results['prop_match'] >= min_prop_match] return results
def get_model_predictions(self, htid, candidates, model_path=None, metadb_path=None, save=False, force=False): ''' Take left-right candidates and run it through the tensorflow model. ''' outpath = os.path.join( self.data_dir, utils.id_to_stubbytree(htid, format='predictions.parquet')) if not force and os.path.exists(outpath): logging.debug('Predictions already found: {}'.format(outpath)) predictions = pd.read_parquet(outpath) return predictions placeholder = pd.DataFrame([], columns=[ 'SWSM', 'SWDE', 'WP_DV', 'PARTOF', 'CONTAINS', 'OVERLAPS', 'AUTHOR', 'SIMDIFF', 'GRSIM', 'RANDDIFF', 'htid', 'guess', 'title', 'description', 'author', 'rights_date_used', 'oclc_num', 'isbn', 'relatedness' ]) if len(candidates) <= 1: predictions = placeholder else: rightindex, inputs = self._get_simmats_from_candidates( candidates, reshape=(150, 150, 1)) if type(rightindex) is type(None): return None # No data - different from empty predictions else: predictions = self._predict_from_simmat( rightindex, inputs, model_path, metadb_path) if save: os.makedirs(os.path.split(outpath)[0], exist_ok=True) # Create directories if needed if predictions.empty: # Add a blank line to avoid empty parquet files predictions.loc[1, ] = [0] * 10 + [pd.NA] * 8 + [0] predictions.to_parquet(outpath, compression='snappy') return predictions
def main(): import argparse logFormatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s [%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s") rootLogger = logging.getLogger() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command') parser.add_argument("--data-root", type=str, default='/data/saddl/full/', help="Location to save stubbytree data file outputs") parser.add_argument("--limit-workers", type=int, default=4, help="Limit number of workers for Dask") parser.add_argument("--log-path", type=str, default='/tmp/', help="Location for log files.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity", action="store_true") ann_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "Candidates", help="Save candidate relationships from ANN") meta_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "Meta_Candidates", help="Save candidate relationships from metadata") prediction_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "Predictions", help="Run candidates through SaDDL model to get predicted relationship." ) inventory_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "Inventory", help="Take an inventory of which htids have been crunched, per step.") inventory_parser.add_argument('--targets', type=str, default=None, help="Optional file with target htids. If provided, inventory will also save output " \ "files of remaining htids") inventory_parser.add_argument('--prefix', type=str, default='/tmp/inventory', help="Prefix for inventory files. e.g. the default /tmp/inventory will write " \ "/tmp/inventory-processedann.gz, /tmp/inventory-processeddata.gz, etc.") # Args for prediction parser prediction_parser.add_argument('--model-path', type=str, default=None, help="Location of SaDDL model. Default is None, which tries to fall " \ "back on what's in the config file") prediction_parser.add_argument( "--force-candidates", action="store_true", help= "Reprocess and overwrite candidate raising process if they already exist" ) prediction_parser.add_argument( "--force-predictions", action="store_true", help= "Reprocess and overwrite model inference if it's already been saved") prediction_parser.add_argument( "--force-json", action="store_true", help= "Reprocess and overwrite final JSON files formatting if it's already been done" ) prediction_parser.add_argument("--skip-json-output", action="store_true", help="Just do model inference and save the raw data in parquet, without formatting for " \ "dataset output.") # Configure for the MTAnnoy candidate retrieval for subparser in [ann_parser, prediction_parser]: subparser.add_argument('--ann-path', type=str, default=None, help="Location of MTAnnoy index. Default is None, which tries to fall " \ "back on what's in the config file") subparser.add_argument( '--ann-dims', type=int, default=50, help='Number of dimensions for the MTAnnoy index.') subparser.add_argument( "--results-per-chunk", "-n", type=int, default=300, help="Number of ANN results to return per chunk") subparser.add_argument( "--min-count", type=int, default=2, help="Min number of matching chunks between books.") subparser.add_argument("--min-prop-match", type=float, default=.03, help="Min proportion of match seen in target.") subparser.add_argument( "--max-dist", type=float, default=.18, help="Maximum distance between matching chunks.") subparser.add_argument('--prefault', action='store_true', help='Load ANN into memory.') for subparser in [meta_parser, prediction_parser]: subparser.add_argument('--title-ann-path', type=str, default=None, help="Location of Annoy index for book titles. Default is None, which tries to fall " \ "back on what's in the config file") for subparser in [meta_parser, ann_parser, prediction_parser]: subparser.add_argument("--search-k", type=int, default=-1, help="ANN search k parameter.") subparser.add_argument( "--htid-in", type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=None, help= 'File of HTIDs to process. If set, htids args provided on the command line are ignored.' ) subparser.add_argument( "htids", nargs='*', help='HTIDs to process. Alternately, provide --htid-in') for subparser in [meta_parser, ann_parser]: subparser.add_argument( "--overwrite", action="store_true", help= "Overwrite files if they already exist. Otherwise, they're skipped" ) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.command: parser.print_help() return if args.limit_workers: import dask dask.config.set(num_workers=args.limit_workers) np.warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=np.VisibleDeprecationWarning) if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if args.log_path: fileHandler = logging.FileHandler("{0}/saddl-{1}.log".format( args.log_path, time.time())) fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) rootLogger.addHandler(fileHandler) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) rootLogger.addHandler(consoleHandler) saddlr = Saddler(data_dir=args.data_root) starttime = time.time() skipped = 0 errors = 0 if args.command == 'Inventory': saddlr.inventory_files(prefix=args.prefix, target_list=args.targets) else: if args.htid_in: htids = [htid.strip() for htid in args.htid_in] else: htids = args.htids if args.command == 'Meta_Candidates': for i, htid in enumerate(htids): try: outpath = os.path.join( args.data_root, utils.id_to_stubbytree(htid, format='meta.parquet')) if not args.overwrite and os.path.exists(outpath): logging.debug('File already found: {}'.format(outpath)) skipped += 1 continue results = saddlr.get_meta_candidates(htid, args.title_ann_path, save=True, search_k=args.search_k, force=args.overwrite) print_progress(starttime, i + 1 - skipped, len(htids) - skipped, print_every=100) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except KeyError: logging.warning( f"Metadata key error with {htid} (not in Hathifiles or in Title Index)" ) except: errors += 1 logging.exception( "Undiagnosed issue with {} (#{}; total errors: #{})". format(htid, i, errors)) if args.command == 'Candidates': # Pre-load MTAnnoy. Unnecessary, but more readable below saddlr.mtannoy(ann_dims=args.ann_dims, ann_path=args.ann_path, prefault=args.prefault) for i, htid in enumerate(htids): try: outpath = os.path.join( args.data_root, utils.id_to_stubbytree(htid, format='ann.parquet')) if not args.overwrite and os.path.exists(outpath): logging.debug('File already found: {}'.format(outpath)) skipped += 1 continue results = saddlr.get_candidates( htid, n=args.results_per_chunk, min_count=args.min_count, max_dist=args.max_dist, min_prop_match=args.min_prop_match, search_k=args.search_k, force=args.overwrite, save=True) print_progress(starttime, i + 1 - skipped, len(htids) - skipped, print_every=2) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except KeyError: logging.warning(f"Key error with {htid}") except: logging.exception("Issue with {}".format(htid)) elif args.command == "Predictions": # Pre-load TF Model, for readability saddlr.tf_model(args.model_path) for i, htid in enumerate(htids): if args.skip_json_output: outpath = os.path.join( saddlr.data_dir, utils.id_to_stubbytree(htid, format='predictions.parquet')) force = args.force_predictions else: outpath = os.path.join( saddlr.data_dir, utils.id_to_stubbytree(htid, format='saddl.json')) force = args.force_json if not force and os.path.exists(outpath): logging.debug('File already found: {}'.format(outpath)) skipped += 1 continue try: saddlr.get_predictions( htid, save_all=True, title_ann_path=args.title_ann_path, force_candidates=args.force_candidates, force_predictions=args.force_predictions, force_output=args.force_json, skip_json_output=args.skip_json_output, ann_args=dict(n=args.results_per_chunk, min_count=args.min_count, max_dist=args.max_dist, search_k=args.search_k, ann_path=args.ann_path, ann_dims=args.ann_dims, min_prop_match=args.min_prop_match, prefault=args.prefault)) print_progress(starttime, i + 1 - skipped, len(htids) - skipped, print_every=10) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: logging.exception("Undiagnosed issue with {}".format(htid))
def export_structured_data(self, htid, predictions, target=None, save=False, force=False): ''' target: Series of metadata for target - this is *loaded* in this method, so only supply if you already have it in memory and don't want to do the lookup again. ''' if type(predictions) is type(None): # Don't save dataset if no predictions given # This is different than if the predictions dataset is an empty dataframe return None # Redundant, because predictions shouldn't save with na's. Just for backward compat with older files predictions = predictions.dropna(subset=judgment_labels) outpath = os.path.join( self.data_dir, utils.id_to_stubbytree(htid, format='saddl.json')) if not force and os.path.exists(outpath): logging.debug('Dataset already found: {}'.format(outpath)) try: with open(outpath, mode='r') as f: data_entry = json.load(f) return data_entry except json.JSONDecodeError: logging.error("loading error. Will ignore loading") if not target: target = dd.read_parquet(self.config['metadb_path'], engine='pyarrow-dataset', filters=[ ('htid', '==', htid) ]).reset_index().compute().iloc[0] base_meta = [ 'htid', 'title', 'author', 'description', 'rights_date_used', 'oclc_num', 'isbn' ] data_entry = dict(volume=target[base_meta].to_dict()) data_entry['volume'][ 'link'] = "" + target['htid'] data_entry['related_metadata'] = dict() data_entry['relationships'] = dict() data_entry['recommendations'] = dict() aut_prints = target_print = alpha_fingerprint( by_author = predictions[aut_prints == target_print] # Add Collected Metadata def unique_nontarget_values(field, limit=['SWSM', 'SWSE'], df=by_author): diff = (df[field] != target[field]) if target[field] else True uniq = list(df[df.guess.isin(limit) & diff][field].unique()) return uniq if len(uniq) else [] data_entry['related_metadata'][ 'other years'] = unique_nontarget_values('rights_date_used') data_entry['related_metadata'][ 'other titles'] = unique_nontarget_values('title') data_entry['related_metadata'][ 'other OCLC numbers'] = unique_nontarget_values('oclc_num') data_entry['related_metadata'][ 'other enumchron values'] = unique_nontarget_values('description') data_entry['related_metadata'][ 'titles within this work'] = unique_nontarget_values( 'title', ["CONTAINS"]) data_entry['related_metadata'][ 'titles of works that contain this work'] = unique_nontarget_values( 'title', ["PARTOF"]) # Add Same Work Info def get_dict_by_guess(guess): a = by_author[by_author.guess == guess].sort_values( guess, ascending=False) if a.empty: return [] a = a[base_meta + [guess]] a = a.rename(columns={ 'rights_date_used': 'year', guess: "confidence" }) a['confidence'] = a['confidence'].multiply(100).astype(int) return a.to_dict(orient='records') data_entry['relationships']['identical works'] = get_dict_by_guess( "SWSM") data_entry['relationships'][ 'different expressions'] = get_dict_by_guess("SWDE") data_entry['relationships'][ 'other volumes of the larger work'] = get_dict_by_guess("WP_DV") data_entry['relationships']['this work contains'] = get_dict_by_guess( "CONTAINS") data_entry['relationships'][ 'this work is a part of'] = get_dict_by_guess("PARTOF") other_works = predictions[~predictions.guess.isin( ['SWSM', 'SWDE', 'WP_DV', 'CONTAINS', 'PARTOF'])] recs = other_works[other_works.relatedness > 0.05].sort_values( 'relatedness').head(20) data_entry['recommendations'][ 'related authors'] = unique_nontarget_values('author', judgment_labels, df=recs) data_entry['recommendations']['similar books'] = recs[ base_meta].rename(columns={ 'rights_date_used': 'year' }).to_dict(orient='records') if save: os.makedirs(os.path.split(outpath)[0], exist_ok=True) # Create directories if needed with open(outpath, mode='w') as f: json.dump(data_entry, f, cls=NumpyEncoder) return data_entry
def get_meta_candidates(self, htid, title_ann_path=None, sim_titles=True, same_authors=True, max_dist=.35, search_k=-1, max_author_results=100, max_title_results=300, raw_output=False, save=False, force=False): ''' Get metadata-based candidates based on approximate title match (sim_titles=True) and same author match (same_authors=True). raw_output: Return underlying data as a dataframe or a tuple of two dataframes. Otherwise, results are returned as a single match/target/note dataframe max_author_results, max_title_results: Cap for how many candidates to return. A failsafe in case of edge cases that have a great deal of matches (e.g. U.S. Gov't, books named 'Works') ''' assert sim_titles or same_authors outpath = os.path.join( self.data_dir, utils.id_to_stubbytree(htid, format='meta.parquet')) if not force and os.path.exists(outpath): logging.debug('Meta candidates already found: {}'.format(outpath)) candidates = pd.read_parquet(outpath) return candidates titleann = self.titleann(title_ann_path) if sim_titles: idnum = titleann.htid2id[htid] results = titleann.u.get_nns_by_item(idnum, n=25, include_distances=True, search_k=search_k) if (results[1][-1] < .3): results = titleann.u.get_nns_by_item(idnum, n=100, include_distances=True, search_k=search_k) results = dict(zip(*results)) result_htids = { titleann.id2htid[id]: dist for id, dist in results.items() } if htid not in result_htids: result_htids[htid] = 0 meta = dd.read_parquet(self.config['metadb_path'], engine='pyarrow-dataset', columns=['title', 'author'], filters=[('htid', 'in', tuple(result_htids.keys())) ]).compute() meta = meta.loc[[ htid for htid in result_htids.keys() if htid in meta.index ]] meta['distance'] = [result_htids[htid] for htid in meta.index] # Trim to just 'pretty similar' meta = meta[meta.distance <= max_dist] meta_candidates = meta.index.tolist() else: meta = dd.read_parquet(self.config['metadb_path'], engine='pyarrow-dataset', columns=['title', 'author'], filters=[('htid', '==', htid)]).compute() author = meta.loc[htid, 'author'] if not author: same_authors = False if len(meta) > max_title_results: title = title.head(max_title_results) if same_authors: same_aut = dd.read_parquet(self.config['metadb_path'], engine='pyarrow-dataset', columns=['title', 'author'], filters=[('author', '==', author) ]).compute() if len(same_aut) > max_author_results: same_aut = same_aut.sample(max_author_results) author_candidates = same_aut.index.tolist() else: author_candidates = [] if not raw_output or save: # If saving results with raw_output flag, the saved results will still be formatted out = pd.DataFrame(author_candidates + meta_candidates, columns=['match']) # Why include htid if it's in the filename? For easier aggregate parquet reading later out['target'] = htid out['note'] = ['author'] * len(author_candidates) + ['meta'] * len( meta_candidates) out = out[out.match != htid] if save: os.makedirs(os.path.split(outpath)[0], exist_ok=True) # Create directories if needed out.to_parquet(outpath, compression='snappy') if raw_output and same_authors: return meta, same_aut elif raw_output and not same_authors: return meta else: return out